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17 April 2015 07:04:00 Guest

Even I lost my bag on the 13th at Istanbul airport. Do you have any news on yours? Guest : Hey pls I Los my laggage yesterday in Istanbul pls help me Guest : Hey pls I Los my laggage yesterday in Istanbul pls help me

14 April 2015 03:04:00 Mrs Mona Shobair

I would like to thank Mr Ramy from customer service Egypt who was very helpful and helped me change the reservation of ticket no RX2BYK . the call was at 2:10 pm Cairo local time till 2:40 on 14-4-2015 I called 19848 I called at 2:10 and another customer service personal answered and told me he couldn't help at all I really like such people to be appreciated

13 April 2015 02:04:00 Jenny

Relax. I too lost my luggage from Marrakech to Istanbul. You need to constantly email your airline and lost luggage centre at Ataturk Airport. The girls there are bitches and their customer service skills leaves a lot to be desired. I lost my luggage in January and after constant email harassment, my luggage was found and returned to Sydney, Australia. Yeah, my luggage returned all bruised and tattered, but at least I got it back. Lots of perseverance is required. Good luck

13 April 2015 12:04:00 Guest

Hey pls I Los my laggage yesterday in Istanbul pls help me

12 April 2015 09:04:00 paramanantham kandiah

Very Good

03 April 2015 05:04:00 Guest

Here's my experience with turkish airlines. Never fly with them. Very rude

02 April 2015 09:04:00 Guest

We took a flight with Turkish on june 2014 we registred 6 bagages at departure And on Arrival we received only 5 bagages . They lost 5 bagages And we where 5 people traveling thé total Weight In our bagages is 105 kilos . Thé communication with Turkish airlines Was And is like a nightmare...more over they proposed 1131 SDR by pretending That compensation Will be done for one file And not for 5 people . This 1131 SDR = 1500 usd doesńt covers thé cost of my bagages Empty . While they lost 105 kilos of my Personal Stuff with a value of 17000 usd

24 March 2015 06:03:00 Phyllis Bellemare

The very first time flying Turkish Airlines, it was a terrible experience, before we even got to the plane. A family member died and we were trying to move our flight up 2 days to make it to the funeral. Because we did not have a copy of the death certificate, it wasn't available, and only $1000 to make any changes to the flight, the airline would not change our flight. They wanted over $2200 to make the change. Or, we could give them the death certificate, which hasn't been issued yet, and we would pay nothing. We were quoted $900 when we first called to inquire about changing the flight. Within 12 hours the price almost tripled and the airport refused to work with us. Needless to say, we will not be able to attend the funeral as we could not afford to change the flight and Turkish Air would not honor the original quoted price. Our hearts are very heavy.

18 March 2015 06:03:00 Carlos

It is a amazing that this swindler company is allowed to operate in civilized countries. They cheat people fr om the very beginning when they advertise that their passengers are protected by the (CE) 261/2004 EU regulations for passenger's rights. Just try to fill a complaint against them and you will be automatically informed that Turkish Airlines flights are not eligible for any compensation covered by this regulation. You can only complaint in the company website wh ere your complaint is systematically ignored and all you get is a regret email inviting you to keep flying with them. I flew with them once and after waiting very long time in their check-in line, they closed the flight and refused boarding passengers remaining on the line. Furthermore they also refuse to relocate passengers in other flights and simply were left abandoned in the airport informing them that they can go to their office to buy (and of course pay) new flight tickets. I hope my experience prevents other passengers who can read this review to be abused by Turkish airlines. My advice is clear. Avoid this airline at any cost before you have to regret it. Shame on this third world's service airline.

15 March 2015 12:03:00 Guest

TURKISH AIRLINE = The WORST AIRLINE in history. My flight got cancelled from a city in Saudi Arabia, thry told me to go to another city to catch another Turkish airline flight, which was a 4hr drive. When i went there, there was no flights. Booked another ticket with another airline to come home. Turkish airline won't refund me the money and provide no explanation. All they are doing is passing me around witout solving any problems. WARNING!! Don't think you're going to save some money and get a decent airline by booking Turkish airline. THEY ARE * !

07 March 2015 10:03:00 Guest

Are Turkish Airlines bothered about customer complaints? I forwarded my complaint to them on 11 January 2015 where I received an automated email telling me that they were dealing with my issue. As I hadn't heard anything for three weeks, I followed up by the same method (submitted it via their website). Towards the end of February, I still hadn't heard anything further so telephoned them, from Kuwait to Istanbul. I was told that my complaint would be dealt with as a matter of urgency. Over 10 days later I haven't heard a thing! This morning I took to Twitter and low and behold - I received an almost instant message back! That said, my complaint has not been dealt with yet. For an airline who was awarded best European Airlines last year, not to mention the four star rating achieved on Skytrax, I find it appalling that they don't seem to care much about customer service. Given their attitude, I doubt they will retain the two accolades they have managed to secure for very long! Come on Turkish Airlines, there's clearly a problem with your attitude to dealing with complaints. Sort yourselves out and become a better airline: one which has a faultless reputation and one that customers wish to use! I am giving Turkish Airlines 2 weeks to deal with my query, if I haven't heard from them I will be putting my complaint onto every single complaints website I can find for all to see!

