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Embraer 195 Discussion

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18 May 2017 04:05:00 nii nortei

We at Niinns Ventures are looking to Affiliate with investors to give A) Fight Solution B) Open The African Market Using The promotion code Hash Tag #AfricaCruiseTravel Buy Africa promote Africa Cruise Promote Domestic Tourism My Name Nii Nortei Nortey from Ghana office location 17 3 lane kuku hill OSU Accra Phone 0302776463 WhatsApp +233243132337 Postal address P. O. Box 422 Legon Accra Ghana Email: Niinns Ventures Is Branding Ghana A Destination For Cruise Ships we have vessels for sale Ghana To South Africa Ghana To Morocco click We are looking to recruit Aviation Management Team and Pilots For commercial passenger aircrafts

29 December 2014 08:12:00 Guest

As a pilot with friends who have flown this plane and are well antiquated with it's systems and back-ups, I will inform you that this is not a safe plane. It is not as bad as Russian, and far from as bad as Chinese normal airlines are. With all of us being ex-military pilots from various militaries around the world; to hear that a plane is not safe if it hits the fan means a lot considering there are less military trained pilots (was over 90% in the US, now 10%, and worse world wide) in the commercial buisness now. A Boeing has more backups on one plane then 4 Airbuses combined, yet an Airbus does not concern anyone, even on the stripped down models flown outside of the U.S. and major European powers. If you get in trouble you are done.

14 November 2013 03:11:00 Joe

How much the fuel consumption Kg/Hour ?

13 June 2013 05:06:00 Guest

simply , the best airliner ever made

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