02 January 2020 04:01:00
Kindly make a note of the stamping in some passports at the Khartoum Airport , it has been stamped the date of 1 Jan 2020 as 32 Dec 2019 .
27 October 2018 03:10:00
Dear employees, management and senior management of the “State of Sudan” Khartoum Airport!
All the time to complain about you, is not for us any pleasure!
But whenever our colleagues fly to Yemen through your country Sudan in transit from the airport of Khartoum, all the time there is a problem that is not understandable to us? The problem with fraud of deceiving the passenger with the purpose of withdrawing money from him !!!
And today our colleague from the country of Uzbekistan Dr. Tulkin was supposed to arrive here in Yemen in the city of Aden!
But for some reason he was told that his documents are not all right? But just so that there would be no problems always with our colleagues when going to the next working business trip, it is taken into account and all the documents are done.
Please, the staff and management of Khartoum airport, after our next request for the unreasonable delay of our colleagues, you immediately send the next day to the city of Aden, the country of Yemen.
Help! please help this time too! And please take action so that henceforth this would not happen when everything is in order with the documents.
28 August 2018 01:08:00
Good day to all! August 28, 2018.
Last time we heard our cries for help, which our colleague was sent the next day to Aden. Thank them for that.
But again, just like this case, this time our three colleagues of doctors arrived from Asia by flight TK 680 Istanbul-Khartoum, the plane in the morning 04:15 was already in Khartoum. And this morning they were due to fly out at 05:00 in Aden (Yemen). At Aden airport, the plane arrived at 09:45, but they were not in the plane. When they were contacted by social networks, they did not leave for unknown reasons. And now they have been deprived of their passports. They have everything in order with the documents. For unknown reasons they were detained allegedly saying that their flight had not yet arrived.
Please, kindly answer people, help our colleagues doctors three Uzbek citizens. Please, help.
06 July 2018 04:07:00
How can I check my son travelled to sudan via Khartoum airport from jeddah airport currently
20 November 2017 03:11:00
People help!!! As 7 hour on communication there is no colleague (doctor) which should arrive this morning 07:00 to Aden (Yemen). Last time we îáøàëèü on the telegramme when left to meet him at the airport, but it has not appeared the arrived plane from Khartum (Sudan). And we left at once with it on communication, and that he has told that passports have taken away from it have told that has waited, and that its plane has not arrived yet. And and they have left it at the airport without any reasons deceiving. By the morning those which have detained him without the reasons long time discussed without concept not giving to depart. By the morning one speaks that was tired, other hungry wants to have breakfast, and then tell our working hours has ended others will arrive. Without concept have detained with a deceit, the plane has arrived to Aden without it. They have simply detained without the reasons, the visa, tickets everything is all right. As it to Khartum has arrived from Dubai, and should depart to Aden transit through Khartum. People kind help! More than 3 hours do not contact. Help
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