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Wizz Air Discussion

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07 November 2021 08:11:00 Karol

I am trying to fill up compensation claim form and website ask me to login AGAIN I am entering CORRECT PASSWORD and message invalid login attempt appears.... Ridiculous.

31 October 2021 10:10:00 Guest

There is a change on your booking. We will inform you via e-mail soon. Please return back soon to see the changes. Hello, my flight has been moved and the email they are talking about has reached me, but when I try to modify my ticket as I have to add 2 large bags it gives me the same message and I cannot check in online. Anyone had the same issue ??

30 October 2021 05:10:00 Karen Meliksetyan

There is a change on your booking. We will inform you via e-mail soon. Please return back soon to see the changes. What does it mean?

27 October 2021 12:10:00 George

Wizz Air company refused me to come in the plain. I arrived a bit later at the gate, the personnel still there, the plane still there, 2 persons and 1 child in front of me, after phone calls and waiting time they allowed that family to go in plane but for me NOT. The very strange thing is that family did not had fly tickets for that flight, they had old fly tickets for an older flight. Recently I received a customer survey from Wizz Air. They asking if I used different air companies and which one. And starting the survey about those companies. For me sound like illegality survey.

24 October 2021 02:10:00 Kat

I am having the same issue as someone below regarding that when I type in my (correct) password, it is stating it is wrong. The reset is not working, as I tried probably over 10 times and I did not receive a single email with the reset link. It is also not working from the App. Given that this seems to be an ongoing issue, why has it not been solved by the tech support?? I can't seem to find a way around it. Any tips?? Thanks

12 October 2021 08:10:00 Guest

This E-Mail is not valid?

27 March 2019 01:03:00 Alex

Do not spent money for priority boarding in Milan. They mix all together, see picture

13 November 2016 03:11:00 Guest

Had the 'invalid old password' problem as well. I used Internet Explorer and it worked ! Do not copy and paste the password send by email. Now I am stuck again cause i cannot choose the expiry date of my credit card. Has anyone solved the problem ? For the month I can only choose 10, 11 or 12. Until now I tried different browsers and booking by tablet / mobile phone but it is always the same problem. What is going to come next ? Will the next challenge be to find a green unicorn ?

12 November 2016 10:11:00 Guest

Hello, did you solved your problem ? cuz i am facing the same error

11 November 2016 11:11:00 Guest

I try to reset my password because I DO NOT REMEMBER IT, and they send me a new one, then, when I try to log in, the system ask me for reset the pasword asking me the old password, YES, THE ONE I DONT F...NG REMEMBER, making me impossible to log in.

11 November 2016 05:11:00 Guest

Guest : Regarding payment by credit card, what should we enter MM/YY in the form? I think usually it is for expiry date, but there are a lot of "invalid date" in its pull down. So, I cannot elect any moths excluding Oct, Nov and Dec. What a frustrating system!! i have same issue, what did you do?

10 November 2016 01:11:00 Guest

Guest : hi, I have been trying to reset my password. When I get the replacement Wizzair sent me, I log in with it, then it says it has expired. When I try to change it, it says that the old password is invalid. How can it be if I have just used it to login and also it is the same the company has sent me? thanks I have the same problem. Such an idiotic system.

08 November 2016 01:11:00 Guest

hi, I have been trying to reset my password. When I get the replacement Wizzair sent me, I log in with it, then it says it has expired. When I try to change it, it says that the old password is invalid. How can it be if I have just used it to login and also it is the same the company has sent me? thanks

08 November 2016 12:11:00 Guest

Guest : I have tried both the old and the new web-sites in the last hour and I cannot confirm my booking on either ! I have had similar problems with previous booking going back some 6 months now. The company's web-site(s) are a joke. If I wasn't constrained by points of departure and arrival I would never use them again. Hello, I had the same problem from 2 days and I couldn't submit transaction on website and even thru the mobile. Finally I did download wizzair application and bought my ticket successfully.

08 November 2016 12:11:00 Guest

I have tried both the old and the new web-sites in the last hour and I cannot confirm my booking on either ! I have had similar problems with previous booking going back some 6 months now. The company's web-site(s) are a joke. If I wasn't constrained by points of departure and arrival I would never use them again.

06 November 2016 08:11:00 Guest

Switch to their old website then it works. I had the same problem with the new website. I dont bother downloading their mobile app.

05 November 2016 04:11:00 Guest

Guest : I am trying to check in online for a flight to belgrade to London, I have a french passport which always work but I am having the following error: VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country. I don't need a VISA and there insn't any way to enter Visa information. Could anyone help me? I had the same problem. It simply does not work on their website. Downloaded the app and it went well. then you have to go back to the website and download the pdf with the boarding pass. Wizzair website is a total nightmare I have never seen anything like it. They make it as difficukt as possible for you to book and checkin. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose, to force you to call their call centre (there is no other way to contact them) and suck a few more bucks from you (it is very expensive to call them. A nightmare, try to avoid this airline

05 November 2016 03:11:00 Guest

Anar : I'm having the same problem. Have you resolved it? Hello. I have been trying to change my password for 2 weeks (forgotten) but the system sends me a new password but when I input it on login it does not accept it. Can you please reset the password so it works.

