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Turkish Airlines Discussion

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12 November 2016 12:11:00 Samira Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan

Dear Hmeria Ozbek /CARGOTRACKING. Many thanks for your reply. But your reply is not clear. Can you please urgently help for: We disptched 3 cartons under your airway bill no. 235 0682 8452 fr om Pakistan to Lyon Saint Exupery in France. only 2 cartons were dispatched from IST to Lyon saint Exupery France and 1 carton is missing and we are facing heavy problem due to your handling, we are regular exporter from Pakistan to France. Please urgently provide your clear under standing WH ERE IS THE 3RD CARTON of this consignment because this missing 3rd carton pertaining goods value is US$:4000.00 We would be highly appreciate if you please provide us exact status. Await your co-operation feed back. Regards, Maqbool Ahmad. Samira Fabrics Our website address is: e-mail address is: cell no. 0092 300 7605866

29 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines and Istanbul Airport are nasty places, dirty and no concern about health conditions or cleaning. They are rude and without any kind of concern for customers. Try to avoid this airport from now on.

24 October 2016 03:10:00 Kimberly Nguyen

I travel from Vienna to Houston and Turkish airline lost my luggage. It's been 48 hrs. I have called 817_233_3517 several times without any answer. Does anyone jave the same problem ?

14 October 2016 06:10:00 Guest

Check in on line what a joke takes about 50 attempts,so infuriating

14 October 2016 10:10:00 Ionita

am pregnant in almost 7 month, I fly from Bucharest to istanbul, istanbul-tokyo it was bad weather when i leave from Bucharest windy and rainy almost all flight was turbulence it was kind of stressing, finally i arrived to istanbul take the plane for tokyo, what i want to say is that i was very tired, the plane was full my handbag was kind heavy so i prefer to let it near my foot, the stewardess come to me and said with a tone not so kind that i must put my bag up, i thought she will help me but she didn't so i put it under the chair like usually and she come again tell me same thing, with the same tone not helping at all, soon come another attendat and i ask her to help me with the bag but she said to wait but didn't come back, so i must do it by my self. I was really tired had no power to push the up door(is kind heavy when you open it and close it specialy when you're pregnant in 7 month you feel it more heavy and if you're not tall more worse).It take 2 minute to do that but no one of them didn't want to do it. And one more bad experience with turkish when i leave japan via istanbul i had 5 month pregnancy, i ask the attendat if i can move couse i notice 3 chairs not occupaid, telling me to wait and didn't come back with a answer, and that chair was not occupaid all the flight, i notice when i have to go to bathroom. That's my bad experience and i want it to share it hope no pregnant women have to do with this situation.

11 October 2016 12:10:00 Guest

Hi, my Nmae are Majok Abraham Mabior from South Sudan and a student under Turkey scholarship this yea. This is my MAJOKABRAHAM MABİOR, 16SS000175; You send me the Reservation email but due to poor internet services here in South Sudan, I missed the dateline but I havr reply the email accordingly.

10 October 2016 11:10:00 Guest

Has anyone successfully completed the Turkish Arlines APIS information online? I can fill in the passport info, but i dont need a visa as i am just transiting through Istanbul to Seoul. But it keeps asking me to fill in visa info.

10 October 2016 08:10:00 Guest

Lost baggage reference number ORDTK19160 I just wanted to tell you about my case and my frustration. It have been already 2 weeks that I am trying to find my baggage. I arrived in US on 24 september and since then nothing. I made some calls to the number they provide me and i cant reach anyone (312) 595-0849...already 5 days when i choose lost baggage option they tell me that the box is full and when i contact the operator they tell me that i need to call the lost and found department. I supplied already the list with everything in the baggage and nothing. Is there is someone serious that can act immediately and see what are further actions? I cant believe that such big company is such irresponsible and no one carries...for sure I will never ever fly with them!