06 March 2015 06:03:00 Guest

Hi all My today's flight on 06.03 from London to Kathmandu has been canceled and I came to know this only when I presented my flight tickets on to a ticket counter at the airport to get boarding passes. But,They never notified it to me by any means of communication. So, I need to claim for compensation as I had to cancel my whole journey. Can any one advise me how can I claim for it please?

03 March 2015 12:03:00 Guest

i was held up for three days in istanbul because of snow and the hotel they put me in they overbooked so i had to sleep in the lobby!! we wern't given back our luggage so was in the same clothes for three days, and i took my own initiative and went to istanbul turkish airlines ticket office and got a new ticket and made my own way to the airport to fly out on the third night, as turkish airlines told my hotel all flights were cancelled and they stopped shuttle buses from our hotel, and all of this could have been avoided if my very first flight wasnt delayed and i didn't miss my first connecting flight. NEVER fly with this airline

01 March 2015 02:03:00 Marianna Gkiouleka

Travelling from Athens to Alexandria, Egypt through Istanbul. And my luggage have been left back at the Ataturk airport!!! The employee in Borg el Arab, Alexandria informs me that i will have my luggage the next day. After two days and with no news from my bag I go to the airport to find a solution since phone communication with them is almost impossible! They inform me from the Info Desk that my luggage is in Cairo!!! In Cairo??? So why dont you send it to the original destination? Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes!! Two solutions for that: Either i travel to Cairo and get it or they send it back to Istanbul and after that to Borg el Arab! Of course they destroyed my whole trip since I had serious and important things carried and a frustration that continues for many days!!! What kind of compensation is given for that?????? This is definitely a reason for suing them and for sure a reason for not choosing to travel with Turkish never again!!!

23 February 2015 07:02:00 Guest

Hi , anyone can tell me how to make a complaint to the turkish airlines ? , my bag is damaged ..

03 February 2015 01:02:00 Prashant

Delay in baggage for me for flight from riyad to madrid till time I don't know status of my baggage. ..I don't how custmer care said your bag is in kabul it three day no responsibility show by turkish airlines

09 January 2015 12:01:00 txufer

Hi, I have trip to Indonesia with Turkish end of July and I can not access web information APIS (Advance Passenger Information) where you put your data. When I click on the web tells me in English forgive the inconvenience and I can not access at this time. I've been trying for some time and nothing. I have written to the Turkish and tell me that change browser, remove the antivirus etc because they have not detected the problem. I've tried everything and from the mobile and nothing. Someone feels the same? a greeting

08 January 2015 03:01:00 Guest

QOUTE] guest20 : Hi, i recently traveled with turkish airlines. Originally my airlines was etihad bound for philippines via manchester and abu dhabi. But due to weather conditions in abu dhabi they had to rebook me and reroute my destination with another airline which was turkish airlines. After the rebooking my stopover was istanbul, riyadh and philippines. But my flight for istanbul was delayed for an hour thus i missed my connecting flight and turkish airlines rebooked me again for the 11pm flight to riyadh. After hours of waiting we were ready to board for riyadh but the staff of turkish airline suddenly pulled me out after checking my itinerary. They told me there was no flight boind for philippines in riyadh and had to wait 24hrs. They rebooked me again bound for shanghai then philippines but also pulled me out last minute because they could not book a connecting flight from shanghai to manila. They decided to rebook me again with emirates airline boubd for dubai then manila. Upon changing my itinerary and tickets they also changed my baggage tag but i did not see them personally put the new tag in my luggage as they said my luggage was held at the back after they pulled me put of my flight for riyadh. But they assured me my luggage would be in the plain with me. Upon arriving in philiipines and after waiting for hours the staff of emirates told me that they were advised my luggage was left behind and that they would have to track it down. It has been 2 days and they havnt found my baggage and i am worried. I dont know if turkish airlines changed my baggage tag also i dont have my previous baggage fag as turkish airline staff took it off from me I dont know who to contact with turkish airlines to ask avout my luggage. Any suggestions of how to contact turkish airlines? Hi, you can buy any items you need during the time your luggage is delayed and spend up to the value of 1,131 SDR or the amount you have declared your luggage to be. This is for each passenger. If you are on holiday and the delay to your luggage has a negative impact on your holiday you can also make a claim for this. You can get more information at, it is free.

07 January 2015 10:01:00 guest20

Hi, i recently traveled with turkish airlines. Originally my airlines was etihad bound for philippines via manchester and abu dhabi. But due to weather conditions in abu dhabi they had to rebook me and reroute my destination with another airline which was turkish airlines. After the rebooking my stopover was istanbul, riyadh and philippines. But my flight for istanbul was delayed for an hour thus i missed my connecting flight and turkish airlines rebooked me again for the 11pm flight to riyadh. After hours of waiting we were ready to board for riyadh but the staff of turkish airline suddenly pulled me out after checking my itinerary. They told me there was no flight boind for philippines in riyadh and had to wait 24hrs. They rebooked me again bound for shanghai then philippines but also pulled me out last minute because they could not book a connecting flight from shanghai to manila. They decided to rebook me again with emirates airline boubd for dubai then manila. Upon changing my itinerary and tickets they also changed my baggage tag but i did not see them personally put the new tag in my luggage as they said my luggage was held at the back after they pulled me put of my flight for riyadh. But they assured me my luggage would be in the plain with me. Upon arriving in philiipines and after waiting for hours the staff of emirates told me that they were advised my luggage was left behind and that they would have to track it down. It has been 2 days and they havnt found my baggage and i am worried. I dont know if turkish airlines changed my baggage tag also i dont have my previous baggage fag as turkish airline staff took it off from me I dont know who to contact with turkish airlines to ask avout my luggage. Any suggestions of how to contact turkish airlines?

