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HOME ⇒ Airline and Airport Discussion Forum ⇒ BAe Jetstream 31/32

BAe Jetstream 31/32 Discussion

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29 April 2024 11:04:00 Guest

Jetstream 32 available for lease (ACMI lease), accepting at-risk countries including, South Sudan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and more. Email:

17 October 2017 01:10:00 Guest

Does the Jetstream 3200 takeoff 10,000 altitude field???? For example Cuzco - Peru

04 March 2015 02:03:00 LOYENS Jean-Yves

Hello, I'm from Madagascar and we establish now one new start up company. we expect to use J32 & 41 but we really need type rating course for that. Are you able to provide us that and if yes, how about the cost. My mail address is if you got news for me. Thanks for cooperation.

05 February 2013 05:02:00 Guest

We are an African company Our Niger Look for two-engine turboprop The number of seats between 30-50 seat Wet Leasing or dry or I also have the opportunity for partnership Do you please provide me with what is available to you Providing aircraft for operating costs Please communicate through email or over the phone Rabee Mousa 00972599758590 00972569758590

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