04 November 2016 05:11:00 Anar

Hello. I have been trying to change my password for 2 weeks (forgotten) but the system sends me a new password but when I input it on login it does not accept it. Can you please reset the password so it works.

02 November 2016 07:11:00 Guest

Guest : I am trying to check in online for a flight from belgrade to London, I have a french passport which always work but I am having the following error: VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country. I don't need a VISA and there insn't any way to enter Visa information. Could anyone help me? Just to update it is From Belgrade to London

02 November 2016 07:11:00 Guest

I am trying to check in online for a flight to belgrade to London, I have a french passport which always work but I am having the following error: VisaNeeded Invalid visa issueing country. I don't need a VISA and there insn't any way to enter Visa information. Could anyone help me?

02 November 2016 06:11:00 Guest

Guest : Anyone solved this 'invalid old password' problem ??? Try to use different internet app. For example, ''Internet Explorer''. First of all, I tried with ''Google Chrome'' and after I tried with ''Internet Explorer'' and it worked for me. Try to write password not copy/paste

02 November 2016 06:11:00 Guest

Guest : hello, I want to change the password the wizzair sends me because i can not login without changing, but it says old passpowrd is wrong - but this passowrd is sent by you, i cant buy tickets - what shall i do? Try to use different internet app. For example, ''Internet Explorer''. First of all, I tried with ''Google Chrome'' and after I tried with ''Internet Explorer'' and it worked for me. Try to write password not copy/paste

01 November 2016 02:11:00 Guest

i was being suspicious of my husband,and i was referred to Binary H. who turns out to be an online private investigator and professional hacker who helped me hack into my husbands mobile and gave me a spyware tool which i used to monitor all ongoing activities on his phone without him knowing.and guess what my hunch was right because i saw him cheating on his whatsapp and facebook.thanks to Binary H. CONTACT him on : tell him carreina is forever grateful for his service.

01 November 2016 01:11:00 Guest

I really don’t know much about this scam thing and at the same time , no one wants to be on the losing side . But i just came across this good hacker who really helped me hack my boyfriend text messages, whatsap, Facebook , Instagram messages remotely..You don’t have to touch his phone while you have access to his conversations through the software he bought and install remotely on my phone , i dont know how he did this but i think he's perfect at can contact him him lisa referred you, you will thank me later.g

01 November 2016 01:11:00 Andree

We are hackers, We just succeeded with a new invention. We've got hacked ATM cards for sale. These hacked ATM cards have been programmed to work on any ATM machine. The cards have been topped up with $100,000 With a daily withdrawal of $3000 per day ( depending on how it is programmed ). The cards have got some special features which includes; *Deactivating the cctv cameras when inserted in the ATM machine, * It comes with a 4 digit pin just like every other ATM card, * It can be topped up when the money in it has been exhausted, *It is untraceable and undetected. The cards were successfully programmed with the hard-work of our hackers in USA. And they are cloned using a writer (MSR 606). If you need to get the cards, order one today and it will be shipped to your location. Contact us on to get one.. SIMPLEHACKERS2@GMAIL.COM ***********Serious buyers only**********

31 October 2016 11:10:00 Guest

If you are trying to catch your cheating spouse in the act, I strongly recommend you contact this awesome hacker that helped me monitor my wife's phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information she has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all her whatsapp, facebook, text messages, sent and received through the phone: I also got her phone calls and deleted messages. She could not believe her eyes when she saw the evidence because she had no idea she was hacked.. Contact :

31 October 2016 07:10:00 Guest

If anyone is having trouble getting Flight Delay Compensation from Wizzair we can claim it on your behalf. LA Law Ltd

30 October 2016 03:10:00 Guest

Anyone solved this 'invalid old password' problem ???

30 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest

Regarding payment by credit card, what should we enter MM/YY in the form? I think usually it is for expiry date, but there are a lot of "invalid date" in its pull down. So, I cannot elect any moths excluding Oct, Nov and Dec. What a frustrating system!!

29 October 2016 09:10:00 Guest

Guest : hello, I want to change the password the wizzair sends me because i can not login without changing, but it says old passpowrd is wrong - but this passowrd is sent by you, i cant buy tickets - what shall i do? I have exactly the same problem and this is absolutely frustrating !

27 October 2016 03:10:00 Amy

I had login problems with my online banking platform,I am greatful to WALTSTEPH82@GMAIL.COM ,he helped me hacked into my late husband bank account and I was able to use the money to take care of my kids.

25 October 2016 10:10:00 Guest

hello, tried to pay my reservation many times but can't fill in the creditcard credentials. it says it's expired even tough it's not.

24 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest

Yes, the same for me too. Is someone able to make a payment maybe?

24 October 2016 11:10:00 Michael K

Guest : hello, I have the same problem! Since yesterday I try to login. I received several times new password and after I put the new password I was asked to change it. Then the system says: Invalid old password! I get crazy about this... I want to change the password the wizzair sends me because i can not login without changing, but it says old passpowrd is wrong - but this passowrd is sent by you, i cant buy tickets - what shall i do?

