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Wideroe’s Flyveselskap Discussion

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25 March 2014 06:03:00 John R. Bates

At the time (l977) I was a U.S. Navy sailor on my way to Hammerfest. When I arrived the ship was already departed to Amsterdam. I called My base at Norfolk Virginia U.S.A. and was told to wait for further instructions. A pilot for Wideroe was there and offered me a cigarette and was wondering what a sailor was doing up here . Sven Vidar Botolv (spelling) was the pilot's name. He offered to take me home to stay with his family and come back to the airport the next day to see if a new ticket was issued. Over the years I wondered what had happened to this family and if your airline still existed. Now that I am retired I would love to take my wife up to Hammerfest. I remember sitting at the small airport and watching the Laplander children coming down from the mountains on their way, I presume, to school. The hospitality offered to me was priceless and will last a lifetime. All the best to you. X John R. Bates X 22445 W. Curtice EW Rd. X Curtice, Ohio 43412 U.S.A.

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