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Wizz Air Discussion

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04 October 2016 01:10:00 Daniel

Guest : Great tip! It worked! Wizzair really needs to test their new website. I am glad to hear that.

01 October 2016 11:10:00 Guest

Cristian : Please Help! : I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking Ssame here! The exact same problem on my side. Very disappointing. Seems to be an error loop, due to an extremely poorly written website. And the Wizz customer care is equally poor. When I tried to email them there was an automated email back saying that they don't accept complaints via email any longer (i.e being so civilised and emancipated) so I should go to a link which happens to not work either. As I am writing this message, the Wizz website has just collapsed. Amazing services - if you lower your expectations Salut, poate reusesti asa * a mers la mine: Am intampinat si eu problema cu resetarea parolei. Am reusit sa o rezolv in felul urmator: 1. Prima data am revenit la versiunea veche a site-ului - Este o optiune in partea stanga jos a siteului nou. 2. Am solicitat resetarea parolei. Cand am incercat sa ma conectez cu parola primita, imi zicea ca nu este valid mailul/parola. 3. Am solicitat inca o data resetarea parolei, iar cand am apasat link-ul din mail m-a redirectionat catre site zicandu-mi ca mi-a fost trimisa o noua parola. Aceasta parola nu a mai venit, asa ca am incercat parola care mi-a fost trimisa prima data. M-a logat si mi-a cerut sa schimb parola, la fel ca la noul site, numai ca de data asta mi-a functionat schimbarea parolei ATENTIE! Parola am scris-o efectiv, nu am facut copiere din mail. Acum, ma pot loga si din versiunea noua a site-ului. Sper sa fie de folos si altora.

01 October 2016 10:10:00 Guest

SAME PROBLEM HERE!! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking Ssame here! The exact same problem on my side. Very disappointing. Seems to be an error loop, due to an extremely poorly written website. And the Wizz customer care is equally poor. When I tried to email them there was an automated email back saying that they don't accept complaints via email any longer (i.e being so civilised and emancipated) so I should go to a link which happens to not work either. As I am writing this message, the Wizz website has just collapsed. Amazing services - if you lower your expectations

27 September 2016 10:09:00 Erik

Guest : Cannot check-in online! Stupid error message of wrong country issuing visa, although all details on British passport correctly entered.

27 September 2016 10:09:00 Guest

Guest : Cannot check-in online! Stupid error message of wrong country issuing visa, although all details on British passport correctly entered.

26 September 2016 01:09:00 Andrew Hingston

This morning I've had trouble checking-in to two reservations on my iPhone App, but was able to check in on the website. How to get the boarding passes to appear on my phone?

25 September 2016 07:09:00 Guest

Does anyone know which terminal Wizzair fly out of Birmingham to Bucharest please? I am going around in circles trying to find out

25 September 2016 12:09:00 Cristian

Please Help! : I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking Ssame here! The exact same problem on my side. Very disappointing. Seems to be an error loop, due to an extremely poorly written website. And the Wizz customer care is equally poor. When I tried to email them there was an automated email back saying that they don't accept complaints via email any longer (i.e being so civilised and emancipated) so I should go to a link which happens to not work either. As I am writing this message, the Wizz website has just collapsed. Amazing services - if you lower your expectations

23 September 2016 07:09:00 Guest

Same here, but I DO remember my password, still won`t let me log in... Frustrating, their phone numbers are not working either. !

23 September 2016 08:09:00 Artemy

Hi, i book tickets and i dont remember what mail it was, how can i know it ? HELP PLEASE

22 September 2016 08:09:00 Guest

HOW AM I GOING TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD IF IT ASKS FOR MY OLD ONE WHICH I FORGOT ? Please do explain. It makes no sense. How do you fix this ? I need to check my plane tickets and to check in + to buy 2 more FAST and thanks to your new and"BETTER" design, nothing works. my old pass wasnt recognized i reset it and now nothing works.

21 September 2016 10:09:00 Florin

Hey today i made an account on wizzair and i put wrong gmail what i can do???

21 September 2016 07:09:00 Gabor

Guest : Please Help! : I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking Ssame here!

21 September 2016 04:09:00 Gosia

Does anyone know how to open wizz air pregnancy pdf form? When I click DOWNLOAD PDF main page of wizzair opens. Trying to do it since yesterday. Getting really irritated

21 September 2016 11:09:00 Guest

Please Help! : I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking

21 September 2016 11:09:00 Please Help!

I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help!

