18 April 2016 05:04:00
Emerson Buidal
Dear sir,
Kindly assist.me with the below..
What is the minimum fuel in the bn-2t
04 August 2014 09:08:00
Ada Takurangi Seno
I am interested to find out if you are able to fly between Pago Pago and Penrhyn Island (PYE - Tongareva), Cook Isl
The reason being myself and my family would like to travel to Penrhyn to take my Fathers ashes to be buried there.
We have not set a date to travel - could be later this year 2014 or next year, at this stage we are making enquires as to the best
option for us to get up to Penrhyn. Some of us will travel from Australia and some from New Zealand.
Can you let me know the maximum number you can take on your aircrafts.
Flight time
Cost per person return (if we were to fill aircraft
How long could your aircraft be on Penrhyn before having to return (ideally 5 to 7 days)
my email is kirikava@optusnet.com.au
regards Ada Seno
11 January 2013 11:01:00
useful data
23 October 2012 07:10:00
Have heard a lot about this plane but when it comes to details, they are scarce. I need to know the spec of this aircraft not the general specs but the detailed one like the fuel burn rate per hour at full load. What would be the cost of buying this aircraft new( I know the used plane cost) and what is the budgeted acmi rate for 100 block hours per month for this plane. You can get me at gurkha786atyahoo.com
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