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24 December 2015 02:12:00 Guest

I too am waiting for a lost suitcase. 4 days and they have no clue where it is. This has never happened to me. Shame on Turkish airlines for being so incompetent.

17 December 2015 05:12:00 Guest

I have the same kind of complaint as everyone. when we arrived in DRC Kinshasa 2 of our luggage were still in Istanbul. On our way back to UK, the plane was delay and no one informed us that will have an extra stop in Gabon Libreville, passengers to get off and others to get in where so long. this increase the delay and we finely arrive in Istanbul around 5 hours later. therefore we missed our connection plane to Manchester they put us to the following plane but my feet was extremely swollen unable to wear my shoes anymore. I also like all of you try to speak with a manager it wasn't possible. I told there that I want to make a complaint. they told me they can't do anything .... the manager is not there. I was in such of pain. I have problem with blood circulation... a d despite the medical socks my feet and legs was on fire. The don't deserve the n01 European flight award. This is term of costumer service the competency is low, the don't have culture of courtesy, the level of English is low, you can achieve a positive outcome with such low skilled employees. IMPOSSIBLE TO BE NO1 EUROPEAN AIRLINE COMPANY unless it like the FIFA and full of CORRUPTION!!!!!!

30 November 2015 01:11:00 leila

I like to use the previous guest alert ! STRICTLY AVOID TURKISH AIRLINES !!!!!!!!!!!!! same thing happend to me as previous guest said.. i had a flight on 5th nov 2015 from london to istanbul. my luggage has a TSA Lock. It was opened and many expensive items stolen ! i complained ,so far they are offering 85 dollar for the items i lost which worth more than 600 sterling pound!!! very rude employees ,no respect no help for customer . i believe they should be named as worst Europe airline.

26 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

STRICTLY AVOID TURKISH AIRLINES - YOU WILL NOT GET ANYTHING IF SOMETHING HAPPENS EXCEPT APOLOGY They don't believe in customer care even.My bag was badly damaged on 6th Nov while flying to Dublin .All expensive things were stolen from my bag....Worst Airline I ever used

26 November 2015 12:11:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines...sigh. 9 months ago I sent a batch of boarding passes fr om partner airlines to them and asked to claim the missing miles. Stupid as I was I sent the original boarding passes, but fortunately they did confirm on email that they had received them. This was before they stopped using email to communicate with customers. They asked for a copy of my passport as I had changed surname, however when I tried to email them the copy it turned out that they had changed to that fabulous online complaint system that is so impersonal and incredibly inconvenient for their customers. I then wait...nothing happens... Fast forward to August when I send them another letter with another batch of boarding passes from partner airlines to claim the missing miles. This time I have learnt from my mistake and sent the letter tracked and signed for. It is delivered the 10th of September. It is now the 25th November... I have managed to get my airmiles for 4 of the 15 flights I claimed miles for. They have just rejected 6 of my miles claims saying I weren't on those flights. I WAS and they have my boarding passes to prove it???!!! I think they have lost both letters and all my original boarding passes (please learn from my mistake and take photo copies). I am being treated as if I am a fraud. I am not... I have submitted so many online complaints in their complaint system I have lost track. Once a while I get an email from them asking me to send them the original boarding passes (?!?). I am unable to reply back on the email and if I want to reply I have to go into their complaint system and log a complaint. I have asked to speak to a manager with no result. The only communication channel wh ere I have actually received a reply from a human being is facebook - and only after I aired my dissatisfaction on their facebook page and threatened to continue doing so until they have resolved the matter. I have spent so much time on this airmiles claim and it is really not worth it, but it is a matter of principle now. I want those airmiles that are rightfully mine. It might be that Turkish Airlines have been awarded best European Airline in 2015 by Skytrax, and I agree that the service you are getting on the flight is outstanding, but their customer service is by far the worst!! If you ever consider a membership of Turkish Airlines, please do yourself a favour and reconsider. There are so many other good airlines with much better service that are part of Star Alliance... Thanks, Ulla

22 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

dear sir/ madame today I was on flight TK875 from Tehran IKA to Istanbul at 03:25, but it appears that I may have lost my phone (iphone 4s) on board the plane. could you check for me to see if anyone has turned it in ? thank you

09 November 2015 09:11:00 Shahin namdari

My brother and I decided to go to Ecuador and after two weeks our sisters that live in England and Canada would join us. We had three flights. The first was fr om Tehran to Istanbul and after that fr om Istanbul to Sao paulo by Turkish Airlines then from Sao to Quito by Tam Airlines and they were separated tickets. Before our trip we searched and asked about transit airport in Sao and had a copy from embassy that we don't need transit visa if we don't want to take luggage. My brother and I arrived in Istanbul at 5:20.When we got there we took our boarding pass for the next flight. Our next flight was from Istanbul to Sao paulo at 9:30. We waited until the gate was opened at 9:10 and the personnel hurried to send passengers to the plane but we were relaxed because we did our check in yesterday and had our boarding pass. Surprisingly when we showed our boarding pass the person who the other personnel called him supervisor told us you couldn't go because you have only carry on as luggage and you want to stay in Sao. Although we showed our tickets for next flight and the apartment reservation in Quito, he didn't allow us to use our flight. At 5 pm we found the turkish main office and the woman helped us to met Ali Baktash who sent us to other department and gave us a file number for our complain.In addition we spoke to someone who called from consul and she said it is not related to consul. At 29th May we received an email . You see it was unfair, after we went to turkish office in Isfahan and asked compensation for the flight to Quito but they didn't answer and now we decided to use our tickets that they accepted we can use for Sao but the turkish office said you should pay penalty for changing the date. Now please help us to know the truth. Is it fair? Gifty Amoako : Please am travelling on the 17 th November this year can I travel along with my baby foods and hot water in a flash. I also want to know if baby's car stroller or seat would be allowed in the plan .