21 October 2016 11:10:00 Guest

Hi, I cannot get onto wizzair site at all - but my internet is working ok. Also can't get through by phone? Have they gone bankrupt?

21 October 2016 05:10:00 Guest

why does wizz air keep insisting EU member countries require visas? There is no such need!

21 October 2016 12:10:00 Guest

Daniel : Guest : InvalidOldPassword ??? while reseting ??? what should i do ? Have you tried this? This is how it worked for me: I have solved the problem with "InvalidOldPassword". 1. First I have switched on the old version of the website. 2. I have asked for password reset. From the email received I tried to connect with the password provided but it didnt worked, I got invalid email/password error. 3. I have asked again for password reset, but this time I have not received a new password. When I tried to connect with the first password received it worked and it asked me to change the password. I have put the same password received and the new password and it worked. NOTE I have manually inserted the password, I didnt do Copy/Paste from my email. Now I can connect form the new version of the website also. I hope it will work for you too. Thank you sooooo much! Managed to change it with the old site!! For anyone asking the old site is:

20 October 2016 10:10:00 KOSOVO=SERBIA

SARA : Please help: error message appears when I try to check-in for my Belgrade flight with a British Passport- All details entered correctly and no option for visa requirements. But error message appears: "VisaNeeded Invalid visa issuing country" Help! Skini Wizzair app, preko app mozes da napravis check-in, nesto wizzair sajt zeza... Download the wizzair app, there the checkin will work propperly w/o visa error, seems their website is not working well..

20 October 2016 09:10:00 SARA

Please help: error message appears when I try to check-in for my Belgrade flight with a British Passport- All details entered correctly and no option for visa requirements. But error message appears: "VisaNeeded Invalid visa issuing country" Help!

20 October 2016 09:10:00 Adrian

Hello, There seems to be a problem with the wizz air site when I try to add luggage to my reservation. When I try to do the payment, this message shows up and the transaction is cancelled. I've tried with two cards already. Anybody had the same problem? "Payment failed / SelectedFaresMustHaveThesameFareType"

20 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest

hello, I want to change the password the wizzair sends me because i can not login without changing, but it says old passpowrd is wrong - but this passowrd is sent by you, i cant buy tickets - what shall i do?

16 October 2016 08:10:00 Guest

Daniel : Guest : Great tip! It worked! Wizzair really needs to test their new website. I am glad to hear that. SUZAN : FOR your hack and have a result Cristian : Please Help! : I forgot my Wizzair password. Asked for an email to reset it. Got the mail with a password. Tried signing in with it. It said the old password has expired I need to change it. It was requested that I write the old password and than the new one. I did it. The site said "Invalid Old password". Please Help! We are currently having the same problem. If im requesting to reset my old password it means I dont remember my old one ... So why there is a question to write old password (the one from reset email doesnt work) if i dont remember it? Stuck with my booking Ssame here! The exact same problem on my side. Very disappointing. Seems to be an error loop, due to an extremely poorly written website. And the Wizz customer care is equally poor. When I tried to email them there was an automated email back saying that they don't accept complaints via email any longer (i.e being so civilised and emancipated) so I should go to a link which happens to not work either. As I am writing this message, the Wizz website has just collapsed. Amazing services - if you lower your expectations USE MICROSOFT EDGE browser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it works

12 October 2016 10:10:00 Guest

Guest Andi : I have login problems. It shows the password or email is wrong,but it wasn`t. now i asked for a new password and it also dosn`t work. Always shows me that it is wrong.Don`t know what to do. I found that if you change back to the old version it works

12 October 2016 03:10:00 Guest Andi

I have login problems. It shows the password or email is wrong,but it wasn`t. now i asked for a new password and it also dosn`t work. Always shows me that it is wrong.Don`t know what to do.

10 October 2016 01:10:00 Guest

Has anyone simply not used a wizz air booked flight? I may have to re-arrange my travel arrangements for next month. To purchase a new ticket I think is going to be cheaper than a re-arranging my existing booking and paying a fee. I have not yet done an online check-in and I could enquiry at a Wizz Air desk later this week when I travel but I'd be interested to hear if there was any issues in 'missing' the flight?

10 October 2016 02:10:00 Guest


05 October 2016 11:10:00 Daniel

Guest : InvalidOldPassword ??? while reseting ??? what should i do ? Have you tried this? This is how it worked for me: I have solved the problem with "InvalidOldPassword". 1. First I have switched on the old version of the website. 2. I have asked for password reset. From the email received I tried to connect with the password provided but it didnt worked, I got invalid email/password error. 3. I have asked again for password reset, but this time I have not received a new password. When I tried to connect with the first password received it worked and it asked me to change the password. I have put the same password received and the new password and it worked. NOTE I have manually inserted the password, I didnt do Copy/Paste from my email. Now I can connect form the new version of the website also. I hope it will work for you too.

05 October 2016 06:10:00 Guest

InvalidOldPassword ??? while reseting ??? what should i do ?

04 October 2016 03:10:00 Guest

What's happening with wiz air website?? I'm stuck with my booking??

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