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Sunwing Airlines Discussion

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20 January 2014 10:01:00 Guest

Trakkat78 : The exact same thing happened to us: Sunwing sells packages with direct flights and then adds a stop in Kitchener from Ottawa to Cancun...and the same for the return flight. And the flight schedules were changed too. Lost about 9 hours of vacation. What a practice from Sunwing! Wonder if this is legal!

20 January 2014 02:01:00 Guest

That is probably because there was a specific reason to make that announcement. The pilots and flight attendants are a team, and if the captain feels like something has occurred and he needs to remind passengers that verbal abuse to his flights attendants will not be tolerated, then he has every right to do so. It is his aircraft, under his control, and he can make that announcement if he wishes. You don't know what the flight attendants go through on a daily basis. I wish you luck with your upcoming trip. Guest : Well I last flew sunwing 4 years ago, flight delayed 8 hours and the captain greeted everyone on board with a warning that we would be escorted off the plane if we were rude to staff members. I had heard of improvements but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sadly I'm booked to fly out of YVR friday the 24th at 6 am with this airline. I'm hoping that it leaves somewhat close to departure time. I'll report back after the trip.

20 January 2014 01:01:00 Beaudry

Do not give them your credit card number, if you don’t want to be charged for items you never received. Sunwing charged us for items not received, then refunded it back on to my credit card and then 13 or more days later charged my credit card again for product not received. Nothing was done to make up for the inconveniences that were incurred. We traveled on Sunwing from Saskatoon to Cancun, Mexico on December 20 and 27th. They were late an hour leaving, which we were told was normal for them. We have travelled considerably before this and have usually pre-ordered our alcohol on the plane in order to receive it on the flight back, and not have to pack it. This time there was four of us and I was pleased to be able to pre-order 4 of the same bottles of alcohol, tax free. Turns out this wasn’t going to be the case. The alcohol was not loaded on the plane in Mexico and they gave me only what they had on board already, which was half of my order. I wanted to take advantage of the numbers of legal age travelers so I ordered 2 different bottles of alcohol which was cheaper than my initial order. I would not have pre-ordered the alcohol if I had known that I wasn’t going to get it. I would have bought it in the airport instead. They didn’t care about the inconveniences they created and made no effort to make up for charging my card three times for alcohol purchase, two of which were wrong and to this date, January 18, 2014, remains on my credit card. We paid the $100/pp to be option plus and our luggage was LAST to be taken off the plane in Mexico, which made us very late for our shuttle bus. When we stopped in Regina to pick up more passengers, they gave our seats to other people who told our kids to get out of their seats. We had to prove we pre-paid for our seats so our kids could stay in their seats. We were not the only people this happened to. The older flight attendants were rude and unaccommodating, but the younger ones made up for the older ones. The seats we purchased had the extra leg room, but the TV screen is shared every 3 or 4 rows. On the way back the seats were not as good as on the way there. The arms were stable and you had your tray in the armrest which made the seat smaller. On the trip back our flight was over an hour late again, and our gate was moved a few times. When we arrived home our luggage was closer to the beginning of the line, which was nice so we could get out and be on our way home. Sunwing is not my first choice in air travel, that would be West Jet, but I guess you take what you can get. Just don’t give them your credit card number. Buy your booze in the airport or at your vacation spot, not on the plane.