07 January 2015 07:01:00 Guest

Don't travel with this airline, ever! The flight from Istanbul to London was delayed for more than 1 hr. The handle to my bag couldn't be extended. The metal inside was bent. It must've been something that was either very heavy or it was a strong strike that could make such a bent. As the flight was delayed and I had to catch a connecting flight, I couldn't wait in line for claim at the airport. I was told that I had to wait for probably an hour. They told me I could do an online claim within 7 days. So I left. Firstly, I couldn't find anywhere on their website which I could lodge my claim. Secondly, I sent an email containing my claim to the general info email & no one answered despite a follow-up email. I had to call the call centre before I was given the baggage claim email. I sent them an email and they now tell me that I can't claim without a report at the airport!!! This is atrocious! It wasn't my fault that the flight was delayed and I couldn't wait to report at the airport. All of us have to tight schedules to meet. And the website is not user friendly at all! There's no link to baggage claim. I had to call and hold for the customer service who told me that it's actually under Customer Relation which says for 'comment and concerns'. It seems they never make it easy for baggage damage claim! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I can get something out of them!

04 January 2015 07:01:00 MD OMAR FARUQUE

How can i return back my visa fee to turkey airlines Please inform me my e mail id

01 January 2015 11:01:00 Douala

Ok, a frıend of mıne flew wıth TK last year and told me ıt was the fırst and the last tıme. The fırst leg of her flıght was delayed, then she mıssed the next flıght, then her baggage was late, she had no clothes. (For us men ıts ok somewhat, but for ladıes....). So, I was warned!!!!!! Yet, wıth a tıcket prıce about 55% of what Brussels Aırlınes and Aır France offer to the same destınatıon, ı took TK. My flıght from Houston to Douala was good. Only bad thıng, my luggage dıd not arrıve...(I knew that would happen anywhere). So, I packed enpugh accessorıes ın my carry on...enough for a week. The bags arrıved on the next flıght (two days later and a frıend pıcked them up for me). Our flıght from Houston was a B777 (Bıg). The flıght to Douala from Istanbul was a B737 (Small). It was obvıous to me why TK could not carry all the luggage. When a two lane road becomes a one lane road, there ıs bound to be a bottle neck...traffıc congestıon....luggage congestıon. If TK can spend some money and get a B777 or equıvalent for thıer Afrıcan route, they wıll be able to solve the delayed baggage problem. Of course, others on the forum have already commented on Poor customer servıces, especıally ıf you are stranded at the aırport for one reason or the other (eg, mıssıng a connectıng flıght because of delays). I totally agree. Here ıs what I notıced. If you look lıke you know your rıghts and ask the rıght questıons, you wıll get what you want (Hotel, vısa, etc...BTW...I am wrıtıng from Radısson, paıd by TK, our flıght out of Douala on Dec 31, 2014 was delayed by 4-5 hours, so I knew thıs would happen). One the other hand, If you look lıke a fırst tıme traveller, you wıll be left to spend the nıght at the aırport. If your passport looks blue, Amerıcan, Canadıan, you are treated dıfferently). However, ıf your passport looks lıke 'Ndole', lıke one of my Cameroonıan sısters called ıt, the TK agents wıll take ıt that you don't know your rıghts. But don' settle for less. Ask, and they wıll gıve you what you deserve. I know all the shortcomıngs of TK. But wıth tıcket prıces about half what competıtors offer, wıll I fly wıth them agaın? Well, ıt depends on the proırıtıes. If what you are travellıng for ıs very ımportant, then maybe you should pay more elswhere. But ıf you don,t mınd spendıng a nıght at a hotel ın Turkey, and ıf you don,t mınd receıvıng your bags three days later, then ıt may be okay to take advantage of the low prıces TK offers. Remember, you had a choıce! Bad taste of low qualıty or cheap stuff wıll remaın wıth you long after you have forgotten how sweet the bagaın was. Happy new year 2015!