21 September 2016 09:09:00 SUZAN

FOR your hack and have a result

20 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

Guest : What the hell are you doing with this weak website? the booking dosen\t load is just stay with the round circle with no response! please handle the situation if nt i will choose another company ! Guest : It is not possible to request password change!! I've requested password reset, got new password on email and after I'm trying to login with this password it gets to the step of the new password assigning and suddenly there is error - Invalid old password!! have the same problem , how did you solve it? thanks

20 September 2016 12:09:00 Fred

real Gee, you real * go meet him fo your hack and have a result

19 September 2016 09:09:00 Guest his a good hacker...try him.

19 September 2016 08:09:00 Guest

It is not possible to request password change!! I've requested password reset, got new password on email and after I'm trying to login with this password it gets to the step of the new password assigning and suddenly there is error - Invalid old password!!

19 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

What the hell are you doing with this weak website? the booking dosen\t load is just stay with the round circle with no response! please handle the situation if nt i will choose another company !

19 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

Noemi : Hi there I havent foud any answer on the website so I have to ask here someone might know the answer. Im only bringing a large cabin bag, no luggages to the flight, nut what is not clear to me is that mean that Can I also bring a small (free) cabin bag aboard or no??? So Ive got the large what I paid for, but Im not sure If I can bring a small cabin bag as well. Pls if someone knowes the answer help! Thanks A small baggage for the cabin is a standard thing, so yeah u can take it onboard. if u payed for a large then I think that goes into the lug of the plane... not sure tho. hope this helps

17 September 2016 11:09:00 Guest

Guest : I forgot my Wizzair passwoed. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was reqested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. Ihe site said invalid Old password. And this game goes on and on and on I'm having the exact same problem. Would you fly with these jokers if they can't get their login system to work? Complete farce.

16 September 2016 02:09:00 Guest

Guest : Switch to old site is not working!!!! I can not check in online! There is no visa field to fill in, I do not need visa and it keeps showing VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country!!!!! HEEELP!!! I have the same problem. I can not check in outgoing flight to Belgrade on UK passport, but can check in return flight to Luton

15 September 2016 02:09:00 Noemi

Hi there I havent foud any answer on the website so I have to ask here someone might know the answer. Im only bringing a large cabin bag, no luggages to the flight, nut what is not clear to me is that mean that Can I also bring a small (free) cabin bag aboard or no??? So Ive got the large what I paid for, but Im not sure If I can bring a small cabin bag as well. Pls if someone knowes the answer help! Thanks

15 September 2016 09:09:00 Madalina

Your password has expired. You will have to change it before logging in. InvalidOldPassword REALLY ? I TRIED 10 TIMES AND NOTHING.. ARE YOU serious? the flight is in 3 days.. and I`m having this problem for 4 days..

15 September 2016 09:09:00 Madalina

Guest : I forgot my Wizzair passwoed. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was reqested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. Ihe site said invalid Old password. And this game goes on and on and on[/QOUTE helpppppppppppppppppppppp. my flight is in 3 days! fuc* * ...

15 September 2016 09:09:00 Madalina

Guest : I forgot my Wizzair passwoed. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was reqested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. Ihe site said invalid Old password. And this game goes on and on and on[/QOUTE

14 September 2016 05:09:00 Guest

I forgot my Wizzair passwoed. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was reqested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. Ihe site said invalid Old password. And this game goes on and on and on

12 September 2016 06:09:00 Guest

does anybody know from a group booking... if i miss my first flight out....can i still use the return flight?

10 September 2016 07:09:00 Guest

Online check-in works with the old website! The switch is at the left side of the bottom of the webpage.

09 September 2016 09:09:00 Cristina-Dana Acalugaritei

Hi. Wizzair cancel my reservation and told me that you will refund me and to give iban code bank. So, I called another 3 times, that was charged £15 and every time put to hold one. Waiting for nothing, busy line. I wrote also 3 emails where I specified Iban. Is any chance to refund me? The value of ticket was £35. It's hilarious, if I give more calls I am charged another £35 to refund me £35!!!!

08 September 2016 10:09:00 Guest

Guest : Switch to old site is not working!!!! I can not check in online! There is no visa field to fill in, I do not need visa and it keeps showing VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country!!!!! HEEELP!!!

