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Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport Discussion

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04 September 2017 01:09:00 Jaco Wasserfall

Upon arriving at the Hosea Kutako Airport last night, we joined the long queue for Namibian Citizens in the customs hall. A security guard approached us and asked that we join the much shorter Visitors queue as the entrance to the hall was being blocked. When arriving at the counter, though, the female officer was reluctant to take my passport and told me there is a separate queue for Namibians and asked if I can read. Upon explaining what happened, she retorted by saying that the security guard was not an official and did not have the authority to reallocate people to wrong queues. At that point I was getting quite annoyed - I informed her that there were a dozen or so Namibians behind me in the queue and whether she is saying that we in future should ignored security instructions. When she responded by saying in a loud voice: Why are you getting * , why are you getting * ?, I decided not to say anything more. However, I do think that such behaviour is deplorable, disrespectful and derogative. This lady should be working at an isolated desk as far away as possible from the public: she is a disgrace to the Namibian Immigration authorities and the Namibian nation.

27 March 2014 03:03:00 Marzanne Griessel

I had one of the worst experience at the airport today! The lady that was helping on arrivals was rude, unhelpful and extremely aggressive. I have never been treated in such an unprofessional way, she became so rude that some of the Namibia recidents came up to me and said that they feel they should be apologising on her behalf. Apparently she knew she was in tha wrong as she refuse to give her name, when asked for her superior or manager she stated that it was her, which I doubt as she was way to unprofessional to be in authority position. I had my 4 year old daughter with me and she was extremely upset after this happend. I would like to report this to her manager as no one shoul be treated in such manner. Thank you, Marzanne Griessel.

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