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Emirates Discussion

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26 August 2013 03:08:00 Sabina

Emirates is the best

26 August 2013 03:08:00 Sabi

Gues :for me emirates is the best my visa was for 38 days i did not get any problem with and must say the service is excellent Never travel with emirates to Umrah or Hajj - all future passenger should think twice. they never let my parents fly because they said they had flight tickets greater than the 30 day visa. Although, all other airlines allowed passegers with same situation fly. I had to pay extra £900 to cancel the tickets and rechange. The Saudi embassy had no issue with this, but for some reason emirates did. They also call the Police on me at the airport and thretened to get me removed off the airport. Although as the police said i did not do anything wrong, played a madiator role and i had to talk to them who then spoke to Emirates at the airport. Ie they were doing the job of emirates customer services. if you need more information you can call me on 0784 1011168 or email me on and will send you my complain letter and feable responds from emirates.

25 August 2013 02:08:00 Steve Hook

Twice I have contacted Emirates as my wife had boiling coffee spillt on her by the stewardess, she just walked away and came back 5 minutes later with a servete and that was it, spent three days in London putting burn cream on. went to customer service desk and they just gave us email for complaints which I have had no reply from, oh I tell a lie we had an email nearly three months ago saying they where investigating and would get back to us, We will never fly with them again and will spread the word to whom ever i can

13 August 2013 07:08:00 Guest

Never travel with emirates to Umrah or Hajj - all future passenger should think twice. they never let my parents fly because they said they had flight tickets greater than the 30 day visa. Although, all other airlines allowed passegers with same situation fly. I had to pay extra £900 to cancel the tickets and rechange. The Saudi embassy had no issue with this, but for some reason emirates did. They also call the Police on me at the airport and thretened to get me removed off the airport. Although as the police said i did not do anything wrong, played a madiator role and i had to talk to them who then spoke to Emirates at the airport. Ie they were doing the job of emirates customer services. if you need more information you can call me on 0784 1011168 or email me on and will send you my complain letter and feable responds from emirates.

04 August 2013 12:08:00 Rozario/Lancelot Simon John

I traveled with my disabled brother from Kuala Lumpur to Frankfurt on 31 July 2013. Your in flight service was simply superb. My grateful thanks to the natural and obliging manner in which your in flight staff attended to us and even welcomed us so specially. Our reception and wheel chair service etc at Dubai and Frankfurt were a delightful experience considering the pleasantness and speed with which they got everything organised. Now let me with a heavy heart come to my homeland Malaysia. At Kuala Lumpur as usual and despite countless reminders they were not ready for anything. They argued about check in times that differed from my reliance on the ticket information. They denounced the need to provide a service at the time I requested which was soon after they opened the counter at 7.10am. I finally had to wheel my brother in from a waiting taxi and return to collect the trolley with my baggage which was left outside unattended as a result. The person who finally pushed the wheel chair was as wonderful as your cabin crew and Dubai. This is now the second time in a year when I have had to face this difficulty ONLY IN KUALA LUMPUR when it came to wheel chair services. I really think when this "fly in the ointment" is removed the EMIRATES flying experience that I already cherish will soothe further. My email is

29 July 2013 10:07:00 Russell Paster

I would rate United Emirates very poor with regard of having little or no flexibility in making changes to ones flight schedule. Without it costing something very crazy. I just wanted to change my return date from 18 August 2013 to 20 August 2013 from Bangkok, Thailand to Kuwait City, Kuwait and United Emirates wanted to charge me $912.00USD. I have been working in the Middle East since 1985 and have flown United Emirates many times, but I will not fly your airlines ever again. Just because how you treat loyal customers. V/R, Russell C. Paster Base Closure Assistance Team, BCAT 2 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Specialist Container Management Specialist/SME 43rd Sustainment Brigade (CMRE) 1st Theater Sustainment Command Jalalabad Air Field (JAF) Afghanistan VOIP: 318-831-6142 VOSIP: 308-831-6140 SIPR: NIPR: CXI:

10 July 2013 10:07:00 Bee

They wil discriminate against you if you are different in colour. Twice they have done this !! Don't fly with Emirates

07 July 2013 02:07:00 Guestthomas

i would like to ask my ticket has no middle name from abha to dubai dubai to manila,,it would be ok without middle name

01 July 2013 03:07:00 ana maria regina de menezes

Dear Emirates, We appreciate this opportunity to express our experiences on the flight from Dulles airport to Dubai, flight #232 on 14 of May and back from Dubai, flight 231 on July 14/2013. We can’t tell you how delighted we were on both flights. We have been in others carriers, but this was our first experience with the Emirates Airline. We were impressed by the beauty of the plane, it cleanness, the delicious meals, and above all the kindness and attention from the crew. We are seniors and we thought to ourselves, if people, like us, are treated like this in an Economy class, how spectacular would be a trip on the first class! Definitely we were delighted to fly Emirates and we will recommend to all our friends. Thank you so much for making our trip back and forth secure and above very pleasant. Sincerely Ana Maria Regina de Menezes and Jose Marcus Cavalcanti de Menezes

22 June 2013 01:06:00 youldena

This is such a coincidence- I also hope someone can shed some light on this. I too had this question to emirates service centre on the 10th June - the flight I wanted had increased overnight by £75. I was told there was a system error and to wait a couple of days ( I checked various dates and routes and found that all flights were about the same price - very strange) Anyway on the Friday I checked again and the flight had increased to £791(on the 9th June it had been £653) what on earth was going on! So I called again to be told fuel duty had increased and this would be the price give or take normal price fluctuations. So on Sunday when I saw the price had gone back to Mondays price £739 I decided to book my 4 seats. On Monday the17th the flight as reduced to £613- I am devastated. That's £504 over the 4 flights. Surely this can't be right - from £791- £613 in 3days. I believe there has been an pricing/system issue during the week of the 10th - 16th but how can I prove this. I just keep getting the standard response from emirates Hello All I would like to know if Emirates Airlines has increased their fares by a large amount? I had traveled home last year during April to May for a fare of around £420. I am planning my holiday this year around October and the fare from the same source to destination is being quoted as £660 which is like more than 1.5 times the one I traveled only last year. I understand that fare fluctuate depending on the time I am traveling but would not have expected to see such a huge difference. Anyone who has an idea as to when the prices rose and can give some advice. Many Thanks in advance, Ray

17 June 2013 08:06:00 Guest

This is not an official Emirates complaint forum, actually there is none of that, since in Emirates we are not allowed to complain about anything. This company is pushing us more than ever to achieve their unachievable financial target, they promise us "bonuses" but when the time comes they just send us a letter informing us of the TRILLIONS they are making but that still we didn't reach the target because we don't do our job properly. Now, i'm not here to defend Emirates employees, as i'm one of them and i know that sometimes we can't offer the best service onboard because of the way service is planned and managed. Even if we want to change some things, nobody lets us, nobody listens to us, but most of all we grow in fear that we might get sacked anytime if we say a few words that the Company doesn't like. We, cabin crew speak about these things on every flight during our "breaks" (if any). I'm here to try and get help from outsiders, i cannot say my name or my staff number. But we need you to raise every complain, yours and ours, to a higher level, not just this forum. CNN was here in dubai a few years ago documentating about slavery in dubai. Maybe we need them to come back and dig deeper this time, because slavery still goes on every day.

10 June 2013 02:06:00 Guest

Hello All I would like to know if Emirates Airlines has increased their fares by a large amount? I had traveled home last year during April to May for a fare of around £420. I am planning my holiday this year around October and the fare from the same source to destination is being quoted as £660 which is like more than 1.5 times the one I traveled only last year. I understand that fare fluctuate depending on the time I am traveling but would not have expected to see such a huge difference. Anyone who has an idea as to when the prices rose and can give some advice. Many Thanks in advance, Ray

14 May 2013 11:05:00 johnr

Eve Clark : I shall not fly with Emirates again. I had a bad experience with them in October and have been trying to contact the Dubai Head Office ever since. No matter which address I write to my letters come back to me. I did hear that customer service was non existant with Emirates Airlines - it seems I heard correctly. Yes! It took 10 weeks for them to reply to my email complaint and that was after 2 followup emails. Their reply was a stock was a stock standard answer which basically said "tough". I will be avoiding Emirates from now on if I can.

