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Philippine Airlines Discussion

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11 August 2021 08:08:00 Guest

Guest : Yes. A hard lesson learned. I also wrote their Dept of Tourism but nothing ever came of it. That country is reeking with corruption to the core. It also seems theres media block out for negative publicity. But definitely not flying and heading that region. As much as I would love for my american children to discover their roots. It is not worth the headache, hassle and heartache. There are sooo many places to explore and spend our hard earned money on Cancun, Hawaii and Bali without having to deal with this POS airline and its just as fun. I wish its easy to set up a class action law suit. Is there any US based lawyer out there who got scammed by PAL? Thats a very huge amount of money they are holding and its supposed to make interest. I feel sorry dor those who charged credit card and earning interest for that tickets never used. [ QOUTE] Guest : 15 months and several emails and phone calls, and many empty promises that our refund is “coming soon, within 30 days”, we are still waiting for our US$2,000 refund. This airline is either totally inept or totally dishonest, likely a little bit of both, and 100% disrespectful of their customers. Whether or not we eventually get our refund, we will certainly no longer fly with this airline, and we will be sure to broadcast our story to anyone who will listen. Have you talk to ur bank about it they maybe can help u out. For me I have talked to my visa card and told me I shouldn't wait that long for my refund. The visa or Mastercard can help out to bring ur money right away.

09 August 2021 09:08:00 Guest

Yes. A hard lesson learned. I also wrote their Dept of Tourism but nothing ever came of it. That country is reeking with corruption to the core. It also seems theres media block out for negative publicity. But definitely not flying and heading that region. As much as I would love for my american children to discover their roots. It is not worth the headache, hassle and heartache. There are sooo many places to explore and spend our hard earned money on Cancun, Hawaii and Bali without having to deal with this POS airline and its just as fun. I wish its easy to set up a class action law suit. Is there any US based lawyer out there who got scammed by PAL? Thats a very huge amount of money they are holding and its supposed to make interest. I feel sorry dor those who charged credit card and earning interest for that tickets never used. [ QOUTE] Guest : 15 months and several emails and phone calls, and many empty promises that our refund is “coming soon, within 30 days”, we are still waiting for our US$2,000 refund. This airline is either totally inept or totally dishonest, likely a little bit of both, and 100% disrespectful of their customers. Whether or not we eventually get our refund, we will certainly no longer fly with this airline, and we will be sure to broadcast our story to anyone who will listen.

09 August 2021 06:08:00 Guest

15 months and several emails and phone calls, and many empty promises that our refund is “coming soon, within 30 days”, we are still waiting for our US$2,000 refund. This airline is either totally inept or totally dishonest, likely a little bit of both, and 100% disrespectful of their customers. Whether or not we eventually get our refund, we will certainly no longer fly with this airline, and we will be sure to broadcast our story to anyone who will listen.

08 August 2021 05:08:00 Beyond pissed off

Sorry were all in the same boat. Just be patient. It’ll come eventually. Im sure their current excuse now is Metro Manila is currently on lock down again and the offices are closed. My refund only started coming in after 18 months since the initial request to process refund. They didnt give the entire amount they took off like $20 out of $97 (domestic) that was paid per ticket. They took $70 off international I booked 11 tickets but they didnt refund per booking and instead I has to re apply for EACH ticket on their stupid website. I guess this airline is hoping the customers will just give up their refund assUming they already file claim with their travel insurance or their credit card company like how Amex paid their customers. I am still waiting for five out of 11 tickets. I am infuriated that they have the nerve to charge fees when the money paid to them in 2019 is pretty much an interest free loan for this scammer of an airline. All the airlines I booked for our 2020 canceled covid trip have already redunded in FULL except for Philippine Airlines. PAL kupal epal. Liquidity issues?? Their CFO is a greedy, cunning jerk. How can Cebu Pacific manage when this airline is the official carrier of that POS country. Karma will get eventually catch up to them. I am not using this airline ever even if I have to take a boat whatever QOUTE] Guest : CAB is not helping much. They cannot compel PAL to send the refund. They only tell them to respond to my complaint, and all they say is "It is under process"... "We will give you an update as soon as it is available"... It's been over a year now and I still don't have my refund.

