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Envoy Air Discussion

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07 June 2024 02:06:00 Anne Engle

God how much I hate my life at this company! The worst place!

02 August 2023 02:08:00 Guest

It appears that the only requirement for employment with this company is to be a rude, inconsiderate narcissist. They hired Dan Evan as a pilot who is a bully that pouts and gives bad reviews when others don't accept his ultra cheap offers on used items.

02 October 2022 08:10:00 Guest

Been talking to Envoy for 2 months about coming to work for them as a Direct Entry Captain. They offered very high bonuses for the first 2 years. My issue was that I would mandatory retire in just over 2 years. I asked repeatedly if I would get the bonuses. Was told at every turn "yes". Then a few days before I was to start they still had not sent me a bonus contract. Once they did it had a bonus well below what they had been offering in their hiring literature. It also had the provision that I must work for them for 3 years. So the offering was worthless. This is the type of management that is running these airlines into the ground.

12 March 2022 12:03:00 Envoy Employee

As an Envoy employee I wanted to give passengers a little background on why some of the things happen that people complain about. Mostly they just don't understand the realities of air travel. First, delays and cancellations. These never, ever, happen due to incompetence or lack of care for the passengers. Aircraft are machines that break. They are massive, multi million dollar machines. Think about how long it takes to repair cars or appliances, days and these are much smaller. They fact that our mechanics can repair aircraft out on the tarmac within hours in all weather is amazing. Mechanical issues are all about making sure your aircraft is safe. Second, aircraft crews are required by law to only fly and be on duty for certain hours. This is because in the past crews were over worked and had fatal crashes due to exhaustion. Delays and cancellations due to crew issues are again, for your safety. While you may be worried about your vacation, we want to get you there in one piece. As far as customer service, we have great agents. If you have encountered someone who is rude or frustrated, it is likely because of their experience that day. Our agents are screamed at, insulted, cussed at, and even called racial slurs by upset passengers on a daily basis. Poor customer service is not acceptable, but treat agents with kindness and you will likely be treated the same.ease report unacceptable behavior. In the baggage department, first please put your name tag on your bag. The majority of lost luggage does not have the simplest solution, a small tag with your phone number. Mistakes do happen and bags go on the wrong plane or get left behind, but most are resolved within 12 -24 hours. When you check your bag, it travels at speeds of up to 20mph through 10-20 miles of dirty, mechanical belt system that is owned by the airport, not the airline. This is where many of the damages take place. Also, bags are loaded into dirty cargo bins of planes where they move and shift as the aircraft travels at over 500 miles per hour. Do not buy expensive bags and expect them to stay clean. Some bags do get dropped by accident, and yes all baggage is filmed and reviewed. They majority of serious damage occurs on bags that are over packed or over weight. If your bag weighs 100 pounds, or is bursting at the seams, do not expect it to arrive in pristine condition. Every single day our Envoy and American Airlines teams are working to get you to your destination safe and sound. Of course we make mistakes, but so does every business. I can tell you that behind the scenes we have amazing employees going above and beyond. We look forward to hosting you as our guest on Envoy and American Airlines. Thanks!

07 November 2021 09:11:00 Anonymous

I don’t even know where to begin. First off, I certainly do not recommend anyone work there for a few reasons. Number one; the staff and the recruiters are very rude and vindictive, and no way do they make you feel welcomed when you go for pre employment screening. Second; they lack the necessary people skills in terms of having to work out people’s concerns and issues that are brought to their attention. And thirdly, when they make you an offer, and you ask if they will let you go home and think about it, they will tell you that you’re not allowed to do that. In other words, they basically give you an ultimatum thereby forcing you to capitulate to the offer. Overall, they are a Mafia style like run organization. My advice; Run for your life whenever they treat you like that.

28 July 2016 03:07:00 Karen Walker

Traveling with two grandchildren into LGA on AA4339 on July 27th, i became distracted and left my iPad on my seat. Envoy employee, Barbara Engel, waited for me in baggage claim, verified my flight and seat that I was in and had my iPad which I just bought for my husband for Father's Day. After coming from visiting my son and his family in ATL, I had a ton of family pictures which mean everything to me. I could not have been more thrilled to have gotten it back. It is a pleasure to have such honest employees like her. Please share this compliment with her. as she deserves it. I have also contacted American Airlines as well.

08 July 2016 06:07:00 Guest

Worst airline at everything. They are a subsidiary of American Airlines. Welcome to absolute disrespect for the customer now that there only 3. This little airline riding the coat tails of American, and couldn't care less about customer service. 2 hour delay and the pilots and gate staff are making jokes about how their own employers is a joke, while at the gate waiting for the delayed aircraft. Everyone think twice. Put them out of business!!'