19 January 2014 12:01:00 Trakkat78

Continued from previous post -At 17h00 still no plane... 17h30, the board upgraded the delay to 19h00... Sunwing staff at airport told us the flight was on-route... NOT!! I just checked on my iPad and it was delayed even more in Toronto. Sunwing staff told us it was because of the bad weather... but all other companies were flying?? Flight attendants for our flight were also at the gate. Good sign, I guess. At 19h30, another delay for 22h00. GREAT! -At 22h15, I received a message on my pad telling me the flight from Toronto had departed. Cool, the plane is on it's way. Curiously, a couple of police officers were now patrolling close to our gate and the flight attendants left telling people they had to eat. They never came back. -At 23h35, the plane docked but with no passengers on board. Sunwing staff then told us we couldn't fly because the airport closes at 23h00... WHAAAT??? If you knew it closed at 23h, why keep us at the airport?? No response. Ok, what about our luggages? Sunwing staff told us to leave them at the aiport. HUHH??? What about the flight?? Tomorrow at 15h maybe 11h... How can we know?? Just check on the website she said... HA GREAT, information was wrong all day and you expect me to check every hour just to check.... "Ok we will leave then..." "No you can't because you have to pickup you luggages downstairs." "???? you just said to leave them here and a lot of people already left" "Security concerns, Sir, Sorry". -So we headed downstairs to get our luggages. Guess what? It was the luggages from the flight from Toronto with no one on board. We had to wait 1h30 to get them back. Thanks for nothing BUMWING! -The next morning, I woke up at 7h and found out the flight was at 11h. We headed to the airport but when we got there, there was a lot af * people already waiting. Sunwing staff didn't want to register our luggages because the flight was not in their system. Ok now what do we do? No one from sunwing knew what to do. One of Sunwing's clerk even told us to go back home because there wouldn't be any flight before 17h... NO WAY!! They started to give vouchers for hotels and taxis. Some people left, many of us stayed. -There was like, 15 police officers near the counter. How reassuring. At 10h, journalists started to interview people about the situation. They told us the same thing was happening in many other cities. My first tought was that Sunwing was going bankrupt. -At 10h30 Sunwing's Clerk started to yell that our flight was departing at 11h and we had to hurry to make it in time. WHAT!!! So we rushed in through security. And guess what?? Yes, you read my mind, another delay for 12h30. I can't take this any longer. They probably didn't want any more people talking to the press. -At 12h30, the flight crew with the captain finally showed up. The Pilot told us it was because of bad weather and fuel shortage. Come on, we are no fools... Every other airline but Sunwing was flying. -They started the boarding process but we had to wait 1h in the plane because the luggages from 3 persons were in the plane and they were not on board. Of course, Sunwing morons, you told them go home, leave their luggages at the airport and come back the next day for 15h. -Same thing happened on our way back. With less delay, only 5 hours. Sunwing rep at the hotel was as confused as all the others back in Canada. They didn't know the flight was delayed... I had to show her my iPad and even then she didn't believe me. -Sunwing offered nothing, nada, niet. No compensation four our missing 2 days. -This airling is going down, and their reputation is way below anything I have ever seen so far.

19 January 2014 12:01:00 Trakkat78

I will never fly with Sunwing again! -I booked a vacation through a travel agent because I thought I would have better representation if something went wrong... NOT! We purchased a direct flight to Cancun (WG579) departing from Ottawa on Jan 6th at 6h00. 2 week prior to departure, our travel agent contacted us concerning a change in our flight. They added a stop to Kitchener and changed our departure time to 9h00. Great. :( -The night before leaving was horrible outside. Freezing rain and really bad weather. I was almost sure my flight would be delayed. In the moring, before I left home, I checked on the Sunwing website to make sure there was no delay. Still at 9h00... ok. -We checked in at the airport at 6h30 AM. At 9h15... still no plane at the gate. The board switched the time for 10h30 a couple minutes after that. Delay after delay at 11h45 the delay now showed 17h00... WOW! So we went back home to get some rest and came back at 15h00. The rest in another post

18 January 2014 07:01:00 eleanor

oh my God help me I'm flying with them tomorrow Jan.19 2014 to Cancun after experincing a 12 hour delay at punta cana Domenican Republic 6 years ago. I had stopped flying with them . my travel agent convinced me that I should give them a second chance. I thought that after 6 years it had improved it self .So I thought ok let's give it another chance and now I hear all this problem i'm so discuted by sunwing I will definitely not travel with them ever they are a discuting company they should be out of business the goverment shoul step into it .I just pray to God that nothing happens this time around and never again piece of garbage.

18 January 2014 05:01:00 Guest

So lets get this straight - You would wish that all Sunwing planes crash, ultimately killing hundreds, maybe even thousands of people, all because you dont like the Sunwing commercial? You are truly a horrible person. DO NOT post here EVER again alberta hermit : after reading all the complaints on this forum i will now add one of mine. i will never fly with sunwing nor will i fly air Canada unless i have to. my main motivation for my comment is sunwing's extremely annoying retarded and overplayed radio commercial. it sounds like it's being sung by a bunch of lobotomized whining emasculated rejects from a Justin beiber concert. it is the loudest commercial on the radio and every stupid radio station plays it over and over again for 6 months straight like its the only commercial they have. i would rather listen to the sound gurgling chunky stomach contents spewing violently into a toilet from a person with the stomach flu rather than ever hear that repulsive sunwing radio add ever again. i would rather put my testicles in a vice than hear that again. SUNWING!!! I HOPE ALL YOUR PLANES CRASH AND YOU GO OUT OF BUSINESS.

18 January 2014 06:01:00 Ashley

Horrible experience with Sunwing. Employees at check in have no idea what they're doing. Planes late to arrive, late to take off on the way there and the way back. In flight staff have no idea what they're doing. Smallest planes on earth. One of the flight attendants bashed into my husband's shoulder about 10 times during the flight. She didn't say sorry once. They cram the seats so tightly together that anyone over 5"8 has to sit with their legs in the splits and on top of that the seats still recline so you end up with some random person's head in your lap. The hotel we stayed in is owned by Sunwing. Water was leaking fr om the ceiling and there was a very strong sewage and urine smell in the room that would not go away. We all got food poisoning from something we ate at the hotel, my husband and 1 year old had to go on antibiotics when we got home. Wrote Sunwing and did not hear back for over a month, finally they wrote back and offered us 3 "free" nights at the SAME HOTEL wh ere we spent days throwing up, rushing to the toilet and mopping water off of the hotel floor. With no flight of course. So they want us to pay to go back there. I will never book with Sunwing again.