13 May 2013 10:05:00 Guest

yes becasue you are paid to say so..Cmon this site is not for Emirates Staff Pls. shahrukh : i like emirates airline too much

10 May 2013 03:05:00 Alan Donegan

The phone numbers above are wrong. The phone is a fax number and the second one is invalid.

01 May 2013 09:05:00 Guest

My wife and me we travel very often fr om Vienna Austria to Manila and we always booked with Emirates. February 2013 we were in Manila, my wife had to rebook her flight fr om Manila back to Vienna because she had to travel to Australia. We thought instead of my wife flying back to Vienna and then from Vienna to Australia, the traveling distance from Manila to Australia would be shorter than from Vienna to Australia which makes sense. We asked a travel agent in Manila if they can help us doing the re-booking for us. The travel agent in Manila contacted the Emirates office in Manila for the re-booking. Emirates promised and confirmed the re-booking. My wife left Manila to Australia with different airline and I left Manila back to Vienna, when I reached Vienna I contacted my travel agent wh ere we bought our tickets to let them know about the changes. My travel agent in Vienna found out that no changes or re-booking were done even though it was promised to be done and I was wondering why Emirates did not issue an eTicket until now. I contacted the travel agent in Manila and explaining how come nothing has been done from Emirates side. The travel agent in Manila contacted Emirates again and asking why it was promised and nothing has been done to the ticket. Emirates said that a mistake has been done but they don't know who was the staff promised to re-book the ticket and they want the name of that person who promised to make the changes. The travel agent in Manila unfortunately did not ask the name of that person while they were talking. Emirates says if no name is provided we can not help and a new ticket has to be purchased by paying 1000 US Dollars. For more than three weeks two travel agent involved struggling to fix this problem at least we pay certain penalty and get a re-booking there was no chance, even though Emirates admits that it was their mistake. Emirates office in Manila is not efficient at all, all corresponding mails took them so long to reply and when they replied there were no results. The funny thing is that when I traveled back to Vienna alone all the way from Manila - Dubei - Vienna my wife's seat was occupied and was given to another person, since they did not re-book the ticket I was hopping the seat next to me to be free. To my logic if a passenger doesn't travel and check in the seat should be free or? how come they gave my wife's seat to others. I asked Emirates for refund since we did not use the return ticket and guess how much they are paying, you will not believe what I will say, only 16 Euro, come on Emirates this is too much of ignorance we paid for the ticket 1200 Euro and you give me only 16 Euro. Aside all these problems the seat which I reserved was changed without informing me, also I did not get the breakfast meal I wanted because it was over and the other type of meal I can not eat it so I had no breakfast, isn't it nice you pay 1200 Euro for a trip and you suffer with your paid money? fantastic service isn't it? I traveled a lot with other airlines but such miserable Emirates services and staff I never had in my life. This will be my last booking with Emirates never again and I won't recommend this airline to anyone, there are many other airlines going to Manila Emirates is not the only one. Next time I will book with Qatar or Singapore. It is no wonder if you look in Internet who are the best airlines you will see that Emirates was number one with their services but now since there so many passenger complaints they went down to 3rd or 4th place. Emirates continue with your bad reputation and in a few years time let us see wh ere you will be.