08 October 2016 07:10:00 dorothy hornby

I sent a comp;aint earlier concerning the temp, wirthdrawal of my MIiles & Miles card. I have been wailting for your reply. MY e.mail address is ----- dorothy.hornby@ I would like to book a.s.a.p before prices go up regards Dorothy Hornby

08 October 2016 07:10:00 dorothy hornby

I have been a miles & miles member for 20 years. I have trvalled with Turkish Airlines 5 times in 2016. I am trying to book a flight for February 2017. Unfirtunately my Miles & Smiles card has been temporarilly withdrawn. supposedly becauase I had given a wrrong PIN No. Only on 6th October I have confirmation by e.mail of my new Pin NO. Pease will you help Dorothy Hornby.

06 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest

chris knibbs : Guest : I am writing a formal complaint against the Turkish Airlines, Riyadh office at Uruba and Olaya with the hope that something may be done to rectify their extremely poor customer service skills and business practices. After months of filing numerous complaints to the head office of Turkish Airlines in order to be refunded for a huge mistake on their part, my wife and I had finally received confirmation that our claim had been accepted and we would be reimbursed. Having to follow up for reimbursement at their local office here in Riyadh was an awful experience to say the least. I had to go into their office three times over a four week period just to receive our reimbursement which had already been approved by the Turkish Airlines Corporate office and I have documented proof of this. Each time I went into the office, instead of being treated like a loyal customer (my wife and I had flown Turkish many times until this experience) I was treated like a burden by the office manager (Sener Taskir) and shown absolutely zero respect. He would talk over me, ignore me, raise his voice to me, curse at me and do all of this in the presence of other customers. This was not just once. This was each and every time that I entered the office and attempted to speak with him regarding my claim. Although I had proof that my claim amount had been approved by his corporate office, he and his staff ignored it and prolonged the reimbursement process for reasons that I can not explain other than pure negligence on their part. After my third visit and finally receiving what was due to us, I kindly asked, Mr. Taskir for a personal business card with his name on it which he refused. This is a manger in a customer service related position being given a simple request by a paying customer and denying that customer their request, forcing me to get his name fr om another employee. I was completely shocked at the utter disrespect and neglect. This outright mistreatment of customers by a manager sets a terrible example for his team in the office and for Turkish Airlines as a whole. This type of behavior by a manager also indeed influences the behavior of his staff as some of them acted extremely unprofessional as well, providing terrible customer service. Turkish Airlines claims to be an award winning airline and number one in Europe. This manager, Sener Taskir, is greatly misrepresenting the Turkish Airlines name and setting up terrible business practices at their Riyadh office. Due to this experience, my family and I will never fly Turkish again and I am sure that there are many more like us. We would like to see something done about this negligence against customers and keep people like Sener Taskir out of customer service related positions wh ere they can grossly misrepresent companies, abuse their managerial power and mistreat customers. I will also be forwarding this complaint to the corporate office of Turkish Airlines Award winning , Number one in Europe Is A JOKE !! Worst ever Airline and Ataturk airport is also the worst ! Rude unhelpful people , who don't care that you're stranded in their airport ( their fault ) Hope you get some satisfaction My friend hasn't !! Good luck Dear Chris, My name is Erol Şenol, General Manager of Riyadh Office, felt so sorry after reading your experience in our office. I appreciate it if you can send your contact details in order to discuss on this case via m email: Best Regards.

06 October 2016 08:10:00 Guest

Worst airline ever, legroom is terrible for 12 hours of flight, dirty fleets with terrible custmer service, nobody can speak english in Istanbul airport, never buy again

02 October 2016 04:10:00 Guest

I travelled to Lisbon by Turkish Airline and they lost my luggage. There were 3 other people with my who had the same problem. Still no reply to my complain about where my lugage and my stuff is. I checked their Lost&Found room. There are HUNDREDS of luggage stashed there and many of them have been there for more than 3 months. I will NEVER fly wit this AWFUL Turkish airline. How did they become best Airline in Europe for 5 years. Are all airline that terrible? I am sure it is not.