02 July 2016 08:07:00 Patrick & Mary Hines

Mr. Pedro Fabregas, CEO, Envoy Air Sir: Just a few comments about the extremely poor impression we have of you company and in particular your ground based employees. We were on an American flight fr om DEN to VPS via DFW. We were maintenance delayed out of DEN and arrived a few minutes before the next flight to VPS. Our flight attendant assured us that the computer system would notify the VPS gate agent that we were on our way and that they would hold the flight. On arrival at the gate within a few minutes we were behind what turned out to be non-rev passengers who took our seats. We complained to the gate agent who stated that she was just going by the rules relative to 'closing' the doors in order to make the flight 'on time'. No amount of pointing out her error in allowing non-revs to take our revenue seats made any effect on our situation. She said she would put us on a revenue stand-by list on the next flight with no guarantee of positive space. We asked to speak to customer service and was told you had no customer service only leads and supervisors whom she proceeded to contact. We waited for more than 45 minutes for that person to appear at the gate. The agent then took us to a gate area wh ere Mr John Rider, your Lead Agent Passenger Services, met with the agent (named Happy) and sided with her decision. We then complained about having to 'stand by' for the next flight and demanded positive space on this airplane. He agreed to do that for us and for that we commend him. This next flight was eventually delayed for about 4 hours and then the aircraft needed ground support to start an engine which showed up nearly an hour later. On arrival in VPS the aircraft could not not shut down an engine need to safely dock. We finally made it to VSP about 8-10 hours later. This whole situation was made worse by the treatment by your employees. The gate agent had the time to make the right decision not lean on a 'policy' that did not leave room for true customer service. The non revenue passengers should have not been assigned seats since the agent knew via her computer that we were on the ground and headed to her gate. You might add to your corporate principles that 'doing the right thing' is better than leaving a few minutes late.

12 April 2016 03:04:00 Guest

unable to see a fligh schedule anyway easy

03 February 2016 01:02:00 jordanroy

Buy Real and fake Passport ,Visa,Driving License,at ( ), Visa, Driver's License, Id Card and more.

02 February 2016 08:02:00 Guest

how do I get my w2 from working at envoy in Minneapolis of this year?

23 January 2016 05:01:00 Guest

Outdated info. only 2 hub/bases left: DFW and ORD. Ruthless Company. Established date of 1984 piggybacking on American Eagle Airlines.

23 October 2015 11:10:00 Emmy Williams

To Whom it may concern: I have been an American Airlines FF ( PT83406 ) member for many years and before that a TWA frequent flyer member. In the year 2000 we needed the services of a wheelchair and for the past 15 years have been able to travel using this service. NEVER ever have I had a problem until this past week. I traveled from Springfield, Illinois to DFW , record locator CSBNVY, on October 9, 2015 , flight 2810, leaving SPI at 2:11 p.m. non stop to DFW, arriving at 4:20. I arranged for a wheelchair when booking my ticket. I alerted gate agent when I checked in and the stewardess when I boarded and felt things would go smoothly as they have in the past. WRONG.....Upon arrival I waited on plane for wheelchair until stewardess told me I had better deplane or they would send my valet checked bag to baggage. I did NOT want that to happen as I was meeting my party at different terminal and could not leave secure area. DISASTER....I deplaned and sat by exit. The door to the valet check in baggage would not open. The attendant pounded and pulled and finally had to go outside and bring each bag in individually. This took some time and meanwhile I am waiting for my wheelchair. The stewardess left the plane saying she had called for wheelchair with a look that said “goodbye passenger ..good luck but I am out of here......” Finally after ALL the bags were unloaded and I am still sitting on a stool with my cane the attendant called again and again for a wheelchair. 20 or so minutes have passed and he tells me he has to go to front to check in next flight so he took my bag and I hobble on my cane and take a seat while he checks in the next flight. Meanwhile I am getting more and more nervous. After more than a half hour I ask him to call again...he is frustrated and so am I . I am 88 years old, on a cane and almost in tears as I ask, “ what am I going to do? “ His answer, “ well, you could take the tram”...and my answer is , “ I’ve never done that alone. I am not sure I can do that”.....and he just shrugged his shoulders . THEN THE MIRACLE HAPPENED: A young woman from ENVOY Airlines with a Crew tag named Jessica came up to me and asked if she could help me. She had just dropped off her son to catch a flight. Not only did she help me get my bag up the escalator she went on the Tram with me to Terminal C gate 38 to meet my party. Up until that moment I had never heard of ENVOY airline but believe me from this moment on they will conjure up the picture of a guardian angel. I wish I had gotten Jessica’s last name but I was so upset I didn’t think of it at the time. If ENVOY can track her down she certainly deserves some recognition from them. Restored my faith in humanity. I feel that American Airlines did not live up to its promise of wheelchair assistance which I certainly ordered ahead of time, nor did the stewardess on flight 2810 from Springfield care one bit about me. As flying from SPI connecting in DFW is my route of preference I need to know how to avoid this catastrophe in the future. If I had a connection I would have missed it. I can’t count on Jessica being there to meet me every time :-) I realize DFW is a BIG airport and I always try to leave enough time to make connecting flights but if I am unable to count on wheelchair assistance from AMERICAN I am in trouble. I would appreciate any help you can give me to avoid this problem in the future. I do travel alone and would like to be able to do it with confidence in the future. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Emmy Lee Williams 5670 Timberlake Drive, Decatur, Illinois 62521 217-423-4961