07 November 2015 08:11:00 Guest


06 November 2015 01:11:00 Gifty Amoako

Please am travelling on the 17 th November this year can I travel along with my baby foods and hot water in a flash. I also want to know if baby's car stroller or seat would be allowed in the plan .

28 October 2015 05:10:00 David Wright

It does not surprise me that the former BBC journalist has probably hanged herself in the female toilets because she was stranded without money at Ataturk airport In Istanbul. I too missed my connecting flight, in my case because I was double-booked. I experienced the unhelpful and callous attitude of the Turkish Airways staff and was charged an exorbitant amount for a replacement economy ticket. I am sure that this is a well-worn, profit-enhancing routine for Turkish Airways. I know nothing of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding poor Jacky Sutton's death, save that Turkish Airways also tried to charge her for a replacement ticket and that she complained that she had no money for one. What was she to do – it’s a very miserable place in which to find oneself stranded and all alone. International personnel generally receive good salaries but also have extremely high expenses, which include airfares and house rents that must be paid a year or more in advance. Salary is often received many months in arrears and I can understand why a presumably well-paid woman might find herself temporarily without cash for an unplanned air ticket. Turkish Airways however do not care about their passenger’s plight – they advertise themselves as the “Best Airline in Europe” but their Customer Service falls well short of the minimum European Standards. I have experience of this airline’s practice of regularly double-booking seats to ensure a full aircraft but I did not realise the extent that this had reached. I arrived in Istanbul on the return leg of my journey - Gatwick to Kathmandu and return - I was flying with a business class ticket because I thought that this would provide me with more flexibility than a cheaper economy ticket. At Kathmandu , the check in desk informed me that my seat for the second leg was already occupied and so, although he booked my luggage through to the final destination, Gatwick, he would not issue the boarding card for this flight. The flight to Istanbul arrived slightly late, so that when I stepped into the Ataturk terminal I had only 45 minutes before the departure gate would close according to Turkish Airways rules. In fact I made it to the gate in 44 minutes. This was because the terminal is very long and I had to go from one end to the other extreme end to collect my boarding card and back again; because I queued at the economy class transfer desk and was then sent to the business class desk and because I was delayed at the security check. There were several other people in the same dilemma as me but they would not allow any of us to board the flight. The plane took off on time; we did not see any baggage being offloaded and we correctly concluded that it was never loaded. This immediately preceded the busy Eid Muslim holiday and it was clear to us that our seats were occupied by whoever had double-booked them. After this we were all given a real run-around by Turkish Airways staff who were bored and indifferent to our plight and who all were well versed with the official view that we had adequate time to reach the gate before it closed. I was told that the transfer desk could not help me and that I must go, ludicrously, to the ticket office which is on the other side of immigration. To do this it was necessary to obtain a Turkish immigration visa. The ticket office offered me a new ticket that I would have to pay for. I asked to see a manager and was referred to one who was difficult to find but when located merely told me that he could do nothing and that I must go to Customer Services in Istanbul, which was even more ludicrous. In the end, I had no option but to pay an exorbitant price for an economy class ticket - about half as much as for the entire business class return to Kathmandu. Written complaints later elicited nonsensical responses and got me nowhere. So if you are thinking of flying with this airline – than don’t but if you do risk it then make sure that you have plenty of time between flights and keep money in reserve because you may need it to buy you way out of trouble.

12 October 2015 11:10:00 Elsa Pil

DO the Turkish Airlines give you a refund on lost luggage?

01 October 2015 03:10:00 Salma zeb

AVOID!!!!!!!!!I travelled from the UK to Ataturk airport and had a gud flight. On the way back Turkish airlines closed the gates 25 minuets befor departure time and didn't allow us to boared. The security at the gates told us the do this all the time. This wouldn't happen in the UK. The plain didn't leave till half an hour later and we was forced to purchase a new one way ticket for £772 when we only paid £600 for our full 1 week holiday.. No 1 would help us from the air port especially Turkish airline staff. They didn't speak English so they just laughed at us and giggled amongst them selfs. I had my desabeled mother with me who can't walk much but we was sent from 1desk to another. I was told to leave my mum in arrivals as she couldn't walk more and go and collect our tickets but then I was not allowed to come back to her. She was in a right state. Her blood pressure went height with stress and was crying very much but no 1 helped. There was other elderly amongst us and dibetic patients who was also very destress. A man waiting to recive some 1 outside arrivals tried to help us and finally v saw the rest of the group after 2 hours of running around, being humiliated, spoken to very roudly and crying to b reunited with the rest of the group. V collected our luggage and found two suit cases broken and ripped with shrink rapp on them, we all left arrivals and went to sort out our tickets and even then no 1 wanted to help. We want to turk ekspress desk and purchased new tickets. The ladie told us they would cost us £590 so v purchased 6 with card payment and 1 with cash. When we got home and checked our bank statements we found we had been charged £772 and not £590 such was agreed. I have emailed many turkish airline and airport departments but no one has been in touch. I hope some one from the management team will contact me in regards to my expireance.