18 January 2014 05:01:00 alberta hermit

after reading all the complaints on this forum i will now add one of mine. i will never fly with sunwing nor will i fly air Canada unless i have to. my main motivation for my comment is sunwing's extremely annoying retarded and overplayed radio commercial. it sounds like it's being sung by a bunch of lobotomized whining emasculated rejects from a Justin beiber concert. it is the loudest commercial on the radio and every stupid radio station plays it over and over again for 6 months straight like its the only commercial they have. i would rather listen to the sound gurgling chunky stomach contents spewing violently into a toilet from a person with the stomach flu rather than ever hear that repulsive sunwing radio add ever again. i would rather put my testicles in a vice than hear that again. SUNWING!!! I HOPE ALL YOUR PLANES CRASH AND YOU GO OUT OF BUSINESS.

17 January 2014 09:01:00 Guest

Well I last flew sunwing 4 years ago, flight delayed 8 hours and the captain greeted everyone on board with a warning that we would be escorted off the plane if we were rude to staff members. I had heard of improvements but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sadly I'm booked to fly out of YVR friday the 24th at 6 am with this airline. I'm hoping that it leaves somewhat close to departure time. I'll report back after the trip.

17 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

I lodged at complaint about Sunwing's handling of our holiday to Huatulco over a month and a half ago and still haven't heard anything from their Customer Service. However, they did award us a travel voucher for $50 for answering their customer satisfaction survey-and yes, I was honest. Do not travel with this airline.

16 January 2014 09:01:00 Guest

Why is it every time I fly Sunwing there is a very long delay and it is usually due to "mechanical issues" ? Makes me worried about the safety of their aircraft. Also why are the landings the roughest? Less experienced pilots? Too many issues for me to risk my family's safety. Never again will I fly sunwing.

16 January 2014 05:01:00 Guest

Just spent 45 mins on hold on the phone and then suddenly disconnected.....very interesting that there are so many problems and they can't even answer their phones.

16 January 2014 04:01:00 seeley

flight 683 after 20 hours and still no communication poor customer relations

16 January 2014 04:01:00 Guest

We have travelled with Sunwing (signature) 5 OR 6 times. We have had 5 very bad experiences with them. Needless to say we will not use Sunwing again!!! Also SUNWING has 33 rows of seats in a 737, all others have 28, is this not a safety hazzard or illegal

16 January 2014 12:01:00 Guest

We came back from Mexico last week on Jan 9th (Flight SW 514). Our flight was delayed by 12 hours due to mechanical problems. While boarding the plane the captain announced that one of the fuel pumps (1 out 6) is not working and he had to unload some weigh to be able to fly the plane. It was a very frightening situation. We asked for another plane and we were told that we can leave the plane and pay another airliner to return to Toronto on our own. Finally they unloaded the all luggage and left them behind in Cancun. When we arrived in Toronto we were told that the luggage will be delivered to our homes worry free. Today is Jan 15th 2013 and we have not heard from Sunwing. We called them several times but they do not pick up their phones. I encourage the readers to not fly with Sunwing, if they can. Sunwing planes are very old. In addition Sunwing as a company is very irresponsible and it puts the passenger’s lives at risk at will. You can try Baggage - Lost, Delayed or damaged: 416-620-4955 or 1-877-877-1755 (Option 3) and you will hear no answer.

16 January 2014 12:01:00 Guest

We came back from Mexico last week on Jan 9th. Our flight was delayed by 12 hours due to mechanical problems. While boarding the plane the captain announced that one of the fuel pumps (1 out 6) is not working and he had to unload some weigh to be able to fly the plane. It was a very frightening situation. We asked for another plane and we were told that we can leave the plane and pay another airliner to return to Toronto on our own. Finally they unloaded the all luggage and left them behind in Cancun. When we arrived in Toronto we were told that the luggage will be delivered to our homes worry free. Today is Jan 15th 2013 and we have not heard from Sunwing. We called them several times but they do not pick up their phones. I encourage the readers to not fly with Sunwing, if they can. Sunwing planes are very old. In addition Sunwing as a company is very irresponsible and it puts the passenger’s lives at risk at will. You can try Baggage - Lost, Delayed or damaged: 416-620-4955 or 1-877-877-1755 (Option 3) and you will hear no answer.

