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Sky Wings Airlines Discussion

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31 August 2011 05:08:00 Guest

Its to do with the Italian mafia

31 August 2011 04:08:00 Guest

Its to do with the heat, if its to hot they cant take all the fuel.

31 August 2011 04:08:00 Guest

Just to clarify the sky wings airbus seats 180 passengers just like any other a320 They use IAE engines while so do other airlines a320's Some a320's use CFM engines A quick google tells you that the IAE engines have BETTER performance Thomas Cook's a320 uses CFM's and is fine from LBA Which makes it even more bizarre

31 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

I'm sorry but the whole issue around them stopping in Italy to refuel is laughable The runway at Corfu is more than adequate for a full a320 with a fuel load for BHX Here are some figures Corfu runway length is 2375 metres Leeds Bradford's is 2250 metres so it's shorter Thomas cook fly a full a320 to Cyprus and Turkey direct fully fueled from LBA These would require much more fuel so the plane would be heavier than the sky wings at Corfu I have seen it take off and it does it with ease Thomson also fly a 767 to Palma with ease on this shorter runway Fair enough it's a shorter route but a much bigger aircraft There must be a reason for it stopping in Italy but it's certainly not down to runway length at Corfu

31 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

Cant get my breath with the sheer stupidity of my fellow passengers ...So if a aircraft looks a similar size to other aircraft you have travelled on then its ok to take off in Corfu? .Maybe its the same size with more seats and different engines complete mong!!!

31 August 2011 02:08:00 Guest

How is the cat doing?? Did you even look for the teeth in the toilet?? To say that the aircraft would snap in several places is just drivel of the highest degree! You should be pleased that the crew are professional and stop in Italy for fuel instead of pushing it to make the uk in one go!

31 August 2011 08:08:00 Guest

Came back fr om Corfu yesterday and can easily say that Sky Wings need to be avoided at all costs. They apparently have a habbit of changing the times of thier flights without any of thier customers knowing. This applied to my flights with them when departing from Birmingham to Corfu and the flight coming back, wh ere I had arrived a few hours prior to the time on my ticket only to find that the departure time is changed to almost 2 hours later and these changes were obviously not delays as said word had not appeared on the boards. After talking to fellow passengers in a rather huge line outside corfu airport (waiting a good long time for a check in desk to open up), it seemed like this is a problem that skywings as for a long time associated itself with. The flights themselves were also the most unpleasent experiences I have had when it comes to travel in general, nevermind flights alone. The planes have obviously seen better days and had the habit of creaking alot, not so discomforting to me who has been a passenger on plains most of his life but I feel sorry for any newcomers who must have been distressed and the problem became more worrying, even for myself when we hit turbulance and the whole plane felt like it would snap into several pieces. The seats were easily the worst ive sat in as they felt like they would snap simply if you were trying to relax. The toilet I had the displeasure of using wasnt even attached to the bathroom floor. And to add to all of this, we had to stop in Italy to refuel, adding 30 minutes to my stay on this pile of airbourne rubbish. The apparent reason for this was that the plane had to take off with only half the fuel tank filled so it were light enough to take off on Corfu's short runway, this would have been understandable if I had not departed from the same airport on two other occassions in the past on same sized aircraft (but a different airline) and there had not been a need to refuel back then, it is obviously an issue with Sky Wings aircraft more than it is an issue with the length of the runway. Overall, if you cant get the message from the many other comments posted here, do not even consider using this airline, if you book an holiday with Olympic, please make sure they wont be enlisting thier services to take you there as the trip there will give your holiday a poor start and the return trip will leave you with no energy, making any rest and relaxation you had out there pointless.

31 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

it carrys 1080 people a day the crew of course

31 August 2011 02:08:00 Guest

That person who said about the crash, is sick in the head, i was on a flight with them last week and all was fine had no delay and the inside of the plane was ok, abit old but ok, what a vile sick person saying that when people are reading this who is flying soon. someone mother or father may be reading this whos child is away and flying back with SkyWings, think before you right stuff, you have been on your holiday so get over it, your back safe stop upsetting people who are about to go on holiday.

31 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

Why the hell would it crash?Because it had delays due to maintenance?Because it had delays due to refuelling issues due to short runways on the Greek Islands? .Because it had an issue with its traytables ?I have used this airline twice to fly to Larnaca. I was delayed ..yes .It is ridiculous to suggest it will crash ,and is very insensitive to people who have a fear of flying and anyone else booked and travelling with this airline for that matter.;

30 August 2011 10:08:00 Guest

Please think again and DO NOT book OLYMPIC holidays from Birmingham. SKY WINGS are not fit to fly I fear the worst for these planes, I flew on Sky Wings in May and can confirm all thats been said is true and delays are not my issue. The rate this airline above should have zero.