25 September 2015 10:09:00 Marlo Sciarra

AVOID TURKISH AIRLINES at all costs - and, it will cost you! I flew with Turkish Airlines on 8/24. We were on our honeymoon for sixteen days in Europe. Turkish Airlines lost my bag the entire time and never even delivered it to its final destination! My mother, my mother-in-law, my travel agent, and my cruise line all tried to get through to Turkish Airline to find out where the bag was and try to get it to our final destination. Each time Turkish agents told us a different answer, which contradicted the next answer we received. At one point Turkish said they were trying to get it to us at the next port. But, it never left the United States! Then we were told that the file was closed because the bag was delivered, but it was not. Finally we had to call a carrier service to go to LAX airport to look through the lost bags and they found our bag. Now they are claiming I didn't file within the 21 day policy of missing bag. But I did and have a copy of the Direct Courier Service receipt on the date my mother-in-law had to pick up the bag since I was still on the ship, plus automated emails from Turkish on the date I submitted the claim, to prove it. But now Turkish is ignoring our emails. We aren't giving up though. We plan to now work with an attorney to escalate the issue if we aren't contacted within 10 business days. Turkish Airlines does not care about their customers and have no customer service office in the United States to help with these issues. Don't fly with Turkish Airlines, fly with another airlines such as Emirates, Etihad Airways or Qatar Airways. Your wallet and sanity will thank you later :)

14 September 2015 05:09:00 MANJILI

Dear Sir /Madam I would like to inform you about my stressful experience of travelling my Mother by Turkish Air line fr om the UK to Tehran IKA Airport recently. In 13 September 20,15 my mum had left us @16.05 fr om Manchester Airport to Tehran by Turkish Airline and now is nearly 24 hours she has not arrived Tehran IKA airport. I really outrageous about this flight as the Official Turkish airline in Tehran have informed my sister (after 24 hours ) ,my mum will arrive IKA Airport at 1.30 am of 15 September. I couldn't find my mum during this time to talk .My mum had assistance because she is 84 and she has had a lot of physical issues . In addition she suffer dementia which has caused her to have cognition issues and disorientation. I just want to be sure wh ere she is now,is she okay and when she will leave Ataturk Airport in Istanbul ? I would definitely complain Turkish Air lines and would apply for a reasonable compensation. This problem has caused a lot of stress to my vulnerable elderly mum,I and also my family in Tehran wh ere they were expecting her for a long hours in the Airport . The Turkish Airline has shown that they do not care about the vulnerable people and their families.I have trusted the airline by letting them to take care of my elderly mum . I am looking forward to hearing from you. with regard, S B manjili

14 September 2015 03:09:00 Guest

In September 2015, I flew from LAX (Los Angeles/USA) to IKA (Tehran/Iran) through IST (Istanbul/Turkey). During the connection at Istanbul, someone genius (another Star Alliance's star) sent my baggage to AHL (Aishalton/Guyana in South America)!!!!! Since I left LAX, until I received my baggage, it just took 4 1/2 days.

11 September 2015 08:09:00 Guest

I am flying turkish every week. He evening flights from Istanbul are a nightmare. Literally every week I wait for 1-2 hours I the plain in order to take off! Is there Amy compensation on such a delay - I know it is non EU airline and airport and the delay is less than 3 hours. Still every week for at least several months now it is one and the same.....

11 September 2015 07:09:00 Dnaute

UK786 : Traveled from the UK (LHR) to Saudi Arabia (RUH) via Istanbul earlier this week. Waiting time of 45 mins between flights at Istanbul. When I arrived at Riyadh, my luggage wasn't on the carousel. After speaking to the airport baggage claim dept, they made some inquiries and I was told my luggage was in Istanbul. Every other passenger who'd transferred at Istanbul suffered the same problem. I eventually retrieved my luggage the following day, but my hard shell case was badly damaged and suffered a side fracture. Thankfully, nothing was missing from the case. I've filled an online form on their website seeking compensation. I'll not let this one pass. I spent a lot of money on my extensive itinerary with Turkish Airlines. There are plenty of other airlines out there. If Turkish Airlines can't even be bothered to transfer luggage onto connecting flights, they shouldn't be offering this service. Can you please share the link were i can find this online form on their website seeking compensation???

08 September 2015 11:09:00 Guest

Guest : We had a wonderful experience on Turkish airlines fr om Tokyo Narita to Istanbul and fr om there to Düsseldorf. Seems they go out of their way to please customers from Japan and European countries. But Istanbul Attaturk airport is an absolute nightmare wh ere everything that could possibly go wrong, does. Amazingly long queues, rude and lazy check in counters, and baggage mistreatment that looks like flat out mischief. I was sitting in the window seat of the baggage loading door and I could see how the baggage crew were literally hurling the bags onto the ground in ways I've never seen any baggage handler do before. The baggage carts also seemed to be scrambling in at the last minute from all over the airport with random, lost, misplaced luggage which they'd leave on some carts and not on others and some which they bothered to put on the plane and some that they didn't. Upon arriving in Narita after a great flight one of our three bags was missing--it was a soft bag labeled "fragile," marked with business class tags, wh ereas the other two were hard cases, also marked "fragile," so maybe this is why they were separated? Either way, there were at least twenty people from our flight whose bags hadn't shown up. The claims department for Turkish Airlines in Tokyo with Star Alliance is farmed out to a Swiss company, it seems--and I'd bet this is because it's the only way they could survive in a country with such a high demand for customer satisfaction as Japan. They reassured me it usually takes only three days to trace the bag and deliver it to your door for free, but reading the reviews here I'm skeptical. I would fly Turkish again, but maybe never again with checked bags and maybe not for flying anywhere other than Istanbul.I can relate.

07 September 2015 03:09:00 Johan

I'm travelling a lot by air plane. Without any doubt Turkish Airlines is the shittiest company. They lost both my bags, and after a week they still haven't localized them. They don't have any clue where they are. The support is totally useless. I will never ever use their services.

07 September 2015 12:09:00 Enis Satoglu

Turkish airlines is offscourings of Turkey. Yesterday ı had flight kayseri to istanbul and my luggage is lost. they registered my luggage to other passenger. that passenger went stuttgart. probably my baggage went stutgart. but luggage label is unreadable and they can't identification my luggage.