18 September 2016 09:09:00 Guest

I am looking for deals to Pakistan in feburary march 2017

15 September 2016 09:09:00 MB

I flew overseas from Washington through TAV (Ataturk Airport). We missed the next connection trip because of the gate numbers confusion on the monitors. After we realized that we were at the wrong gate, we walked for 15 minutes to the correct gate as they were closing it. They re opened it for a Turkish passenger and refused to let us get in. They advised us to go to the transfer desk and we again were faced with horrible customer service. The supervisor was aggressive and racist. He said that we were to pay $2k+ for changing the ticket. He offered us no other alternative and stated if we refused to pay the money we would also lose the round back tickets. I asked him to call his manager so I could explain what had happened at the gate however, he ignored us and was playing on his cell phone. Other passengers there had the same issues. It seems that they are doing this on purpose to gain extra money! One of the passengers waiting along side of us attempted to commit suicide. We stopped her more than once and we asked for someone to contact police or an ambulance but, the supervisor began screaming at me and pointed his finger in my face and stated he would not help me and would never help me. Additional: They replied to my complaint after 27 days with some stupid rules. I decide to spend another $2k to campaign and warn the other passengers to boycott Turkish Airlines .

15 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines violate human and passenger rights! I am a person with disability. Turkish Airlines failed to deliver me to final destination! I bought a ticket for Turkish Airlines flight Guangzhou (CAN) - Dnepropetrovsk (DNK) to go directly to DNK Hospital for urgent surgery. Flight: TK0073/TK0435 Date: 31.03.2016. But instead DNK airport Turkish Airlines delivered me (at night time and on the wheelchair) to KBP airport which is 500 km far fr om my final destination!!! Please understand that in my situation of immobility and urgency of medical operation that was a total disaster for me. Ticket Guangzhou - DNK No. 235-2230560940 (Ref. TK/U2832T) with confirmation of booking and payment, medical documents were submitted to Airline complaint desk. I asked them to compensate me ticket price and my moral and physical damage as I am disabled person, who was late for surgery and suffered from pain. But instead of apologies and compensation, they tried to avoid responsibility multiple times, sending me wrong information, in violation of International Laws, IATA regulations, human rights and rights of persons with disabilities. They refused to provide the reason of flight cancellation, giving false causes and information, though the real reason of flight cancellation was due to Turkish Airlines commercial dispute and their controversies with Dnepropetrovsk airport. They treat this way simple people who cannot protect themselves. I bought a ticket at Turkish Airlines and it is fair that Turkish Airlines must deliver me to final destination. THEIR OBLIGATIONS REMAIN UNFULFILLED! I have no funds for lawyers or international courts, cannot go to Turkey to proceed with this case, and I am very lim ited in travel or any motion due to my musculoskeletal dysfunction disability. Please help me to restore justice and bring perpetrators to responsibility, I want to let people know of how Turkish Airlines treat their passengers.

04 September 2016 01:09:00 M M

I was travelling business class from Frankfurt to Karachi via Istanbul, when I arrived in Karachi I could not find my baggage. There were more than 4 passengers included me whose baggage did not arrive. This is worst airline, I advice do not travel in this airline.

04 September 2016 01:09:00 M M

Turkish Airline is the worst airline. Do not travel with this airline you will definitely regret.

30 August 2016 10:08:00 Guest

I'm filipino, my family and our friends (15 people in total) booked a flight from Manila to Turin with a stopover in Istanbul (TURKISH AIRLINES) Our flight in Manila was delayed for 4 hours due to weather conditions, so we arrived in Istanbul knowing that we wouldn't catch the plane going to Turin. we headed for the transfer desk and they booked us in a hotel because the next flight was the day after (26 hours from then), the problem is WE NEED AN E-VISA to get in the turkish country. They told us they would refund all the money we paid for the visas (over 250 euros), 1 week has passed and they haven't even replied my email yet.

27 August 2016 09:08:00 Guest

My Nigerian friend travels Johannesburg-Budapest-Johannesburg by Turkish Airlines. He has a Shengen EU visa, but his flight stops in Istanbul, for some hours, but he doesnt wants to enter Turkey, only waits for his connectflight to Budapest. Does he need a visa for Turkey?

