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Arik Air Discussion

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01 February 2015 11:02:00 oluwatoyin salami

I flew from NIGERIA to London on Friday morning and when I got to London,the next morning which was on Saturday I cheked my luggage and I was very disappointed,my goods were stolen from my iPhone 4 & 5, my Rolex and my blackberry,after all I dashed the guy 1,000 naira,so I never knew they will open my bag with a bic to steal my items.pls I need this items back immediately,my contact number is ...07984211055. Thank u

24 January 2015 01:01:00 Praise Gimba

Am really upset right now. I am a Nigerian student schooling in the Gambia. Came back to the Gambia on the 21st of January. Came back with Arik from Nigeria. They left our luggage in Nigeria. When they finally brought them I discovered that some of my things were missing from my bag. Please this is really not nice. Apart from the delay in bringing our bags some of my things are missing and I am a student.

15 January 2015 06:01:00 Dr Jack

The worst and most disgusting airline ever !!!! I booked a return flight from Heathrow to Owerri and after flying in from London without getting a blanket despite my numerous pleas not to talk of the non functional television screens, we arrived at Sam Mbakwe from Lagos only to discover that this lazy airline left my luggages in Lagos thereby making me stay in the airport from 08:45 until 19:30 at night. No staff was at hand to talk to the passengers who were affected and the only one who took our numbers from us to contact us should our bags arrive, no one even sent me a text not to talk of a ring concerning this till this day (4 weeks after). On my return trip back to the UK, this despicable airline cancelled our connecting flight to Lagos without informing any of the passengers thereby making us miss the flight to Heathrow from Lagos. After all the excuses, they refused to logde us into a hotel which even made the matter worse they came up with a suggestion of flying us into Lagos and abandoning everyone to their own fate until the next day, that is only if we will agree to sign an undertaking which we all rejected. When this irritating airline with the worst staff ever agreed to logde us in an Owerri hotel after we refused their staff as well as other intending passengers access to the check in stands, they kept us in the least of rooms and denied both the kids as well as adults of a single meal. We had to unite together, ate as a group and refused to pay for our lunch despite all the threats from the hotel who locked us in during our departure in the morning because they wanted us pay for our meals the previous afternoon. The commotion ensued once more at the gates before the Arik manager who has been collaborating with the hotel rang to agreed that Arik will pay for the meals. Our flight to Lagos onward Heathrow wasn't the best but at least finally I made it home to see my family. Despite my resolution never to fly Arik again, my heart still bleeds that such a bullish, toutish and hostile airline is allowed to torment passengers the way Arik does. One could have seen the force with which their untrained and lousy staff ask for the headsets and blankets from passengers even when it's obviuos that these passengers were still using these things. My question this is ; Could the national/international air authority not revoke or discipline this shameless airline before they jeopardise the lives of innocent people with their very poor, humiliating and filthy operations ?

02 January 2015 06:01:00 Guest

Dr Susanna Dodgson : Last night, New Year's Eve, a plane to JFK from Lagos did not leave because "it did not have fuel". The time is 10.40pm. The flight that should leave New York for Lagos is probably still at JFK. I would not use this place for cargo

01 January 2015 11:01:00 Dr Susanna Dodgson

Last night, New Year's Eve, a plane to JFK from Lagos did not leave because "it did not have fuel".

27 December 2014 07:12:00 Francois

Arik air is beyond useless. My wife was suppose to fly Lagos to Johannesburg 01h00 this morning. She has just entered the waiting area before you board. It is now 17h30. Excuse: apparently no fuel. This is not our first bad experience with Arik. Dr. Somebody is the Arik CEO. Where did he get his doctorate? The university for completely incompetent management?

19 December 2014 03:12:00 Guest

That is the problem with arik. They are thieves. If you buy a thicket for 3.30pm, just know that they will keep you till 5pm to join the 5pm flight. The ac is not function in the airline

12 December 2014 03:12:00 Guest

Why exactly are you guys wasting time and effort on Arik? It is a useless airline and that will never change. Writing about your woes here will not change this fact and you may be wondering why I myself am writing and it is to help others who feel the need to do so in the future. Beggars cannot be choosers. Close your eyes, pay the £100, £200 or even £300 difference and fly with international airlines. Do yourself a favour. Start thinking better of yourself. In terms of local flights you are screwed with Arik but International flights just go with a non-Nigerian airline. It is better for your blood pressure.