03 September 2015 08:09:00 HOUDA RAMMAL

Please share it, it can happen to you too , #turkishAirlines #ataturkAirport #turkhavayolari #ataturkhavalimani Flight :23521630641511 DEAR TURKISH AIRLINE EMPLOYEE , Today I had a flight to Madrid , I’m Moroccan and I live in France , which means that I have a French temporary residence that gives me the right to travel within Schengen . I arrived on time at the airport, took my boarding pass, get through the huge line for the customs and finally arrive to my Gate , number 218 . I didn’t know that at the gate , I will meet one of the worst employee I ever seen , he couldn’t speak English first : we are at an international airport and it seems that Turkish airlines is member of star alliance OH REALLY ?? SO HOW CAN YOU HIRE A MAN LIKE THAT FOR SUCH POSITION !!!!?? Then it was the beginning of the nightmare! YES A NIGHTMARE , he took my passeport and ID and asked me to wait a little , it was 7 my flight is at 7:40 why should I wait ?? I did , after 20 mins as he wasn’t looking at me or solving the problem I said please can you tell me what’s going on ?? His question was simple : where is your visa ? I said I don’t need visa I have a French temporary residence look this is it , his answer was short and simple : Ah this is it ? ok you are not flying OK ? you are staying HERE. I asked for a manager , he just ignored me , then I started to talk turkish to him he screamed I AM THE MANAGER OK ? I AM THE POLICE OK ? YOU ARE NOT FLYING YOU CAN GO BACK TO FRANCE IF YOU WANT YOU ARE NOT FLYING . How professional he is right ? he said go to the police and see with them … WAW of course the plane didn’t wait for me and from 7h30 to 10h I went up and down at ataturk airport no body able to answer me or solve the problem , people just don’t care , don’t listen because they are right and I’m wrong this is how it worked . The funniest part , I went to Switzerland last February with the same ID with no problem which is normal you can even check this : ... Sorry it’s french But it says that they have no reason to not let me fly , maybe he didn’t know what was SCHENGEN AREA ?? When I told him that he said, this is strange and this is a mistake they are not supposed to let you GO. I found myself out of the boarding area at Turkish airlines office that was ready to sell me another ticket 385 ˆ, of course, I’m printing money but they couldn’t reach any manager for me to solve the problem. Apparently manager are not working in the airport, they are not talking to customers. YES, this is a FIVE STAR SERVICE! This letter is for Turkish airlines managers and THIS EMPLOYEE!! Today you treated me like S***, you didn’t listen to me , you couldn’t express yourself in English , and you don’t know how to work and you have no idea about legal documents concerning SCHENGEN .So go for training , go learn English but I guess for professional matter , turkish airlines should get ride of you and people like you ! I hope this letter will come to you and YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT (not sure but your managers at least should)

01 September 2015 04:09:00 Al

Me or my family will never fly with Turkish Airlines again. Apart from not having any food for children on board, we travel with a 2 year old and 11 year old, this airline and its staff turned the return journey into a nightmare. Three of the group of 6 were travelling on non UK passports, but all had Indefinite leave to remain in the UK stamped on their passports meaning no visa's are required to enter the UK. Yet at the check in at Bangkok they kept asking them for their visa's and it took us an hour to get checked in at the desk, they even called the UK Embassy in Bangkok and took photo's of our passports. Just before departing they then came and told my wife that the brand new suitcase which she bought in Bangkok and was using for the first time had got caught up in the mechanism and had to be wrapped in polythene. On arrival in Edinburgh not only was that suitcase more or less destroyed, but my son's suitcase had the wheels missing having been ripped off. We complained to Turkish Airlines on both counts but they dismissed our complaint about the check in at Bangkok, saying it was up to passengers to have the correct paperwork, even though the British Embassy confirmed to them that everything was in order. As far as the luggage was concerned they first refused the claim saying we did not report the damage within 7 days even though we reported the damage within 2 days, and after accepting that, they then said that we did not report the damage at the airport even though we were about to board the aircraft when the damage was advised to us

30 August 2015 05:08:00 Guest

For us; while travelling CHICAGO-ISTANBUL-ABU DHABI on Turkish Airlines; we didn't receive our 02 bags at Abu Dhabi airport. We ask the baggage services and they issued me a PIR (Property Irregularity Report), and advise us to wait for their call. However, I kept following with them, also I contacted Turkish Airline helpline (Turkey) and they kept me updated like they are finding it / there is no status change etc., although getting my call through was a bit challenging, they attended the calls after a lot of attempts. When I called on 3rd day, they told me that they have located my baggage and gave me the contact number of the driver who has taken the baggage. I called him and he delivered the baggage at Ruwais (240 km away fr om Abu Dhabi) - which was impressive. All the bad feelings against Turkish Airlines, washed away.. lucky me. However, they should develop a system wh ere this condition should not arise.

30 August 2015 04:08:00 Guest

My Turkish Airlines story: I flew from Abu Dhabi to Istanbul with THY on 29 July. I go to baggage claim and stand there for an hour b/c my bag doesn't come out. After I filed a report they said it would be delivered in a few days. A few days pass, I call and they say it will be delivered in a few days. Repeat AD NAUSEAM. The bag must simply be lost by now (its been over a month) but they won't admit that. They just say they're looking for it. I contact their compensation department. No reply. After several days I go in to one of their offices and complain, then the next day I finally get a reply. In addition to what you'd expect, they also want a copy of my boarding pass and baggage tag. I write back saying I don't have the boarding pass or baggage tag anymore but I have the file reference number for my lost bag report. No reply. Apparently I have to give them the boarding pass and baggage tag to even get an acknowledgment? Or do I have to go to one of their offices and complain every time I send them an email? Can't they use the file reference number to identify me? Meanwhile I've had to spend several hundred dollars replacing lost property. So I go to their Facebook page and send them a private message, because I still want to give them the benefit of a doubt. This time I get a reply! But wait, they're looking into it. Several days pass and apparently they're still looking into it. This is the slowest, most agonizing customer service I've ever had the misfortune of having to deal with!

