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United Airlines Discussion

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04 August 2014 07:08:00 David

United Airlines has really deteriorated in their customer service, flight experience and how they treat their loyal customers. After being a member for 20 years I am now going to pick a new partner. United's customer service is horrendous and they do no longer focus on appropriately responding to complaints. Flights are often delayed due to crews being late, seats are uncomfortable and the service is average to poor. Even long flights oftend don't have TV's for viewing. You should consider flying another airline if you want better quality and service.

03 July 2014 07:07:00 Guest

Nobody ever fly with United Airlines. I don't care if they're the cheapest by half. My flight fr om Dayton was suppose to depart at 8:15 am, and was delayed by an hour and a half. I was paranoid about missing my connection flight so I reserved a seat on the next one at 6:30 pm. It was a * good thing I did. I arrived in time to make my connection flight, but for maintenance issues, it was cancelled. Fine, don't want to be getting on a broken plane. The good people of United said that if I had not reserved the 6:30 flight, I would have had to wait til the next day. So I waited, for 6 hours, with my one year old baby, in the airport. The flight that I had reserved a seat on was delayed. The plane that was supposed to get there at 6pm, did not get there until almost 8. Guess what, this one also had maintenance issues that needed to be fixed. Apparently, United Airlines can't fix their planes or keep them in good repair! And can't keep their * in order to get people wh ere they paid hundreds of dollars to go.

16 June 2014 07:06:00 Guest

1. Cramped seats under new subsection of original Economy (aka Economy Plus) which is just a more cramped version. 2. $7.50+per Dixie-sized cup of anything that might take the edge off a horribly long international flight. 3. Babies, babies, everywhere babies. I was just two seats behind this nightmare child with superhuman lungs. This * thing screamed for 8hrs. Seriously!!! No exaggeration!!! 4. Bad attitude flight attendant who acted as if ever request was a serious chore. In summary, we’re talking about an Airline with: - intentionally devised cramped and uncomfortable seating under the guise of a new tier (aka Economy Plus) that -nickels and dimes you for everything and - forces you to suffer though hours of unruly screaming brats on - overbooked international long-haul flights where you’re - beholden to flight attendants with bad attitudes AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE

20 May 2014 12:05:00 Guest

I have flown all over the world on all different airlines and I have had problems with EVERY airline. That being said, United is definitely not the worst airlines, but people......GET OVER IT. Most of you expect perfection and apologies, however, NONE of you would take a moment to get on a forum and say what a pleasant experience you had or recognize an airline employee for a job well done. ALL of you will spend all of your energies complaining and whining about peanuts, lack of meals, what you think is rude behavior from an attendant and how the seats don't recline enough. The same person will say that their seat doesn't recline enough but the guy in front of him reclined HIS seat and hurt their hips, knees, etc...You are ALL a bunch of cheapskate travelers that feel entitled. GET OVER IT already. Airlines, you have have a thankless job. Sincerely, Frequent Traveler

14 May 2014 05:05:00 Guest

This might help some of you. Here's an unpublished number for United that is not listed on their website: 1-800-932-2732. At first it is automated, but be patient and you will be contacted to someone in Houston or Chicago. For customer service issues, say "feedback option" which will connect you with someone in Houston. For other issues such as lost luggage, flight delays or cancellations, you will be connected to someone in Chicago. Also, here is a United corporate contact: David Risinger (832)-235-1861. He is in Houston. I also recently had a horrible experience with United, but I was determined to get an American on the phone and succeeded. Also, please file all your complaints with the US Dept of Transportation. I did it on their website. It only took about 5 minutes. This way your complaint goes on record and counts against United. Also, the DOT can force United to contact you and reimburse according to federal law which provides a passsenger's bill of rights. I'm done with United Airlines. Don't * your money on them anymore. BTW they lost 609 million dollars in the 1st quarter of 2014. Hopefully, in a few years they will be bankrupt. I really miss Continental.

06 May 2014 02:05:00 Andrew R

Fly the friendly skies says the billboard just before you enter the flight, well my flight was anything but friend.y fr om Chicago ohare to Germany today! Empty seats with enough room for my 6 foot 7 inch frame were left empty because I refused to pay blood money to united for an upgrade! I feel discriminated against because I can't help that god made me taller then average, I can't fit into the size seats that are called economy. United doesn't take into account that a person shorter than average wouldn't have any issue wh ere no accommodation is made for taller people. The desk clerks were rude an basically told me , no pay! Go away! Doubt I will ever put up with the rudeness I experienced here again, if not for the fact I was traveling with my wife I would have probably told them off and gotten my self arrested today. Fly United, The Unfriendliest Skies around!

25 April 2014 03:04:00 Guest

Most of my United experience has been with United Express rather than UAL itself. I've never had a disastrous experience - just a couple of cancellations which were handled without damaging my schedule beyond repair. Service on the flights, though is another matter. On the parent airline, service seems to be desultory at best. United Express needs to work up to that level. I wasn't surprised to learn that they're operated by Republic who formerly were one of the worst airlines in the history of airlines. My most recent experience with these folks was a flight of slightly over an hour. Drink service was handled by one attendant taking care of the 6 first class passengers (yeah, I know) while the other attendant took care of the 60 of us in economy. We were served our drinks about 2 minutes before the announcement came to stow tray tables, etc. In the meantime the first class attendant had done her job when one of her passengers found a hair in their drink. She loudly asked her co-worker, "do you see a hair in this?" There's first class for you. Next time I'll fly Southwest to BWI and take a shuttle to Dulles.

20 April 2014 09:04:00 Guest

Last flight from San Francisco to Beijing making use of of Business Class was certainly pleasant. No idea about the coach though (one thing is for sure, economy class can never be an absolute selection for long routes). Good service, food, cozy seat and lots of entertainment are fair sufficient to construct it as a good business class. I won't come into speak with any hesitation riding in United Airlines overseas Business class anytime. anywhere. Many lucrative deals for United Airlines and other charters would be found at

17 March 2014 01:03:00 adrmd

United airlines gave only an empty apology by text message on our arrival in Newark referring us to a website to claim a minor token gift which could never compensate us for disastrously poor customer service, equipment/mechanical failures on 2 planes on 2 subsequent days in a foreign country without any local UA rep or mechanic. A real nightmare for 200 people who took 36 hours to get home for a scheduled 4-hour flight. It would be difficult to describe the palpable incompetence of United airlines’ corporate involvement in this horrendous experience, exacerbated by the Punta Cana airport chaos. Every flight I have taken over the past two years on United has been delayed or canceled. Lost baggage, carousel changes, gate changes, flight changes and cancelations are the norm. Empty apologies are only “lip service” to the misdeeds, which reflect the total lack of interest at all in the customer experience. As a specialty surgeon, I know all to well the importance of proper equipment maintenance and standards of care when it comes to patient safety in “life and death” situations. United’s lack of quality controls, mechanical equipment maintenance and support, contingency plans, backup devices, proper communication or compassion, in my opinion, is not just bad business but malpractice, bordering on criminal negligence. United Management left the flight crew and passengers stranded in a foreign country and did not show respect or compassion for our plight. The hollow apology email we received upon returning home and the offer for minor compensation was even more insulting. The 2 lost luggage bags that arrived 24 hours after we arrived in Punta Cana the week before seemed almost trivial in comparison. What a shame! I requested a true apology from someone who cares, not just a template apology email to pacify the masses. Still waiting! United should try to “walk the walk” not just “talk the talk” in being responsible, accountable and trustworthy in their customer service mission. Paring down all the services to austerity level is one thing, but compromising on efficiency and safety will catch up with them.

