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Austrian Airlines Discussion

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21 November 2018 02:11:00 Eugenia Alexopoulou

Hello, I would like to book a flight from Athens to Vienna on 1/12/2018 but i haven't done it yet because i want to bring a small cat with me in the cabin, so i would like to know if it is possible for that day and how much it cost. Thank you very much, E.A.

17 May 2018 07:05:00 Vladyslav Krasavtsev

I flew on Austrian Airlines OS25 or OS26B777 Bangkok-Vienna 11.04.2014

13 May 2018 03:05:00 SU535

This is not the Austrian Airlines carrier' site here, but the discussions on the services of the air Austrian Airlines carrier. If there is no flight information (e-ticket number / reservation number, date , destinations/ origin / name), noone is able to reply without the correct data and the full data. In order to get the correct reply, kindly attach the reservation / booking number and / or produce air carrier / date / fllight number / airports / your name at least. Requests on refund must produce full name, reservation / e-ticket and email address of the passenger in the attachment. The reply can be handlled within 48 hours - 144 hours by free staff in English. Regards. aryan{at} - for private and full requests with e-tickets only.

18 July 2017 09:07:00 Nigel Lyn

I am trying to check in online along with my wife and it isn't allowing us to. I also tried calling and they cannot help. We need to get seats on our flights from tel aviv to miami. Our connection flight in Vienna is very close also. Or rec loc are Nigel Lyn 2MHN9Y and Melissa Lindo 2MDYDB. I would appreciate if you could accommodate us with seats close to the front together an aisle or a window will be one seat and whatever is beside it. Thanking you in advance. My email is

06 April 2017 02:04:00 Rodica

I have had two extremely disappointing experiences with Austrian airlines flying the route Amman-Vienna-Bucharest and return. My return flight with the Austrian airlines, Lufthansa booking code KHQXI, ticket # 512-1062582024 scheduled for March 29th, 2017 at 11:15 am was cancelled and my travel agent was informed two days prior to the flight. Next, the Austrian Airlines via their representatives by Lufthansa offices in Cairo confirmed my trip Bucharest-Vienna-Amman on Friday, March 30th flying off Bucharest on March 30th at 11:15. Upon checking in, after having had a recorded confirmation of my ticket and reservation from the Austrian Airlines offices in Bucharest the day prior to the flight, I was not permitted to board the plane. The Austrian Airlines staff at Henri Coanda airport claimed the plane was overbooked . In turns they would advise me to wait until the check-in gate would close and see if any seats were left or buy my seat for the amount of Euro 790,- though I submitted my valid ticket. To make a long story short The Austrian Airlines did NOT give any other option and I was left without any solution or advice. As such I was forced to buy a ticket on a different airline to reach my destination. The attitude of the Austrian airlines staff was this time simply absurd, aggressive and completely unprofessional. In November 2016, I had another unpleasant experience with the Austrian Airlines on the same route. Upon my return they rerouted me via Istanbul, as their flight to Vienna was overbooked due to Lufthansa strike. As the flight via Istanbul was the same day and the airlines compensated my loss I did not make much of a fuss considering it an accidental mishap. Nevertheless, my most recent experience has been absolutely distressing, and I would never ever think of flying the Austrian airlines again. Neither would I ever recommend it. So far I have received not even an apology for the time, distress and money I have lost since I had to fly another airline after not having been given ANY, whattsoever option by the Austrian airlines staff in Bucharest, Henri Coanda airport. This has been the worst I could have expected from an airlines that has any interest in having a good image at least.

12 November 2016 06:11:00 Don Veguero de San Luis

Dear Austrian Airlines team, I write because I consider it very sad that Austrian Airlines allows to advertise ( Ride a Elephant's advertisind) the animal suffering in exchange for satisfying the egoism of the human being. Please remove immediately this sad publicity with Austrian Airlines that hurts thousands of your clients and punish the person who is create it this sad advertising for incompetent. You teams are very professionals and the company also. You don't deserve such shame. Thank you very much! Mr. Don Veguero de San Luis

18 August 2016 06:08:00 Channing Taylor

I am a travel agent. Two of my clients were scheduled to fly Austrian Airlines from Vienna to Washington on July 31. They arrived at the airport about 2 hours prior to the departure time. There were masses of passengers ahead of them in the line and only a few open check-in desks available. Due to the airlines' understaffing of the check-in desks and the long lines, my clients missed the flight. To make matters worse, Austrian Airlines did not offer to put them on the next available flight (even if it had been the next day). They were told to fend for themselves! They took a train to Munich and boarded another airline, at their own expense. Austrian Airlines should be ashamed of itself for the shabby treatment of paying passengers. The airline refuses to compensate my clients.

03 August 2016 03:08:00 Yasmin

I was travelling with two kids (4 years old and a one year old). During my transit, they told me I cannot have the stroller! I said how am I supposed to walk through the airport for 30 minutes (as per their chart) with two kids and our handbags? He said it's not his problem! I asked for those airport carts to take us to our gate, they said they don't offer this service! I asked them to file a formal complaint, he said I should go to the desk blablabla.... which of course I didn't have time or energy to do (with two kids)! I ended up carrying my toddler and our handbags and dragging my elder child behind!!! NEVER flying with them again! Also their website is incompetent! I have been trying to send the complaint through it for ages and it just stops at the step before i press "send"!! worst airport ever!!!