30 August 2015 10:08:00 Guest

I lost my luggage in the são paulo Amman trip and have a more than 10 days!!!!

28 August 2015 06:08:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines (23/08/2015 TK1882 TK1995 ) lost my baggage with important doctor's certificates, medicines and five days now no answer of what is happening. I am not sure if I ever feel secure to travel with them as well as I am almost sure that my baggage will never be found, as already 5 days have been passed ...imagine also that that was the last drop as I was heading back after an unexpected funeral ceremony of a beloved relative...

22 August 2015 02:08:00 Guest

[ I think you will find this experience quite common with Turkish Airline. When thing go right they are fine, however when things start to go wrong the support structure at TA is very poor. The staff are generally very unhelpful especially if you are of Asian or * skin colour. Constant delays just add to the misery of passengers. No ownership of issues and the shrift responses just make a bad situation worse. However I suspect you get what you pay for, cheap and uncheerful! I hope you manage to get some compensation back. M QOUTE] Bimi : TURKISH AIRLINE from Pristina to Instalbul Then from Instanbul to Dubai PROBLEM --------------- TK AIRLINE had technical problem and was stuck for 2 hours delay, which lead to missing the flight to dubai! upon arrival at Instanbul help desk, they eere very rude and unprofessional with very poor english!! They made us wait there for further 3 hours and offering a transit flight to Frankfurt arriving 6:20 and leaving to Dubai at 11:00 Finally arriving in Dubai at 19:15 on next day, they did not transport our 2 baggages. We are stuck in our hotel from wendsday evening without clothes. Still wearing same underwear since then and now it is saturday midnight! Very depressed and stressed! We arranged to visit dubai for our Honeymoon and this is what we received! i am very disappointed and insist a compensation for all of this hassle from Turkish Airline but from my experience they will do anything to admit that it is their fault. Anyone had any similar issue and got a settlement / compensation!??

21 August 2015 11:08:00 Bimi

TURKISH AIRLINE from Pristina to Instalbul Then from Instanbul to Dubai PROBLEM --------------- TK AIRLINE had technical problem and was stuck for 2 hours delay, which lead to missing the flight to dubai! upon arrival at Instanbul help desk, they eere very rude and unprofessional with very poor english!! They made us wait there for further 3 hours and offering a transit flight to Frankfurt arriving 6:20 and leaving to Dubai at 11:00 Finally arriving in Dubai at 19:15 on next day, they did not transport our 2 baggages. We are stuck in our hotel from wendsday evening without clothes. Still wearing same underwear since then and now it is saturday midnight! Very depressed and stressed! We arranged to visit dubai for our Honeymoon and this is what we received! i am very disappointed and insist a compensation for all of this hassle from Turkish Airline but from my experience they will do anything to admit that it is their fault. Anyone had any similar issue and got a settlement / compensation!??

21 August 2015 04:08:00 UK786

An update to my 24 July entry. Turkish Airlines are refusing to acknowledge that my baggage arrived late, and in a severely damaged condition. They are trying to claim that I didn't fill out a late arrival form at the airport, and that I didn't inform the airport baggage claim dept that my baggage was severely damaged. It was plainly obvious to the airport clerk who accompanied me to retrieve my luggage that it was damaged, and I completed all the necessary paperwork in order to pursue a complaint with this useless airline company. It seems that you only receive good customer service / treatment with this airline if you are Turkish. This was evident when dealing with their staff at the airport and their cabin crew. The cabin crew would always go out of their way to give good service to Turkish passengers, whereas everyone else would be treated with absolute contempt, especially to travelers who have * skin.

04 August 2015 05:08:00 Lily Bishop

I informed Turkish Airlines of my severe allergy to peanuts well in advance of the trip whereby I requested a nut-free meal for myself to eat while on board and asked for no peanuts to be served to other passengers as the particles in the air will affect my health. I was then assured that my request had been put on the system and will be arranged for me. However, I boarded the initial connection flight from London Gatwick to Istanbul and was shocked and concerned to see that the food menu was offering SATAY (peanut) chicken with a cashew nut desert. It was clear that none of the flight attendants knew about me or my condition. I immediately went to discuss this with the flight attendants and they decided to place me in the cockpit of the aeroplane in order to avoid the contaminated air. Very stressful and uncomfortable. I was advised that on my next connecting flight to Kilimanjaro, I should 'remind' Turkish Airlines of my dietary requirements at check-in. As instructed, I 'reminded' the crew of my fatal condition at check-in and instead of being reassured that I will be catered for this time, I caused a commotion between all staff involved. Several men were having unsettled phone-calls and no decision was made until 2 hours later. They refused to allow me to board the flight on the basis that they had not prepared a safe meal for men as there were hazelnuts on board. Despite my best attempts to explain that hazelnut particles in the air are safe, it is only peanuts that pose problems, they would not listen to me and still refused, perhaps due to the language barrier. I was then ordered to go to Turkish Airlines transfer desk to arrange my overnight stay. However, nothing was input into a system, I was given no names and no proof of situation and therefore the transfer desk assistant did not believe a word I was saying. So, I was now stranded in Istanbul and being told I had to pay for my night's hotel and new flight. Eventually, a man named Maurat came to the desk and informed me that I was in fact in the right as I had previously told the airline about my allergy and that I am entitled to free overnight stay, transfer, and new flight. However, the lack of communication between different departments of the airport continued as they failed to tell me I would also need a visa to leave the airport in Turkey which caused more delays, and then my luggage was unable to be found. I waited over 3 hours for my luggage to then be told its location had not been tracked and I'd have to spend the night without my things, including my medications such as my daily Malarone, steroid creams and anti-histamine tablets. Once at the hotel desk, it was the same issue of them not knowing anything about my situation or entitlements and I had to spend a long time explaining myself for the third time. There was a complete lack of organisation, continuity, reassurance or communication by Turkish Airlines. The following day I tried to check-in for the equivalent flight. However, they saw on the system that I was allergic to 'hazelnuts' and then demanded evidence of my allergy. Two things wrong here, firstly, I am NOT allergic to hazelnuts, they had still not logged my condition correctly on the system. Secondly, why suddenly demand evidence now? Why not yesterday during the havoc? Why would I fabricate that I have an allergy, to make life difficult for myself? When I presented my doctor's letter confirming that I have a severe, life long allergy to peanuts, the rude check-in lady refused to accept it as it was dated 2013. She told me that I was not authorised to board the plane and then took away my boarding pass. This was utterly ridiculous, partly because allergies do not disappear so a letter from any year of my life should be valid and also because paradoxically, if my evidence letter was 'invalid', then that presumes that I am not believed to suffer from any allergies and should therefore be treated as a regular customer and board normally... not banned from boarding entirely! The lack of professionalism and communication between Turkish Airlines employees was all too apparent.