17 March 2014 01:03:00 adrmd

On March 8th, 2014, myself and six other family members and friends were scheduled to fly out at 3:15PM fr om Punta Cana to Newark on United Airlines after a wonderful vacation in the DR.. Of course the usual 45 minute delay in boarding was to be expected, but by the time we got onto the tarmac and boarded the plane there was additional 2 hours of delay. We were told it was air traffic, but when we were set to take off a sensor was faulted and we returned to the terminal and sat for 2 more hours on the plane while they attempted to fix the problem. Once they thought it was cleared they returned to the runway and were set to take off when another mechanical failure occurred forcing us to return to the terminal and deplane. There we stayed in our corralled pen, like animals, waiting for our disposition to be decided. Finally by 9 PM, 6 hours after we were supposed to depart, we were told the flight was canceled and we would be rebooked the following day on flight 1762 at 2:20PM. Back through customs, back to pickup up our luggage and then most of the passengers went onto a bus to a hotel set up by United to Santo Domingo 2.5 hours away, to be returned the next day another 2.5 hours back to the airport where the process was started again; 2 more hours to repeat check-in of luggage, security, and immigration.

05 March 2014 09:03:00 cheryl

United airlines has to be the worst carrier in business. My recent experience to St. Maarten was horrific. My flight cancelled 7 hours before departure. No reason and the plane had arrived. Obviously sent somewhere else. I therefore had no connection to St. Maarten and was told I needed to wait 2 days for reschedule. (I had a six day vacation). I took AmTrak to my connection. Coming back, another horrible experience. No gate and late leaving St. Maarten and upon arrival for connection closed the doors three minutes early. Re-booking was to Cleveland the next day and then who knows when to NY. The seats are another story. So small, last row no reclining, and told not to stand up in aisle to get out of seat (when seatbelt sign was off). Don't ever, ever fly united if you have another choice. The recent antics with carry-on luggage are just another example of a poor company that has NO regard for it's customers.

01 March 2014 05:03:00 Guest

Traveled to Denver from Rochester, NY on United twice in the past month. Every plane had a mechanical problem resulting in having to re-book multiple flights because of missed connections. In January, I sat on the Tarmac for 3 hours in Rochester because some idiot had forgotten to drain the water out and it took that long to de-ice. On my return flight from Denver, I had to be re-booked 3 times due to mechanical issues and sat in the airport for 8 hours. The only reason I finally got out was because a connecting flight from Idaho landed too late and they refused to hold the plane. In my most recent flight out of Rochester in February, the altimeter was broken and we waited 6 hours for parts to be flown in from Atlanta. Oh, and - I had paid extra for aisle seats in Economy Plus and ended up in the middle seat in the back of the plane. Now I have to contact Customer Service as no one in the Service Center in the Denver Airport is authorized to do so. I am dreading the return flight home. I am seriously concerned about the safety of their planes. Why are so many having mechanical issues? I will be flying on other carriers from now on.

28 February 2014 10:02:00 Ann-Marie Yarde

On Monday I was travelling from Toronto to Chicago the flight left at 10:30am it was suppose to leave at 9:55am. I did not know that Chicago was 1hr behind Toronto therefore when I checked my watch I realized that maybe I would miss my connecting flight. I told the flight attendant and she said you will get there in lots of time and gave me a look as if I was crazy. And on my connecting flight to Vegas which has a time difference of 3hrs still no mention of the time difference which is normally done by the Pilot. Coming back to Toronto last night from LAX on American Airlines the Pilot told us of the time difference. This was my first time with United if this is not done it should be. Just a heads up from a passenger. Thanks for your immediate attention to this matter.

19 February 2014 02:02:00 Ex-United paycheck

I was a United fan in the 90's but their 'screw the client' mileage program and meager compensation for a $6,300 theft of equipment has us avoiding United like the plague. It's pretty dumb of United/Jeff Smisek to think you can bite the hand that feeds you.

05 February 2014 01:02:00 Guest

Agree with Bill below. Service is not the greatest and miles are hard to use, but have never had any problems flying with United

14 December 2013 01:12:00 Thao Nhu Hopkins

United Airlines is not good. I will travel with my under 2-year-old infant on Jan. 18, 2014. I booked the ticket through United Airlines on Sep. 21, 2013. They changed my flight schedule without information. Their changed departure time is nearly 20 hours earlier. Then i have to wait for my next flight during 22 hours. And their changed arrival time is 3 hours late. I called them but the way they answered was unacceptable. I sent them 5 emails through their email address : and so far. But they haven't replied me yet. If someone reads my comment and please help me and my baby with anyway you can. Thanks a lot and Happy Holidays to all you !

30 November 2013 06:11:00 world traveler cleveland

United is the worst when compared with the largest world airlines companies - (Actually all America air companies are terrible). United has old planes, terrible service, terrible sits, and old crew making pennies while the CEO making $ millions a year. Why don't you pay a bit more to your employees so they have more motivation to give us a better service and buy new planes ! There is no loyalty to your top customers......WELL I WILL FLY EUROPEAN COMPANIES like LUFTHANSA that gives you a fantastic service inside the plane and at its lounge room. If you go yo United, you will get water and pretzels for free - everything else you have to pay for. On the other hand you can get hot soups, all types of sandwiches, spirits, fruits and lots more for free at the Lufthansa lounge........Fly United and you will pay for the spirits..... Hope the CEO would read this info but he does not care about his customers......after all he only cares about his pocket$ !

29 October 2013 05:10:00 Guest

Worst airline ever

19 October 2013 09:10:00 Guest

I actually cannot say that United are sooo bad, but their customer service is awkward. I wanted to talk with them about a refund and had to wait almost 30 minutes on hold! Does someone know if there are alternative phone numbers to reach them? I used this one and the call center I talked to was awful

21 August 2013 06:08:00 Guest

United is truly the worst airline on the planet - just try using vouchers THEY issued because the flight was oversold! It's simply impossible. Unites sucks!