28 December 2014 05:12:00 Guest

possibly the worst service i have ever experienced...i never write a review but they need to seriously look into changing there business. I missed a wedding paid over a 1000 pounds in travel expenses cam back 4 days later with a 24 hour delay in between. Not one apology nothing. absolutely well you all know the word i want to say sounds like ship..which i travelled that way instead of TK

27 December 2014 07:12:00 Guest

I had the misfortune of flying with Turkish Airlines from London to Douala in Cameroon. The journey went via a connecting flight from Istanbul. Firstly the flight going out from London was delayed, as was the connecting flight from Istanbul, as was the return leg from Istanbul to London. No explanation for the delays was given. The aircraft was also rather small and cramped for a long haul journey meaning a hot/stuffy atmosphere and long lines to use the toilets. This are all very minor problems compared to my main complaint: Turkish Airlines deliberately left our luggage at Istanbul! This is what happened: We arrived at Douala airport and waited for at least an hour for our cases to come off the carousel, the carousel then stopped and there was no sign of our cases. We looked around the crowded arrivals area and saw hundreds of suitcases that had just been dumped there. We were confused and surrounded by chaos. someone in our group looked around and eventually found a list with about 50 passenger names on it saying that Turkish airlines had left our luggage at Istanbul as there was no room on the plane! At no point were we told of this, it was never explained to us, we were given no warning and no advice was given as to what would happen next. Turkish airlines had no staff at the airport and no point of contact, we had no choice but to make our way to our accommodation, needless to say we were * and distressed. The first day of our holiday was ruined as we had no clean clothes, underwear or toiletries. We had also travelled from England in December into Cameroon's hot season meaning the clothes we were wearing on the plane were completely unsuitable for the sweltering African heat! We tried for about an hour to get through to a Turkish airlines phone number which actually worked and was in English, no such number existed! We eventually got through to the Cameroon office who told us we could collect our bags from the airport at 1am the following morning! We turned up and needless to say the flight was delayed, we did not get our bags until 4am in the morning! Not only did this ruin that night it also spoilt the following day as we were exhausted from being up so late! The situation at the airport was a shambles, there was another list with even more names on it of people whose luggage had been left behind. Turkish Airlines have a never ending backlog so the situation occurs every night and gets worse each day! No offer of compensation was made, no offer to send the luggage to our accommodation was made, no information was provided. Turkish Airlines are a disgrace and an absolute shambles. My advice would be to never fly with this appalling airline , they take your money but cannot deliver the service you paid for. The staff are also rude and unfriendly and the airline does not provide enough staff at the airports they fly to. I advise never to book a flight with Turkish Airlines, I certainly wont repeat the mistake of booking with them.

26 December 2014 01:12:00 Guest

TK sent me an sms for a change in my flight ( due in 5 weeks) , i called and was told that flight would be delayed an hour and if i accept it. I asked the person if i had the choice. She told me yes, they can reimburse the totality of the flight. I asked if they will only reimburse the flight back. She confirmed several times that no, they will give me back my 1400$ a full reimbursement. I had to go work , so i asked the lady if i called after work to process i would get the same info. She said : "sure, everything is recorded" . I confirmed the full reimbursement like 3 times. I called 10 hours later, and i was told they can only reimburse the flight back. So i opened a ticket and asked that they listen to recording and call me. I called them after 3 weeks of no call back or emails, they had canceled my ticket and reimbursed me only 650$. I opened 2 other tickets, called them several times. Wasted hours talking to them, i explained them i never asked for a reimbursement, easy to prove by listening to recording or by reading my initial ticket. Each time they gave me reason ,after weeks of calling and running after their miserable call center ( could hear the girls gossiping in the background) i was given the same answer that it was canceled upon my request!!!! The only written email i received as answer to my 3 tickets and 1 month complaint saga was the next day after the flight date that was canceled. Turkish airlines doesn`t respect their customers. Now i have to pay again 1400$ (cheapest flight) to return to turkey. Turkish airlines did a mistake, easily fixable by listening to recordings or reading my initial ticket ( they had 5 weeks) yet they just made a fool of me all long. Have no clue how they get elected best airlines with a call center like that. Since my return flight was around Christmas, i guess they sold my seat for a big price to someone else.

12 December 2014 12:12:00 Guest

i flight with turkish airlines on august12, 2014. i had bad experience with them. the flight was delayed and then even didnt tell us, we were there waiting for an hours. coming to America my bag was missing. I sent on this email BAT@THY.COM, my all documents and my claim, but no replay. when you try to call them they dont answer the phone. for me i will never fly with them again , and make sure to tell all my friends and relative to do the same. until now , i don't know how they get good reputation

09 December 2014 07:12:00 Guest

The most horrible airline in the world!!! The region where I work and live, I have no options but to take this airline. I don't remember a single flight (out of many that I had to take) where my experience was pleasant. The air hostesses are rude and racist, food is stale, ground staff bear a look of hatred for you on their faces and lost baggage is a common occurrence. Recently (6 Dec 2014) I took a flight from Ashgabat to Istanbul and was onward bound to another Central Asian city flight. I got ill on flight from Ashgabat. I asked the airhostess if she had a first-aid kit on board or a tablet of aspirin. She said no and walked away. I was running very high fever (like 104 F) and did not want to take a chance. After some time I asked air hostess to give me ice cubes in a glass so that I could roll it on my forehead. The lady very generously brought 2 ice cubes (may be they are under cost cutting instructions). I got very annoyed but did not want to create scene. It is unimaginable that the "Europe's best airline" does not even have a first aid kit on board something in my country even the remotest village school would have. This was not the end of the story. I arrived at Istanbul airport and enquired from the counter of Port Clinic if there was a pharmacy at the airport. Again the answer was no. He said there was a port clinic outside airport. I said how do people who are transiting get any medicines. He said I should take a visa (they just want to make money without providing any service!) and go out but I was running very high fever and was in no mood to go out (based on my past experience with visa and Port Clinic). There are money making shops, restaurants and prayer rooms (I have nothing against them) but not one pharmacy at the airport which receives millions of passengers. I am writing to let my steam off but I know these thick skinned people will not pay any attention. They simply don't care!!! The word "sorry" does not exist in their dictionary. Those of you who have other options, avoid Turkish like plague!