04 August 2015 10:08:00 Naish

Samo did you find your bag. Dear, TA I was on my business trip to Dubai via Istanbul. I was traveling business clas. My laguage was lost and delayed to Dubai for 0ne day. I had very important meeting with very important person in Dubai. It was essential to folow dresscode for that kind of meeting. As minister I served to my country and could not afford anything less than business dress code! Acording to mentioned facts it was essential for me to buy clothes for that meeting. This were expenses I did not pla or need at that moment. It would be hones and fair from Turkish Airlines to compesate those expenses. All bills attached. All best! Samo Omerzel my contact:

04 August 2015 10:08:00 Naish

O My God after reading all this I am now worried that my AuntyAunty wouldn't find her bag. Did not know Turkish Airlines was this useless with handing Lost Baggage. She left UK with family to Nigeria on the 28th July 15 till date bag not found. To make matters worst most of the items in the bags re not hers and her medications for High blood pressure all in this bag causing her a big time stress. Now she has no idea where her bag is but have no choice then to get a lawyer on the case. It's clear that Turkish airlines have been getting away with this rubbish and someone needs to teach them a lesson. What rubbish if you can't handle just a common baggage then I guess customers need to re-think before flying this aliline.

27 July 2015 12:07:00 D. Ratnayake

A shocking Experience On Turkish Airlines Istanbul/Athens flight TK1849 of 18th April 2015 I had a confirmed Business Class reservation on seat 03F. The reservation was made about 75 days in advance. I arrived at the Business Class counter exhausted after walking a considerable distance carrying 3 pieces of luggage as the check-in counter was incorrectly stated on the digital display. After considerable delay, I was informed that I will be downgraded to Economy Class. I strongly protested and asked to reconsider because of my age (over 75 years) and health which compelled me to travel only on Business Class. Instead, after further delay, I was offered compensation in Euro 225 on condition that I sign an agreement absolving the airline of liability and collect the cash not at the time of signing the agreement, but at the boarding time and at the boarding gate. I was willing to sign the agreement provided cash was paid at the time of signing the agreement. After consultations with their Accountant, they made me walk to the other end of arrival lounge to meet the Accountant. She was off-handish and rude and bluntly refused to vary the conditions. Their offer was extremely one sided and hugely flawed. If the airline wished they could have defaulted or their accountant and/or counter staff could have pocketed the money. The time was long past scheduled boarding time, I had to run to Immigration and then to the Boarding Gate. This ordeal, most of the time on my feet took about 3 hrs 30 minutes. When I boardered the aircraft the first thing I observed was that almost all occupying seats in business class were very much younger than me (I am over 75 years) and some were youth. Outrageous and shameful for an airline which claims service excellence to treat a senior citizen in this manner. On return to Colombo I complained to the airline’s General Manager. His reply to quote “To demonstrate our commitment to service excellence, as a gesture of apology we will refund the value between Business Class and Economy Class which is Euro 220.00 equivalent in LKR 33800 as a compensation for downgrade” which I accepted. The payment neither demonstrates the airline’s commitment to service excellence nor is an apology but simply complies with the minimum compensation laid down in the IATA regulations, which the airline is bound by.

25 July 2015 07:07:00 Guest

I wanna write down the review cause many people are looking for a review while searching for an airline to choose it was my first experience with Turkish airlines I had a round trip with them to Europe and back to USA ..I would say my whole experience was a mess!!!it was awful starting with the food and finishing with customer service !!!the staff on the air plain was so racist I would say they were really helping their Turkish people and there was these lady with kids crying on the aircraft like crazy and they never said a word to them.i asked a wheelchair for my kid and they said they ordered it cause my kid got sick on the flight and I never got it !my stroller ...mess too!!!they lost my cover took a while to get it like 30 min after the flight was already in U.S.!!i would never travel with them again!!never ever !!the food was awful the staff not helpful at all u had to call them 3 times till they came !! Lufthansa and Austrian and united so much better on European trips !!!