15 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

I also am having problems with sunwing and all they do is send a e-mail that they have sent to thousounds of other customers so obviously they just want your money and don't care about you. I just heard on the news this morning they left people stranded in an airport for 20 hours with no food etc so my question is why is nothing being done to stop sunwing from doing this over and over again

15 January 2014 08:01:00 Teresa Bozek

I supposed to leave Ottawa 6:00 am Sunday, January 12/2014 by Sunwing Airlines Flight # SWG636 to Holguin, Cuba. I've been checking an airport info and Sunwing info about the delays since 1:00 am Sunday morning than I cancelled my vacations because of 19 hours flight delay, they departed 1:05 am Monday, January13/2014, so I lost almost 2 days of my 10 days vacations. Having cancellation insurance I was told, my money will be reimbursed hopefully.

15 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

Guest : We were supposed to be flying out of Ottawa, Ontario to Holguin, Cuba at 6:00am this morning. So far our flight has been delayed by 16 hours, with no reason provided. The only information we've received is that we will not be recompensed for our lost time and the expenses we've incurred waiting for Sunwing to get it's act together. This Airline is a nightmare!! Avoid at all costs Same with me, I've been checking an airport info and Sunwing info about the delays since 1:00 am Sunday morning than I cancelled my vacations because of 19 hours fly delay, almost 2 days of my 10 days vacations. Having cancellation insurance I was told, my money will be reimbursed hopefullyKP6WJ

15 January 2014 02:01:00 Very unhappy Sunwing customer


15 January 2014 02:01:00 Very unhappy Sunwing customer

My wife 2 children and I flew Sunwing from Saskatoon to Varadero, Cuba Jan 4th to Jan 11th. I have to say I have never flown with such a horrible airline in my life!! We sat on the run way in Saskatoon for over an hour and half waiting to take off because of a "water issue".... We were then informed that the water issue had been solved but they had not loaded the baggage yet?? WTF... We all were checked in 2 1/2 hours in advance.. How in that amount of time do you not have the bags loaded as the plane was already there waiting for us!! I stupidly booked the flight which is ridiculous flight times 8:45 pm with an arrival of 1:45 AM which was actually 3:00 AM and not arriving at our hotel until 6:30 AM!! Ok so it will be a sleep in the beach chair kind of day!!.... All week while we were at our hotel Sun Wing continued to cancel or delay trips.... Other major Canadian airlines were flying from this hotel as well.... West Jet, Air Transit, Air Canada. None of these other airlines had cancelations or delays throughout this time period back to Western Canada!! On our last day we were informed by the hotel that our flight which was supposed to depart Varadero at 3:00 AM with a p/u time at the hotel at midnight was going to be delayed 3:00 hours. Our new pick up time at the Hotel was at 3:00 AM with a 6:00 AM departure. That evening we took our kids to the small souvenir booths that were set up in our hotel to basically spend the remainder of our CUC or Cuban peso...As they are useless in Canada and can not be converted back. When we left the hotel we had 8 pesos and no Visa that worked as I guess we were informed that they were connected somehow to US Banks .... And of course our $100.00 CUC which went in the safe with our passports the first day to get out of the effing country.... 6:00 AM rolls around and Sunwing after many announcements about delays and cancelations tells us our plane will be there in half hour..... 8 hours later our plane arrived.... I was able to purchase 1 x 500 ml bottle of water and 1 can of some off brand of pringle chips during that time to feed and water my family after not eating since 8:00 PM the previous day!!!! Not once 11 hours we were in the Airport did a Sun Wing rep actually tell us what was going on or come to see if we possibly needed water.... As there is no water fountains in the airport as the water is not drinkable!!! The only sunwing reps we saw in that time period were 4 poor stewardess that walked in to take a plane to Montreal are were mobbed and I'm serious there were hundreds and hundreds of people that had been left waiting with no info... Planes to Toronto, Montreal, Regina, Calgary and of course our full plane to Saskatoon.... It was so bad that the Cuban security had to get involved and threatened a few people that were so upset and loosing it that they were going to take them to jail....The Cubans took there passports from them.... It was like throwing lambs or baby kittens to a huge wolf pack and honestly what can these 4 girls do about it.. It was the Chicken SH!$ management of sun wing that never showed there faces or gave us any info at all... Just some Spanish Cuban lady that could hardly speak English doing announcements on there behalf!! After we did get on the plane I asked if we could just have some water as we had not had a drink in a smoking hot humid airport in hours and hours.... It took almost an hour for us to get a fricken drink of water.... And for the person that said the sandwich that was stuck to the foil... Yes we had those both ways... On the way to Cuba we did not eat them... But I tell you what after all that time with nothing they tasted good.... As gross as that is!! I DON'T CARE HOW GOOD OF A DEAL SUNWING HAS NEXT WINTER I WILL WAIT 2 YEARS TO SAVE UP TO TAKE ANOTHER TRIP WITH ANOTHER AIRLINE.... AND HONESTLY THE DEAL WITH THEM WAS NOT MUCH BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE ITS JUST A LACK OF FLIGHTS FROM SASKATOON TO CUBA WITH OTHER AIRLINES!!!!!!!