23 August 2016 04:08:00 Volkan

I m originally from Istanbul on my last journey back England I made to miss my plane with TURKISH AIRLINE and there isn't a single person to help we were so upset with my family and two kids they made us wait one and half hour in passport control traffic to airport was so busy it took us 45 min to travel one mile .I HONESTLY SUGGEST TO EVERY BODY NOT TO İSTANBUL AND NEVER NEVER FLY WITH TURKISH AIRLINE THEY ATE THE MOST USELESS AIRLINE there is

23 August 2016 04:08:00 Guest

I chris knibbs : Guest : I am writing a formal complaint against the Turkish Airlines, Riyadh office at Uruba and Olaya with the hope that something may be done to rectify their extremely poor customer service skills and business practices. After months of filing numerous complaints to the head office of Turkish Airlines in order to be refunded for a huge mistake on their part, my wife and I had finally received confirmation that our claim had been accepted and we would be reimbursed. Having to follow up for reimbursement at their local office here in Riyadh was an awful experience to say the least. I had to go into their office three times over a four week period just to receive our reimbursement which had already been approved by the Turkish Airlines Corporate office and I have documented proof of this. Each time I went into the office, instead of being treated like a loyal customer (my wife and I had flown Turkish many times until this experience) I was treated like a burden by the office manager (Sener Taskir) and shown absolutely zero respect. He would talk over me, ignore me, raise his voice to me, curse at me and do all of this in the presence of other customers. This was not just once. This was each and every time that I entered the office and attempted to speak with him regarding my claim. Although I had proof that my claim amount had been approved by his corporate office, he and his staff ignored it and prolonged the reimbursement process for reasons that I can not explain other than pure negligence on their part. After my third visit and finally receiving what was due to us, I kindly asked, Mr. Taskir for a personal business card with his name on it which he refused. This is a manger in a customer service related position being given a simple request by a paying customer and denying that customer their request, forcing me to get his name fr om another employee. I was completely shocked at the utter disrespect and neglect. This outright mistreatment of customers by a manager sets a terrible example for his team in the office and for Turkish Airlines as a whole. This type of behavior by a manager also indeed influences the behavior of his staff as some of them acted extremely unprofessional as well, providing terrible customer service. Turkish Airlines claims to be an award winning airline and number one in Europe. This manager, Sener Taskir, is greatly misrepresenting the Turkish Airlines name and setting up terrible business practices at their Riyadh office. Due to this experience, my family and I will never fly Turkish again and I am sure that there are many more like us. We would like to see something done about this negligence against customers and keep people like Sener Taskir out of customer service related positions wh ere they can grossly misrepresent companies, abuse their managerial power and mistreat customers. I will also be forwarding this complaint to the corporate office of Turkish Airlines. Award winning , Number one in Europe Is A JOKE !! Worst ever Airline and Ataturk airport is also the worst ! Rude unhelpful people , who don't care that you're stranded in their airport ( their fault ) Hope you get some satisfaction My friend hasn't !! Good luck

22 August 2016 12:08:00 Guest

My son in law and brother booked return flights from Birmingham Airport to Lefkosa (via Istanbul) for themselves and two children (their daughters) with Turkish Airlines (TA). Due to unforeseen circumstances my son in law and daughter have had to miss their outbound flight from Birmingham and fly out a few days later but intended to return on the booked return TA flight. When my son in law took his brother and niece to Birmingham Airport today to check in for their outbound flight my son-in law was told by TA that because he is not using his and daughters outbound flight they have cancelled all the pre-booked flights (so his and daughters return flights from Lefkosa have been cancelled with no refund). TA have stated this rule is within their flight 'Terms and Conditions'. I've checked TA's 'Terms and Conditions' and can't find this clause. TA have said that as he booked a "round trip flight" and not a "single trip flight" if any part of the flight is not taken then they cancel all other flights booked via a "round trip flight" as per their terms and conditions. They told him to read their Terms and Conditions but he can't find this clause either. Please can anyone help and advise if TA are correct and if so can anyone provide us with the clause within TA's Terms and Conditions. Thank you

15 August 2016 10:08:00 Nas

It s horrible Most unfair customer service and the least supportive staffs Won't used this airline ever again

12 August 2016 07:08:00 Guest

I would be so happy if I never had to fly Turkish Airlines again. This company should not be permitted to take all of the most useful flight times. Ugh. Such terrible customer service and not worth the cost.