10 April 2013 03:04:00 Mike

How irresponsible are you to leave your 4-year old daughter to eat noodles by herself??? Were you expecting to have cold noodles? Don't be ridiculous please... sometimes passengers seem to blame all their stupidity to the cabin crew, come on, grow up and learn how to raise your daughter B W : Flight from Singapore to Melbourne (EK 0404) 1 Feb 2012 During the flight from Singapore to Melbourne, my daughter (4 years old) was injured as a consequence of the negligence of one of flight crew members. My kids asked one of the flight crew members to bring them noodles, so she served them very hot noodles in a plastic cup without inform them (were sitting on the side seats) or us (me and my wife) were sitting in the middle seats, that the noodles were extremely hot and that caution should be taken in opening the cup. As you are no doubt aware, my daughter is only 4 years old and consequently the risk of possible injury was reasonable foreseeable and even probable in the circumstances. When my daughter opened the cup of noodles, she spilt the hot contents on her chest, stomach and bottom. She immediately started to cry and scream feeling the burn. The only treatment that was available on the flight was by way of application of cold towels and ice provided by the crew members. It was apparent to me and my wife that immediate medical treatment was required and therefor we requested the crew to call an Ambulance to be waiting on my daughter’s arrival at Melbourne airport. Upon arrival, my daughter was transported to the Royal Children’s Hospital by Ambulance. At the hospital my daughter received treatment for the burn injuries, which she had sustained. It is presently unclear as to how long it will take for these injuries to fully heal and furthermore it is presently uncertain as to whether permanent scarring will be a result of the incident described herein. We have been left traumatised and anxious since this incident. My daughter continues to have nightmares and sleep difficulties since that happened and I have a psychologist report shows that she suffered from that accident. I have an official medical report also from Royal Melbourne hospital and some photograph that had taken by the hospital photographer. After all what happened they didn't apologize, they didn't even call to check and asked how my daughter condition, and even the treatment costs I've been taking care of it

22 March 2013 04:03:00 Jacques and Jocelyne Richard

To whom it may concern; We regularly fly Emirates Perth to Geneva, we want to thank the airline for making this possible. It is so practical for us as we stay in Annecy France most of the time, only 40 Km away fr om Geneva. In August 2012 we flew to Geneva and came back to Perth via Nice where we ended our holidays. This has made our trips to France so handy and practical. We just returned from Annecy wh ere we had to urgently go to resolve some family issues, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the airline for an outstanding service give by your staff in the plane, there was a lot of attention and were always prepared to help. It is a long journey from Geneva, And we can assure you that Emirates are and always will be our preferred airline. So keep up the the work and keep on bringing the world together.....

17 March 2013 07:03:00 trevor joseph

I lost my I Pad at your check in counter at Dubai. My flight originatd in Amhedabad, and ended in New York. I made a report, but your staff were not very helpful. I can be contacted; 868-741 0158 in Trinidad.

13 March 2013 10:03:00 Guest

Agreed, and I can tell you the reason why? they have hired africans and people from poverty driven countries to get cheap labors and this is the reson. the ground staff/checking counnters and even the Gate staff are very rude. Somebody must tell Ek to stop hiring Africans/south africans on the job not that I am a racist but this attitude is really bad for the passangers. Guest : Not to forget they ask for bribes for extra baggage to be cleared, I dont understand why do they hire african women on the counters...they must hire asians . Guest : This airline has the worst customer service centre we have ever seen. It even beats Easy Jet and Ryan Air which should tell you something. The staff do not give any respect to fare paying customers and they are more interested in their own comfort.

25 February 2013 08:02:00 Nick

Such a wonderful flight!