24 July 2015 04:07:00 UK786

Traveled from the UK (LHR) to Saudi Arabia (RUH) via Istanbul earlier this week. Waiting time of 45 mins between flights at Istanbul. When I arrived at Riyadh, my luggage wasn't on the carousel. After speaking to the airport baggage claim dept, they made some inquiries and I was told my luggage was in Istanbul. Every other passenger who'd transferred at Istanbul suffered the same problem. I eventually retrieved my luggage the following day, but my hard shell case was badly damaged and suffered a side fracture. Thankfully, nothing was missing from the case. I've filled an online form on their website seeking compensation. I'll not let this one pass. I spent a lot of money on my extensive itinerary with Turkish Airlines. There are plenty of other airlines out there. If Turkish Airlines can't even be bothered to transfer luggage onto connecting flights, they shouldn't be offering this service.

19 July 2015 08:07:00 Guest

the worst airline ever !!!! the staff are super rude.

18 July 2015 09:07:00 Mr Wormold

Absolutely appalling airline. Flight from Tel Aviv to Istanbul was 2 hours late, causing a missed connection. No announcements, no help, no apologies. 5 hours at the airport to retrieve a bag - no refreshments offered. No help with obtaining a Turkish visa (which surely the airline should have paid for as I was stuck in Istanbul overnight because of the missed connection). Staff universally rude and unfriendly. Two separate members of staff ignored a question and simply walked off. I'm never flying with them again.

16 July 2015 07:07:00 Samo Omerzel

Dear, TA I was on my business trip to Dubai via Istanbul. I was traveling business clas. My laguage was lost and delayed to Dubai for 0ne day. I had very important meeting with very important person in Dubai. It was essential to folow dresscode for that kind of meeting. As minister I served to my country and could not afford anything less than business dress code! Acording to mentioned facts it was essential for me to buy clothes for that meeting. This were expenses I did not pla or need at that moment. It would be hones and fair from Turkish Airlines to compesate those expenses. All bills attached. All best! Samo Omerzel my contact:

08 July 2015 10:07:00 MD ARIFUL ALAM

please let me know the status against my lost baggage claim reference #TK9198353

02 July 2015 08:07:00 Karnail singh

Hello good evening. My wife traveled with Turkish Airline from New Delhi to Barcelona at 29 june 2015. But the Airline lost her 1 luggage. But now luggage is found in new delhi because of the mistake of Airline they sent the luggage to delhi and now nobody is helping us. I called 1000 time Turkish Airline office Barcelona Airport but no responce . Please help mi. My contact number in 0034632799484

27 June 2015 01:06:00 Guest

My baggage was delayed between Chicago and Rome in the beginning of May this year for 6 days (my entire vacation practically). The staff were so incompetent throughout the incident and completely useless. Turned out my luggage hadn't even left Chicago. I submitted a claim for compensation on the 12th of May and have been calling back repeatedly. They have not been able to give me any updates on my status. Have other users been successful with compensation? I called in today and for the first time they told me that they are not even accepting over the phone updates for claim statuses and that now I can only email. Can anyone give me any advice? How long did other claims take?

24 June 2015 12:06:00 Guest

I wanted to change a destination and could not online. I had a business class, changeable/partially refundable ticket. I could not do it online. I called them, they said I had to drive 6 hours to the nearest Turkish Airlines office in the US to present my credit card to make the change. I told them this was not possible. They told me they could send me forms from Istanbul to present my credit card, this would take 1-2 weeks. I told them I didn't have time to wait that I had to make my reservations for work. They said no other option, they refused to change the ticket over the phone. I cancelled my ticket, they charged me the cancellation. I explained to them that they will have a difficult time in the US with this policy, as people's travel plans change and they should at least be able to make changes over the phone. They didn't care. I will never fly Turkish Airlines. I have made changes with the big European airlines before, online even, without issue. It's 2015 Turkish Airlines. Never again. Terrible customer service.

14 June 2015 01:06:00 Jonathan W

The problem with Turkish Airline is that if you have a problem, their systems have profound design flaws that make dealing with the airline a nightmare. Turkish Airlines lost my luggage between Ankara and Rome. Their agent at FCO In Rome does not maintain an office at Terminal 2, where the flight landed. There is a sign to go to Terminal 1. At Terminal 1, you have to clear security again, and then, Gayorg get to the location where the agent is supposed to be, and there is no agent there either. So you call Turkish Airlines and they tell you since you haven't filled out a loss form giving you a Property Irregularity Report number, they can't help you. You explain that this was impossible as they had no office open at the airport. They tell you to file an electronic form. But the electronic form can't be updated without you having the Propert Irregularity Report number already. A perfect circle of impossibility. Kafka would have loved it. Better yet, there phone number for baggage issues demands that you enter a one or a two depending on whether you are a frequent flyer with them. But then doesn't register the sound from the one or two you have punched in to the phone and keeps asking you to provide it, although you already have. Only recourse is to hang up and try again. Sometimes their answering machine hears the number, and you get through and sometimes it doesn't. But the person at the end of the line can't help you anyway until you have the Property Irregularity Report number, which as I mentioned you can't get unless you can find someone at the airport who will give it to you. Which may also be impossible. But once you get the number, that won't help,either, because they will tell you they have no information about what happened to your luggage. None. Absolutely none. It just vanished. The airlines systems are a nightmare. Just don't take it personally. My luggage had my name on ultimate tags including my email address. Easy to find me. But either my bag or me or both remain missing. Oh by the way, I checked my bag, which I never do, because they refused to allow me to take it aboard although the bag has gone into overhead areas all over the world without problems, and would have fit the overhead in this plane too. this summary cannot convey how bad this experience has been. Let's summarize it this way: completely unacceptable handling of the luggage, of the filing of the claim, of the customer interface online, of the customer communications through their phone system. None of it works.