11 August 2016 10:08:00 Deva

I live in north Cyprus in famagusta city ! I want to bring my friend here in Cyprus from Vietnam on work permit ! I have all the paper ready from north Cyprus government ! They give me permission tht my friend allow to come here in north Cyprus for work Permit all documents complete ! I buy the tiket from Turkish airline ! The tiket is one way (Vietnam to north Cyprus ) I go to the airline office in Lefcosia to make tiket ok to board ! They done this the tiket reserve code is TN2NG4. ! But after some time Turkish airline call to agency who make my tiket ! Turkish airline say tht Vietnam guy can not fly bcoz he buy only one way tiket ! I want to ask to the airlines ! If any body have work permit from manistry of labour then why he have to buy return tiket coz tht guy come here for work and he already have work permission ! Answer my this question pls ! Bcoz of Turkish airline I loose my friend work permission nd my money for tiket also ! Tnx ! Turkish airline just eat money from people who travel with this they never help their passenger it's not good airline. My telephone no is +905488260410

11 August 2016 12:08:00

Guest : I am writing a formal complaint against the Turkish Airlines, Riyadh office at Uruba and Olaya with the hope that something may be done to rectify their extremely poor customer service skills and business practices. After months of filing numerous complaints to the head office of Turkish Airlines in order to be refunded for a huge mistake on their part, my wife and I had finally received confirmation that our claim had been accepted and we would be reimbursed. Having to follow up for reimbursement at their local office here in Riyadh was an awful experience to say the least. I had to go into their office three times over a four week period just to receive our reimbursement which had already been approved by the Turkish Airlines Corporate office and I have documented proof of this. Each time I went into the office, instead of being treated like a loyal customer (my wife and I had flown Turkish many times until this experience) I was treated like a burden by the office manager (Sener Taskir) and shown absolutely zero respect. He would talk over me, ignore me, raise his voice to me, curse at me and do all of this in the presence of other customers. This was not just once. This was each and every time that I entered the office and attempted to speak with him regarding my claim. Although I had proof that my claim amount had been approved by his corporate office, he and his staff ignored it and prolonged the reimbursement process for reasons that I can not explain other than pure negligence on their part. After my third visit and finally receiving what was due to us, I kindly asked, Mr. Taskir for a personal business card with his name on it which he refused. This is a manger in a customer service related position being given a simple request by a paying customer and denying that customer their request, forcing me to get his name fr om another employee. I was completely shocked at the utter disrespect and neglect. This outright mistreatment of customers by a manager sets a terrible example for his team in the office and for Turkish Airlines as a whole. This type of behavior by a manager also indeed influences the behavior of his staff as some of them acted extremely unprofessional as well, providing terrible customer service. Turkish Airlines claims to be an award winning airline and number one in Europe. This manager, Sener Taskir, is greatly misrepresenting the Turkish Airlines name and setting up terrible business practices at their Riyadh office. Due to this experience, my family and I will never fly Turkish again and I am sure that there are many more like us. We would like to see something done about this negligence against customers and keep people like Sener Taskir out of customer service related positions wh ere they can grossly misrepresent companies, abuse their managerial power and mistreat customers. I will also be forwarding this complaint to the corporate office of Turkish Airlines. Award winning , Number one in Europe Is A JOKE !! Worst ever Airline and Ataturk airport is also the worst ! Rude unhelpful people , who don't care that you're stranded in their airport ( their fault ) Hope you get some satisfaction My friend hasn't !! Good luck

10 August 2016 10:08:00 Guest

Verda : Very bad customer service. No working number of sales offices. Nobody picks up the phone. Had to personally go to the nyc sales office which was 3 hour from my place. Very rigid policies on refunds. I'm in need of someone to help me out as I don't wanna travel to turkey in the current situation there. Email is I'm in the same situation as you. I bought 3 tickets to Rome from Los Angeles layover in hour and half layover in Istanbul. I didn't really realize all that happened there the coup and the attack. I might have to lose my tickets and money... Please let me know if you have any luck with a refund. My tickets clearly say no REFUND... Although this is an extreme situation. Thanks, Robert