05 December 2014 01:12:00 JOHN BASCO MATHIAS

Dear sir, I traveled Mumbai to Istanbul to Misrutha with my 2 freinds on 25/09/2014. Up to now our luggage not came we given many mails and called many times there is no proper answer and we submited our cliams also but no use this is star alliance how they are treated for costomers any international airways within 3 weeks solve the problems but Turkish air ways not supporting please not and give reply my mail id is

03 December 2014 07:12:00 Guest

TURKISH AIRLINES AR A BUNCH OF THIEVES!! DO NOT FLY WITH THEM!!!! I checked in a suitcase which I believe is numbered TK 282389. I have done this flight on many occasions and never ever have I witnessed such a foul action by Turkish airlines. The checked in baggage had my shirts and suits together with my Apple iPad inside an iPad case. When I checked into my hotel and opened my suitcase once I got into my room the Apple iPad was missing and only the case was present. From London Heathrow to Izmir at some point my suit case had been opened whilst in Transit and someone had taken my Apple iPad leaving the iPad case behind. I have never witnessed such ill-mannered behaviour from such a reputable company such as Turkish Airlines. This is classed as theft and therefore a full on investigation should be made into this stolen iPad. I would ask that Turkish Airlines replace my Apple iPad to prevent any further action to be taken. I am not taking this lightly and would ask of you to take this matter just as serious. The iPad was a birthday present from my sons to which had personal and business information.

02 December 2014 08:12:00 Guest

I had a very terrible experience within this Turkish airlines. My luggage last two months ago with Turkish airline. I sent on this email BAT@THY.COM, my all documents and my claim, but no replay. I have connected flight from Berlin to Istanbul and Istanbul to Islamabad, but my flight was delayed and after a long effort and fight at Istanbul airport with Turkish administrators I managed to redirected to Lahore. But at the end I lost my luggage and they same story I could not get any response from them and even they did not pick a call in Pakistan. Never flying again with Turkish Airline.

15 November 2014 11:11:00 Suchitra

WHY CAN'T I CONTACT ANYONE OF TURKISH AIRLINES IN BANGKOK AT ALL? THEY NEVER ANSWER THE PHONE EVEN ON WEEKDAYS!!! I wanted to go to Italy from Bangkok with my husband. He had his flight schedule booked with Turkish Airlines by an organization in Italy, in order to be able to travel with my husband all the way, I walked into Turkish Airlines office in Bangkok and handed my husband flight schedules to one of the staffs and told her that I wanted the same flight schedules as my husband's and we asked to also book seats next to each other. Just 4 days before flying, I have found out that the flight schedules was wrong , she booked me different flight from Rome to Bangkok!!!!! It is Saturday I drove to the airlines office,It was closed I tried many times calling Turkish counter at the airport but the phone was never picked up!!!! What if I did not have 4 days before flying and what if the flight I wanted was fully booked. I really found Turkish Airlines very inconvenient.

13 November 2014 04:11:00 Chris

I submitted my complaint letter (below) on the Turkish Airlines web site on 23 October 2014. I have had no reply other than an automated 'do not reply' email. Dear Sir, We had a most distressing return journey fr om Alexandria, which although partly my fault, was dismissed out of hand by Turkish Airlines staff. When I was booking the flights for our family of 4 on your web site, the return connecting flight Istanbul to Manchester was at 12:10, which I entered on my own itinerary sheet. When the ticket arrived, I checked the dates and departure times, but failed to notice that the final connecting flight time had changed fr om 12:10 to 08:00, and the email did not draw attention to this. On arrival in Istanbul at 06:00, we slept until 10:00 and then went to find the gate, only to realise with shock that our flight had gone. We asked at a Turkish Airlines desk wh ere the girls seemed to be only interested in their mobile phones, and rudely pointed to the Information Desk behind them. After a long time in the queue, we tried to explain our situation, and asked if we could be transferred to the later flight, but instead of checking for available seats, they told us we had to buy new tickets. My son had to get a visa (£20), go outside the passport control to the Turkish Airlines ticket desk, buy 4 tickets to London (£840), and because there were no onward flights to Manchester, we had to book a taxi for the 200 mile journey (£348), so we finally arrived home at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, and 3 of us had to work that day. I attach our original E-ticket, our re-booked flights, and the taxi receipt so you can see the full extent of the crisis we were in. The staff at Information were dismissive, and made no attempt to help us in any way, e.g. by checking for vacant seats on the afternoon flight. They said too much time had passed since our flight arrived in Istanbul, and waved us away. I should have checked the final flight information I received on 24 August, and had I done so this would not have happened, so this was my mistake. However, we were really disappointed by the way the airline dismissed us in our crisis, making no attempt to help us whatsoever. The final insult was that 2 of our 4 cases were seriously damaged when we received them, one being so badly distorted that the extending handle could not be pulled out of its tubes. The curt and dismissive treatment we experienced in our crisis makes us unwilling to trust you again, but before writing a public review, I have decided to contact you directly. I therefore rang the Manchester customer support office, and was transferred to your Turkish office wh ere a polite lady named Tuba listened patiently and advised me how to contact you in writing via the web site. I was at fault for not noticing the change of flight time, although I do feel your email should have drawn attention to this change. But whatever the division of fault, do you think we deserved such unhelpful treatment as we received? Yours sincerely,