08 August 2021 02:08:00 Guest

Guest : CAB is not helping much. They cannot compel PAL to send the refund. They only tell them to respond to my complaint, and all they say is "It is under process"... "We will give you an update as soon as it is available"... It's been over a year now and I still don't have my took us 18 months..we used CAB..contacted them at least a dozen times and they followed up everytime...we got our full refund on july/26/2021...these airlines cannot refund everyone at is a liquidity.

07 August 2021 03:08:00 Guest

CAB is not helping much. They cannot compel PAL to send the refund. They only tell them to respond to my complaint, and all they say is "It is under process"... "We will give you an update as soon as it is available"... It's been over a year now and I still don't have my refund.

07 August 2021 06:08:00 Guest

Guest : Hello can you help me. Philippine Airlines promised to give us our refund withing 5 months its is already 8months and still we haven’t receive the refund. I kept on calling them and it seems there were a lot of lapses. I feel really frustrated. To those who received their refund what did you do? Thanks in advance. Guest : Hello can you help me. Philippine Airlines promised to give us our refund withing 5 months its is already 8months and still we haven’t receive the refund. I kept on calling them and it seems there were a lot of lapses. I feel really frustrated. To those who received their refund what did you do? Thanks in advance.....Good matter how frustrating it may seem..Do not give up! Period. It took us 18 months to get our full..if you give up you will recieve zero...That them..go thru their social media links(Twitter,Facebook whatever)..write them(registered mail) and repeat ...furnish CAB Philippines with copies of plane tickets,flight no. and itinerary..follow up with CAB..we believe they helped have to be patient..frustrating for sure..but thats the way it me when I say Pal is not the only carrier doing this..there are numerous airlines doing the same thing as a travel agent recently told me..if an airline is not flying much that means they have no liquidity and its that much harder for them to pay back you and many creditors..keep fighting..I believe they will refund you..maybe not today or tomorrow..but they will.

06 August 2021 09:08:00 Guest

Hello can you help me. Philippine Airlines promised to give us our refund withing 5 months its is already 8months and still we haven’t receive the refund. I kept on calling them and it seems there were a lot of lapses. I feel really frustrated. To those who received their refund what did you do? Thanks in advance.

03 August 2021 07:08:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us[ Guest : Hi, happy for you for getting your refund. I also Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Happy for you for getting your refund. I also reached out to CAB Philippines and Canadian transportation agency as adviser by others. But so far I haven’t hear back from both. Just wondering how long did you wait after you contacted both agency until the refund? week after we submitted our info to CTA ..we received our full refund ..that said I think PAL was on/about to pay us anyways..a few days later Cab contacted us saying our file was now resolved with PAL..payment was deposited a few days earlier...Cab also said PAL still had many outstanding claims to pay out and was doing so...I guess because of liquidity issues it can be a longer process than most of us like..and PAL is certainly not the only airline going through these not give up..follow up with telephone calls, emails, letters anything and everything..they will tire of you and pay you your monies..good luck. ThAnks for giving me hope.Went through CAN and CTA already. Crossed fingers in a few days or so coz I’m totally sick of waiting.

03 August 2021 02:08:00 Guest

I got paid in installments which is very very annoying. Good thing I kept all the receipts and email. We have 11 domestic tickets paid in Nov 2019 which got split up in two separate bookings since their website only allows for maximum of 6 passengers per booking. They gave me two refund authorization chu chu on June 2020 so I figured one for each booking. The refunds just started coming in June 2021 and they are installments. They made me absorb all the difference with the exchange rates. Pathetic and stupid. Now I have to restart the refund process for five of my family members as they now have centralized system of processing refunds and they lost the details for that booking reference etc etc.. its just excuse after excuse. We also booked with Cebu Pacific and although it also took them quite a bit of time to refund, they have the decency to send generic auto emails that they are working on it and they are very apologetic. Cebu Pac also refunded every single penny no more no less. Unlike this Scammer of a company PAL. This airline cannot compensate for the massive amount of time, energy and resources I wasted to follow up. Like everyone else Im super super busy. PAL ultimately deserve a law suit.