21 August 2013 06:08:00 Guest

Been trying to use some travel vouchers issued by United and their restrictions makes it simply impossible to use! You are booking on THEIR site, but because the flight is shared, you cannot use their vouchers! And their system does not let you know you cannot use the vouchers! Never give up your seat!!! Never again using United

13 August 2013 03:08:00 Guest

UA is by far the worst airline I have ever flown with. My dad is a million mile member, and our family a loyal customer for 30 years. And boy has this airline gone down. In status, customer service, ammenities, etc. And the price keeps being raised for the worst flights I have ever taken! Pretty much, if I have to travel United, it will ruin my day and put me in a foul mood. This is how old I am: I still remember when UA served food in economy, and 1st class + business class gave you menus and 3 course meals. I remember when we didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to check in a bag. I remember when 50,000 miles still bought you a round trip, domestic, plane ticket (I mean, how MUCH do you have to travel to have earned that many miles with one airline???). In fact, I remember, when you actually at least got a bag of PEANUTs during a 6hr flight. And didn't have to beg for water; or wait hours for someone to come by. A life with United: - I've had ipods stolen by their clean up crew. Your luggage is GONE if if ever gets misplaced or lost in transit. When I left my wallet on the airplane on Air New zealand, they fed ex-ed it to me free of charge. - I've had the 1st class cabin run OUT of hot food before row 5, so I did not get a meal on an international, overnight, 1st class flight. - I missed my flight once because they lost my rewards reservation. - I actually canceled my flight with them once because my gut was telling me not to trust the pressurized "baggage cabin" that I was supposed to stick my dog in for hours during the flight. There have been instances where a pet was killed in their baggage cabins. They also did nothing to boost our confidence when we talked to them about making advanced arrangements of getting my dog fr om LA to pdx. We were told that they didn't know where he would come out, but we had to go pick up the dog at a seperate terminal wh ere they unload freight luggage. Most recently on the past flight: - Drinks given once in 6hrs on economy. No bag of chips. No food. They had one single flight attendant working for the entire airplane. - It costs over $1000 to fly 1st class to Hawaii. On the way there, the United Club tried to refuse me even though I had 1st class tickets! Then she made up some BS when I waived my platimum UA Mileage PLUS Visa (which is supposed to get you 2 complementary free passes int the lounge), that I was supposed to order my passes ahead of time and get them SENT to me via mail?? (That's pending you don't have 1st clas tickets anyways- which I already had). And for a flight that took 7hrs becuase of delays, they used a 90's plane with no leg rests, no entertainment, and those little fold out TV's in the front of the plane to play one crappy movie. We were then delayed, 7hr flight with no leg rest, no internet, and no plug in so you can't even work on your laptop. On our way back, we were also delayed 2hrs for a 12am flight. United would not let us into the lounge even though we had 1st clas tickets and I explained that we were delayed, had to be at work on Monday (and was already pulling an all nighter), and c*nt didn't care. She sent us out with no internet, and inability to do work, sleep, nor cash in on our 1st class status. In economy, passengers went 6hrs with only water service one time, and not even a bag of pretzels. This airline couldn't care less about their scustomers. They need to be put out of business for good, and not be bailed out. Seriously, if possible, fly with Alaska. Fly with British Airways. Fly Air China. ANYONE but UNited.

22 July 2013 05:07:00 ndirect

I only flew once with United Airlines and to be honest there wasn't any problems! Pretty straightforward! But I have heard a lot of negative cases in the past so I guess I consider myself lucky!

11 July 2013 04:07:00 Christine Houston

I think UA might be the worst airline I've flown with. I used to fly it frequently between Asia and the US but they've cut their routes there so now fly UA (only when I absolutely must) in the US. Do you remember that their ads used to say something about "Fly the Friendly Skies of United"? Well, notice they've dropped that and with good reason. I've flown First Class with them a number of times in the last year and each experience was horrible.... believe it or not, the price of a First Class ticket does not include access to any lounges. They also do not honor AMEX Platinum Cards nor Priority Pass memberships. The privilege of using the lounges costs about $475 per annum or one can opt to pay $50 per visit. The staff at the lounges are tired and grouchy... they have never heard of "customer service"... Absolutely horrible.... skip if you can.

16 June 2013 01:06:00 peter

Bring back Continental! Since the merger United has become less competent while becomming more insesitive. Today's flight from Orlando began with a chaotic loading by haughty gate agents. The connection in Denver is now delayed by a late flight attendant, followed by a swapped aircraft that was immediatetly pulled because of a maintenance issue. Two hours later they are still looking for a replacement. It appears to be the start of another summer of bungles and attitude.

06 June 2013 11:06:00 Guest

The worst excuse for customer service I have ever witnessed. Zero common sense. The things UAL is capable of screwing up is astonishing...and yet, not one reachable person is capable of un-screwing it up. Good luck getting to your destination without major hurdles, and when they oversell (and they will) and you've purchased your tickets 4 months in advance, but somehow you get bumped, good luck finding someone who is capable of helping. DO NOT FLY UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 May 2013 01:05:00 ME From Ireland

I can't get a refund from United even though I was awarded the refund back in March 2013, The customer care worker whose name is Cherie will not reply to my e-mails, She just keeps fobbing me off with telling me she will enquire & e-mail me back but she doesn't, She last replied on April 23rd saying I would get my money within 10/14 days that her supervisor named Carol insures this will happen, Guess what I still didn't get my money, And I think I'm dealing with one of the biggest liars and worthless customer care person I have had the mis-fortune to get.... Service is * * * .... Cherie you are a dusgrace to your company and to your self..

13 May 2013 08:05:00 Bleu

I’m flying with United Airlines (UA) from London to Las Vegas the Thursday before Memorial weekend. I have to make a connection in Chicago O’Hare onto another UA flight which I believe is in another terminal. 1. Given the bank holiday weekend, will I have enough time to do this in 90 mins? 2. Do I have to go through customs and security twice upon leaving the international flight and boarding the domestic flight? 3. Do UA transfer my baggage onto the connecting flight or do I have to retrieve that too?