31 January 2013 07:01:00 shahrukh

i like emirates airline too much

29 January 2013 03:01:00 Lisa

Emirates don't seem to care. We did a split fare flying Sydney - Dubai - Geneva. On the way over we flew business class ( return was Economy) part of this deal was when we arrived in Dubai free of charge they would put us up in the Meridien Hotel (1st class Hotel) we were looking forward to this. On our arrival when they were suppose to drive us there they told us 'sorry no vacancies at this hotel, we'll have to put you up in another ............ hotel' When we got to this other hotel, the receptionist told us 'Oh you can't stay here they've made a mistake, we have no rooms' So anyway after arguing with them and this was going on for 2 hours driving us around in the heat after a 12 hour flight fr om Sydney, they took us to some crappy, dodgy 3rd rate hotel that smelt was old and on a busy road. Couldn't even go for a swim as the pool was closed at the time and you felt very uncomfortable anyway as the men just glared at you, so you didn;t feel like putting on your cossies. This hotel wasn't exactly the Meridien. Also anytime we booked ahead (we did this the day before the flight) to reserve our seats they would change them on us also, what's the point if you go in to reserve seats and then the airline doesn't stick to this, anyway same with the confirmed accommodation ,which was printed on our E-ticket that we had a booking at the Meridien, so with our 2 children both ways on the way over and return we didn't even sit with the kids. So basicallly we've worked out with Emirates, nothing sticks, they promise you one thing and then change it on you afterwards and they don't care. Even though they might be cheaper, they are not as professional as Singapore Airlines and the staff aren't as friendly, the airline food was ordinary, can't really say I enjoyed Dubai, it's a very male dominated city wh ere females are looked on to serve and get out of the man's way when you are walking around, I don't really want to go back here and neither do my kids. One 12 year boy walked into my daughter & knocked her hard in the shoulder in a shopping centre he didn't even apologise, when I had a go at him about what happened, he just swore at me. The boys there are raised to be superior. This wouldn't happen in Singapore. Happy to be in Europe or our beautiful Australia, how lucky we are to live here in a free & equal society. Singapore Airlines could you please increase you bag allowance as going to Europe in December with all the winter clothes it's really hard to have 20kg, Emirates gives you 30kg, this was one reason, apart from the ticket cost that was also cheaper and you can fly business class one way on the long part of the haul and economy on the return or shorter flight haul, more flexible in their fares, these were the reasons we went with Emirates but we didn't enjoy the airline or Dubai. Singapore is heaps better.

25 January 2013 02:01:00 Riv

i traveleld from capetown to dubai the entertainment was horrible but the food was bad to because i orderd a vegiterian meal but i got meat!and the landing was super hard and the pepole were least i got to dubai at last. i was relieved!!!!!!!!!!!

21 January 2013 05:01:00 Stein

Madrid to Bangkok via Dubai. First time flying this airline but will never fly them again. The ticket was a couple hundred dollars cheaper than that of a real airline - but beware, there is a reason! This airline has ZERO customer service. You pay nearly a grand for a ticket, but McDonalds has better customer service. The ground staff at Madrid Airport were unbelievably rude and unhelpful. In the end the ticket actually cost me more money - not to mention stress and time - because for the first time in my entire life - and I fly often - I missed my flight despite arriving early, due to incompetent and rude ground staff. They then had the nerve to charge me $335 to put me on a later flight even though it was their fault! I wrote to management about this entire ordeal and their reply was basically "sorry Charlie." I learned that in life you get what you pay for. There is no free lunch. The flights are cheap for a reason.

21 January 2013 10:01:00 ken Murphy

Hello, I am writing to give your company some feedback about the service my wife and I received on one of your flights from London to Dubai EK006 on the 7th January (booking ref FLE4MJ). First let me say that our flight from Sydney to Dubai 10th November 2012 and Dubai to London 23rd December was very good with excellent service but from London to Dubai was a different story, your flight crew were very friendly and helpful, i am not sure if they were under training or short staffed but after takeoff we waited over two hours for any food or drinks to be served then it was over one and a half hours before the food and trays were taken away so we could not get out of our seats, as i have said the crew were great apart from the time it took them to serve us. Anyway we will see how our flight from Dubai is when we fly back to Sydney on the 7th February goes, hopefully all goes well otherwise I am sorry to say we may return to fly with Singapore Air. Thanks for your time, hope this helps you improve your airline. Cheers, Ken Murphy & Shereen Samy.

20 January 2013 10:01:00 Issam Haddadin

Emirates airlines in Amman Jordan very poor in services and passenger handling. the visa process is very poor. Capt. Haddadin 078-7777766

14 January 2013 11:01:00 Eve Clark

I shall not fly with Emirates again. I had a bad experience with them in October and have been trying to contact the Dubai Head Office ever since. No matter which address I write to my letters come back to me. I did hear that customer service was non existant with Emirates Airlines - it seems I heard correctly.