15 January 2014 01:01:00 Guest

Sunwing was horrible. No customer service. No rep at the airport In Cuba. Flight was delayed 12 hours overnight in veradero. No water was offered, People asked but were denied. Treated like trash. Finally boarded flight after given runaround for 12 hrs . No food at airport as it was closed. Finally boarded, half hour before landing we were notified we would be landing in Windsor Instead of yyz. 4 hr bus ride to Toronto on top of it all! And elderly in wheelchair expected to board a coach bus! Good one sunwing!

14 January 2014 05:01:00 Guest

Travel insurance? : I would like to start by saying that this is by no means a reflection of Iberostar Hotel but of Sunwing vacations based out of Canada. My wife was scheduled to go for 7 days for a well deserved vacation to Cuba this past week. It is not her first time in Cuba, and I book this for her as she needed the break badly, especially that we have a special needs son. 9 days before departure, her mom had a severe and serious stroke, and has been in ICU since then. Needless to say, there was no way my wife could go on vacation , one week later. I immediately contacted our travel agent to reschedule the trip with Sunwing. I travel alot for business and other airlines and tour companies, always make accommodations for such last minute emergencies, some are better than others, but always it is worked out. Unfortunately, Sunwing decided that there was nothing they could do, We elevated the issue many times and again Sunwing refused to do anything according to policies. We have lost all the money of this planned trip and have no recourse. BTW, Iberostar was fully booked for the last month, and her tickets could have easily been sold. We were not looking for a refund, or cancellation, just merely reschedule her trip under these unfortunate circumstances. So, with this said, i encourage my Canadian friend, not to book with Sunwing, or at least understand what can happen when an emergency happens. Next time i will stick with Air Canada vacations, which i am an Elite member with. Again i apologize to Iberostar, as it is not your fault, and hopefully one day my wife can retake this vacation at your beautiful resort with another tour company.

14 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

My stroller was destroyed and I have been unable to get compensation. I called their phone number immediately and their voicemail was full. I was on a 7 day cruise. They only give you 7 days to file a claim. What a scam.

14 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

Incredibly Inefficient check in and not one of the Airlines that had checkin service for the cruise ship wifi. For 1st hour there were only 3 people at the checkin counter to handle 2 planes over 600 people. Lineups extended outside and down the sidewalk all the way to the smoking area. An hour later at checkin they told us our flight was delayed and told us to come back later and form another line to get a meal voucher... Why couldn't they just give it to us at checkin? There were rumours in the line that the delay would be longer but they did t tell us until later. Had I known, I could have rented a car and gone to the beach instead of waiting at the crowded airport for 7 hours. Counter staff were subcontracted and do not work for Sunwing. They didn't care and told me to fly another airline next time. I will follow their advice.

14 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

2nd time in a row that my Sunwing flight was delayed over 8 hours! This time it was the Jan 12 2014 flight from Ft Lauderdale. Scheduled to leave at 12:30pm left closer to 8pm! Very poor communications from check in counter staff. One girl named Kesha was downright nasty and rude. If you want to fly sunwing be prepared to arrive 2 days before your cruise and don't plan to go back to work for another 2 days and make sure you buy trip insurance. Personally I will NEVER use sunwing again. My airport driver and the numerous posts here confirmed my suspicions that Sunwing has a total disregard and no respect for its passengers time... He said from his experience picking up passengers that although other airlines have some some delays Sunwing has many more than others and the delays are a lot longer!

14 January 2014 05:01:00 Jim McKay

It is Jan 13, 2014 and I must be trapped in a time warp, as I have just been told that my flight is delayed 6 hours because of the storm, this is the same storm that the rest of Toronto experienced on Dec 21, 22, 23 and here in the Pearson / Sunwing time warp apparently it still exists. Not sure what upsets me more the fact that Sunwing staff haven't told anything but lies or the fact that they are actually stupid and think we believe their BS. It's the bully tactics that I love, everyone who complains specifically about their lies and there $5 food voucher ( have you ever tried to buy a coffee and a muffin at the airport , $5 doesn't cover it, obviously it's been a long long time since sunwing management have bought anything at Pearson) If it's your intent to go on vacation pay the extra money for any airline as this nightmare with sunwing doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon

14 January 2014 04:01:00 Guest

I was also on Flight WG514 Cancun-Mexico Jan 8th. I was informed by my travel agent who works at Sunwing Head Office that we'd receive our luggage by the weekend. I called a million times, only to get a full message inbox or hangups. I then pursued to call Sunwing head office to speak to anyone in customer service, only to be transferred a bunch of times and get the end message that there is nothing they can do but insist that we keep calling, oh and also suggested that we go to the airport checkin counter and speak to a Sunwing representative. This is totally unacceptable and I definitely will never fly Sunwing again, this whole process has been totally unprofessional and very poorly managed.