30 August 2011 09:08:00 Guest

Just checked the incoming flight delayed so that means my flight guess what delayed i wish i had listened to you all if i get there and back in one piece i will update you Im not looking forward to my night at the airport

30 August 2011 09:08:00 Guest

You have to fly on this what claims to be a airworthy plane to understand whats its like,and then when you have long delays and reps telling you lies because they dont want any aggro when they are taking you to the airport knowing that there are long delays but just want to dump you at the airport it really does get you * .why not leave you in resort instead of making you hang around hour after hour,on our flight they wouldnt even let us into the departure lounge people were trying to sleep on the floor or anywhere they could without any help from olympic reps or skywings your blood pressure really does rise

30 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

When the dam thing crashes!!! i dont think thats a nice thing to say when people read this who hasnt flown yet. over a 150 people fly on that plane ever day and there is you saying when it crashes, HAVE SOME HEART YOU WILL!!

30 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

thay will only do something when the dam thing crashes

30 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

oops, sorry, meant to say eventually got home 24 hours after originally planned!

30 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

well, that was quite an experience! was meant to fly out of Zante at 05:35 local time on Sun 29th, got to airport at 03:00(LT), plenty of reps around, who MUST have known that the plane hadn't even left B'ham but decided to let us think that all was well. won't go into all the details here, but suffice to say that I will never ever ever fly skywings again and quite possibly never book a holiday through Olympic either!! Some advice for airline and travel agents - Do NOT lie to your customers! Keep us informed and if you can't give a new update when you said you would, tell us that! Do NOT hide in your office Most importantly APOLOGISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the word "sorry" didn't pass your lips once - it really does seem to be the hardest word - for skywings and Olympic at least. rant over..........and breathe...............

30 August 2011 11:08:00 Guest

Even the more expensive holidays booked through Olympic states the airline will be Sywings!!!!. might as well pay cheap. Not really looking forward to boarding this bag of nails (when we eventually do get on board that is)!!!. Oh well, at least we have a kitty to keep us amused, amidst all the waiting and re-fuelling!!!. Oh, and the technical problems!!. Another round of drinks please..

30 August 2011 11:08:00 Guest

Just a heads up on yesterday's delays The 0730 flight from Zakynthos landed at 2051 Then it went on to operate the 0030 flight to Corfu The delayed outbound 1430 flight to Corfu departed at 2132 using a Balkan Holidays A320 reg LZ-BHB. So that has got the flights back on track Well how long will that last? This mornings 0800 flight due from Corfu is showing a 55 minute delay

29 August 2011 07:08:00 Guest

Book a cheap hol and get what you pay for............. Sky Wings have 1 A320 aircraft so when it goes Tech they are up the creek . This plane has to stop in Italy due to poor engine performance which means it cant take off with enough fuel on the shorter runways @ Greek airports. Olympic Holidays have been doing this for years, charter companies no one else uses............ Enjoy your delay and dont forget to take some butties with you

29 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

We are back to the normal 12 hour delays more technical delays thought it was to good to be true my son was due to fly out from birmingham last night 23.30 supposed to be 12.00 today he tried to change his flight after reading the reviews but the travel agent said there was no problems with skywings anymore wernt they wrong hes already lost a day of his holiday he has saved hard for this holiday and this has spoilt the start of his holiday lets hope it does fly out at 12.00 DONT BOOK WITH SKYWINGS THEY WILL SPOIL YOU HOLIDAY

28 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

The Skywings Airbus SX BTP first flew on 13/10/92 according to

27 August 2011 08:08:00 Guest

Aircraft is fine and it's only the doll thats pulling a pension now! Last delay was due to the plaster on it's bum working loose so it needed pumped up again. No engineering support from Halfords so Boots contacted for more plasters!

27 August 2011 07:08:00 Guest

Here we go again more delays thought there was an improvement,still beware.How old is this plane i would ne interested to now

27 August 2011 03:08:00 DIY Dan

Im travelling to Corfu next week alone really hope doll still onboard.

27 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

Skoda Rocks!!

27 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

Still couldn't find the teeth either and the toupee doesn't fit! Too small, was frightened to touch it in case the teeth were hiding underneath!

27 August 2011 01:08:00 Guest

Couldn't find the doll?? Captain's nicked it! Blow up sex better than no sex!!!!

27 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

Did the Skoda sell ?