10 December 2014 11:12:00 Guest


25 November 2014 05:11:00 Guest


25 November 2014 05:11:00 Guest

My Husband was delayed by Arik as he did not have our marriage certicate to validate his visa. they delayed him and stopped him from travelling. he was told he wont have to pay to rebook. on the agreed date, he was told he has to pay otherwise, they wont fly him. he basically paid twice for the same flight. ARIK ARE ALL LIARS AND MONEY HUNGRY AIRLINE. TYPICAL NIGERIAN AIRPLANE...

26 October 2014 08:10:00 Dr. G. O. Isibor

I dropped Mr. Stephen Igbe, at the Murtala international airport today to check in for an arik flight to London, while I went to park the car. I returned to the counter to find him being treated in a most unhelpful manner. He is fairly elderly and he was asking for wheelchair asistance. The duty manager was not only asking him to pay $50, but he was also telling him, an old man that require wheelchair assistance,  that he had to go upstairs to the cashiers office to first pay and obtain a receipt before he could be attended to. The duty manager kept on saying over and over,, I am the duty manger, my name is - . If you do not like it, you can put in an official compliant! I wondered out aloud, whether he was inferring that an official complaint will not achieve much. Finally, I had to go upstairs with one of the Arik staff,  to make the payment and make the arrangements. I wondered what would have happened, if I had not come back from the car park to assist.  I believe firmly that your counter staff, and especially the duty manager in question, has very little clue on how to attend to people. They will certainly benefit from training that should be designed to teach them to be helpful to passengers, especially those that are needy.  May I also say that I saw such a programme advertised by Poise Nigeria Ltd. a few weeks ago. The title was, The enemies within the organisation, turning them into champions. You do need to change the attitude and orientation of your Mr. "You can make an official report if you like". Regards,  Dr. G. O. Isibor Pro Chancellor,  Benson Idahosa University,  Benin City.  08022245408 Sent from Samsung Mobile

21 July 2014 03:07:00 Joseph

I can say with confidence, Arik airline is the worst airline out there. Every flight I've been on with Arik has been a disappointment in one way or another. Arik can not provide basic service it is charging its customers for and their monitors never works. Their staff is a disgrace to the airline industry. Unwelcoming and rude. Its as if they are doing you a favor each time you ask them for anything. TO ARIK STAFF: Your job exist because of your passenger, but i guess that is too difficult for you to figure out. Arik airline is a disgrace to the airline industry and it should not be operating

30 June 2014 05:06:00 Guest

My return flight from Ghana was on May 31. I got to the airport two and half hours before chech in time which was suppose to be at 6:30 Ghana time. After my check in I went straight to boarding gate sat there till 9:30 pm and when I approach the staff at KIA they told me I have missed my flight whaaaat? I have been sitting there with another UCC student going to Nigeria because school was on break no amount of works could convince the Arik staff to do something. I was making a connecting flight from Nigeria to JFK so eventually they ask me to pay $835 before I was able to get next day flight. In fact if I have gun on me there something drastically would have happened. What annoyed me most was that they were claiming my name was called twice, the Nigeria student who was also left behind can bare me witness. If I don't hear my name what about him too? Before my traveling my friends in New York warned but I decided to give them a try and lo and behold they were right. I wish I can talk to the whole world about how this airline called Arik are stealing from people. Frank dissatisfied customer

12 June 2014 07:06:00 Guest

Worst flight ever. Period

06 June 2014 12:06:00 Guest

Their London ground staffs are rude, after not letting me get on my flight, they have further asked for £295 pounds to re-schedule my ticket and one week on, we are stil on it.

