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Ильюшин Ил-96 Discussion

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05 February 2020 10:02:00 benissexy69

mad ting

11 August 2015 04:08:00 Guest

Still I would prefer something from the forefront of technology from today, NOT from the forefront of technology 30 years ago.

26 June 2015 06:06:00 Guest

Russian/Soviet airliners in general are not any more unsafe than similar western aircraft, statistics show similar crash numbers for both. Some have even had fewer crashes than similar western models. Technologically they are not in the same level but Russian aircraft doesn't automatically mean unsafe.

04 March 2014 09:03:00 Guest

Marius, Clearly you do not know what you are talking about! Boeing and Airbus construct THE safest and THE most modern aircraft in the World. Russian airliners are plagued with a poor safety record and record hull losses!

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