03 November 2014 12:11:00 Guest

I traveled on Turkish airlines flight 720 from Istanbul to mumbai on 21st October 2014. Despite being a very frequent traveller, I can safely say that I will never for this particular flight. First of all while checking in the Turkish airlines allotted the same seats to multiple passengers. There was a lot of confusion due to this and the handling of this situation left a lot to be desired. The crew on board were very rude and a bit racist. The airline wants to expand its footprint in india but is neither concerned nor in the least bit bothered about the comfort or well being of its guests. It's acceptable to not know the language (English) but quite another to treat fare paying passengers in a crude and uncouth manner. After finding an empty seat to accommodate us, the cabin crew simply pushed and shoved the bags in the overhead storage area to make way for the other bags. It left me fearing for the safety of my checked in luggage. The flight was uneventful. The inflight entertainment had only Turkish content and even the English movies were dubbed over in Turkish. The real horror started after landing into mumbai. I found out that my bags were lost and could not be traced then. I was told to fill in the form and go home. There was no apology tendered by the Turkish airlines staff. I missed my connection because of this mistake on the part of the Turkish airlines staff. When my bags were finally found and returned, it became quickly apparent that my bags had been handled very roughly. The wheels on the bags were damaged as well as an expensive Turkish land. The bags had been so badly handled that even the copper plate to the Turkish lamp was bent and dented. This despite the fact that it had been carefully packed in bubble wrapping. Upon contacting the Turkish airline staff, I was informed that Turkish airline has no liability over damaged goods as they were delicate. Upon pointing out that the thick copper plating had also been badly damaged, I was rudely told that it was easy for even metal objects to get dented when it was checked in. Upon talking to my colleagues I also came to know that this was a common occurrence on Turkish airline flights. Some had even had their things stollen from their checked in luggage. TurKish airlines is promoting itself in india by offering extra luggage allowance but I would advise my fellow passengers to beware of Turkish airlines and its unscrupulous behaviour. Ashish.

22 September 2014 12:09:00 Guest

I boarded the airplane around 20 minutes late due to cleaning. Once I had boarded the plane, I was waiting in the aircraft for over 3 hours. During this time, the captain gave minimal information with regard to problem, saying that it would be fixed in a matter of minutes. Bear in mind that at no point during this delay did the staff aboard the aircraft give instructions what transferring passengers should do upon arrival. Once I had arrived in Istanbul, I had to find my own way to the Istanbul Airlines help desk, where they changed my connecting flight to one leaving 24 hours later. There was minimal dialogue or empathy from the Turkish Airlines staff at the helpdesk; I had to constantly ask questions, such as whether I would be provided with a hotel. At every point during this ordeal, there was no apology or understanding from their employees, it constantly felt like I was bothering them, and getting information was like getting blood from a stone. After receiving the boarding pass, I was told to go through immigration to the Turkish Airlines hotelier. I wasn't told that I needed to buy a visa to enter Turkey, so I had to queue for immigration twice. I had to find own way to the Turkish Airlines hotelier, once I had found it, a surly woman took my tickets and ordered me to wait in the nearby Starbucks cafe. I waited for around 40 minutes and were finally taken to a hotel. The experience at the hotel was the one relatively trouble free aspect of the journey. I was picked up the next day from the hotel by a Turkish Airline vehicle, and dropped at the airport, again, no assistance, or representative was there to give me information. I wanted to get a refund for the visa I had bought, so I went to the Turkish Airlines help desk. Again, an unfriendly staff member informed me I could not get a refund. He didn't elaborate until I asked him why, and then I was told that I had to apply for the refund by a complaint online. I have tried to apply for compensation directly to Turkish Airlines. They claim that as they provided a hotel, they will give compensation for my visa and expenses only. Truly the worst experience I have ever had flying, incredibly rude and disrespectful staff. I will certainly never fly with them again.