01 August 2015 04:08:00 Becky

Envoy Air is a huge disappointment! If you have any other option I would highly recommend you consider it! I have had two experiences and both were negative. Flights delayed and then cancelled. Gate agents were rude...absolutely no customer skills. I wonder how long it will be before American realizes they have made a big mistake allowing Envoy Air to represent them. I will certainly reconsider before flying American or their subsidiaries. Good lucl!

23 March 2015 11:03:00 AL


18 December 2014 08:12:00 Guest

Voted worst airline by several magazines and websites, and now we know why. They are late 30% of the time, and that seems to be appropriate, because they've been doing it for years. Why would American Airlines even try to make connections with their Envoy carrier with only 40 minutes to spare if they are going to be late 30% of the time? They proceed to tell us we can't board our connecting flight (they closed the door in front of us) and won't put us in a hotel, because the delay was related to weather…I guess Envoy can't taxi or unload the plane in the * , or perhaps the drizzle was too much.

14 December 2014 08:12:00 Guest

Planes not serviced. Frequently delayed or other times pilots choose to leave early leaving connecting passengers at the gate. This wasn't just once, it has been 3 times in the past year. Last flight out and costing me hundreds in hotel fees. Gate agents rude and unhelpful. No customer respect or courtesy. AA needs to dump this bad company or force them to shape up.

21 November 2014 12:11:00 Guest

Yesterday I had the worst flight ever on an airline. AA flight 2982 from RIC to ORD operated by Envoy Air using a ERJ 145. When the pilot started the engines during push back I immediately felt the pressure change in my ears like the cabin was pressurizing but that could not be, we were on the ground. The discomfort continued until takeoff and eased during the climb-out to a cruise altitude of FL 360. my ears continued to pop through the flight and the cabin was very warm. The flight attendant said that they had been having problems with the cabin temperature and pressurization system during the last several trips. After landing in Chicago we had to wait at the gate with the engines shut down for the cabin to depressurize so they could open the cabin door. According the the FARs and part 121, it is illegal for the aircraft to be operated for hire with a known failure of the pressurization system. Frankly, as a 12,000 hour pilot myself, I was outraged that the pilots and company have such a callous disrespect for the safety and comfort their passengers and employees.

12 October 2014 05:10:00 Guest

The rudest employees at hobby airport. They lost my loyalty tonight. Hateful lesbian gate agent

09 October 2014 05:10:00 r. j. Cook

bad experience with american eagle dfw to texarkana...just in from cruise on last leg home..waiting at eagle gate...flight first was delayed then just before posted boarding time, flight was canceled..they said problem was could not get a crew. I had this flight booked for over a month and all of a sudden they can't get a crew!!! Wow..bad management. It was very late and i did not want to do rental car that time of night(11pm) so took their offer of room and rebooked for a morning flight next day. All ok. Next morning same thing happened. Flight delayed, then about 10 minutes before boarding time they canceled the flight. This time they claimed weather. Actually it was sunny, clear and calm in Dallas and in Texarkana and between. Could not have been weather. A lot of people were upset. The eagle staff were rude. They offered to re-book us but 2 days of this was enough and I needed to get home. Ended up getting a rental and driving back. lost my ticket cost and out the rental car. Of course, you can't get a refund (actually, I can't get in contact with them.) Just out of luck on this one but certainly done with Eagle. Never going to book with them again. If you fly them, you better have a plan B ready for getting to your destination or back home.

