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Wind Jet Discussion

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22 October 2012 09:10:00 Willem Lensselink

We are so dissapointed in the world of airlinecompanies. We lost our flightcosts with Vola Windjet and nobody is interesting in us anymore. We like to get the adress of the curator of Windjet?????

03 August 2012 11:08:00 Guest

I don´t believe, that we only had bad luck but flights (things around flights) with Wind Jet were the most bad experience in our history of travelling by air. We had done reservations for Venice-Catania-Venice flights by the internet. First they cancelled our flight to Catania by email and sms. There they had instructions how to arrange another flight by using email, they send or by phone (two numbers), They didn´t answer to our several emails and the two telephone numbers didn´t answer after trying also several times. We had luck to have italian friends and they somehow got connection and we had our flight to Catania. Before taking off fr om Venice to Catania, I got a new sms and email, were they cancelled our flight back fr om Catania to Venice!! I thought that I could arrange this at the airport at Wind Jet check in. That wasn´t possible. They said that they only take care of check in and have no other connections to Wind Jet. I asked another officials at Marco Polo (Venice) what could I do. I was told that in Catania, where´s the home base of Wind Jet, you possible can take care of this. They also said that Wind Jet has severe problems of these kind and you should report fr om this. When we got to Catania I went to Wind Jet desk (where wind jet logos and so on), where they sell tickets. They said that they can´t do nothing about it??!! They said that I should try to phone to numbers they had send with the message. I said that nobody answers. They said that still it is the only possibility??!! They also said that they don´t take care of these kind of matters?? And don´t have real connections to Wind Jet??!! At that point I became a little bit nervous and I said "What the F--k and wh ere the F--k is Wind Jet!!We are not going to swim back!! I want my tickets to Venice right now!!" Then the man at Wind Jet ticket office said, that only because he want´s to help us (not his work to do?!), he could try to get tickets?! So we had them. The day we were coming back to Venice I got sms, wh ere they had cancelled our flight!! This time they had a new time for departure. When we drove to Catania, I got a new sms, wh ere there was again a new time for the flight (14 hour delay). We have flown only with good companies and didn´t know that this kind of companies and this kind of customer service even exists. It is difficult to imagine if something like this happens to a local or foreigner, which dont have even possibilities to get email or messages? Or can´t speak italian or english as we did. This kind of way to operate and behave might cause a lot of trouble to a customer, also costs; car rental, hotels etc. Wind Jet offered us "a diner" at Catania. Never Fly Wind Jet anymore!!!

23 July 2009 03:07:00 CARLO PASSALALPI

Your reservation site requires one phone number. I have entered two of my phone numbers and still I can not purchase a ticket. What is the problem????Carlo

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