09 August 2016 11:08:00 Guest

This delay was probably caused by the emirates flight which crash landed at dubai airport on 3rd august, so not the fault of the airline. Prabdeep : I was taking a flight from Dubai to Rome via Istanbul on 4th August early morning 3.15am but the flight was cancelled and I with 2 kids was put on another flight to Istanbul original landing time was 12.45pm at Roma airport which was delayed by more than 6 hours and worst part no baggage arrived at Roma airport waiting for luggage my pickup driver left I had to take a taxi to hotel and even after reporting and everything no clue of baggage till now 30 hours passed by. Horrible experience with Turkish airlines I don't have any clothes to report reference no:FCOTK10071

06 August 2016 12:08:00 Prabdeep

I was taking a flight from Dubai to Rome via Istanbul on 4th August early morning 3.15am but the flight was cancelled and I with 2 kids was put on another flight to Istanbul original landing time was 12.45pm at Roma airport which was delayed by more than 6 hours and worst part no baggage arrived at Roma airport waiting for luggage my pickup driver left I had to take a taxi to hotel and even after reporting and everything no clue of baggage till now 30 hours passed by. Horrible experience with Turkish airlines I don't have any clothes to report reference no:FCOTK10071

04 August 2016 12:08:00 Guest

Turkish airline to trace and return the baggage for the owner of ticket number 2351727962093 Lagos to JFK trip on Friday 29th July, 2016.

03 August 2016 07:08:00 Verda

Very bad customer service. No working number of sales offices. Nobody picks up the phone. Had to personally go to the nyc sales office which was 3 hour from my place. Very rigid policies on refunds. I'm in need of someone to help me out as I don't wanna travel to turkey in the current situation there. Email is

01 August 2016 02:08:00 Guest

A ll I can say is that Turkish Airlines is one of the world`s most reliable compnies.

01 August 2016 02:08:00 Rumyana Petrova

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: My name is Roumyana Petrova and I am Bulgarian. I have the following query. I have a flight booked for 26th August -TK1070, Confirmation Number RVZNYB, to fly from Varna to Dublin. Considering the current situation in your country and the advice of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs,I prefer to cancel my flight or postpone it for October of this year. I was told by my travel agent that in the former instance I will not be refunded,and in the the latter I will have to pay the minimum of Euro 120 in the way of extra cost. My kind request is to consider my case and ebentually be redemped of the extra cost for my flight which I am planning to have around the second half of October with Turkish Airlines again, in the hope that matters will have settled by then. I am 70 years old and at my age ,needles to say, I feel scared and insecure under the circumstances. Please,kindly take my request into consideration and advise me on your decision. Faithfully yours Rumyana Petrova

30 July 2016 08:07:00 clive Miller

Turkish Airlines are without doubt the worst major airline in the world everything I've read on this page reminds me of our nightmare with them earlier this year. The answer is not to fly with them they do not care about their passengers we were stuck in Istanbul for a day because our TA flight arrived late causing us to miss our connecting TA flight. Time and time again we were told by very rude TA staff it was our fault, incredible! They lost our luggage and forced us to buy Turkish entry visas to collect it from the baggage area, it wasn't there. TA ignore all legislation making a complaint against them is almost impossible they have to be out on there own when it comes to lack of customer service. Be warned when it goes wrong with Turkish Airlines it goes wrong big time and they do not give a s**t!

29 July 2016 02:07:00 Mujeeb Ur Rehman

To whom it may concern, good day. I wanted to ask whether I can change the date of return for my flight. your reply will be appreciated. Mujeeb Ur Rehman

23 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

Were to fly out of Istanbul on July 16, the day after the attempted coup. Our flight was initially on time, then delayed, and then cancelled. We got re-routed for the next day, July 17. We got home but our luggage did not. However, our luggage was delivered to our home less than one week later, even though we live a five hour drive away from our final destination. No complaints with Turkish Airlines from our perspective. Difficult times and situation handled fairly well.