08 September 2016 07:09:00 Guest

Guest : *** OLD WEBSITE WORKS *** As this user has THANKFULLY pointed-out - scroll down (close cookie pop-up window if need-to), on left in pink is option to SWITCH TO OLD SITE. THIS WORKS. Thanks very much for taking the time to post ... ! Guest : can't reset password, the link that keeps getting sent through takes me to a page that says 'This site can't be reached'. This is so bloody frustrating! I tried the new site and had a problem but then realised that if you scroll down on the header page there, in the left hand side on the bottom of the page in pink it says "Switch to old site" which I did and it does transfer to the original site we all know and love and it works. Hope this helps.

07 September 2016 03:09:00 madalina copae

hi, i have bought a ticket from Luton to Iasi and when i tried to do the online check in, I couldn't. can you please help me? thank you

05 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

I receive the following message when clicking on my flight to print out the boarding card: An error has occurred. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact the airline. I did try it later several times and logged in from Chrome and Mozilla. I also switched to the old server but it does not work either Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. What shall we do?

05 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

buy faster servers I cant even find my reservation error 505

05 September 2016 12:09:00 Guest

hello checked in using auto submit and the realized I dont have my passport with only id is it possible to change?

04 September 2016 09:09:00 Guest

Cannot check-in online! Stupid error message of wrong country issuing visa, although all details on Swiss Passport correctly entered. No help available how to repair.

04 September 2016 09:09:00 Guest

doesn't work from smartphone, need to use PC /laptop , then on the left hand side is written " Switch to the old site" , just press on it, login and will work .

04 September 2016 08:09:00 Guest

Guest : Switch to old site is not working!!!! I can not check in online! There is no visa field to fill in, I do not need visa and it keeps showing VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country!!!!! HEEELP!!! I have the same problem but I don't know what to do !

04 September 2016 03:09:00 Guest

do not fly with Wizz Air, if things go wrong, they leave you stranded. customer service is horrendous!

04 September 2016 01:09:00 Guest

Switch to old site is not working!!!! I can not check in online! There is no visa field to fill in, I do not need visa and it keeps showing VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country!!!!! HEEELP!!!

03 September 2016 01:09:00 Guest

Guest : can't reset password, the link that keeps getting sent through takes me to a page that says 'This site can't be reached'. This is so bloody frustrating! I tried the new site and had a problem but then realised that if you scroll down on the header page there, in the left hand side on the bottom of the page in pink it says "Switch to old site" which I did and it does transfer to the original site we all know and love and it works. Hope this helps.

03 September 2016 01:09:00 Guest

I tried the new site and had a problem but then realised that if you scroll down on the header page there, in the left hand side on the bottom of the page in pink it says "Switch to old site" which I did and it does transfer to the original site we all know and love and it works. Hope this helps. Marietta Bantcheva : Hello, I am trying to buy a ticket Paris/Sofia/Paris since 31 August but I have failed to date to do it as the last step "Submit" des not function! Please advise. Best regards Marietta Bantcheva : Hello, I am trying to buy a ticket Paris/Sofia/Paris since 31 August but I have failed to date to do it as the last step "Submit" des not function! Please advise. Best regards Marietta Bantcheva : Hello, I am trying to buy a ticket Paris/Sofia/Paris since 31 August but I have failed to date to do it as the last step "Submit" des not function! Please advise. Best regards I tried the new site and had a problem but then realised that if you scroll down on the header page there, in the left hand side on the bottom of the page in pink it says "Switch to old site" which I did and it does transfer to the original site we all know and love and it works. Hope this helps.

03 September 2016 12:09:00 Marietta Bantcheva

Hello, I am trying to buy a ticket Paris/Sofia/Paris since 31 August but I have failed to date to do it as the last step "Submit" des not function! Please advise. Best regards

29 August 2016 12:08:00 Guest

can't reset password, the link that keeps getting sent through takes me to a page that says 'This site can't be reached'. This is so bloody frustrating!

20 August 2016 02:08:00 Guest

I can not reset my password however many times, either on computer or mobile? what's happening? the phone number at over£1.00 a minute is constantly saying (after a minute or so preamble ) to ring back later? its just a complete scam to earn extra revenue on phone calls

18 August 2016 08:08:00 Carmen N

This is such a joke. there is actually nobody from wizz staff reading this stuff...

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