12 January 2013 09:01:00 Howie Klein

My friend & I flew roundtrip from L.A. to India on Emirates this month. I flew business and he flew economy. We flew Emirates because they are the only airline that makes it possible to leave Cochin and arrive in L.A. without a one night stay-over in another city. At least that's the theory. Although it worked for my friend in economy, Emirates kicked all the business class passengers off in Dubai after they had sold our seats and made us stay overnight in the airport hotel. HORRIBLE service and a culture of lies and mendacity. I wrote about the experience on my blog:

10 January 2013 07:01:00 ayesha matloub


05 January 2013 07:01:00 Lauren Sutton

Flew from Birmingham to Muscat on Jan 2nd 2013.Very late leaving,cabin crew rude,surly,lazy and condescending.Service non existent and missed my connection in Dubai as it left 40 mins early!NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!

25 December 2012 08:12:00 Guest

is this forum even read by any of the emirates airlines authority or are we wasting time here?

25 December 2012 08:12:00 Guest

Not to forget they ask for bribes for extra baggage to be cleared, I dont understand why do they hire african women on the counters...they must hire asians . Guest : This airline has the worst customer service centre we have ever seen. It even beats Easy Jet and Ryan Air which should tell you something. The staff do not give any respect to fare paying customers and they are more interested in their own comfort.

18 December 2012 12:12:00 parayil mohan tharakan

I traveled bu Emirates(frequent flyer) from Cochin(india) to Newcastle UK,on 14and15/12/12.This was my return flight.The seat number Igot from Dubai to Newcastle was 44K,flight number 035. The table and the glass holder was filthy with some possible gum stuck on to it. I did point this out to the stewardess and she helped me to have the next seat(lucky it was empty) I was totally unhappy about this.....and this was the only time I felt so.... I fly frequently with the Emirates airways This is mainly to bring this incident to your attention. Thank you

17 December 2012 11:12:00 B W

Flight from Singapore to Melbourne (EK 0404) 1 Feb 2012 During the flight from Singapore to Melbourne, my daughter (4 years old) was injured as a consequence of the negligence of one of flight crew members. My kids asked one of the flight crew members to bring them noodles, so she served them very hot noodles in a plastic cup without inform them (were sitting on the side seats) or us (me and my wife) were sitting in the middle seats, that the noodles were extremely hot and that caution should be taken in opening the cup. As you are no doubt aware, my daughter is only 4 years old and consequently the risk of possible injury was reasonable foreseeable and even probable in the circumstances. When my daughter opened the cup of noodles, she spilt the hot contents on her chest, stomach and bottom. She immediately started to cry and scream feeling the burn. The only treatment that was available on the flight was by way of application of cold towels and ice provided by the crew members. It was apparent to me and my wife that immediate medical treatment was required and therefor we requested the crew to call an Ambulance to be waiting on my daughter’s arrival at Melbourne airport. Upon arrival, my daughter was transported to the Royal Children’s Hospital by Ambulance. At the hospital my daughter received treatment for the burn injuries, which she had sustained. It is presently unclear as to how long it will take for these injuries to fully heal and furthermore it is presently uncertain as to whether permanent scarring will be a result of the incident described herein. We have been left traumatised and anxious since this incident. My daughter continues to have nightmares and sleep difficulties since that happened and I have a psychologist report shows that she suffered from that accident. I have an official medical report also from Royal Melbourne hospital and some photograph that had taken by the hospital photographer. After all what happened they didn't apologize, they didn't even call to check and asked how my daughter condition, and even the treatment costs I've been taking care of it

04 December 2012 07:12:00 Guest

They have hired the worst ground staff at the Dubai terminal 3, all the crooks have been hired by emirates specially the african national staff. All they want is extra buck under the table for over weight. Ive stopped travelling by emirates.