27 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

Look in 1st row locker teeth in there with artificial leg a ginger toupee and a deflated blow up doll

26 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

That's good. At least i know i can have some alcohol to get me through the flight. Must remember to keep an eye out for the teeth in case they fall into my vodka and tonic!!!!.

26 August 2011 02:08:00 Guest

If you weren't entirely conscious at the tme did the teeth bite you?? They mustbe hiding under a seat somewhere!!

25 August 2011 07:08:00 Guest

yes, there were drinks and snacks, though I wasn't entirely conscious at the time so couldn't tell you exactly what they had.

25 August 2011 03:08:00 Guest

Were the trolley dollies serving alcohol/ beverages on these flights mentioned??. I would like to know as i am due to fly on this aircraft in 5 weeks time!!.

25 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

The Teeth have now been joined by an artificial leg that has gone missing as well!! Seems someone legged it with a seat tray! Bite has gone out this airline now!

25 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest


24 August 2011 10:08:00 Mike

Look up the aircraft registration on sites like Google... 'SX-BTP', this is there one and only * A320.

24 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

Its nearly the end of the summer seoson have skywings finally got there act together they still would not persuade me to fly with them,these planes are old very old olympic should not have treated monarch the way they did because if they had used them hundereds of peoples holidays would not have been ruined,people saved all year for there holiday only to spend hours sitting at airport with no info,families with children were given no food or drinks and when vouchers were given they would buy you very little at the airport due to there high prices,some people recently may be satisfied but many holidays were ruined due to this very poor company skywings get a new fleet scrap these planes

24 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

I also returned fr om Zante to Birmingham on 22nd August, having flown out the week before. I was very concerned, having read lots of online reviews, though was relieved that the plane was an airbus A320. My flight out was delayed by and hour and my return flight, despite having the time changed by half an hour was on time. Although the inside of the cabin required a refit, it certainly did not warrant some of the comments I have read. Some of the trays were indeed broken, and the armrests were shabby, but otherwise there was no major problem. On the return journey we were the second people to check in and were allocated exit-aisle seats which gave us a lot more leg room and made for a much more comfortable journey. The crew were agreeable and relatively efficient on both flights, though I do not count this as a priority on such a short flight wh ere it normally isn't necessary to eat/drink/use the toilet on board. I am well aware that this airline has been criticised for the awful delays, which though disappointing for those who have missed a day of their holiday as a result, is not all that surprising from such a small airline that only has one plane in service for each airport. If you are flying with them in the next few months, I wouldn't worry too much. Any airline can experience delays and the majority of Sky Wings flights are now running roughly on time. Though I wouldn't book with them again due to the angst surrounding the trip and uncertainty over delays, my experience was certainly not negative and the flights themselves were no different to what I would expect from Ryanair or Easyjet with whom I fly frequently.

23 August 2011 07:08:00 Guest

I fly out with Skywings on 1st Oct on my 50th birthday and i was worried i would not survive it, but looks like we have a chance now. I'll have a look around for the teeth in case someone has put them in the new pockets on the back of the new seats!!!!!.

23 August 2011 04:08:00 Guest

Well what can i say, if it was last week and i came home from my holiday i would of been going mad, i came back from Zante yesterday and the flight was great, the seats have been fixed and the cabin crew was briliant alot better from my flight out, the planes seats was falling apart and the crew was ok but not the best, coming home the seats are alot better and the cabin crew was so friendly funny and at hand all the time, the senior cabin crew was chatty and help me out so much when i was ill, he came up to me every 10 mins to see if i was ok, the rest of the crew was just like him, worked all as a team just like any airline, i do feel sorry for the people who ahave had delays, my flight was on time and all was well, so i hope Skywing has got there act together, people who are about to fly with them dont worrie my flight was on time and the the flight was just like anyother flight apart from the 1970s seats but they seem to be all fixed now.

22 August 2011 10:08:00 Guest

I was on that flight to paphos and i agree with everything you said i have written a letter of complaint but to date have not received a reply i will never take a skywings flight or book with olympic I to would recommend not to have anything to do with them,come back monarch