09 October 2014 05:10:00 bill adams

raspberrys to american eagle...dfw --- flight delayed then 20 minutes before boarding time flight canceled...cause, they could not get a and spent night in morning, same thing..flight delayed, then 8 minutes before boarding, flight canceled...eagle attendents said weather, but sunny skys at dfw and destination and all points in between...i think it probably was lack of crew issue again..they must be having a pilot problem?!?....gate staff and a supv. all very rude and not professional at all...poorly trained to handle people help at all...they offered to again re-book flight for next day but lots of folks needed to get on home, now...ended up renting car...i lost half my round trip flight cost plus cost of rental car....never will fly american eagle again.

25 June 2014 03:06:00 Jamie

American Turkey would be a more suitable name. Eagles actually fly. I was stranded overnight due to mechanical failure, and twice my flights were delayed due to lack of crew members. How do you schedule a flight, but forget to schedule a crew? The ticket agents, especially the supervisor in Little Rock, are horribly rude. This airline should be investigated by the FAA for booking flights without an available crew.

22 January 2014 08:01:00 Elena

Website is absolutely not useable. No contact info anywhere. Job application system is a joke. Took 2 (!) hours of my life and crashed in the end.

23 December 2013 02:12:00 Guest

3 hour flight took 11 hours . what a joke

04 November 2013 01:11:00 Linda syth

We were at Madison WI airport and received outstanding service from Kevin Rickert and wanted you to know what an incredible employee he is!

31 August 2013 06:08:00 Guest

I am extremely dissatisfied and angry at this airline company. I booked a flight in May to travel from Kansas to Chicago. They called sometime in July to cancel that flight, which worked out fine and the customer service people were actually very nice and helpful. Then, the day I was supposed to fly out to Chicago (I had a flight at 7 in the morning) they called me at midnight telling me that my flight was canceled, then I waited for thirty minutes on hold, they hung up on me, got another call from them putting my on a flight the next day, which definitely wouldn't work, and then I ended up waiting for another thirty minutes to talk to someone. Thankfully the person I talked to was very nice and extremely helpful and compassionate, but we could not find a flight at all on Saturday. Not from the Regional airport I was supposed to travel from, and not even in Kansas City. So, in the end, I couldn't go on my trip to see my family for what would have been my only opportunity until November, and had to get my money refunded. Sincerely the worst experience I have ever had with an airline.

15 August 2013 06:08:00 Patti

No customer service. My flight was from Lake Charles La to DFW. I am traveling with a 4 mo. old child & when I arrived at the ticket counter there was no one present. A security guard went in search of the attendant. When she arrived, she refused to print my boarding pass because I was now one minute late. The security guard pleaded my case, but she was extremely rude & refused to let me board. So now I had to return to my vehicle toting my child & luggage to return for a second flight at 3:00 today. I have flown this route several times returning home to visit my parents & the flight is always late. On the last trip, we waited over an hour for the crew to arrive. But today due to my 1 minute tardiness, I have missed my flight. Granted, I should have been earlier, but the situation could have been handled more appropriately. American Eagle you need to do some orientation with your support staff regarding "Customer Service". If I had an another option, I would fly some other carrier.

06 July 2013 09:07:00 Steven

Extremely dissatisfied, HAD NO EXTENSION TO BUCKLE OUT BABY !!!! flight attandant told me we should hold him on out lap, crazy, unprofessional and EXPOSING YOUR KID TO A RISK OF DEATH INJURY if drop off or any sharp break when landing needed!! should get a fine or be closed for that !!! never will fly again, we rented a car on a return trip !

21 May 2013 10:05:00 Tyrone Stacy

On the 21st of May, I had the worst experience with a customer service agent at the Killeen, TX Airport. After dealing with weather cancelations (not in the control or the airline) when approached by myself and my wife the Lead Agent spoke to us in a manner that was over defensive and accusative of the fact that we asked if the flight had been canceled. After reading the display screen which clearly stated that the arriving flight had been canceled. We inquired whether we needed to make other arrangements one agent started looking into our options. She asked if we were canceling we stated that the screen identified that the flight had been canceled. Turned out to not be true and her demeanor in responding to questioning thier screen was over the limit of proper respect to customer and in general conduct of what is to expected of a customer service specialist. More so when I confronted her on her tone in which she spoke to me and my wife. We cant control weather but we can control those who deal directly with the customers. I do believe this tneeds to be addressed. I also request a response.

13 March 2013 11:03:00 Sondra Stewart

One of the MOST HORRIBLE experiences in my life time.

23 December 2012 10:12:00 GuestKatherine Baker

They required me to valet check my carryon bag. Then it disappeared along with about ten others! The baggage employees removed bags from the plane after it was loaded and all those bags ard "lost". Sam Jose gate 10 at 6:40 am Dec 22. All of my Christmas presents snd meds were in that bag! Sure looks like stolen not lost to me!

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