22 November 2012 07:11:00 Guest

journey was good... but it was so hectic crew was helping................

08 November 2012 06:11:00 Mike

Various Flights over 15 Years - Gold Member I have been a regular with Emirates Airlines and felt everything was acceptable and sometimes even above the average mark until I broke the pattern and started travelling with other Airlines of similar class. This simple act made me see certain aspects of my flight which were always there with Emirates but then I felt it was acceptable. I would like to share my thoughts here for the benefit of others. Cabin Crew – Languages - Having travelled various destinations served by Emirates, there is a pattern I want to share. It is a practice to announce the range of languages spoken by the crew which were usually say French & English and apart from that Serbian, Croatian, Romanian, Slovenian, etc. (predominantly East European) Everything BUT the language of the flight destination!!! I would ideally expect a responsible airline to have at least one or two flight attendants who speak the destination language serving in the aircraft and if that’s not possible, then do not advertise this at all. Cabin Crew – Service – I have received a reasonable level of service except for the odd flight and moody attendants but my other fellow passengers have not been so lucky in several flights. Coming from the UK ( I do not want to enter into specifics since this may get flagged and not posted) I probably confirm to the average European traveller. From the gestures and conversations’ of the crew towards passengers who do not confirm to the average traveller, it was abundantly clear that they were not properly trained in handling other cultures. It was easy to conclude that predominantly the crew were unhappy which transforms into their behaviour which affect the overall experience of all passengers on board. I have been chatting up with the crew regularly and I have gathered that predominantly the crew come from a background of being a bar tender / waitress which might be one of the reasons for their behaviour and also geographically from areas such as Eastern Europe which also could influence behaviours towards passengers. Instead of avoiding these issue if proper training is given, it will benefit all concerned. Emirates Ground Staff - I have noticed that Emirates ground staff in Dubai have started behaving like Border officials. I happen to overhear their questioning of passengers in Dubai and I was shocked at the questions. These for me should only be asked by officers representing an authority such as UKBA or likes of.. when there is a reason for doubt (staff must be able to prove and list the reasons) . It should not be long before someone gets upset and takes it up more seriously and ends up as a case in front of a European or American Judge. There are several positive things about Emirates, like price, connections’, frequency, In-flight movie choices etc, etc, and several reasons to complain as well….I could go on.. But in brief, emirates have come leaps and bounds from their humble beginnings’ and there is always a price to pay for success which Emirates is not handling well. If they don’t address this, then this might be the beginning of their end as a big player within the airline industry.

15 October 2012 02:10:00 Guest

One of my worst travels ever for going and returning flights as am going fron Dubai to LA small flight bad service and the website nost of the time is not working probably customer service is really bad as well

29 September 2012 02:09:00 Guest

Good airline, excellent service

27 September 2012 10:09:00 Dr Gerwin Gerket

Emirates is ok when everything goes well, but their customer service is real lusy when things go wrong. Will never fly with rthem again.

24 September 2012 06:09:00 Elena

Oh my! When I was travelling from Singapore to Brisbane. It was a 7hour night flight. And I was flying alone. It was my first alone trip out of Sg. So on that flight they had these beautiful twinkling starry night light displays on the ceiling, warm blankets, and I had the whole three seats to myself. The stewardess and stewards were very warm and friendly and kept asking me if I would like something to drink or if they could get me anything to make me feel more comfortable. It was wonderful service, warm and I didn't feel alone on the plane because the ambience was warm and friendly. I would like to thank emirates for letting me catch 4 up-to-date movies, and providing great service and also for making me very comfortable during my trip to Brisbane. I would definitely fly emirates again and would choose to fly emirates whenever possible out of my country to see the other parts of the world, because I want to fly in style and comfort. It was a value for money and rewarding experience. (I'll never forget)

31 August 2012 08:08:00 tony natale

the maltese people think the emirates is one of the best air line in the world

23 August 2012 01:08:00 Guest

Please arrange early deliver of goods under AWB no 0176-24677461

13 July 2012 07:07:00 dr.bharatkumar b. pandya

travel was very much comfortable. But air port ahmedabad had exrta charge on 18th april I was travelling from ahmedabad to california via seatale. Kindly guide me for refund of illegal money that was charge in name of taxes.