19 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

My family bought a package through an agency that deals with TA. On booking and e-tickets all the right names were on there but on arrival to Bham airport, my nephew was unable to check in as on the system there was an error of names and amendments was not an option. Family had to purchase another single ticket with the promise from agents that the correct spelt name for child's return ticket via email and also claimed to reimburse the cost of that ticket bought at airport. I have spoken to agency and Turkish airlines. I have original ticket which in invalid in essence, copy of mistake on Turkish airlines part or on Traviera Ltd print out from airport with error and now need to get a ticket for nephew to fly back on.

06 July 2016 03:07:00 Guest

Without doubt the worst airline in the world, great when things go to plan but if you have a problem of their making get ready for a rough ride. They caused us to miss our connecting TA flight in Istanbul because they decided to reroute our flight for cheaper fuel. We arrived so far behind schedule we missed our TA flight onwards they made no attempt to get us from one TA flight to another telling us we needed to pay 1500 euro for tickets on a later flight. We were stranded in Istanbul for a day they even lost our luggage. They gave us no help insisting our flight had arrived on time they forced us to buy Turkish Visas to collect our luggage telling us we could not fly onwards without it, but it wasn't there! In total we had 5-flights with TA on our trip we booked Vegetarian meals throughout unfortunately we were offered Beef or Chicken on each flight with no vegetarian option available, very very poor!

02 July 2016 11:07:00 Guest

We booked turkish airline to fly from london to Nigeria online. The money was taking from my account but no ticket or reference number was given. we called their customer service who said they will review and get back to me in 7 days time and this was an emergency flight to see my sick dad. we had to book another flight with another airline to travel next day. My bank has contacted Turkish airline to refund me but turkish airline kept lying that the payment did not go through. Money left my account and my bank also confirmed this. this is one month now and my over £1000 is in jeopardy. Please I need help. how do i get my money back? any help?

17 June 2016 08:06:00 Guest

lost my passport and would fly sunday! what can i do? it is a long flight and i paid alot?

09 June 2016 09:06:00 Guest

Turkish Airlines is awful. They closed the boarding gate twenty minutes before the departure time. I could not get to the gate before, because the airport was crowded, despite I have runned fast. The employees saw me, as they saw, too, an Asian family of four and a Turkish lady, who strongly knocked on the glass door, but they ignored us. They knew I was at the airport, as I did the check-in on time, but they did not mind. I think they were overbooked and so the last to arrive stays on the ground (in other airports we can hear them calling for passengers on the speakers, but not this one!). Then they did not care for me. They took advantage of the fact that I do not speak their language to ignore me (but they helped – and was the right thing to do - the turkish lady). They were very rude. They said they had nothing to do with me, was not their problem, they could do nothing since I missed the plane, so I had to buy another ticket (on information desk asked 800 Euros for a ticket!!). So I was left at the airport without any help, and I had to buy a ticket for the next day (which was more expensive than the initial two-way ticket). Later I complained to support service, but they continue to say that it's my fault that I did not arrive in time at the boarding gate. But it's a lie! They closed the door in my face, before the time! Therefore if you use this airline, get ready, because they have no mercy. And by the way, the service is nothing special ... The food sucks; and they gave me half a glass of wine and when I asked for more, they ignored. I see now Turkish Airlines has thousands of complains in the Internet. They do not care for the passengers rights. They reply the complains, with nice and beautiful words, while actually “stab us in the back” ... and with a smile :) IF YOU CAN, USE ANOTHER AIRLINE

24 May 2016 01:05:00 R.J. Lucas

Flight TK039 Johannesburg to Istanbul - inflight entertainment system not functioning seat 25J 22 May 2016. My email address ref 6NFWH3 Please respond as you help line has not.

21 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

The worst customer service in the world.

21 May 2016 07:05:00 Aysha Khan

and very much diSAME DRAMA WITH ME DAMAGED THE BAG I am writing regarding reference no SFOTK10239 and very much disappointed as I filed the claim on 9th may 2916 and todays date is 21st may 2016 and there is NO update. I have called customer service FOUR times and every time they say that they will contact you in 24 hours but I don't know when that 24 hours will be over.I asked for claim dept contact no and she said that there is no direct no fro claim dept. I am very very much disappointed with Turkish airline's over all service. Since this was my first time travelling with this airlines. I would never ever recommend anyone to travel with this airlines. My brand new bag is damaged in such a bad condition that I cant use it again......................