22 August 2011 10:08:00 mr and mrs c marsh

my husband, daughter and I flew with Skywings on 31st July this year.Flight 7011 to Paphos due to take off at 9.15 We had a 17 hour delay due to a technical fault, it seems they have quite a few of these. The information given to us the airport was not very clear, WE were given a food vouvher for 6 pounds which is not a lot when you have been there since 7 0clock a. m. We were then put in the Ibis Hotel and provided with a meal then told to return to the airport no later than 11 0 clock as the flight was scheduled to leave at 1 0 clock the next morning. We were then hanging around the airport again with little information about what was going on. We finally took off at 2. 20 on the 1st of August tired and fed up that we were goin to lose a day of our holiday. When we boarded the plane and saw what an old relic it was we were even more fed up and a little worried for our safety. Thre were no laptrays which in it self has to be a health and safety issue, the seats were uncomfortable and really cramped, when taking off it rattled like it was going to fall apart. We never want to fly with this airline again and will never book a holiday with Olympic again if are goin to continue to use this airline. when we finally arrived in Papos we felt sick and tired and spent all day sleeping to get over our ordeal. To add insult to injury we were delalayd on the way back by 2 hours due to wouldnt you know it a technical fault. This is the worst fllights we have ever experiencd and we have been going abroad for holidays for a few yeare now. HORRENDOUS WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS AIRLINE TO ANYONE. Have since read some awfulreviews about them, delays due to technical faults everytime.

22 August 2011 09:08:00 Guest

Skywings im afraid it to liitle to late for me,why has it taken numerous complaints for you to do anything about the state of you planes. I wonder if the comments that say they didnt think the skywings plane was to bad is because it was the replacement plane.there are no excuses for the terrible delays (I had a 16hr delay) that just seem to continue.Has it taken complaints to the Department of transport and the CAA to make you do something i wonder.Iwill never fly with skywings again.I will look at the reviews in future to see if there is any improvement

22 August 2011 09:08:00 Guest

To guest who complained about fellow passengers rubbish ,I was appalled to see a couple changing their babys nappy across the aisle from us.All planes have baby changing facilities no matter how old.I wasd glad I hadnt ordered food.

22 August 2011 08:08:00 *

I flew back from Corfu Friday was a little delayed but all in all it wasnt a bad experience ,crew friendly and attentive,aircraft clean and tidy,nice landings!

22 August 2011 02:08:00 Guest

Sky Wings accepts that the interior of its aircraft was not up to an acceptable standard. Lead time for aircraft interior spares is between 80 and 180 days and these were ordered when the problems were first reported. Spares finally arrived 16/8 and to ensure the aircraft was restored to its rightful state it was removed fr om service for 3 days. During this time alternative carriers were chartered to operate services. The aircraft returned to service on Friday 19/8 with the interior now complete with every seat having a tray table and all seat covers replaced wh ere required. Hopefully we can move forward and provide our customers with the level of service they expect. Sky Wings would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused to passengers that have recently travelled.

22 August 2011 12:08:00 Guest

We travelled back from Larnaca on Skywings on Saturday and it was fine, crew very friendly and the inside of the aircraft was ok as well. Talking to the crew it seems Skywings have mended tables and it looked fine. had a great holiday as well!!

22 August 2011 11:08:00 Guest

I am due to fly to Skiathos on 26th August and have been monitoring skywings flights re delays. The worst delay was on the 19th when passengers to Zakynthos were delayed by 26 hours and 20 minutes. This then had a knock on effect for the next days flight out. I am so concerned by the constant but inconsistent delays that I have purchased new flights with Thomson. The problem is the week before the Zakynthis flight was not significantly delayed but you cannot predict whether your flight will be hit by problems. Reading other forums the CAA have performed ramp checks on the plane at Birmingham and it is still flying so one would hope it is ok, I am not willing to take the risk of a really bad delay though.

22 August 2011 10:08:00 Guest

We flew out with Skywings on August 7th To Paphos. Our plane was in the airport and we left 30 mins after our scheduled departure. We had a GOOD flight. The cabin crew were polite. Yes the plane interior does require updating. However more importantly we had seats which remained upright. There was no gaffer tape as far as I could see holding any lap trays shut. We had safety information leaflets. The plane had no cracked windows. The engines worked perfectly well throughout the flight, which is what keeps the aeroplane in the sky in the first place. However it would have been nice for some inflight entertainment. On the return journey due to earlier delays which affected our flight we were del;ayed by 3/4 hour. However any flight can be delayed. The plane was again in need of internal refurbishment. But the flight was GOOD as any other. I could see no gaffer tape. The engines worked well and they made up good time on terturn journey. What I would like to say and it makes me disgusted to be British, is the amount of rubbish that fellow passengers left behind. It was disgraceful, trampled in food, empty beer and pop cans, tissues sweet wrappers etc...and I can see why it must be so difficult to keep the interior clean of the plane on quich turnarounds, if its passengers have little respect for diposing of their rubbish. Especially when the cabin crew came around with bags for rubbish, there is no excuse. I for one would fly with them again !!

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