04 June 2014 08:06:00 Guest

Worst Airline to travel with

28 May 2014 02:05:00 Guest

Charles Anyigbo : On my way back to London on a Saturday, we were about 20 of us on the queue. All of a sudden a staff of Arik came and counted 5 people on the queue and said they can continue to check in and the rest of us, he said 'NO FLIGHT FOR YOU' Thinking he was joking, I said this must be a joke. He replied 'OK WAIT AND SEE IF I AM JOKING' It happened they had overbooked and those of us with confirmed ticket will have no seat. I had to buy fresh ticket because the ticket I had was a promotion one which if not used on that flight is lost. I severally told them I had to return to work on Monday in London so I had to PAY for the next flight which was on Sunday. When they gave me the ticket, it read WEDNESDAY! I said I must travel on Sunday. They said in that case I must pay 23,000 naira to change it to Sunday. Well this made me mad again. Well I know we are in the Primordial society called Nigeria where no government will help me so I made to pay the money but they REFUSED saying they were not sure there will be seat for me. The next day, it took the intervention of their manager for them to take the 23,000 Naira from me making it a total of 146,00. I got my Boarding Pass. When it was time to board the aircraft, what we saw was a SMALL REGIONAL JET! to fly us to London. They had diverted the Normally Big aircraft that was to take us to London to fly to USA. I wondered why the collected 23,000 Naira from me and still told me they were not sure I will get seat because it was full. An Arik worker told me there over 30 vacant seat in the small Jet. Infact I sat alone on a row. People complained but all to Arik staff deaf ears. We prayed that the small jet takes us safely on the Long journey to London. My promise to God was that I will never enter Arik Airline again. Thanks be to God we made it to London. I wrote to Arik 3 times to complain about this corporate thievery, dishonesty and zero percent customer service but no reply. In my anger I cursed Arik and till date I tell anyone I come across about this treatment and advise them to stear clear of Arik Air.

06 May 2014 04:05:00 Guest

I Would never wish my worst enemy to take this aircraft. This is a very long story, bare with me. I knew something was wrong when I boarded this flight in NY to Sierra Leone via Lagos on 9 March 2014. I spent 45 minutes in the plane as it loaded and the ac was not on, people were using magazines to fan themselves, I asked an air hostess on 3 separate occasions to turn on the ac, she did not do this and she later took off her jacket and her armpits were soaked. Most of the tvs did not work although the staff still handed out earphones, cheap airline. I got safely to Lagos and the connecting flight was a formula 1 race to take off. On 30 April 2014, I left Freetown and went to Lungi for a 530 pm flight(W30078), boarding Sea Coach at Aberdeen at 1100 am. At 6 pm, the plane did not arrive when according to my boarding pass we should be airborne. At 7 pm I was briefed by a guy who was responsible for loading the luggage on the aircraft that the plane has not left Nigeria, when I asked for management I was told they had already left, this guy then gave me 30 000 leones to compensate me for a 180, 000 leones ferry ride across the harbour. The following day I went to the office at Howe St Freetown where I spoke to Mr A Feima and told him of my plight. I was issued another ticket for 530 pm the 2 May 2014 and I followed up with an email stating the dilemma I would find myself in if this flight did not occur. I was booked for a 1225 pm flight fr om NY to Jamaica on the 3rd, a flight I would have been able to make if I was on the original flight. So lightening doesn't strike in the same place twice, right? On the 2 May 2014, I was at Lungi again for a 530 flight, it never occurred, this time i was able to find management who booked me on a 11 pm flight. I asked the person now that I will miss the connecting flight and will miss my NY connection, how will I be compensated. I was told mention my situation in Lagos as there is wh ere the headquarters is located. The 11 pm flight did not arrive until 530 am from Banjul the next morning, myself and other passengers slept on benches in Lungi airport. When we arrived at Muhammed Muturla myself and others went to the Arik office at around 9 am, at 12 pm no one came to seriously address our problems, we were booked in a hotel as we were to fly out on the Sunday to NY. After raising my voice about the lack of attention and not even a bottle of water, we were taken to a hotel, MEI hotel. The rooms had no towel, soap or toilet paper. The shower was non-existent and had to use a bowl to take water from a bucket and poor over my body. Up until this time no one told if I will be compensated for my missed flight in NY. After boarding the flight in Lagos, no ac again so we sat in the heat, and departed 2 hours after scheduled departure. While waiting, the captain came on the pa and said that in business class some chairs were not working and passengers are to take the advice of the crew as they wanted no one to be injured, most of the tv screens I saw were not working, now I started to wonder what else was not working with this aircraft. Thank God we landed safely in NY, there was no one from Arik to ask about my connecting flight that Arik caused me to miss. What I came to realize, for those flights that did not materialize in Sierra Leone there were also 210 pm flights that also did not materialize, I believe the airline was not willing to fly aircrafts on schedule for flights that were not fully booked. So they falsely advertised schedule flights and passengers have no option but to sit on wait on the last flight or diverted flights. In other words, their actions are criminal and sadly reinforces the bad impression people have of Nigerians. I advice everyone, do not take this Airline, the pain and additional cost incurred is not worth it.

