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Air Guilin Discussion

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13 May 2018 12:05:00 SU535

year 2018 (all messages): This is not the Air Guilin carrier site here, but the discussions forum here. There is no flight information /e-ticket number / reservation on this air carrier. No one can reply without the correct and full data on the reservation or on the flight/destination. Such comments are not fair. In order to get the correct reply, kindly attach the reservation / booking number and produce fllight number / airports. Requests on refund must produce full name, reservation / eticket and email address in attachment. The reply can be handlled within 2-5 days by free staff in English. Regards. aryan{at} - for private and full requests with e-tickets only.

04 May 2018 05:05:00 A paying customer

This airline is awfull. First they over booked our flight. Which never happens on a Chinese Airline. Then they told us we owed them money to rebook. The people “helping” don’t help and then they decided to bring out some security guard with a shotgun when the people they robbed started getting angry. This airline should lose the support of the Chinese government for how it treats people and paying customers.

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