01 August 2021 09:08:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us[ Guest : Hi, happy for you for getting your refund. I also Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Happy for you for getting your refund. I also reached out to CAB Philippines and Canadian transportation agency as adviser by others. But so far I haven’t hear back from both. Just wondering how long did you wait after you contacted both agency until the refund? week after we submitted our info to CTA ..we received our full refund ..that said I think PAL was on/about to pay us anyways..a few days later Cab contacted us saying our file was now resolved with PAL..payment was deposited a few days earlier...Cab also said PAL still had many outstanding claims to pay out and was doing so...I guess because of liquidity issues it can be a longer process than most of us like..and PAL is certainly not the only airline going through these not give up..follow up with telephone calls, emails, letters anything and everything..they will tire of you and pay you your monies..good luck.

01 August 2021 04:08:00 Guest

Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us[ Guest : Hi, happy for you for getting your refund. I also Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Guest : Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us Happy for you for getting your refund. I also reached out to CAB Philippines and Canadian transportation agency as adviser by others. But so far I haven’t hear back from both. Just wondering how long did you wait after you contacted both agency until the refund?

29 July 2021 04:07:00 Guest

Wow! I was wondering if i am the only one dealing with PAL and getting the horrible treatment. Done steps mentioned in the discussion except filing a complaint to the transportation agency to no avail. promises on phones when finally got someone and generic emails are all am getting. We got a double whammy cause we rescheduled our flight 2-3 days before they made their public announcement in March 2020 for free reschedule or voucher/refund and got charged the reschedule fee which they won't refund. Being proactive in this case was a very bad move. We are just trying to get what they told us we will get - got refund confirmation back in August 2020 and had been trying to still get that approved refund. Will file a complaint to transportation agency and include the reschedule fee issue.

29 July 2021 05:07:00 Guest

Good News!!..on July 26/2021 Philippine Airlines finally paid us our full refund..we kept on them with phone calls,emails..we furnished Cab (Philippines) with everthing they asked for..we furnished the Canadian Transportation Agency with pretty much the same tenacious and go after your money..its too hard to come took us almost 18 months..worth it too us

18 July 2021 06:07:00 Guest

Guest : Lara : Does any body know how to reach PAL in canada? It’s been more than a year and i haven’t heard anything from them. Really one of the worst airlines I’ve ever interacted with .....Hello...pretty pathetic airline...been trying to get our refund for 18 months..lots of emails to PAL..furnished CAB with countless emails,credit card no.'s..still to know refund yet..and still sending them emails every week as well...anyways try this.PAL Vancouver sales office Tel: (604)276-6015 to monday to friday 9:00 am to 5:00pm or PAL Toronto sales office Tel :(905)-405-9944 or 405 same office emailing PAL/phone PAL/..keep everything you do and don't stop! its your money! Lara : Does any body know how to reach PAL in canada? It’s been more than a year and i haven’t heard anything from them. Really one of the worst airlines I’ve ever interacted with

14 July 2021 06:07:00 Guest

Lara : Does any body know how to reach PAL in canada? It’s been more than a year and i haven’t heard anything from them. Really one of the worst airlines I’ve ever interacted with .....Hello...pretty pathetic airline...been trying to get our refund for 18 months..lots of emails to PAL..furnished CAB with countless emails,credit card no.'s..still to know refund yet..and still sending them emails every week as well...anyways try this.PAL Vancouver sales office Tel: (604)276-6015 to monday to friday 9:00 am to 5:00pm or PAL Toronto sales office Tel :(905)-405-9944 or 405 same office emailing PAL/phone PAL/..keep everything you do and don't stop! its your money!

13 July 2021 08:07:00 Guest

Hi. what’s the email for the US DOT. Thanks

13 July 2021 08:07:00 Guest

Lara : Does any body know how to reach PAL in canada? It’s been more than a year and i haven’t heard anything from them. Really one of the worst airlines I’ve ever interacted with Guest : I live in Canada Derek : We finally got our refund in full today. Three months ago, like most of you, we filed a complaint with the US DOT to which somebody from PAL replied that he would personally take care of it. If you haven't received yours yet, try following up with that email because that's what I did two weeks ago and make sure to cc US DOT. Hopefully, that helps.