12 April 2013 05:04:00 Stephanie Veillon

We got totally screwed by United, and found their customer service to be horrible. We were supposed to be arriving in Cancun for our Wedding Anniversary, via United. We had some passport issues the day before and realized we would have to wait on the State Department until the morning of the flight to get it taken care of, which might cause us to be late for our flight. We called the airline the day before our flight to find out what our options were or if we could reschedule... their customer service representative told us that as long as we were at the airport at least two hours AFTER our flight took off, they could just put us on the next flight for no charge, no problem. The day of the flight we rushed to get to the airport and arrived 20 minutes BEFORE our flight departed, but obviously there was no way we were going to get through LAX security in time. We weren't that concerned as we were told the day before it would be no problem to get on the next flight, and there was another flight in 2 hours with 7 seats open. We immediately went to the ticket counter, still 20 minutes before our original flight, and after a very unhelpful 40 minutes with their customer service and ticket desk, we found out we had three options: spend $1400 to fly THE NEXT DAY, $1600 to fly at midnight, or fly for free FOUR DAYS later, thus missing our anniversary altogether. When we asked if we can just skip the flight altogether and get credited a portion of the cost of the tickets ($1000) to use at a later date, we were told no: we lose that $1000 and have to book a whole new flight. Then we tried to find out if we can book a new one-way flight to Mexico, and still use our return flight with United (as we were obviously not late for that one!), and we were told no, if we miss the first leg of the trip, we lose the whole trip altogether. So our only option would be to book a whole brand-new roundtrip flight, and there was nothing available on United for less than $1400. We fly regularly with many different airlines, and have never experienced this lack of customer service or accommodation. If we hadn’t been assured the day before that we could easily get put on the next flight, it might have been less appalling, but the fact that they lied to us and then just took the $1000 we had paid for our tickets, giving us nothing in return, is despicable. We will not be flying United again, and encourage our friends and family to avoid it if at all possible!

02 April 2013 11:04:00 Matthew S.

I'll start by saying that I have been in the Marine Corps for 4 and a half years, so I've definetly some my fair share of flying with airlines back and forth visiting family. Last week I went on my honeymoon with my wife from San Diego to Kauai, and it was the worst flying experience of my life. I wish I could give them 0 stars. To start, our flight was delayed 2 hours due to maintenance TWICE! Once from San Diego to San Francisco and again for another 2 hours from San Fransisco to Kauai, for a total of 4 hours of my honeymoon down the drain. That was just the beginning. When we finally got to Kauai, our bags were nowhere to be found. We went to baggage claim and they said we would have to wait a few hours because they placed our bags on the wrong flight. 3 DAYS later and countless hours arguing on the phone with United's absolutely horrific "customer service" we finally got our bags, but not before they took a trip to Guam! Our trip back wasn't any better. It took them and hour just to check us in because they lost out information. We had problems getting through every gate, and when we got back to San Diego our bags were nowhere to be found... AGAIN! We finally got our bags back after another 3 days when they happens to stumbl across them in Denver. The worst part of all this is not once did we hear an apology from anyone! I would think that would be basic common curtasy, but United has a way of hiring employees without any. We will never fly United again as long as we live.

25 February 2013 07:02:00 Guest

I experienced terrible customer service at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. There were two check-in agents who were rude, condesending and outright wicked (yes, like witches). My flight was cancelled and I ended up spending 9 hours at the airport. The agents booked me on later flights but they were all overbooked since many other people were trying to get out of there. I finally arrived in Newark to find that they had lost my bag. It is time that management takes a good look at their agents who interact with their customers as they either need to be replaced or trained on the true meaning of customer service.

14 January 2013 09:01:00 Guest

My suitcase was CRUSHED, but could only send an email about it to United because of there was no agent at the receiving end. I received no reply to the email. I tried to follow up by phone and kept getting India. Barely could understand them, but essentially said they would do nothing because I did not report it within 4 hours of the plane landing. I could never get an American United agent on the phone. I believe United is being run by India. On the plane, the stewardesses were GROUCHY. They seemed to hate passengers. I noticed one yelling at passengers sitting next to an exit because they had a bandage on their hand and because one was Asian, they assumed she couldn’t speak English. They kept yelling; “Can you speak English?” The Asian could speak better English then the stewardess. They wanted to move everyone away from the exit seats. If they don’t like their job, let someone else have it. There are many that need a job.

13 January 2013 10:01:00 Guest

Proof that United earned their ranking as the meanest airline company in the USA and was ranked 12th of 16 in overall performance. Quite possibly the worst customer service I have ever experienced with any type of corporation. I am mean the absolute worst!! The Customer Service desk at the airports is atrocious and the Customer Service Reps on the phone are worse. I fly over 9 round trips flight a year and spend over $10k personally on airline tickets. I recently had a flight from DC to Denver in which I was granted a complimentary upgrade. I was seated, got comfortable and the rest of the plane boarded. Right as they were getting ready to button up the plane, I was asked to step out into the jet way. I complied and was told that the customer who had purchased the ticket for first class had shown up and was throwing a fit in the terminal. I asked how this pertained to me and the United Rep stated that I was going to have to move seats. I asked if I was going to be granted my original seat back and was told no that they (United) gave it to someone else. I stated that since I was being forced to move then logically the person in my original should have to move. The United flight rep stated that if I did not take the seat I was being given then I was not getting back on the plane. I landed in Denver and reported to the "Customer Service" desk there. I was told by the desk rep that they do not handle this type of complaint and supplied me with a number to call. (Yes, you read that right! A Customer Service desk that does not handle Customer Service Issues) I call the number given to me by the pseudo-Customer Service desk and I am told that because I am a premier status member that I have to call another number. I proceed to call this new number and, you guessed correctly, I am told that they do not handle this type of complaint; I need to log onto the website and log a formal complaint online. At this point, I am just staring blankly at the tarmac in Denver wondering if I am dealing with an airline or if I am on some twisted reality show from the mind of the Marquis Desade!! I ask to speak to a supervisor, one is supplied and yet again I am told that they do not handle customer complaints. I ask the obvious, "What is your sole function in the company if not to handle customer service issues?". Imagine that, I get no answer and the supervisor proceeds to hang up on me. I finish my luxurious flight to my final destination and ever so eagerly fill out the customer service complaint online. In this complaint, I specify that I do not want to be notified via email from the rep, but would like a phone call. I was shocked when a few weeks later I get, yep, an email saying that my issue has been resolved and I will be getting an electronic voucher. So out of curiosity, I make the huge mistake of calling the Customer Service number to see what an electronic voucher means. So I get some Customer Serviceless Rep on the line who states that it is a voucher. Really! Thank you master of the obvious. I never would have guessed that on my own. So I ask for a little more detail and that is exactly what I got from her right before she hangs up on me. I finally get the so called voucher from United and try to use it the other day. With the ever so user friendly system that they have, it is not recognized by the United website as a valid voucher. In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle ,"Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!". I call (much to my dismay) customer service for some assistance to book my flight using said voucher. During the payment section, the call drops. I call back to customer service and try to complete the booking only to find out that the reservation has been cancelled and that the voucher is no longer valid because it was used on the cancelled reservation. Needless to say, I used the Medallion Match from Delta and will no longer fly United. We shall see how Delta performs.