14 January 2014 02:01:00 Guest

I was also on this flight and am without luggage to date as well. A representative answered on Friday and informed me all cargo would be flying back to Toronto that night and will be delivered to everyones' homes Saturday and Sunday. I was travelling with 8 others and none of us have heard from Sunwing or received our luggages. I have called every hour and left msgs for Sunwing baggage and NO response. This is unacceptable.

13 January 2014 11:01:00 Guest

We were also on this flight and we still havent heard from anyone. I have tried calling every number and every department and they are all useless. If anything from our luggage is missing, I will be raising even more hell. My babies luggage is also still in Mexico with her pump and bottles and meds. I am furious!!! If you go to the media and need more backup stories, let me know!! I would be happy to make sure no one ever uses Sunwing again! Guest : I was on the same flight and have the same problem!!!! No contact with anyone and still missing luggage!!! There will be hell to pay if they deliver our luggage without someone being home and its sent back to Sunwing for pick up!!!! If this doesnt get resolved soon, I'm going to the media!!! I heard that the luggage was still in Mexico this past Saturday! sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline. sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline. sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline.

13 January 2014 10:01:00 Guest-Kingsville

My wife and I were looking for an all inclusive trip to Varadero, Cuba, and we found that CAA in Leamington had packages with Sunwing who had flights out of Windsor. The day of departure, our flight was 2 hours late in leaving the Windsor Airport. The trip on Sunwing had advertised that complimentary champagne was part of the flight, however we did not receive any. We were informed that somehow the champagne was forgotten to be put on the plane. The flight was comfortable and the attendants were accomodating. We were supposed to arrive in Cuba at 7:15 pm on Thursday, but did not land until 9:25 pm. We arrived at our hotel, Brisas Del Caribe at about 11:00 pm. We waited 45 minutes at the front desk to check in. There were no porters to help us carry our luggage to our room. We had a difficult time finding our room as the walkways and paths were either poorly lit or not lit at all. We finally found our room about 12:30 pm. As we entered our room, the first thing that greeted us was a small green gecko on the wall. We then noticed the closet doors were rotted and falling off the track, that the safe was not functional, also the air conditioner didn't work properly. The shower had so little water coming out, that it was difficult to shower. Thankfully our bed gave us a good night sleep. The next morning (Friday) we consulted our Sunwing representative and she made arrangements for us to go to the reception desk between 1:00 pm and 1:30 pm . Upon arriving at 1:15 pm, I was told to come back the next day , Saturday, because they were too busy. Saturday proved too busy as well, and we still had the original room. Finally on Sunday, we did receive another room, which was a better room, as it should have been. In conclusion we heard many complaints of poor standards of the rooms by other guests. After eating at the buffet for a few days, we came to the conclusion that the buffet was a little less than what a buffet should be. However, they cooked a good burger at the Taino Snack Bar as well as at the Beach Bar. The staff were very friendly and provided good service overall. The beach did not disappoint us, as it was beautiful. The staff at the beach were exceptional. When we initially picked up our tickets we were told by our travel agent, CAA, that we could tip the staff with loonies and twoonies, which was not the case. Not only were the staff unable to convert the coin to their currency, I could not convert canadian loonies and twoonies into Cuban currency at the bank, they did not want it. It was a * of money to even give it to anybody. Upon finding this out, we arranged to exchange the loonies for Canadian paper money with the wait staff , as we could use the loonies and twoonies at home . We were also told by our travel agent that everybody on the resort spoke english. Most of the staff did not speak english at all. Some spoke a little, and very few spoke well. It pays to know the language Hotel Brisas Del Caribe was given a 4 star rating, however the overall experience that we had would be to give it a considerable lesser rating. It is a run down compound That they are trying to get all they can out of it. Hopefully some changes will be made for future vacationers.

13 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

I was on the same flight and have the same problem!!!! No contact with anyone and still missing luggage!!! There will be hell to pay if they deliver our luggage without someone being home and its sent back to Sunwing for pick up!!!! If this doesnt get resolved soon, I'm going to the media!!! I heard that the luggage was still in Mexico this past Saturday! sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline. sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline. sinikka malcolm : Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline.

13 January 2014 08:01:00 MarCri

Bought this nice and expensive package: Ottawa-Cancun with direct flights arriving in Cancun at 9:30AM and leaving at 8:00PM. Both flights were changed several times to end up with leaving Ottawa at 9:00AM with a stop in Kitchener to arrive in Cancun at 2:00PM and leaving Cancun at 3:00PM with also a stop in Kitchener to arrive in Ottawa at 9:30PM. And there were more passengers from Kitchener than from Ottawa making it sound like this was never intended to be direct flights from Ottawa. According to some passengers from Kitchener, Sunwing does this every year alternating from Cancun and Punta Cana. And for the outbound flight which was delayed for 3 hours, no reasons were given and the crew was very rude with all the passengers and litterally dumping a sandwich on people's table as the meal. The return flight was delayed 29 hours due to weather conditions and Sunwing gave each passenger a $150. voucher as an 'incentive' for a future travel experience. Bravo Sunwing!