12 July 2021 07:07:00 Lara

Does any body know how to reach PAL in canada? It’s been more than a year and i haven’t heard anything from them. Really one of the worst airlines I’ve ever interacted with

11 July 2021 10:07:00 Romulo

Check refund

Philippine Airlines 
03 July 2021 07:07:00 Guest

I live in Canada Derek : We finally got our refund in full today. Three months ago, like most of you, we filed a complaint with the US DOT to which somebody from PAL replied that he would personally take care of it. If you haven't received yours yet, try following up with that email because that's what I did two weeks ago and make sure to cc US DOT. Hopefully, that helps.

03 July 2021 12:07:00 Derek

We finally got our refund in full today. Three months ago, like most of you, we filed a complaint with the US DOT to which somebody from PAL replied that he would personally take care of it. If you haven't received yours yet, try following up with that email because that's what I did two weeks ago and make sure to cc US DOT. Hopefully, that helps.

02 July 2021 07:07:00 Guest

PAL charging fees on top of holding the refunds for far too long is adding insult to the injury. I only got a refund for one of the 11 tickets purchased on Nov 2019 for a canceled June 2020 trip. I already filed a complaint with my credit card issuer and with the US Dept ot Transportation 6 months ago. Does PAL want me to file for a separete complaint for each tickets even if they were booked togethet?!? Ridiculous idiots!!! Sa inyo na lang yang philippines nyo. No one is ever gonna want to visit that country kung sa airline pa lang palpak at crooks na. Guest : He can’t do anything; stop bringing him up as it doesn’t help. If you have Amex and used their customer service, you get your money back faster, otherwise you unfortunately have to go through refund pal email/wecare platform plus the civil aeronautics board and involve your country’s own transportation department. Guest : I think we need Mr.Raffy Tulfo's help for us to get our refund..

02 July 2021 04:07:00 Guest

He can’t do anything; stop bringing him up as it doesn’t help. If you have Amex and used their customer service, you get your money back faster, otherwise you unfortunately have to go through refund pal email/wecare platform plus the civil aeronautics board and involve your country’s own transportation department. Guest : I think we need Mr.Raffy Tulfo's help for us to get our refund..

02 July 2021 04:07:00 Guest

Final update: Finally we got our money back, minus a hundred dollar. So everyone do everything; file with civil aeronautics board but make sure you show them that you reached out to pals social accounts as well as locally if located in the us to file with better business bureau and U.S. Department of Transportation. When legal talks to you from civil aeronautics board and you show screen shots of what you did as well as ongoing conversations with pal and their refund email accounts, there will be hope. When pals legal team responds ask them for a copy of their certificate for refund continuously. Their legal team will say the same thing like we are working on the refund. Timeline booked feb 2020, asked for voucher in March 2020, ask for refund in April 2020, didn’t get a response until December 2020 and it was dated when I wanted the money back, and after 7 months after December, I got my money back Guest : Update: I’m the poster below who filed a complaint with civil aeronautics board. Their legal counsel arjuna das matthew f guevera states that pals refund department will finally expedite my refund and will cc my emails after doing so. I’m not sure if just dealing with the civil aeronautics board is the step, but by showing civil aeronautics board that you did everything, even responding to pals social media accounts as well as filing a complaint with the us, emails to online refund as well as making a case with their wecare system, this will escalate the case. I will update of when we are actually refunded. God bless!

01 July 2021 10:07:00 Maria

Finally got our refund back through my credit card doing a manual charge back after a year of waiting. Will never book with PAL again, just a bunch of liars and crooks.