07 January 2013 09:01:00 Guest

Purchased tickets online for a family trip using my miles and received a confirmation email, saying everything is fine and I will receive another email when the process is complete and DO NOT CONTACT US. Waited for 2 days still no sign of the email, so I called and find out that I didn't have enough miles so my ticket was never issued. United said that it is my fault that I am trying to purchase a ticket which requires more miles than I have, so they are refused to give me the price I had when I made the reservation! Since the rest of my family already booked tickets, I had no choice, I had to pay $300 more expensive tickets than everyone else. And it took me an hour on the phone to get this straighten out!

21 December 2012 08:12:00 Guest

I had a travel credit for an unused ticket that I wanted to use. Despite the current price of the ticket being lower than what I paid for (per United's online site) I was told on phone that current price was 600 USD higher ( plus add rescheduling fee of 275). I was told to pay more to reschedule a ticket which I bought in the past at a higher price. After spending 1 hour on phone no one was able to answer how the current price they are telling me, is higher for rescheduling than for buying a totally new ticket. Only thing the supervisor of customer care could tell me was too leave feedback at and wait for a response.

21 December 2012 08:12:00 Guest

Worst customer service ever... treat you like a POS if you are traveling economy.

10 December 2012 09:12:00 Guest

As a United frequent flyer with about 80k miles per year, the only comment I like to put is that I honestly don't believe there could be a worse major airline than United in this world.

01 October 2012 02:10:00 Joyce Laird

Flight 1509 San Diego to Chicago 9/24/2012 departure from San Diego @11:05: I am a frequent flyer and I decided to sel ect United for my recent business trip to Chicago. I had not flown United in quite some time and thought I would try them out again. I want to share my experience with others. The customer service from the flight attendants needs some serious attention. Flight to Chicago, the flignt attendant used his bare hands to put ice into beverages.... I am in healthcare and this is not acceptable. I had to use the restroom and my eyesight is not what it used to be... I could not tell on the door of the lavatory if it were open or in use... I literally could not see the color of the button or the wording without my glasses. I asked the flight attendant if it was in use and her response was "The button is red!!! and in a very condescending tone..."... Thank you so very much for the nice response...hey, I may have been colorblind? Yes, I am college educated and would have assumed could I have seen the color that red does mean occupied.... I was going to let this go until my return flight..... Flight #651 from Chicago to San Diego 9/26/2012 departure from Chicago @8:25: I was about to board with my briefcase and handbag... I was in boarding group seven and was stopped to check in my briefcase. I moved out of the way for others to board to take my company issued laptop / confidential paperwork out of the briefcase to store beneath my seat in my purse. The assistant boarding passengers kept saying to me to hand over the briefcase and I said, "yes, as soon as I take out the laptop and confidential paperwork that I cannot risk being out of my sight. She added some other verbiage under her breath... I assure all of you I moved out of the way so as not to slow down boarding... I was raised with manners... Once on the Flight in seat 24 C the 300 lb + passenger in front of me decided to recline his seat...oh yes, and believe me the seat goes back even further when someone has some girth. My knees were pushed into the back of his seat and my hip was in quite a bit of pain by the time I arrived in San Dilego.... So, to take my attention off of the 4 hour 13 minute flight in a cramped position I decided to watch the on flight movie. I pulled the headseat out of the seat back pocket... It was enclosed in plastic. When I opened it it was broken. Since I could not move out of my seat, I pushed the button for the flight attendant. Once she made her way to me she said "Did you push the button?" I rarely push the button on any flight however, I do recall flight attendants in the past turning off the button and politely saying "How may I help you? and with a smile...I asked for another headset and she pulled one that was not in sealed plastic from the back of another seat. I said "This one has been used." She said, "All of them are used". I said, "yes, however since this broken one was sealed I am led to believe that it has been cleaned and resealed for the next passenger to use." She made no comment and turned and walked away from me. I stopped her and asked for the brokent set back. I held one earpiece to my ear for the entire time I watched the monitor. And, then it continues... the flight attendant while pouring water into the window seat passenger's cup flung the bottle and got water on the middle passenger and me. Ok, water can't hurt anything.... however, an apology or would you like a napkin would have been a nice gesture. I had a difficult time removing my sweater when I had warmed up and I hung it over my seat back with the majority of the sweater on my side of the seat...backwards from the way you would typically hang a sweater over a as not to disrupt the passenger behind me. When the flight attendant made her last round with water she basically yanked my sweater fr om the back of the seat and said I could not hang it there... Okay, so at 30 minutes outside of San Diego having been in a cramped position for over three hours and when the sweater was thrown in my lap.... I said and could you please have the passenger in front of me move his seat into the upright position... She reluctantly asked him to do so. I have been sharing my experience with all of my co-workers, friends, and family. They too purchase based on good customer experiences. This cabin staff needs some serious coaching...It is how you say it and they way you respond that makes us want to come back and continue to do business with you. I fly almost weekly for business... and a couple of times a year for fun.... And, on the positive side.... The pilots were excellent.... they informed us when we would be hitting turbulence and the estimated duration and the landings in both Chicago and San Diego were quite smooth. San Diego can especially be a tough airport for smooth landings.

11 September 2012 01:09:00 Guest MCWhite

I am still trying to redeem two $250.00 vouchers from August of 2010--quite impossible. They have agreed to remit to our credit card but have sent it to a number that does not belong to us. And I was given the wrong FAX number for the Houston office to send additional information. ?????

