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Red Wings Discussion

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21 October 2018 05:10:00 Praguna

What about violin on bord, please?

13 July 2018 10:07:00 Maja Mudnic

Hello, yesterday (12.07.2018) I tried to buy plane ticket through you web site, but I didn’t manage to complete the purchase. Anyway – money (in Visa card) is in the reservation. Free our reserved money please, we will not finish the purchase. Transaction number: 0771830340610173 180712100649 AG/INO POS 65392.00 643 BOOKING CENTER*BOOKINGCE 74951342844 CY NAME: MAJA MUDNIC AMOUNT: approx 66.745,00 RUB (6.790,30 HRK) Thanks in advance. Best regards, FEROMONTAZA INZENJERING d.o.o. Maja Mudnić, bacc.admin.publ./manager contact: +385 91 126 46 78

05 July 2018 07:07:00 Guillermo Duran

I have bought a flight from Moscow Sochi Moscow for me (Guillermo Durán, ticket number 309 6135732183) and my son Manuel Duran (ticket number, 309 6135732184). Moscow-Sochi WZ 125 July 7 Sochi-Moscow WZ 124 July 8. We will not be able to take these flights. Is there any possibility to cancel the flights and recover part of the money? Please, tell me what do I have to do? My cell phone is +5491168834436, I receive there wapp and text messages. My e-mail is Thanks in advance Guillermo Durán

02 December 2017 05:12:00 Saul reyes

I have a question about my reservation my fly is 15 june to moscow to sochi. It is the first time that i takr a fly with your arlines. An i just want to confirm my reservation 3188345706 and the code fly is WZ125

01 October 2010 02:10:00 CEM

i buy ticket i want to cancel but i can not cancel what is it ? please contact with me CEMALBUYUKSAVAS@YAHOO.COM

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