01 July 2021 04:07:00 Guest

Same here, I’m always getting generic email. It seems they’re trying to get away with their responsibilities. Zam : I booked on Phillipine Airline for May of last year through flighthub, the flight was cancelled and then flighthub handed over the booking to Phillipine Airlines. I rebooked twice and it was cancelled and both times in June and July 2020. It's been more than a year that I paid for my original flight that took them a two minutes to take my money from my credit card. I have been processed from August 2020 for a refund and told it would take 5 months(!), so I checked each month from January to June 2021. I still haven't received any of my $1400+ back. Zam : I booked on Phillipine Airline for May of last year through flighthub, the flight was cancelled and then flighthub handed over the booking to Phillipine Airlines. I rebooked twice and it was cancelled and both times in June and July 2020. It's been more than a year that I paid for my original flight that took them a two minutes to take my money from my credit card. I have been processed from August 2020 for a refund and told it would take 5 months(!), so I checked each month from January to June 2021. I still haven't received any of my $1400+ back.

01 July 2021 12:07:00 Zam

I booked on Phillipine Airline for May of last year through flighthub, the flight was cancelled and then flighthub handed over the booking to Phillipine Airlines. I rebooked twice and it was cancelled and both times in June and July 2020. It's been more than a year that I paid for my original flight that took them a two minutes to take my money from my credit card. I have been processed from August 2020 for a refund and told it would take 5 months(!), so I checked each month from January to June 2021. I still haven't received any of my $1400+ back.

23 June 2021 08:06:00 Guest

I think we need Mr.Raffy Tulfo's help for us to get our refund..

22 June 2021 04:06:00 Concern

We’re trying to get a flight back to the Philippines, but PAL has been cancelling all of our booking. At first, we booked it for July 18 but it got cancelled. Then it got booked to July 4, and that got cancelled. Now we’re still waiting for a confirmation to be rebooked on July 22. Calling them for the 2 weeks, and still havent gotten the confirmation. They said they’ll call but we need a confirmation asap because we also booked a local flight within Philippines

21 June 2021 08:06:00 Guest

Guest : My flight got cancelled on June 18, 2020, asked for a refund on July 11, 2020, until now almost 1 year I haven't received my refund yet. I received samed email for 9 months that they are processing my refund. Same case here, almost a year now and not getting any refund yet just same email that saying they are processing and trying to expedite but still nothing. They are not saying the truth that is the sad thing.

21 June 2021 05:06:00 Guest

Guest : Wow, have read the messages on here, have the same plight with PAL as the users here. I guess emailing CAB is the least we can do now. Then airing it to Raffy Tulfo next. Guest : ..sent at least two emails a week to PAL and its affiliates..contacted CAB many times..furnished them with all kinds of documents and emails..still no refund..16 months later

21 June 2021 10:06:00 Guest

Wow, have read the messages on here, have the same plight with PAL as the users here. I guess emailing CAB is the least we can do now. Then airing it to Raffy Tulfo next.

18 June 2021 06:06:00 Guest

My flight got cancelled on June 18, 2020, asked for a refund on July 11, 2020, until now almost 1 year I haven't received my refund yet. I received samed email for 9 months that they are processing my refund.

17 June 2021 05:06:00 Guest

Write a complaint to CAB - Civil Aeronautics Board. They have a website to file the complaint. They need a proof of your email conversation with Philippine Airlines, ticket copy and receipt. They will forward the complaint to their legal department once verified your complaint is valid and Civil Aeronautics board legal department will write an email to the legal department of Philippine Airlines. Legal dept of Phil Airlines will reply 3 days after receiving the email. This is what I am doing now.

17 June 2021 12:06:00 Bruce Daly

I am well over one year and counting on a refund, and about 7 months and counting on another one. I am depressed to see that this looks like a universal complaint and not just a case of my file slipping through the cracks.

14 June 2021 09:06:00 Guest

Ask CAB legal to compel PAL legal to provide you with the refund certificate as proof that they indeed took action. Got the same generic reply from Pal legal counsel and that they hope that the matter was settled. I said only if they show proof of refund

11 June 2021 07:06:00 Guest

Wow all these steps to get our money back when it shouldnt be but seems like the last resort. Takes them literally just sexonds to charge our credit cards and will take them years and tons of beauorocracy going through all the hoops. The US DOT emailed me saying the domestic portion of the fare in not within their jurisdiction but they did forward tge complaint anyways. We’ll see. Guest : Update: I’m the poster below who filed a complaint with civil aeronautics board. Their legal counsel arjuna das matthew f guevera states that pals refund department will finally expedite my refund and will cc my emails after doing so. I’m not sure if just dealing with the civil aeronautics board is the step, but by showing civil aeronautics board that you did everything, even responding to pals social media accounts as well as filing a complaint with the us, emails to online refund as well as making a case with their wecare system, this will escalate the case. I will update of when we are actually refunded. God bless!

