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Spring Airlines Japan Discussion

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16 August 2018 04:08:00 guillaume

Hi, Im writing you this email because im very disappointed with your services. This morning I was supposed to take my flight from Sapporo to Tokyo (tickets in attachment) but I could not. When I arrived at the airport (around 8:30 am) I was unable to find the checkin-counter because the airline name is not written on the ticket then I asked to an airport staff. The guy told me to go to the ANA airline queue to check-in. After 20 minutes of queue (I was in the middle of the queue) I have asked again to an other airport staff if it was really the good queue and the woman said “yes just wait here”. After 20 minutes more I finally arrived at the counter and the staff told me that I was in the wrong queue and to check-in I had to go to Japan spring airline. Then I went to the Japan spring airline counter but it was closed (because they close 35minutes before the departure and it was 9:15 am) then I asked to many people and even to a manager from this airline: “what can I do? What is the solution?” They all told me that I had to buy an other ticket (around 600 euros) but I could not. Now because of the lack of informations I have missed my flight and a very important meeting in Tokyo and I have spent almost 250 euros for nothing (flight ticket + transportations) and ill loose more because I have missed my meeting. So now I am asking you if at least I can get a compensation for all these shits ? Thank you for your understanding.

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