13 January 2014 07:01:00 sinikka malcolm

Airline that should not be in business, staff is rude, unbelievable flight delays. i can understand weather related flight delays but when an airline is not informing the passengers of the delays ,that is unacceptable. They said the reason for 11 hour delay was a problem with the fuel pump but in Toronto they insisted it was weather related. At departure on the 4th of jan they also were delayed by 4 hours and there was no explanation for the delay in fact they didn;t even tell about the delay till boarding time. On return they took our luggage off the plane in cancun and five days later haven't heard from them nor do they answer their phones, what a totally disorganized airline.

13 January 2014 06:01:00 julie

we flew in from roatan on january 6th and still have had no communication about our lost suitcases. there are items in there which we need back including my sons favorite stuff animal has anyone out there any any luck? not sure if we should just show up at perason? my friends who flew air canada have had their luggage delivered already.

13 January 2014 06:01:00 Sherman

When we arrived at Pearson on 11 Jan the computers in the checkin section shared by Sunwing and other airlines were down. Staff fr om United were on the floor already, finding their passengers, directing them to use the kiosks which were running on generators, and helping them to do so since they were a bit glitchy. No sign of Sunwing staff anywhere, not even behind the counter. Hundreds were lined up for the counter not even knowing what was going on. Announcements were "problems... Doing our best.. Be patient" but no actual information. We only knew what to do by eavesdropping on United staff conversations with their passengers. Finally, around flight time, they sent Sunwing staff into the crowd to communicate and began isolating three flights to deal with one at a time. Too bad that didn't occur to them until 11. We finally got checked in around 2 manually and our flight left around 5. On arrival at Liberia our sons luggage was missing. It was after 11 pm and one lonely airport staffer with lim ited english in baggage area gave him a form to fill out. He also insisted he sign a form that seemed worded to suggest the baggage has been received! We attempted to call Sunwing baggage number repeatedly yesterday, got only a voicemail box that is full. We have tweeted, emailed, called... No response. No call to the number we gave on the form to acknowledge or begin service. Certainly no scanned tracking because of manual check-in. Our son has lost a $230 backpack, about $300 of clothing bought for the vacation, and the steel toed work boots he took off and packed after we got to the airport. We lost our first half day here, and had to pay our pickup driver extra for his first, wasted, trip to the airport. And yesterday being Sunday, the only shop we've found in Playa Hermosa that looks like it may carry men's clothes, was locked up. Still no response from Sunwing. Now we read online TONS of postings about people who have NEVER had any response to lost luggage claims.

13 January 2014 04:01:00 Guest

Hi, We're in the same boat. Is there a point at which they will just give up and cancel this flight and refund my vacation? What is you plan for tonight? Will you stay up and check the schedule every few hours just to see them keep pushing back the time every hours or so? The SMS messaging seems unreliable, too. After each alert I seem to have to re-subscribe. I would rather they reschedule for tomorrow and give us a partial refund for the 1 day. It is absurd. Just about every other flight of theirs was on time today. Couldn't they make our route a priority now? How about the poor people stuck waiting for their return! I pray that is NOT our return to Ottawa. See you at some point. :) It is too bad they have to treat people this way. It will eventually turn around and bite them. I know that they have lost my business (though sometimes there are no issues). Guest : We were supposed to be flying out of Ottawa, Ontario to Holguin, Cuba at 6:00am this morning. So far our flight has been delayed by 16 hours, with no reason provided. The only information we've received is that we will not be recompensed for our lost time and the expenses we've incurred waiting for Sunwing to get it's act together. This Airline is a nightmare!! Avoid at all costs

13 January 2014 04:01:00 Guest

Guest : We were supposed to be flying out of Ottawa, Ontario to Holguin, Cuba at 6:00am this morning. So far our flight has been delayed by 16 hours, with no reason provided. The only information we've received is that we will not be recompensed for our lost time and the expenses we've incurred waiting for Sunwing to get it's act together. This Airline is a nightmare!! Avoid at all costs Truly unfortunate for all of us who hoped to enjoy a vacation and wound up in SunWing Hell. The airline has been doing this all over the country. Little care for harm and cost to customers.

13 January 2014 04:01:00 Guest

Sunwing is not a very nice company to deal with and the service is really bad. A 5 PM flight to Varadero with destination Havana to arrive at 9 pm now will arrive after all night hell at 7 AM. Might get to bed by 9 if the hotel is not problematic and might recover from exhaustion after a couple of days but the vacation will have been ruined. I picked this flight because of its gentle schedule and it turned into the worst possible schedule and SunWing would not let me cancel with a refund. And 0 compensation apart from one way cab ride home to a house with no food as I'd emptied the fridge before going away. SO I get to pay for a second cab to the airport today to step into the inferno. Not likely to choose them again.