11 June 2021 03:06:00 Guest

Update: I’m the poster below who filed a complaint with civil aeronautics board. Their legal counsel arjuna das matthew f guevera states that pals refund department will finally expedite my refund and will cc my emails after doing so. I’m not sure if just dealing with the civil aeronautics board is the step, but by showing civil aeronautics board that you did everything, even responding to pals social media accounts as well as filing a complaint with the us, emails to online refund as well as making a case with their wecare system, this will escalate the case. I will update of when we are actually refunded. God bless!

10 June 2021 05:06:00 henry

mine also they didnt allow me to refund my ticket that i booked to my mom and my moms in law and they both want to go back to philippines let me know if you file complain and im willing to complain as well

09 June 2021 09:06:00 Guest

Can we all complaint to raffy tulfo as i think PAL has no intention to refund the money, we all waited longer than 5billing cycle and ackked several times and yet no email back from PAL

09 June 2021 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : Try taking your complaints to the Civil Aeronautics Board Legal Dept Email: Be thorough when you explain your case and include records or dates of your follow up and responses from PAL. After over a year of waiting, had to go through this route and finally got my refund. Thanks for this info, I emailed CAB just now- hopefully they can help me. I've tried to be very patient with PAL but we're on our 11th billing cycle and still no refund let alone updates from PAL for our flights to the US that were cancelled last year during the start of the Pandemic. I've filed a complaint with the US Department of Transportation and it was within their bounds so they gave me a case # and all, its been more than 40 working days and PAL still hasnt responded to that consumer complaint when they are required to with 30 days. I'm also in the works of filing a complaint with DTI to see if they can help with anything.

09 June 2021 05:06:00 Guest

Guest : To all that are having a problem, I have tried these and responses have been minimal or no actions was taken by the airline - submitting a case in wecare( their platform) - emailing their refunds department for updates to my request -making a case through -making a case with BBB - better business bureau. I’ve seen responses from PAL so I made a case last Saturday The one action which seems to escalate everything into one combined complaint was inclusion of civil aeronautics board APBR , which later ccd and Internal Legal Services . Pal has 3 days to respond with an answer and if not it will be escalated for resolution. I hope I get my money back as I requested a refund last April 2020 and official response was received on December 2020. Not too bad to try everything and I’ll update you guys as the case escalates...Good day..well I went that same route with CAB..sent CAB everything they asked for..been going on for months already and I still haven't got a single penny from PAL..just lots of email responses saying nothing at all!...Massive consumer fraud is all that it is..good luck!

08 June 2021 07:06:00 Guest

To all that are having a problem, I have tried these and responses have been minimal or no actions was taken by the airline - submitting a case in wecare( their platform) - emailing their refunds department for updates to my request -making a case through -making a case with BBB - better business bureau. I’ve seen responses from PAL so I made a case last Saturday The one action which seems to escalate everything into one combined complaint was inclusion of civil aeronautics board APBR , which later ccd and Internal Legal Services . Pal has 3 days to respond with an answer and if not it will be escalated for resolution. I hope I get my money back as I requested a refund last April 2020 and official response was received on December 2020. Not too bad to try everything and I’ll update you guys as the case escalates

26 May 2021 10:05:00 Guest

So I just got this surprise “credit” on the card I used to purchase 11 domestic flights with PAL on Nov 2019 for a canceled trip to Palawan June 2020. I got their refund Authorization June 6, 2020. The refunded credit is only $93.45 and another one for $4.19. Looks like this is only for one passenger instead of all 11. After all this time, they’ll refund in installments or not sure what to make of this if that is it. What a joke of a company this airline is. Just like their government. While it took them seconds to charge and swipe our credit cards which the consumers have to pay otherwise- the interest alone and fees compound daily. I didn’t even * my time calling the airline I just called my bank which will be pressuring PAL’s bank. I would also escalate this case with the US DOT / FAA so this airline can be imposed with fines and fees or be suspended to operate somehow. The consumers have been very patient and generous with PAL when they don’t even seem to care at all. They even have the nerve to impose $70-100 fees on international flights they themselves canceled.