05 May 2016 07:05:00 Guest

I flew from Chicago to Dar es Salaam via Istanbul. My luggage did not arrive. I filed a report and was told the bag would be delivered to my hotel. That was 4 days ago. Since then I have been told by Turkish Airlines that 1) that bag was in Istanbul but would be delivered; 2) the bag was in Dar es Salaam and would be delivered; and 3) the bag was in customs in Istanbul. This conflicting information came as a result of repeated calls to Turkish Airlines customer service line, lost baggage line, Swissport in Dar es Salaam (which never answered its phone) and two unsuccessful trips to the airport to collect the baggage. The online baggage claim information continues to say "Tracing in Progress - Check back later." As the 6th day of our trip continues, the drama goes on with no clothes, no toiletries, and no answers.

03 May 2016 03:05:00 Ivan Chilev

Hello!My name is Ivan Chilev and i flew with you on 29.04.2016 from Edinburgh to Sofia.When I took my luggage, my suitcase was broken.FILE REFERENCE:SOFTK18398

30 April 2016 08:04:00 Guest

very disappointing custumer service even for Elite Plus members. They used my credit card without my authorisation. I got a refund but had to battle for it. patetic.

23 April 2016 02:04:00 Guest

I am writing a formal complaint against the Turkish Airlines, Riyadh office at Uruba and Olaya with the hope that something may be done to rectify their extremely poor customer service skills and business practices. After months of filing numerous complaints to the head office of Turkish Airlines in order to be refunded for a huge mistake on their part, my wife and I had finally received confirmation that our claim had been accepted and we would be reimbursed. Having to follow up for reimbursement at their local office here in Riyadh was an awful experience to say the least. I had to go into their office three times over a four week period just to receive our reimbursement which had already been approved by the Turkish Airlines Corporate office and I have documented proof of this. Each time I went into the office, instead of being treated like a loyal customer (my wife and I had flown Turkish many times until this experience) I was treated like a burden by the office manager (Sener Taskir) and shown absolutely zero respect. He would talk over me, ignore me, raise his voice to me, curse at me and do all of this in the presence of other customers. This was not just once. This was each and every time that I entered the office and attempted to speak with him regarding my claim. Although I had proof that my claim amount had been approved by his corporate office, he and his staff ignored it and prolonged the reimbursement process for reasons that I can not explain other than pure negligence on their part. After my third visit and finally receiving what was due to us, I kindly asked, Mr. Taskir for a personal business card with his name on it which he refused. This is a manger in a customer service related position being given a simple request by a paying customer and denying that customer their request, forcing me to get his name fr om another employee. I was completely shocked at the utter disrespect and neglect. This outright mistreatment of customers by a manager sets a terrible example for his team in the office and for Turkish Airlines as a whole. This type of behavior by a manager also indeed influences the behavior of his staff as some of them acted extremely unprofessional as well, providing terrible customer service. Turkish Airlines claims to be an award winning airline and number one in Europe. This manager, Sener Taskir, is greatly misrepresenting the Turkish Airlines name and setting up terrible business practices at their Riyadh office. Due to this experience, my family and I will never fly Turkish again and I am sure that there are many more like us. We would like to see something done about this negligence against customers and keep people like Sener Taskir out of customer service related positions wh ere they can grossly misrepresent companies, abuse their managerial power and mistreat customers. I will also be forwarding this complaint to the corporate office of Turkish Airlines.

20 April 2016 12:04:00 Guest

Yesterday, 11 April 2016, I flew from Budapest to Tokyo via Istanbul. Had several hundred EUR stolen from my luggage and everything was a mess inside it. Is there anything I can do? Its more a problem of trust at this point. How can we feel ok, knowing that when we fly, there will be someone going through your personal belonging? My friend, flying from LAX-to Istanbul-then showed connecting/checked in, in Istanbul(verified by phone call to customer service) but did not arrive to final destination from Istanbul..and Turkish Airlines (in destination city) says that passenger name is not in their system ??? so, what do we do when they lose people? Customer service could not tell me (for example, if he missed his flight) whether he was showing up on the next flight--so, I'd say 'disconcerting' is the word

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