10 September 2014 12:09:00 Guest

I hope I can give -1 rate to them. If you have a connecting fly, the good luck. Here is our experiences. We booked confirmed fly on 22 August 2014 for 4 people (including 3 year old kid). The fly was on 8:35am from Istanbul to Oslo. We arrived IST around 6:20am, more than 2 hours before departure and the agent gave us STD tickets. We asked him why their is no seat assign, he didn't explain to us those were standby tickets, just told us everybody would get their seat assign at gate. Then we went to gate, and ask again, the agent told us that we just bought a right to fly and it is same to everybody, and asked us to wait. Then we asked another agent at gate, he told us that our tickets are standby tickets, even we had a 3 year old kid and has international connection, he can't do anything. Then we waited at gate for more than 1 hour, and was denied boarding. Notice they never asking for volunteers fly on later fly? There are plenty of people who willing to take compensation to arrive 6 hour late. Then we were directed to about 5 places (gate 15, custom care, transit office, transfer line) in airport, and need to wait in line for all those place. After running around in airport for 1.5 hour, we were sent to denying office. Notice on the way, they told me they will fly us to our final destination (US). Then in denying office, they told us because our connection tickets were not on 1 ticket, they will only fly us to Oslo instead of US. They didn't give us any help. The agent even told us "Did I let you buy those connection tickets?" They ask us to call turkish airline custom help from their office and we hold for 45 minutes and nobody pick up the phone. We ended up paid for $2800 for changing our connection tickets and $400 for hotel for stay extra 2 days in Oslo. Not to mention I need to stay 2 more days, and all food and other expenses. They said "You just bought a right to fly." So if you are counting on the fly will be arrive on time, that is wrong expectation and the system assign stand by ticket randomly. Also don't believe any of their agent's words, most of them are not true.

09 September 2014 05:09:00 Guest

It seems I'm not alone is being hugely disappointed with Turkish Airlines service. We travelled business class from Edinburgh to Nairobi via Istanbul. The seats on the place didn't work properly, the food was "unusual" to say the least, and the whole experience was far short of business class on, say, BA. I left some feedback on 19th August and, despite, several follow-ups, have not even had so much as an acknowledgement from their so-called customer relations team. As we say in Scotland, their service is all fur coat, nae knickers - avoid if you don't want your blood to boil

09 September 2014 12:09:00 Guest

Do not fly Turkish airlines if you are looking for service and low risk of anything going wrong. The airline is a joke and under no circumstances is it the best airline in Europe. On my recent flight I had personal belongings damaged by the cabin crew which cost me $400. The airline simply didn't care and would not accept any liability. Legroom is the worst I have ever experienced and I had to sit on an angle to get my knees in! The entertainment is truly awful with poor quality and selection. I have never had a complaint about food but the food on this airline was not edible, it was simply foul and ironically they have a one of the cabin staff wearing a hideous chefs hat! I estimate that I have flow on 30+ airlines and fly regularly and this experience wins the award of being the worst airline I have experienced.

01 September 2014 10:09:00 Jane Magee

It has been 12 days since I returned to dublin from istanbul via Bucharest and upon arrival in dublin my luggage was missing. I reported it to a handling agent as no representative from the airline iras available n dublin. They said the baggage slip number had not been printed properly and so I can't even get my bags tracked properly. I have rang Turkish airlines soooo many times but no one answers, nor do they reply to emails. It is so frustrating and really I have no idea what to do next as all channels of communication with them appear closed.

31 August 2014 01:08:00 Guest

I was flying yesterday on a Transit flight with last connection from Istanbul to Munich and my luggage did not arrive at Munich Airport. TK contracted a third-party company to handle the luggage claims here, but except for giving me a tracking number, they were of no help. Apparently luggage handling is a BIG Problem of TK, as several passengers were left with no luggage at all. The luggage band was also full of bags that no one collected, as they did not belong to anyone on our flight, they were just thrown on a trolley by the Airport staff and taken away for storage. We were told that TK usually leaves the bags of international passengers behind when the Transfer time is too short between airplanes (which in my case was over 4 hours!) or when the next connection is delayed-so it is a clear company policy to leave international travellers without their luggage...Not out of discrimination, but because it is technically easier for them. Ironically, they are the "best european aircarrier" of the year. I wonder if the organization who gave them that title ever flew with them at all....Clearly I will never ever want to have another experience with them, especially when there are cheaper aircarriers from Turkey with no luggage problems...

29 August 2014 10:08:00 Ash

Baggage missing!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid dumb assholes!!!!!!!!

23 August 2014 09:08:00 Oxford City Basketball

As Turkish Airlines are the Proud sponsor of Euroleague, we book all our international payers with them, however we have to stop this practice as their luggage keeps going missing and usually expensive bespoke made sporting items just go missing. Turkish Airlines have no real support for passengers when gas go missing, fill forms, calls that make you wait for hours on end, more forms, they even told one of our guys that they did not travel with them after listing all possible ticket and luggage stub numbers. Insane!

18 August 2014 07:08:00 Guest

Hi, if you need a video I can help you, I was standing in a line for more than 4 hours taking new boarding card, shooting video from the chaos in Ataturk airport due to 12 hours delay.

