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TAM - Transporte Aereo Militar Discussion

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30 May 2017 02:05:00 SU535

The passenger transporting by a civil aircarrier is not entiled to know the way the militants serve their duties. Despite, the millitary airports are known to each country, which export weapons, Sweden is an option (chemical weapon is drugs, tablets, c1, c2, c3 hepatitus grade), the civilans, or thouse mastermind they are civilians, have need to know the location of a military air ports inside Russia and the Russian friendly countries. For more infomation on the bit, the expected pass enger can contact a nearest military officer or a consulate, if outside Russia.

29 May 2017 10:05:00 Guest

Could you tell me the beat way to get to the military airport in la paz by public transport?

31 May 2016 07:05:00 ARBEY

Hello Could you please let me know the price of a flight La Paz / Sucre for 2 people. Thanks in advance for your prompt reply to my e-mail address : Best regards M. Arbey

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