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Izhevsk Airport Discussion

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03 June 2015 03:06:00 Marco Silva

Izhevsk airport cancelled a flight for me and my wife on 31/05/2015 at 13:45, without any warnings whatsohever. The end result of this was that we lost all the subsequent flights and had to pay an additional 250 eur to make this change. Even worse was when we arived to Domodedovo airport on next day. Because my visa expired for one day, I had to renew my visa for 25 eur and lost another flight which cost me another 125 eur to reschedule, not to mention the fact that I lost one day's work, spent a lot of money in making calls and all the nerve wreking issues of taking care of all this stuff with people who don't speak English. Yes, that's right, don't expect English speakers in Izhevsk airport, and you are lucky if you find some in Domodedovo airport. Total loss= 400 eur (not counting calls expenses to make airplane reschedules and one day work). I will only return to Russia if my wife really needs my presence, other than that, no way!!! Would not recomend going on hollidays.

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