26 May 2021 04:05:00 Guest

Same here! I always made a monthly follow-up but you'll just received an automated reply from the email and llink they provided for follow-up request. Guest : I requested for a refund and paid $100 cancellation fee on September 2020. I was told thay due to high volume of request it’ll take 5 months. I made a follow-up on February 2021 and was told they’ll refund it manually. I made a follow-up monthly since then and been receiving generic email. Do you know anyone who gets a refund?

25 May 2021 09:05:00 Guest

If you are a US based customer please fill out this form: PAL is in the list of airlines on the drop down menu. Maybe if there are so many of us turning in this complaint form with FAA and DOT can somehow sanction this stupid airline. It clearly states that the airlines are required by law to process the refund within 7 business days of cancellation and 20 days if the passenger paid by cash or check regardless of the airline’s reason for canceling the flight. Not 7 weeks, 7 months or 7 years. What would suck is if PAL succeeds in filing for Chap 11 which makes them exempt from lawsuits and liabilities.

25 May 2021 06:05:00 Guest

Visit a PAL office? What about customers based abroad? It’s ridiculous you have to physically visit an office to get your payments back and you had to pay the $100 in fees on top of that. Fees for what? Taking our interest free money. This airline should lose its license to operate. Unbelievable. Guest : Guest : I requested for a refund and paid $100 cancellation fee on September 2020. I was told thay due to high volume of request it’ll take 5 months. I made a follow-up on February 2021 and was told they’ll refund it manually. I made a follow-up monthly since then and been receiving generic email. Do you know anyone who gets a refund? Yes, we just received our refund to a US trip only today. It was a trip supposedly scheduled for January 2020. After doing the online refund and getting the necessary reference number, we followed up through phone but no one could really give us a direct answer to its status, except to wait for 5 months, due to the high volume of refunds requests. After that, there were no updates at all. We then went to PAL's Makati office at the PNB building, they gave us their e-mail address and said they will follow up on our behalf. We followed up dutifully, and while it took time, it helped that there was a real person responding to our e-mail. It did take time with us initiating the correspondence everytime, until last week when the staff e-mailed that our refund will be credited back to our credit card after the Refund section already gave the authorization to the bank. I would recommend to visit a PAL office, if not done yet. It would be good to have someone from their office follow up on your behalf, and when following up always quote your ticket numbers. Hope this helps.

24 May 2021 07:05:00 CHARMAINE MATSUDA

i requested a refund last year march. but until now no update.

23 May 2021 11:05:00 Guest

Guest : I requested for a refund and paid $100 cancellation fee on September 2020. I was told thay due to high volume of request it’ll take 5 months. I made a follow-up on February 2021 and was told they’ll refund it manually. I made a follow-up monthly since then and been receiving generic email. Do you know anyone who gets a refund? Yes, we just received our refund to a US trip only today. It was a trip supposedly scheduled for January 2020. After doing the online refund and getting the necessary reference number, we followed up through phone but no one could really give us a direct answer to its status, except to wait for 5 months, due to the high volume of refunds requests. After that, there were no updates at all. We then went to PAL's Makati office at the PNB building, they gave us their e-mail address and said they will follow up on our behalf. We followed up dutifully, and while it took time, it helped that there was a real person responding to our e-mail. It did take time with us initiating the correspondence everytime, until last week when the staff e-mailed that our refund will be credited back to our credit card after the Refund section already gave the authorization to the bank. I would recommend to visit a PAL office, if not done yet. It would be good to have someone from their office follow up on your behalf, and when following up always quote your ticket numbers. Hope this helps.

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