23 June 2012 10:06:00 Talha Abdul Rashid

this airline is the best.i love this airline

23 June 2012 03:06:00 Ahmed Almrhoon

To: whom it may concern With Emirates Airlines, I’m writing to report an incident that occurred during trip [EK 415]. Please be informed that I have always been treated as a loyal patron of Emirates airline], Unfortunately with this recent incident that happened to me on this specified trip, I have meanly been involved on a major issues with your airlinescustomer services which has spurred me to document a formal complaint and looking to obtain the sufficient indemnification for my grievances. I want to pay your attention to some issues and I hope you accept them. Emirates Airlines have a major problem with the customer services that happened twice with me and with other customers. First one happened with my family last December when they were flying fr om Sydney-Dubai-Dammam that my infant baby has no cradle. Moreover; the other problem happened again with me when I flew from Canberra to Dammam. Just to let you know that until this letter has been written no one solved my problem or even calls me to resolve the issue which makes my family and I as well so disappointed from the way the customer services dealt with us. Here are some examples of how rude are some of your employee. 1- first of all when I was at Canberra airport they told me that my luggage has been shipped from Canberra directly to Dammam ( Quants’ airline). Then , when I arrived at Sydney and tried to check there at Sydney customer services ,the officer deal with me Rudely by throwing my ticket on the counter and told me to check in before three hours advanced to flight time. 2- at Sydney, when I checked in I asked about my luggage and customer services officer said that they had been shipped to Dammam. When I arrived to Dubai I forgot my wallet and neck pillow on the plane and I went directly to the nearest customer service counter to told them but what I have forgotten I really shocked that more than 6 employees were chatting together while I was waiting . Sadly I may say No one of them gave me any attention although I was the only one on the line. When they respond , I asked about the lost and found office and if there is a food voucher because I lost my wallet . Beside that I asked if I can stay at the airport hotel because I arrived at Dubai at 14:00 hours’ time and my next flight will be on 21:30. My tragedy didn’t stop yet & that when The employee asked me to go to another counter to find out my items and I went to total of 6 counters & each one forwarded me to the other one and when I spoke to them they left me alone waiting while they answered their personal cellphone. On the other hand the Last counter told me rudelyto stay at any external hotel outside the airport and it would not cost me more than 200 Dirhams & when I explained to her that I forgot my wallet on the plane and if she can follow up with the lost and found office, she simply ignored me and told me to follow up by my self. Finally When I arrived to Dammam, my three luggage’s were not yet arrived and when I asked about them they told me they still on Sydney airport eventhough I asked about my luggage on all counters. Finally I received two bags with massive damages on both of them after two days. It is worth to mention that I am still waiting till this letter beingwritten & not receive any information or feed back about my baby car seat. Nevertheless I went to many appointments for my baby at different hospital in different cities at kingdom for hundreds of kilometers which make my baby at risk without baby seat. I am here writing wh ere on your responsibility, if any harm could happen to my son while we are using car without baby seat. I am not sure after what happened if my family and I could be able to deal with Emirates airline again. After all this and long time approximately three weeks of waiting to any response for my questions about baby seat ,I do not know what is the benefit? “Please contact me before 23/6/2012 to confirm that my requests will be honored. If I do not hear from you by then, I will report this incident to the appropriate agencies Chairman of Emirates Air Iam lookinfpg forward to hear from you as soon as possible. Your sincerely , Ahmed Almarhoon Swimming coach of Saudi national team. Email:- +966-504803022 +966-543892718 Membership number: 283 542 615

19 June 2012 11:06:00 Guest

In economie no good tratment of passengirs

13 June 2012 11:06:00 Jack Newton

Emirates is the best

02 March 2009 04:03:00 Guest

Emirates now has Russian language website

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