26 July 2016 04:07:00 Leonila

Disgusting, condescending, and arbitrary service.

21 June 2016 03:06:00 Guest

My bag did not make it from vienna to Sydney days ago. No one investigates or follows up whether the bags actually got onto various flights! How can you find out what happened to our lost bag?! Website hopeless

14 June 2016 02:06:00 alatur jtb s.a.

contact e mail The flight 605 from vienne to moscow was cancelled on may 30 2016

14 June 2016 02:06:00

We need to know if the flight 605 vie/mow at 30-05-2016 was cancelled?

14 June 2016 02:06:00 Regina Tinoco

We need to know if the flight from vie/mow 30 may 2016 number 605 was cancelled?

02 May 2016 02:05:00 Guest

Hi, I'm seating in Austrian Aircraft in Toronto Airport for more than 2 hours cause a ridiculous reason ( their contract with airport for some services is expired ) and not only I'll lose my connecting flight but I'll miss to meet my business partners in final destination that cause me a serious damage !!!! I have plan to talk with my lawyer in this regard. I don't recommend this Airline to anybody.

17 December 2015 06:12:00 BorisIvanov

Flight with AirEuropa – NEVER AGAIN! Air Europa airline won the first place in my personal ranking of airlines offering the worse service to its passengers! I flew home with my whole family from Palma de Mallorca – I bought expensive tickets with a minimum transfer, as I was flying with my wife and three young children. The Air Europa airline without warning has canceled our flight, although we have already registered it online the day before departure. Then, the airline changed our flight to other with two transfers (although we bought a flight with 1 transfer) on which it was impossible to catch a connecting flight. In the result: we were late and arrived home 16 hours later than planned. Moreover, these out-going actions of airlines have led to serious injury of my child and long-term moral damage for the whole family. In addition, Air Europa has lost checked luggage, which I was looking by myself for a few days after arrival. Unfortunately, choosing Air Europa, we have become victims of the airline, which not only provided absolutely no service, but also harmed the health of my family! That’s why, if somebody will ask me: will you use Air Europa again? I will answer NEVER AGAIN! And not recommended to you too!

14 August 2015 01:08:00 Guest

The flight was fine however I experienced the the worst customer service at Wien airport from a blond employee working there on Wed 12 of Aug 2015 sitting in the middle. The stroller for my kid was delivered 50 minutes after our landing (!) but she tried nothing else just to catch me on my words (e.g. I'm telling her it is almost one hour we are waiting for our stroller. She just snapped: you came here now 10 minutes after last time you waited 15 minutes and now it is one hour? So I corrected myself that is almost one hour since we landed and I got my luggage after it was already circulating since I had to walk slowly with my kids. She just glimpsed at the watch and snaps again: it is not one hour... And so on..). I will really do my best to avoid flying with this airline, never had any issue with flyniki or airberlin. I don't understand how Austrian airline can position such an unprofessional and incapable random employee at that frequented place.

01 January 2015 12:01:00 Guest

Flew from Bangkok to Vienna and I was separated from my children. Thank God two lovely men moved so that I could sit with my kids. On returning home, flew from Venice to Melbourne via Austria with my children and was told at Venice that I would be separated from my children on the leg Vienna to Bangkok and my children are all under the age of 9. When I went to the ticket desk at the airport in Vienna to ask if we could be seated together on the leg to Bangkok, there was an Asian lady who was so rude and told me she couldn't do anything about it and that I should have checked in earlier. I told her that I checked in to Venice 3 hrs before departure like I was supposed to and the check in at Venice told me when I got to Vienna to go to the ticketing information desk because it is illegal for children to be separated from a supervising parent/adult. She then basically mocked me for travelling alone with four children without even knowing my circumstances. Absolutely disgraceful. I went back to the desk to ask her again if I could please be seated with my kids and she rolled her eyes at me but then somehow magically managed to seat me with the kids. I ordered kids meals and didn't get any, and the seats in the plane were so tight you could hardly move and I'm small framed. I will never fly Austrian airlines again.

27 April 2014 05:04:00 Anton.

Short: not an especially cheap airlines, with absolutely awful conditions and customer treatment. So the story is: We bought the flight Wien <-> Rostov on Don. Due to some health issues my wife had to skip the outgoing flight. We wanted to rebook it on the next day. We wanted to do that before the flight, but customer service is available only from 8 am till 8 pm. So we had to simply skip the flight. Now the funny story begins. If you skip the outgoing flight, they also cancel the flight back. No matter if you basically want to buy another outgoing flight. So the whole ticket was canceled, with only 50 Euro refund (out of 460) and we had to buy a new ticket (next day), which obviously cost us almost double as much as the first one. Now by the flight back, the plane is overfull and we don't get a place. Austrian are so merciful, that they give us another flight on the next day for free!!! We a allowed to pay a hotel room, taxi to/from the airport and skip one working day for free!!! Thank you Austrian!!! That was a last time we buy a ticket at Austrian.

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