30 April 2014 12:04:00 NaijaTalks

I must say that Arik has alot of improvements to make, however we also have to look at what else Nigeria has produced in terms of airlines. There is no other better. Improvements definitely are needed on the customer service side of things, but also government needs infrastructure improvements as well. My flights on Arik have luckily been decent. Delays have been minimal, 1hr on two occasions. Service is okay for the typical 1hr flight, and I feel safer on their flights than any other except Aero.

15 April 2014 03:04:00 Guest

I was supposed to take a flight on Sunday 4/6/14 leaving Accra to Lagos and then to JFK. The original time was 6:30pm from Accra to Lagos, but on March 30 I received an email that the schedule was changed to 8:30pm. So I processed as planned to the airport, at the airport was told there was a delay in our flight and they are not sure if we will make our connection flight. Remember on March 30 they changed the schedule but now stated a 2 hrs. delay until 8:30pm (LIE 1). Later we were told we could not board and to return on Tuesday morning 6am (LIE 2). As I was returning home I called customer service in Lagos and was told there are no flights going to JFK on Tuesday only Wednesday. So now someone is lying to me which I’m not sure who. On Monday I went online and checked for flights on Tuesday and it stated there was a schedule to JFK (LIE 3). I then called customer service in Accra and they gave me the same response and want us to leave early and not be stuck again (LIE 4). HERE'S THE GOOD PART. As planned I arrived at 6am for check in and now told there was no flight to JFK Tuesday only Wednesday. Now I am mad because I spent more money and more time and will not make it to work. We were furious and demanded them to find us another airline, but told us they do not associate with other airlines. Manager still insisted on us returning Wednesday. I told the Manager if that’s the case they need to feed us and give us a place to sleep. He stated something about the policy not allowing him to (LIE 5), I was not trying to hear that. In the mean time they were trying to rebook us for Wednesday. I told the Manager that I did not care about Wednesday because they can disappoint us again, so I want to know what he is going to do for us today. Waited about 4hrs for conformation again giving me less hope on leaving. But if they provide a place to sleep and food to eat, then they will have to do the same over and over. The hotel is associated with the airline they just try to find ways to not provide it to customers. They came and picked us up from the hotel on Wednesday for our journey. THIS WAS MY 1ST AND WILL BE MY LAST FLIGHT WITH ARIK AIR. ONE LIE AFTER ANOTHER THEY CANT HELP IT. THAT WILL BE THERE DOWN FALL.

13 April 2014 09:04:00 char!"£

On my way back to London on a Saturday, we were about 20 of us on the queue. All of a sudden a staff of Arik came and counted 5 people on the queue and said they can continue to check in and the rest of us, he said 'NO FLIGHT FOR YOU' Thinking he was joking, I said this must be a joke. He replied 'OK WAIT AND SEE IF I AM JOKING' It happened they had overbooked and those of us with confirmed ticket will have no seat. I had to buy fresh ticket because the ticket I had was a promotion one which if not used on that flight is lost. I severally told them I had to return to work on Monday in London so I had to PAY for the next flight which was on Sunday. When they gave me the ticket, it read WEDNESDAY! I said I must travel on Sunday. They said in that case I must pay 23,000 naira to change it to Sunday. Well this made me mad again. Well I know we are in the Primordial society called Nigeria where no government will help me so I made to pay the money but they REFUSED saying they were not sure there will be seat for me. The next day, it took the intervention of their manager for them to take the 23,000 Naira from me making it a total of 146,00. I got my Boarding Pass. When it was time to board the aircraft, what we saw was a SMALL REGIONAL JET! to fly us to London. They had diverted the Normally Big aircraft that was to take us to London to fly to USA. I wondered why the collected 23,000 Naira from me and still told me they were not sure I will get seat because it was full. An Arik worker told me there over 30 vacant seat in the small Jet. Infact I sat alone on a row. People complained but all to Arik staff deaf ears. We prayed that the small jet takes us safely on the Long journey to London. My promise to God was that I will never enter Arik Airline again. Thanks be to God we made it to London. I wrote to Arik 3 times to complain about this corporate thievery, dishonesty and zero percent customer service but no reply. In my anger I cursed Arik and till date I tell anyone I come across about this treatment and advise them to stear clear of Arik Air.