06 September 2012 06:09:00 Guest

I have been travelling on holiday to USA since 2001. I have also travelled to New York for city breaks and on all occasions have travelled with Continental Airlines. I just love USA and its people and travel on holiday at any opportunity. I booked our flights in October 2011 with Continental Airlines to travel to Los Angeles in July 2012. Unfortunately, shortly afterwards Continental Airlines had been taken over by United Airlines and we unfortunely had to travel with them. We were so bitterly dissappointed by the service and staff both in the air and in the airports. We were shocked at their abruptness and rudeness. I have never met with such ignorance. Due to the weather conditions our flight was grounded along with numerous other flights for 3 and half hours in Newark airport and during that time we had to sit on the plane on the runway. The plane was stuffy and we were not offered a glass of water or anything. Whilst I understand the airline could not do anything about the weather conditions they could at least have been a bit more caring and hospitable. I thought it was outrageous that passengers were expected to sit all that time without any offer of fluids of some kind. On return from holiday we flew from LAX to Newark with United Airlines. We were to get a connecting flight in Newark to our home. On arriving in Newark we discovered our flight home had been delayed by 4 hours. Every time we checked the flight board our flight time was later and later. What didn't help matters and what astounded me was at 10pm sharp all the bars, resturants etc in Newark Airport closed and as a result passengers were unable to kill time by having a refreshment or something to eat. We checked a few times at United Check-In desk for an update on our flight and the staff were so rude. They either just snapped or just walked off and left us standing along with other concerned passengers. Finally we were told by one staff member that our plane was being repaired in Florida and she didnt know what the departure time would be. How worrying! Eventually it was announced they were going to put another plane on but passengers would have to make their way to another terminal to check in. Everyone was rushing and hurrying to this other terminal. People were tired and edgy. We had been travelling to LAX airport from 5.30am that Sat morning and were totally exhausted. Some of the passengers were elderly and some had young babies and children but this didnt seem to matter.... they still had to rush and make their way to this other terminal. When we arrived at the terminal one elderly lady fainted and another passenger got her into a seat and gave her water. Eventually everyone was checked in and my friend who paid quite a large sum of money to travel with us was not allocated the seat she should have been. The same thing happened on our outward journey. She was not allocated the seat number which was on her tickets. It really was pointless her paying extra to travel with us as she didnt get sitting with us. She could have got a cheaper flight with another airline but wanted to travel with us and paid the extra cost but unfortunately never got the seats she should have. It was dissappointing for our group. We are totally dissatisfield with the whole service provided by United. I could write reams but won't! I must point out that whilst in USA this summer we travelled with South Western Airlines ..... such a difference in service and attitude. I can only compliment them on supplying a fantastic service. Their staff were so helpful and friendly. It was obvious they had proper customer quality service training which stood out. I think United Airlines need to take a leaf out of their book and get their act together, otherwise they will find themselves in diffs. They could end up losing the custom that Continental Airlines worked so hard to build. My friends and I will not be travelling with United Airlines again. They would need to improve their service and attitude before we would even consider it.

03 September 2012 05:09:00 Guest

The worst customer service I have ever encountered. Won't bore you with my tale of woe; suffice to say they screwed up my travel, double-charged me, failed to respond to my inquiries, contested my challenge to the charges, got all the facts wrong, took more than a month to reply to my hand-written letter, still had the facts wrong, and still to this day owe me money. I will never fly this awful airline again. They are morons.

31 August 2012 01:08:00 Guest

I am thoroughly disgusted withe United and shall NEVER fly with them again. Their customer service staff are beyond rude, I was hung on three times all because I was inquiring about an upgrade that I had paid for, had confirmed online and my seats selected, then the next day I got an email saying I was on waitlist. I called reservations and didn't even get an apology, just a we have confirmed two of your parties upgrades, but not the last one and although it had been confirmed at the time of paying for it there was nothing they could do. The supervisor was even worse, she read off the screen and would not even attempt to help in any way, she pretty much told me to f off. My family and I fly alot, but after a second terrible experience with United we shall not be flying with them again. Yes United you are the WORST airline in the world!

19 August 2012 06:08:00 Mindy Tindle

Booked my son's trip 6 months ago on United Airlines. Was very hesitant as 3 years ago, they screwed up my travel so bad that I ended up with no medication or clothes for three days (would have bought more, but they kept promising they were going to fix the problem). Never flew with them again. Unfortunately, they were way lower than any other airline when I booked his trip, and I got sucked in. Figured they couldn't screw up that badly a second time. Oh how wrong was I! About a month before his flight, I got an email from United stating they had to make some changes to his reservation. Sent me new itinerary with the outbound flight from Cincinnati to Reno changed but the return flight from Reno to Cincinnati unchanged. As I received plenty of notice and the schedule change wasn't too radical, I wasn't upset. However, when my son and I went to the airport to send him home to Cincinnati, we discovered United Airlines had cancelled his return flight. The updated itinerary had his return flight listed, which made me believe he had a valid flight reservation. I received no notification of the cancellation. At the airport, they tried to book him on a flight that had multiple stops and would require him to spend almost 20 hours either flying or sitting in airports. And, they acted as if they were doing me a favor by rebooking the flight I had already paid for and they totally screwed up. An hour after getting to the counter, we finally had another flight booked, the next day, leaving at 6:30 in the morning! Thank heavens the flight is on Delta as I will never fly United Airlines again.

17 August 2012 01:08:00 Jim

Worse airline in the world! My wife and I took a trip to Costa Rica back in June with two friends when we got on the plane to leave on the trip the flight wouldn't take off because the plain was over weight, with seats still empty. so the flight attendant tried removing the 4 of us to a later flight that would have put us in San Jose at 8:30 pm instead of 11:50 am so we could pick up our rental car and have to drive 3:30 hours to the hotel on the coast. But she didn't succeed in getting us off the plane and made some other people get off. On the return flight we landed in Houston and there we found out our flight have been cancelled and rebooked for 10:30am the next morning 1 hour later the flight was reinstated so when we went to board the plane the airline forgot to reinstate the passengers so one airline worker would take the ticket and let people board the plane but the other airline worker wouldn't let anyone of because the computer said they weren't on the flight even thou they had a ticket for that flight our friends almost didn't get on the plane. We took off with 17 empty seats on a booked flight. This airline DESERVES to be put out of business.

