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La Costena Discussion

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22 December 2017 05:12:00 Fred schwentafsky

Do something about san carlos airport its a * disgrace.

01 December 2016 10:12:00 Armstrong Wiggins

I have been calling Costeña phone number on this webpage and no one is answering the phone. I need reservation for Bluefields Nicaragua from Managua. Date of my travel will be Wednesday, December 7th. with the second flight from Managua to Bluedields. Is your phone working? Thanks, Armstrong

10 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest: Leonard Keith

Last December I flew from Rancho Santana to Managua; and, I understood that you would soon be offering an 'extended' flight schedule from certain U.S. Airports. Do you fly directly from DFW in Texas; if not, what is your schedule connecting from DFW through Costa Rica to Rancho Santana; and, do you accept surf boards as luggage. If so, is there any length restriction; and, what is the round trip cost for the board? My plan is for the month of August, for one month stay. Would the same airfare rate be applicable if I returned to Managua? Thank you, Leonard

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