02 June 2015 10:06:00 AL Rater

Don't fly Turkish Airlines - if something goes wrong your trip will turn into a nightmare: Flight from Manila to Istanbul delayed by more than 13 hours. Hotel in Manila was a ruin, 1 hour from the airport. Dinner and breakfast - dog food. Wake-up call at 03:30. Upon arrival at the airport all Turkish airline counters still closed. Boarding started at 10:15. In Istanbul no information about hotels, connectiong flight. Waited 30 min at the transfer desk. No connecting flight on the same day to Germany. Passport check: waiting time of 1 hour. Hotel in Istanbul ok. Dinner: nothing to choose from; water (not bottled) + instant tomato soup, one piece of bread + cold oily fried vegetables and cold rice. Breakfast next morning ok I have experienced bigger delays with several other airlines before, but Turkish Airlines was by far the worst in terms of customer treatment.

29 May 2015 04:05:00 Guest

where is tag nomber of baggage ?

28 May 2015 11:05:00 Guest

My flight from Kathmandu (scheduled at 7:35) to Istanbul was delayed for more than 1 hour, which made me miss my connecting flight from Istanbul (scheduled at 14:00) to Stockholm Arland airport. Due to the delay the flight from KTM to IST landed only at 13:35 (local Turkish time) which gave me no time for boarding to next flight to stockholm. After arrival, with much passengers on board was difficult to get out of the plane and following the security checking and other regular procedure consumed so much time. Interesting fact that with the knowledge of delayed of previous flight out connecting flight was not even hold for few minutes?? I and other fellow passengers from the same flight and connecting flight to STK had to run with our cabin luggage to make on time to the boarding gates when the gate status still showed 'LAST CALL'. We however managed to reach the gate before the take off time but the gates were already closed. Due to this misconnecting flight I happened to miss my another flight from Stockholm to Helsinki on the same day, that made me another loss. Further more, I missed my work schedule of 21st May when I was supposed to arrive to Helsinki on 20th and start working form the 21st. On top of that, some staff of Turkish Airlines at Istanbul Airport were very rude and uncooperative regarding this matter, and they were not effective communicator in English at the very International Airport. They didn't provide me hotel room, had to sleep the whole night at airport's waiting room on bench. I would like to know how can I get compensation for all my loss of time, money and the stress I had to go through all the time at Istanbul Airport?? Anyone with similar experience with this airlines?

05 May 2015 02:05:00 mcgee

Turkish Air would appear to cost around 2/3rd the cost of a similar ticket to Europe on United, at first glance. On closer inspection one notices that the tax and fees are double that of the United ticket, but still there is a substantial saving. However, be aware of what you must tolerate for that $500-600 saved. TKA flights are almost always late by 2 hours, which means if you have a connecting flight with a short layover you will probably miss it. All flights go to Istanbul airport which may be out of the way from where you are traveling (unless going to Greece or Eastern Europe). There is typically a long layover at that airport when traveling TKA and it is crowded. If female traveling alone you may encounter rudeness at that airport and if you are American, slow and sullen service in any cafe seems to be the norm. From Houston the TKA flights leave very late on Sat. around 8, but return from Europe very early (6:45 am) - this means you lose a day or two of your travel time. For us we arrived so late we missed the cheap bus and had to hire a much more costly car service. When getting in so late, naturally all the currency conversion offices are closed and many taxis don't take credit cards. You may find yourself stranded, especially with the airline propensity to run late. Apparently the preferred temperature in Turkey differs from that in the US and the temperature on the airplane will be kept at 80-85 degrees during the entire flight. Be aware that there is NO LOCAL OFFICE for the airline in Houston. If you have any difficulty and need to contact the airline, you will be paying for a very costly call to Turkey and the assistance will not be quick. The website doesn't always work for US, so to reserve seats and other updates may require calls. The Boing 777-ER has been reconfigured now, to take out some of the extra space that allowed people to stand and more seats have been crammed in making it most uncomfortable. The food was the worst that I have ever experienced on an airline. The attendants rarely come through to offer water, offer drinks, or pick up trash between the meals. There is only one galley way back at the end of the plane. There was no water setting out on the flight from Houston to Istanbul on the way there, but at least on the way back they did have this. It would seem to be just common sense to set out water. Did I mention the flights are longer in air and waiting times than the comparable United flights. So is it worth the $500 to experience 5 or 6 extra hours of in flight misery? (Everyone knows that as the seats get closer together, the flight experience gets more and more miserable.) No, it is not worth it, not to me. That is why I say Never Again to Turkish Airlines.

04 May 2015 09:05:00 Guest

Well I too travelled Turkish Airlines and whilst the in flight service on board, movies and food were good, the late arrival and subsequent delayed connection caused me a 12 hour sleep on the arrivals floor of Istanbul airport with no food no water and no money. A simple planned 2 hour transit through Istanbul ended up with an instruction to buy a visa on line when I did not have a smart phone device queue an hour, then queue again to re enter airside and on arrival at LHR find my 2 bags were delayed/not there! The bags turned up 3 days later but the the whole episode was indeed unfortunate maybe a collection of circumstances but I too and saw others given short shrift from TA representatives. This is air travel and it gets to you when you are at your most vulnerable. Ticket price was my driver so maybe next time go back to Aeroflot!

01 May 2015 03:05:00 Guest

turkish airline is the worst ariline ever. they lost my baggage after 4 days they found my baggage. I asked for compensation they stupidly said you were lucky you got your baggage some people never got their baggage. very stupid people management I will never travel with them.

23 April 2015 05:04:00 Guest

Appalling customer service staff in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Asked a simple question " explain your refund policy for ticket type a and b ... 4 emails later, gave me the same website link I got whilst trying to book. Rude nasty guy, Most disappointed. For there, avoid this guy : Quang Khanh PHAM (Mr.)| Account Manager , Ho Chi Minh office

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