07 August 2012 08:08:00 Guest

Ref: United Airlines Flight Attendant Sufonda Watts Dear Sir or Madam, I recently had the pleasure of flying with your company on July 26, 27 & 30, 2012 on a buddy pass that I purchased fr om your employee Sufonda. It is my understanding that Sufonda has worked with your company for more than 5 years; her current hub is Houston, Texas. I have known Sufonda for approximately 25-30 years; however I haven’t had contact with her in 15-20years. Approximately a month ago I began to do research on Bariatric surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. I learned from a family friend that Sufonda had surgery in Tijuana and was familiar with the process. I contacted Sufonda and explained to her that I had inquired into a company about the surgery. I was quoted $4500.00 with that company with a $500.00 down payment everything included accept air fare, surgery being conducted by Dr. Ponce Deleon. Sufonda spontaneously stated NO! Don’t go with that company. My Godfather is one of the top surgeons in Tijuana and I can get you taken care of, and make sure you are safe. Sufonda told me I had to put $500.00 down and that she would email me some documents to fill out and have another coordinator contact me. I was later contacted by a lady name Marie and the down payment and price of the surgery increased instantly by $1,000 dollars, everything included. Needless to say I trusted my childhood friend (Sufonda) and paid the money. After paying the money Sufonda called me and asked had I purchased my plane ticket yet. At this point I had not. Sufonda then advised me that she was a flight attendant and that I could fly for free on her buddy passes. Just as anyone would to save a dollar I instantly accepted the offer, and thanked her profusely. The free tickets eventually lead to me being quoted $160.00 for it and finally $355.00 for the ticket. I deposited the money ($355.00) in Sufonda’s Wells Fargo account and she booked the ticket, and I later learned that selling buddy passes is prohibited and grounds for termination. On July 26 I flew out from Pensacola, Florida headed to San Diego. On Jul 27 I was picked up from the airport by a lady name Linda, some one who Marie and Sufonda arranged. Linda and I got to Tijuana and had no idea wh ere we were. I was abandon and scared. Sufonda and Marie let me down. We finally found the hospital and wouldn’t you know it the doctor that Sufonda & Marie arranged my surgery with is the same doctor that the original company was going to arrange my surgery with Dr. Ponce Deleon. When I spoke with Dr. Ponce Deleon he did not know Marie or Sufonda, and he was most certainly not Sufonda’s godfather. I eventually had the surgery and it was a success; however none of my medication was included in the price. After speaking with other patients I learned that I had been over charged and hustled. The other patients had detailed receipts for service and all amenities included. On July 30, 2012 I flew back to Florida and complained to Sufonda and Marie about their poor services, and requested a refund on the difference in the price. And a detailed itemized receipt of service. They refused to refund me anything, however I later received a text message from Sufonda stating that she wanted to make things right so she offered to talk to another doctor in Tijuana to gave me a breast augmentation for $2500.00 I declined the offer. After many hours of research I learned that Marie was arrested last year in Houston, Texas for trafficking medication from Tijuana and administering it to patients without a license. In fact she is currently on probation for it now. I also learned that she and Sufonda are running their own fictitious, unlicensed business by hustling people out of their money and sending them off to Tijuana for surgery. The benefit for the two is that they get extra cash and free surgery. Both pose as coordinators and schedule appointments with doctors and Sufonda sells her buddy passes to the clients. It was also brought to my attention that Sufonda sells buddy passes to Mexican doctors to travel for cheap in exchange for free or discounted surgical procedures. I also learned that Sufonda never graduated from high school, and lied on her application in order to meet the qualifications for the job. Supposedly she duplicated one of her relative’s diploma and put her name on it in order to get the job. Sufonda or Marie possesses the credentials of a patient coordinator and shouldn’t be operating a business under such deceit. They are generating revenue from these patients, not paying taxes, and sending them off to be butchered. These patients are flying with your organization which creates a liability for your company. I have been told that patients are flying as far as from Hawaii.

10 July 2012 06:07:00 Guest

My 88 year old mother was going on her last big trip to see friends & family in Colorado. We wanted her to get special treatment & spurgled on first class tickets for her. Upon check-in in Sacramento we stood in the First Class line. There were two agents busy behind the desk. Once both agents were done helping the First Class passanger in front of us a passanger from Economy ran over to seek thier help trying to catch a flight. We had no probelm with that...BUT when that person left we were NEVER acknowledged, not any eye contact, not "we'll be with you in a minute", not even a smile...NOTHING! I looked to make sure, we are in the right line...Yes we were. Economy was getting much better service & we were getting zip! This is Frist Class? Now I know why I always travel economy! About 10 minutes or more we were finally approached by a person who floats around the terminal to give assistance (She gets a 10 for her help). She said I had to get the ticket from the kiosk. I know how to do that but we have had a bag to check & a request for a wheel chair. She said we still have to do the kiosk check-in. I put my mother's suitcase in the check-in area. The assistant had to get the agent's attention to put the tag on the bag, which she did, once again we never got greeting, never said a word to use, no smiile NOTHING! The assistant called to get the wheel chair. Once my mother was all ready to go we all stood there waiting to see if we had to pay to check in the luggage, etc. Still nothing from the agent. The assistnat (he scores a 10) that was taking my mother in the wheel chair to the gate finally shouted out the agents name..,"is that it?" She just nodded yes, never looking in our direction, just fixed on the computer. OMG I have NEVER had such HORRIBLE service!!! On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best) I would score the agents @ check-in @ a 0! When my sister checked my mother in, in Colorado she experienced the same thing. She found it appalling, but it was even worse as she was told she had to go across the terminal & get the wheelcahir herself. She said that was ubsurd & no that was not going to was finally borught to her. On a previous flights with United my 88 year old mother was told she had to put her own bag in overhead & if she needed help, ask another passenger. She was asked to exit out the back of the plane, get her own bag down, walk down the steep flight of stairs & across the tarmack to the terminal, are you kidding me? My mother is very sweet, not a complianer but thank goodness she said no she will not do that, so she exited past the cleaning crew to the terminal to get into her wheel chair that was supposed to be waiting for her upon her arrival. Also during this flight the wheelchair assisaant said he had to be somewhere else so was going to leave her @ the gate. She has a balance problem & needesd to be wheeled to the door of the plane, so thank goodness again, she insisted that this be done. What has happened to travel? What has happened to customer service? What the heck are we paying a high price for? United is the WORST, whatever you do don't travel with them especially if uyou are handi-capped & don't pay extra for "First Class".

21 June 2012 06:06:00 Guest

I work for this airline. If you don't have status with them then you ain't squat. They treat pax like cattle. You get what you pay for. If you found the deal of the century on Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity, et. al. remember - you get what you pay for

08 June 2012 03:06:00 paul jones

i have been trying to contact united airlines fot over a month, , 3 hours on the phone but still nobody answered, sent letters , please phone 07889279386 urgent, im from uk