13 April 2014 07:04:00 Guest

Arik air!God will punish u people on my behalf,if I miss my appointment 2day because of u pple,i will curse u guys!idiots

11 April 2014 07:04:00 Olusegun Olanipekun

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I was on board Arik air from Calabar via Uyo to Lagos on the 7 April 2014. The pilot welcomed us on board and introduced all crew members. He described himself as popularly called "babalawo" Babalawo in Yoruba means the witch doctor or Sangoma in South African language Is this pilot sensitive to the community that he serves? And is the airline aware of the risk taken by this introduction? Please note that Babalawo is renown for rituals including human sacrifices demanded by the gods on a regular basis — this is the general knowledge that people have about babalawos all over the continent. If a pilot introduces himself as a "babalawo" I get concerned because one does not know when his flight and the passengers would be sacrificed on board. Unfortunately this is the reality and the airline as well as this pilot need to be aware of what is going on Unless I receive an unreserved apology on this I am considering alerting the general public and the christian community on the continent of Africa to avoid using Arik air because it poses a serious threat to life.

26 March 2014 07:03:00 Guest

Avoid Arik Air at all cost! On March 25 2014 we were on flight W3 101 a "direct" flight from Lagos to London Heathrow. We were held for 2hours on the Tarmac after which a Pilot named Maharaja told us all that the plane will now fly via a stopover at Accra, Ghana(another country) on orders from management. Some of us went mad at this crazy previously undisclosed change of schedule,alas the delays meant we eventually got to London at about 10.40pm instead of the original time of 6:30pm! Most of us swore never to use their services again. Arik Air is an absolute disgrace!!!

21 March 2014 03:03:00 Guest

You can get more information about Arik and other players in Nigerian aviation at:

20 March 2014 01:03:00 Guest

Their portal is not user friendly atall, so outdated,

01 March 2014 06:03:00 Guest

I work for Arik and i can tell you if you value your life do not fly on Arik. if that does not tell you everything you need to you i do not know what will.

13 February 2014 07:02:00 Guest

Simply put, this is the WORST airline to travel on. Don't be fooled by the low fares; Delta and Virgin are just are low or maybe a few $ mores. I will gladly pay the extra $79 or fly to Atlanta than take Arikair again. WORST AIRLINE. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. WORST EVERYTHING. NEVER EVER AGAIN.

13 February 2014 06:02:00 Larry Odigie

This is the WORST airline to travel with. The customer service is poor. The attendants are unfriendly. And when you have an issue they do not try to accommodate. I wasn't able to get a flight out from LOS due to (according to them--shortage of gas) as a result we had to sleep on the airport floor for FOUR days. They kept lying giving us one excuse after the other--had they just told us the truth that they were flying because their cheap enterprise didn't want to operate a plane at 30% capacity we would have just changed flights to another airline. Instead they kept giving us false stories (the plane is en-route, once it gets here we will board/the plane just landed in Ghana we are getting gas now/the Nigeria air authority has just informed us that we can't fly for unspecified reason [meanwhile other airlines were].....the stories went on for days until enough people amassed and then they finally flew. THIS IS ATROCIOUS!!!!. I WILL NEVER EVER FLY ARIK AIR AGAIN. I will pay the extra $100 to fly Delta

05 January 2014 11:01:00 Guest

As the guest posting of 31 August. I am also waiting a refund for 2 months plus and all I get is "we are still checking to see if our account was credited". Christmas has come and gone now and no doubt a credit note has been issued internally to balance the books in Arik but the refund has not come back to me.

