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Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 Discussion

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19 September 2014 07:09:00 Mahesh A. Kulkarni

Specifications are informative. However, could you please advice what is cargo load capacity if its freighter only.

10 May 2014 08:05:00 Guest

This plane is a densely packed cattle carrier. I weigh about 260 at 6 ft and was seated next to a 350 lb behemoth. Paid full price for 2/3 OF A NON REPLICABLE 17 inch wide seat for a 3 he flight. And I thought Southwest was bad!

09 February 2013 10:02:00 Guest hussain aghbari

Is this a/c covered from underneath to protect for gravel airfield operation..

27 January 2013 10:01:00 Q400 driver

What a beast! U gotta love it. Excellent performance and really good handling on gusty x-winds. Made for real pilots.

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