17 May 2012 03:05:00 Guest

This is an email I am still trying to get to UA to read. They make everything as hard as possible. ". I recently bought a round trip ticket with your airlines. I have provided flight information above as well as an attached flight itinerary. I little background on me. I am a 48 year old man. I served in the US Navy and was a FAA aircraft mechanic. I was a mechanic over 11 years. I have worked with aircrafts with Lockheed, Grumman and the US Navy. I have flown in all kinds of aircraft all over the world. Currently I work as a lead for Time Warner Cable Commercial Customer Service and Technical Support. So I know a little something about aircraft maintenance, aircraft scheduling, FAA Regulations, Airline operations, pilots and of course Customer Service. To my point, your airline failed to deliver me to my destination on time yet again. Your people didn't return my luggage until after 10:30pm the next night! And seriously damaged! I have flown all over this country and I have always made my connections and received my luggage, except when I have used your airlines. This last time 05/10/12, was the last straw for me. The first time you guys left me stranded in Chicago over night. I couldn't get a flight out till 7am the next day and couldn't get a hotel nearby so I had to stay up over 18 hours in that airport. The second time was in Minnesota for over 12 hours. First we were let on the plane. Then asked to leave the plane while something was done. Then after we were off the plane your people announced that the flight was delayed because they didn't have a flight crew !???! 3 hours later they said they had a flight crew but no plane!. Then another 3 hours or so they said it was mechanical issues. They told us that the company would have the plane fixed and out to this air port soon. They finally flew an empty plane to our airport to take us to our destination. Now this last time you couldn't get me out of the state of Colorado. This is the saddest, most pathetic airlines I have ever used! The first two times I was heading home and just pushed through it all. This time I couldn't even get to where I was heading. Which by the way, I'm sure you don't care, but it was a family reunion. Family I haven't seen in three years. My vacation was completely ruined! My money spent and frustration and anger levels I experienced that I can't even begin to express in the letter! I don't know about the staff at UA, but I don't get a lot of vacation time and now I used up a week for nothing. My sister could not reschedule and neither could I. What happened; I flew into Denver airport on time. However, just to let you know, your pilot hit the deck so hard the plane lifted up tilting to one side. I guess you guys should just install tail hooks on the planes and arresting cables at the airports. My layover was 3 hours. It sucked but the ticket was a good price so I figured I would deal with it. After two hours my plane shows up and unloads its passengers. Then it is announced that my flight is canceled due to mechanical issues. If this pilot was anything like the other it was no wonder! So now I rush over to the customer service desk as directed by the agent at that gate. I am the second in line. There are 4 agents at the customer service counter. I then spent an hour there trying to get a flight to either Indianapolis, Chicago anywhere close to my destination. the agent was virtually useless. While she wasted my time. 30 plus other people have their issues resolved. They are all like me. couldn't get to Indianapolis. My less then helpful customer service agent keeps saying "it's your ticket. The system won't let me reschedule. " So now we are blaming the ticket, the computer system whatever! Finally I give up. I don't believe anything your people tell me anyway due to previous trips. I didn't sleep well the night before and had to be in the Colorado Springs airport at 5:00am to get my flight out, so now I am very tired and also now made very angry. So since your very poorly trained or just incompetent customer service agent can't help me get to where I need to be in an reasonable time frame. I decide to go home. By the way, Do you know what your auto system rescheduled me for? UA wanted to make me wait in Denver till 1:30 pm, (Mind you I was there at 7am fr om flying in fr om Colorado Springs) then fly to Dulles airport in Washington DC! then wait there a few more hours and then fly me to Indianapolis! I would be getting in around 12 midnight!!! I find this extremely unacceptable, period! Your personnel couldn't or wouldn't book me through other airlines and offered nothing except their apologies. Again, this is extremely unacceptable. How your company makes money while performing so badly I will never know! It just goes to show you that employee owned companies just don't work well at all. I now wait in Denver till 11:01 to get the hell home. No single agent knows what the hell to make of the ticket the customer service agent gave me. If it wasn't so sad it might be funny. The women at the gate are super busy and just figure it is OK. A third woman at the door to the ramp is totally confused and I say, pointing to the other two women that "They said its good." and she lets me go. I make it to yet another woman. Yes another UA employee waiting at a door to the airfield. She takes one glance and declares she has "no idea what the ticket is all about." calls the first two who tell her there is nothing for her to keep and that it is good. I finally get back to Colorado Springs...guess what doesn't make it with me? My luggage! No surprise at all since UA has lost my luggage twice before. I go and speak to a young lady at the airport and she tells me my luggage is going to Indianapolis and might be back by 10:00am tomorrow. She is like sushi, cold fish. She didn't know anything and obviously didn't care either. I go upstairs to the ticket counter and ask for a manager. I get a nice guy named Ray. He looks into the situation. I give him all my information. he declares there is an issue with the computer he is at. He goes to another terminal. and offers me $400.00 an apology. He said that anyone in Denver could have helped me and that if this kind of thing happens I should all ways ask for a supervisor. Really! That's it? My entire day is wasted! Now I will lose another day to get my luggage back. As it turned out Some guy named Davy called me Friday night at 8:32pm and said he could drop off my luggage! I called him back and told him I was home and he could return my luggage to me. He called me when he was a few blocks away. He couldn't figure out where my house was. I stood outside of my house next to the street curb, in the rain. Yes I said in the rain! Standing there in the rain with my cordless phone directing him to my address at 10:30 at night!!! Guess what? Bag roller bag is damaged! Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be damaged at this point? They broke off the metal, yes METAL tab that you pull on to zip the bag closed. And no of course it wasn't locked. The side wh ere the handle is was bent in. After I emptied the bag I realized just how badly it was damaged. The side is reinforced with metal bars two of them. They are both bent into the bag! can you image how much force it takes to bend that metal? Now United Airlines has reached a new low with me! I can't help but feel that this is deliberate. Lets recap, United Airlines Failed to get me to my destination. UA Failed to reschedule me through UA or another airline in a fair and timely manner to reach my destination in a fair and timely manner. UA Failed to have my luggage arrive when and wh ere I was. UA Failed to retrieve my luggage and return it to me in what I consider a fair and timely manner. UA Ffailed to return my personal property, namely my luggage to me undamaged. Only one representative offered and provided compensation. Specially, a total of $600.00 dollars in credit towards flying on your airlines. As of right now I can never see me using it. At the time when it was given to me by Ray your employee, I said to him, "I have to use this on UA right? Why would I ever want to?" He just shrugged and said he was sorry again but that was all he could do for me. This is simply an unacceptable situation. I had a bad experience in 1987 with Sears. I have not bought anything from them since and I will never buy anything from them. As a consumer my money is all I have to make my points. So, here we are. I am EXTREMELY UNHAPPY with your company right now. What are you going to do about it? If you want suggestions? let's start with the fact that I went online last Friday. 05/11/12 and filled out that information to get my money back for the failed flight. I just checked, Guess what hasn't been approved yet? That's right! It's still "PENDING" How long will you guys be keeping my money? Get that done ASAP! Now as for your "CREDIT" Since you have yet to impress me at all on any level...Why would I want credit to fly your terrible airlines? At the very least you should have offered me a First Class, round trip seat anywhere in the US. That didn't happen. Now what about my unusable luggage your employees damaged? I have to replace it. I would like $200.00 to replace it! and soon!. "

26 June 2009 11:06:00 Guest

avoidable airlines, most stupid ground staff at IAD. they would not book my baggae to dushanbe even though i had a ticket from DME, Moscow to dushanbe and the ariline and its code was on the ticket. exasperating. i will return my freequent flying card to them.. DASVIDANIYA

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