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Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport Discussion

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30 September 2018 08:09:00 madaminbek Abdullaev

goodmorning, I'm from Uzbekistan, USA have sent pocket the customer service of airport asked 1000$ but I don't have like this money, can 100$ ??

12 June 2015 04:06:00 Guest

Ridiculous.!!! All they want is money... they opened my bag and said give us pounds not rupees and we will let you through without any problems. The person who was after the money was one off the guy that works there called (nissar ullah)...this happened on 11th off June 2015... it happened roughly at 3ish pm. I had my wife my sisters my mum and he made us open all bags for no reason... he said I will pack your bags but we have to pay him £20...he didn't want money in Pakistani rupees. My email:

08 December 2014 02:12:00 Guest

What is the custom tax on 40 tv

24 August 2014 08:08:00 Guest

planning onvisitng islamabad andnow i am worried about all i have read ref bribes at islamabad airport. maybe should cancel my trip.

12 July 2014 01:07:00 Guest

airport all services they must need to improve.if they are excelant with their faith.

06 May 2014 12:05:00 Guest

worse airport and especially if this is a capital on Pakistan. Omg I was shocked to see the condition go this airport. People got off the plane start running like if there was bomb in the plane. I wish we can educate Pakistani people. Poor nation poor laws but rich it love it...Wont go back this place ever ever again.... God bless this nation...really feel bad for people living there...

13 August 2013 04:08:00 amz

trying 2 send a laptop off to Pakistan by DHL, but am a bit worried of it being stolen, and also dont want to pay any tax as it is 0% tax on electrical items. but knowing pakistan.....plz help what should i do??? should i send it off by DHL or not?? whatz best option, cant travel myself and have no relatives traveling any time soon.

06 April 2013 12:04:00 Guest

biggest corrupt harrassing officials u can get , openly asking for bribes not one officer but six at a time surrounding you ,something should be done with these corrupt animals,

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