17 November 2013 10:11:00 Ewadoyin

After reading all this seriously scared cos I just book a flight to soulth afirca and all this comment is not encouraging...what will I do now dis isu first time to travel with them

10 November 2013 12:11:00 Carlos Antonio

oday, booked and paid for a flight with message passing route: Joanesburg - Nigeria Lagos, day roundtrip 19/11/2013 11/26/2013 day. Not received a ticket in my e-mail / b.magira88 @ Please send me contact me if you have the Arikair, concerned Transfer Reference: ZAR 4918.00 WEB Arikair ZARLONDON GB ZA Message My name is Carlos Antonio

31 August 2013 09:08:00 Guest

It takes too long to resolve customer complaints, eg no pnr yet acctount is debited and not reversed as soon . I ave one still pending sincse aug 11 2013. Here are th details pls resolve my issue arik the above transaction reversal has not been attended to despite all the calls I had made supplying my details . Again here is the details of the unsuccessful booking: Pax name : Ugonna Emechebe Destination: Lagos to Enugu Date of trans: Aug 11, 2013 this is the alert message on my GTbank card: Amt: NGN18,939.00 Dr Desc: POINT OF SALE PURCHASE TRANSACTION-/EAUMZN/11AUG2013/2243/www.arikair.cLANG

15 June 2013 10:06:00 ayodeji festus

Is it true arikair don't fly tuesday and thursdays from johannesburg to lagos?

31 May 2013 10:05:00 Guest

This air line will not reply your email when you complain of lost luggage. I am base in London travel with then to Lagos and lost my luggage. I have since then written several emails but no Reply. I have contacted a solicitor but can’t get the airline UK contact address and phone number can anyone help. Thanks Ade

20 May 2013 07:05:00 mr bright iyosi

arik air is one of the best so far.Thank God for arik air that covers almost every parts of the country with their daily flights.However,recently i noticed the arik air so called white men staff that behave so arrogant at the local GAT.Talk to passengers and staff anyhow. They dont have regard for their fellow arik staf-especially the blacks. What are they doing in that place when they have a lot of work to do in thier respective offices?I think i need to call arumeme on this.If he wont understand,i will call stella to investigate this. They are treated like gods in our country,but nothing in their native home. treat all your staff equally mr arumemi.

07 March 2013 02:03:00 Albert Akpong

The worst experience ever. Avoid this airline at all costs

04 March 2013 08:03:00 Guest

Pls try makin available an existing customer service line.its so sad dat we cnt reach ur office wen need be. Xcept goin to d office.I made a bookin nw 4rm PH to Lagos on behalf of MR Michelle account was debitedd but no reference code.pls hlp snd details to

18 February 2013 02:02:00 Joel Adetinkan

Just made a payment online for a round trip to New York tonight and after my payment machine could not process. It's difficult to locate your office for me for am not in Lagos but would be at the airport the right time. Please use your good office to send my booking details to my email address ....... My full name is JOEL BORI ADETINKAN Regards Joel Adetinkan

03 February 2013 05:02:00 Guest

all the comment of the customer need to be address, so that the company will move on in good maner, if there is any problem with flight let the customer know in time. so that there life will not be waisted, Arik staff try to go for training how to take good care of customer, so that all bad statement will reduse on your company, see orther air line the way they handle there customer how expensive it takes they still go with them, becuse, the take good care of them. no duplicate for life is only once. I am happy when Arik start work because is direct air line

22 January 2013 03:01:00 imo

to travel from west african gambia to nigeria with arikair now cost more than from nigeria to wao!

04 December 2012 02:12:00 Guest

I am ashamed to be a Nigerian in situations like this, everything is an avenue or an opportunity, how can Arik be this wicked to her fellow Nigerians, what is the reason for the 100% price hijack of air line ticket, ordinary from Dakar To Lagos that was suppose to be 310,000 franc CFA, but due to greed of the air line and been a Nigerian air line it has now come to 650,000 franc CFA, think about it, Do something before bad people plan against you like DANA Air line.