18 August 2014 06:08:00 mark benjamin

I recently booked tickets (see above) for a business trip to Turkey, where I was to meet some Chinese buyers of mine for one day only and introduce them to one of my Turkish suppliers. Our meeting was booked for Friday 8th August @ 10.00am in Mersin. my flights were as follows: TK 1988 07/08/2014 Heathrow to Istanbul ETD 06.55am TK2466 07/08/2014 Istanbul to Adana ETD 16.10pm TK2455 10/08/2014 Adana to Istanbul ETD 08.25am TK1985 10/08/2014 Istanbul to Heathrow ETD 13.10pm I then commenced on my journey from hell. Then it was announced that TK 2466 was cancelled. Then in Istanbul airport I can only describe a frenzy taking place as 300-500 passengers whose flights were also cancelled tried to find out what was going on. We were told to go to Turkish airlines information desk. There was a massive crowd with no cueing system, people were going hysterical. It took hours of cueing to find out what was happening as there was no announcements in English. We were then told by Turkish Airlines information desk to go to Turkish Airlines check in desk. I joined 300-500 other passengers, some of whom were literally going crazy. A woman in front of me collapsed and seem to have some sort of fit. Finally I get to the front desk and was given another ticket for flight TK 2468. Half an hour before this was meant to board, this flight was cancelled. So again I had to get amongst the frenzied crowd to get another ticket fr om Check in. each time I have to go back through security checks. Hot and wet fr om sweat in this crowd of hundreds of people, eventually get to the front desk, wh ere I was given a flight that departs 01.20am in the morning. I was told that if I go outside the airport there are people who will direct me to a hotel for the night. I went outside wh ere more chaos ensued. The people in charge of arranging transfers to hotels had run off. So again I had to go back into the terminal, meanwhile by this time I have forgotten how many times I have had to go through security checks.. So again I had to join the crowd of passengers all trying to reschedule their flights. I eventually get to the front desk in order to find out exactly what I am supposed to do and they manage to get me on another flight TK 2474. I then arrived at Adana airport but my luggage was nowhere to be seen. I then had to join many other people in the same situation to pass over my details to the lost baggage department. They took a picture of my passport and boarding pass and a piece of paper with telephone numbers on it of TGS Turkish ground services. No other paperwork was given to me as proof of my missing luggage. I then got collected from the airport by my suppliers driver and taken to the Hilton Mersin. I arrived at the hotel around 05.00am on Friday 8th August. Without my suitcase and my meeting was scheduled for 10.00am the same morning. I had to go to my meeting in the same clothes I travelled in, having had barely any sleep!! Let me remind you that this journey took nearly 24 hours, it should have been around 8 hours!!!!! After me and the Hilton chasing for news on my luggage, finally it turned up at the hotel at around 17.00pm on Saturday 9th August. I had no choice but to wh ere the same clothes for 36 hours, not very nice at all. I had planned on having a nice relaxing day by the pool on Saturday before flying back early Sunday morning. This was not meant to be. I could not go to the pool in my underwear after all. I catch my flight from Adana to Istanbul (TK2455) no problem. I get to my connecting flight to London (TK 1985) this flight was delayed 2 hours. I then arrive at Heathrow and guess what, no sign of my luggage. It is one thing to lose the luggage once but TWICE IN 4 DAYS, words cannot describe how I now felt. my luggage was delivered three days after returning to the UK I expect compensation, I expect free flights and expect compensation for the delayed luggage. After this experience I now need a holiday! I do a lot of business with Turkey and travel internationally a lot and have never experienced such a disastrous journey with such lack of communication from the airline. Ground staff were un-communicative and an air hostess on the flight TK 1985 back to London was actually very rude to my face. I look forward to hearing from you soon. You can also contact me on my mobile number +44 7949 504 641 or +44 7973 7573 76 Kind regards, Mark

18 August 2014 01:08:00 Guest

Hello! I would like to know, is there any opportuinity to pay for extra baggage per killogram ?

17 August 2014 08:08:00 Guest

A total let down!! I returned from turkey yesterday and do not have my luggge. I travelled with two other people their luggage arrived but mine is no wherr to be seen. I am very frustrated as i have all my valuables which carry sentimental value. Has anyone been able to recieve their luggage which has gone missing with this airline?

16 August 2014 12:08:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines downgraded me from Comfort Class to Economy on a paid ticket and do not answer my complaints. The call center is bogus and nobody answers the phone. They do not reply to web based complaints. No compensation has been offered and nobody answers the phone in any of their US offices.

14 August 2014 11:08:00 Guest

We have had the worst experience with Turkish Airline, we were flying business class, they have lost our luggage , we left JFK on the 9 th August 2014 to Brussels via Istanbul , in the first place the flight was delayed by an hour and no one had bothered to tell us. It's been almost five days since they lost our luggage, I think they are running a scheme, how can an airline say that they cannot trace luggage of their business class clients when it is clearly marked priority. They cannot even tell us if our luggage made the flight our, I bet every body who is Turkish gets their luggage but if you are an international traveller they recon you will go home to sulkThey have no customer relations at all they are rude, I wrote to the CEO let's see if his people will respond. My reference is BRUTK 16416

14 August 2014 07:08:00 Guest


13 August 2014 12:08:00 Guest

They lost my luggage and after one week still no reply. They even dont answer the phone. My flight was from turkey to Incheoun Seoul. It is a worst flight i ever had.

05 August 2014 01:08:00 Pierre

TurkishAirlines THY call centre in Canada waiting time way too long (now on hold for 45 minutes and still waiting) - Miles & Smiles Elite have no priority. Very disappointed. Help!!!

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