28 December 2014 12:12:00
It possible to take a AIR PLANE TRIP from Port of Spring to Margarita Airport ???
and , please give me the PRICE in USA dollar !
Thank You R Bisson
09 October 2014 06:10:00
cant go to the web site have they been closed
23 October 2013 05:10:00
i need to find a working number for Conviasa beside the one in website which doesnt answer? Anyone please?
14 September 2013 03:09:00
Emily Cliffe
I have been trying to book a fight with your Grenada office since last week. Got a brief email from Pearl James and that was it...
Maybe, Conviasa is making too much money from the POS/ PMV hub. I know you are the only airline who will take me directly to Margarita Island and would appreciate hearing from someone.
Thank you
02 November 2012 09:11:00
Southwest airlines flies noosntp Orlando Las Vegas. But their flights do not show up on any websites but their own (www.iflyswa.com)Also, let me nitpick your terminology I suspect you meant non-stop flight, which is a flight that would start at Orlando and fly straight to Las Vegas without landing anywhere in between. While many people incorrectly use the term direct flight to mean the same thing, that would actually be an itinerary where your plane takes off fr om Orlando, stops in Houston (or any other city/cities), you stay on that same plane, then it takes off again and goes to Las Vegas. In other words, a direct flight is wh ere you only ever are on one airplane, regardless of the number of intermediate stops.Damien: Hmm fair enough. Although this is a route they have flown for a long time, between two of their largest stations. It stands to reason that the route will almost certainly stick around, but of course anything is possible. They'll start selling tickets for May pretty soon.
06 October 2012 11:10:00
Worst airline ever.
26 August 2012 09:08:00
Conviasa also flies to madrid spain, damasco siria, and they also have atr 42 72 and crj 700 and they recently otained the emb 180.
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