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Boeing 787-8 Discussion

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07 October 2017 07:10:00 Audrey

With so many negative comments made in the earlier years, is B787-8 safe to fly now? My whole family may be flying to Hawaii in this aircraft next holiday. Am a bit ruffled by comments!

22 August 2015 10:08:00 Guest

It worries me as a plastic engineer to see the mouldings over the exits lights on this aircraft all distorted by illumination heat from the exit light. It is only a matter of time before one of these dissolves into the exit light causing smoke at best and fire at worst. Seeing this as an example of light weight polymer use worries me about the quality of other light weight panels you cannot see.

28 December 2013 02:12:00 GuestDrAnandhanG


10 April 2013 09:04:00 Guest

This plane has been grounded and now all the batteries are messed up... fame of Boeing is dead.

30 January 2013 06:01:00 Guest

The Boeing Dreamliner the 787 was supposed to be the good as the best airplane of the world, now there's too much troubles with the 787s and the batteries, windshear cracks of cockpit, fuel leaky. Now they have to decide to reject and deny the 787 Dreamliner to be out of production because the Federal regulations have been in scrutuny and the FAA have failed. Citibank failed to comply to approve the Dreamliners for some airlines. Maybe next year, american Airlines have to decide to cancel all 42 of its Boeing 787-9s and Hainan Airlines also have to cancel those Boeing 787-8s and it consists of the dead airplanes that can't fly anymore and might be losing battle against the 747 programs and rival Airbus A350-XWB and the 737 programs.

28 March 2012 11:03:00 cyra

Love airplanes since I was a kid and still fascinated by it as an adult. I am a bit scared of flying after 911 but love watching those "Iron Birds", they are beautiful.

16 July 2011 03:07:00 shaque

an MARVELOUS aircraft.

16 July 2011 03:07:00 shaque

an excellent aircraft.

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