02 December 2012 07:12:00 Henry Fashola

My wife was suppose to come yesterday Sat Dec 1st but about 20mins to the departure time from Terminal 4, they told them that there flight was cancelled without proper or adequate information. They took them to an hotel of about 1hr to the airport after all the emotional torture they have went through. My pregnant wife doesnt have any clue as at when they would depart London to Lagos. With her i dont think she should be subjected to all this kind of stress. Infact, as at the time of writing this, they have not told them or address them what happened? when they would be living? Am highly disappointed in them greatly as this is the last time any of my family members will be travelling with Arik. This gap in communication or complete lack of communication to their customers realy got me mad. I even went to thier website searching for the update, to my amuse nothing was found. So so bad!!!!

02 December 2012 07:12:00 GuestMr. Gbolahan Ogunjobi

permit me to express my bitter opinion about what happened at heathrow termnial 4 on 2nd of December, a lot of passenger wanted to board an arik air line which had been scheduled to lagos , but to the surprises of all the passenger, the flight that was meant to leave heathrow terminal 4 at 9.30 so to say, was not leave until 10.30 pm , but the bitterness was that i was right in the terminal with my aged mum who was on medication, at around 8.00pm while some other passengers were still checking, but the the manager who was on duty was so hasty to many of the passenger that she instructed her staff members not to allow any of the passenger to board the plight simply because she didint like them and she knew quite all right that they will pay more money to change their ticket for the next day. i feel very disappointed, that i was trying to approach her and let her know the condition of my mother who was on medication and need some assisstance of her staff, but she couldnt feel concerned. my mum who is aged seventy by january could not sleep, eat and take her medication for the day, we are in the terminal till the next day,her leg was swollen. in fact this uncare altitude of some the staff might take a drastic effect on the life of the passenger. this issue need to be addressed. every body in the terminal was surprised and knew something is fishing somewhere, in fact this act of extortion is uncalled for for. i was advised to contact my agency, and the agency didn't pick up the phone, even though we called from last night till day break. the question is that who is going to responsible for my mum, who is going to pay the unexpected changes in the fare os the ticket for me and my mum, and arik air lines can't do anything in respect of these. I try to make contact with their lagos office, but the response was that they can't do anything to rescue my situation even though they feel concerned.before i can thriugh to their office in london to inform of the situation, it was around few minutes to 11am the following morning , and it was said in the machined on phone that they will resume business on sunday from 10am to 5pm. in fact this is not human.

21 November 2012 04:11:00 Guest

arik changed it's DEPARTURE time to 30 mins earlier from heathrow terminal 4 but would not let customers check in with only hand lugage if it had not been pre-checked, senior customer agent TARA WAS VERY INCONSIDERATE, and unflexible, she insisted we could not check in even though the check in counter was still open with a lot of people on the Que.........Arik air is bad in customer service...... BEWARE!!

07 November 2012 03:11:00 Joseph Kolo

I was shock and disappointed of Arikairline yesterday being 6th November 2012 when I went to ticket booking office here in Dakar, Senegal. I requested a ticket fr om Dakar to Lagos to fly Thursday 15th November as normal schedules and I was told ticket is 650,000 franc CFA going and coming back 1 month which I bought 310,000 franc CFA October 10th I went to Nigeria. But today we are given 100% increment for a couple of 1 month I travelled to Nigeria. I meet about 20 people at Arik office here in Dakar office and they where disappoint and changed thier mind to buy ticket from Senegalese airline 150,000 franc CFA inorder to fly from Dakar to Cotonue, Benin Republic so thay can take airport taxi to Lagos. This is a very big disappointment to Arik airline to your customers, if care is not taking there will be another airline either from Senegal here or other country is going to take over Arik wing here in Senegal. So many people has protest against the kind of increment they got from Arik air and they wh ere decided to apply another airline to take over Arik wing which can fly from Dakar to Lagos with normal price. Even Senegalese government was also aware of this, and had complained to have another airline any moment from now to replace Arik wing. Nigerians are very greedy, I can find out from what just happen. If they will be any increment it has to start from 25% or 50% but at a time your increment went to 100% you all have to be ashamed of yourself and your atitude

17 October 2012 12:10:00 DR CHRIS NWANDO 08037014930


08 October 2012 07:10:00 DR CHRIS NWANDO 08037014930


19 May 2012 02:05:00 Guest

Hello,my name is oluwole frm nigeria and just came to South Africa for a here with Arik airline and i want to be going back to nigeria 30th of this me so i can email u my flight details number and u can tell me all what i gonna do...pls im waiting ok

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