12 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

We were supposed to be flying out of Ottawa, Ontario to Holguin, Cuba at 6:00am this morning. So far our flight has been delayed by 16 hours, with no reason provided. The only information we've received is that we will not be recompensed for our lost time and the expenses we've incurred waiting for Sunwing to get it's act together. This Airline is a nightmare!! Avoid at all costs

12 January 2014 03:01:00 Guest

I totally agree. Only you are responsible for your children's behaviour, no one else. Guest : Perhaps you should have attempted to calm the child down ... 24 hours is far too much for a child to be awake.. I do not blame the airline because you could not calm your child down enough to nap. Children get excited. that is to be expected. I think that after her 8th flight.... the child maybe needs to be under a doctiors care before you fly again... Do not get * .... Sunwing cannot controlt the weather and they certainly cannot control your child.... You got your vacation days... unfortunately due to your child's episode you did not get to spend your holiday the way you wanted to.. I know some passengers I met coming home yesterday.... (as I to was stranded for a day) commented to me that they were put up in hotel room for the night.... not sure if you asked for this accomodation? Guest : Me, my boyfriend and my two girls (6 and 9) where going to Riviera Maya janyary 6th 2014. Our flight was suppose to leave Montreal at 8am. The flight was delayed to 11am, 1pm, 9pm and 1am. My 9 years old didn't sleep for almost 24hours, to exited about the trip. When we got on the plane at 1:15am she had a episodique vagal choc. She almost past out. We had to leave the plane and mist our family vacation. Doctor told us it eas du to the delay of the flight and cause she was to tired. I'm very upset so are my kids and my boyfriend. The kids are very sad. My 9 years old feels guilty and my 6 years old is upset. What a nightmare!!! I feel like I'm in a bad dream. My daugther is physically fine now, but what a mess cause by Sunwing!!! I hope she will be able to fly again. It was'nt her first flight, it was her 8th. I claimed a amount of money to Sunwing for the lost of our vacation. I think they hold excuses to my kids. They didn't want to go back to school today, they were stressed out!!! Me and my husband lost days of vacations at work and days of salary. DON'T FLY WITH SUNWING!!!

12 January 2014 03:01:00 Guest

This is the worst airline and they have no customer service skills at all. We are now sitting in Liberia airport and we have 6 hour delay and no representative has even bothered to speak to anyone. Do not book this airline if you value your time.

11 January 2014 09:01:00 Guest

flight delayed 12 hours, lost an entire day of vacation. Fly all night to arrive at 4:45 in the morning, first day of vacation very tired and slept half the day. Now 2 days of vacation at all inclusive seems lost. Will not fly with Sunwing again, very disappointed.

11 January 2014 12:01:00 d harvey

do not believe any of the good reviews for Sunwing they are all posted by Sunwing pr team. Boarded plane in Cancun at 8:30 pm for what was supposed to be a 2:30 flight lie #1 sat on tarmac for 5 hours after 3 we were offered a sip of water told there was a problem with the plane and all baggage would be removed and sent with other carriers lie #2 finally got to Toronto at 5 am Sunwing had one rep there for the whole plane load of people looking for there luggage after standing in line for 2 hours we were told are bags would be sent to our residence the next day lie#3 its been 2 and there is no way to get in touch with anyone from Dumwing. Have no idea were are bags are and they are impossible to get a hold of.So from 3:30 in the afternoon until 8:00 the next morning when we finally walked out of the airport from what was supposed to be a 3 and a half hour flight I have never been treated so terribly from service staff anywhere anytime even the food they say that you will have 2 choices but they ran out of the good choice after about 10 people after all that time on the plane I got A piece of pizza I would not give to my worst enemy as hungry as I was I could not eat it I could barely chew the first bite. Please if you love your family do not fly Dumwing & do not believe the propaganda good reviews they are all lies

10 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

Perhaps you should have attempted to calm the child down ... 24 hours is far too much for a child to be awake.. I do not blame the airline because you could not calm your child down enough to nap. Children get excited. that is to be expected. I think that after her 8th flight.... the child maybe needs to be under a doctiors care before you fly again... Do not get * .... Sunwing cannot controlt the weather and they certainly cannot control your child.... You got your vacation days... unfortunately due to your child's episode you did not get to spend your holiday the way you wanted to.. I know some passengers I met coming home yesterday.... (as I to was stranded for a day) commented to me that they were put up in hotel room for the night.... not sure if you asked for this accomodation? Guest : Me, my boyfriend and my two girls (6 and 9) where going to Riviera Maya janyary 6th 2014. Our flight was suppose to leave Montreal at 8am. The flight was delayed to 11am, 1pm, 9pm and 1am. My 9 years old didn't sleep for almost 24hours, to exited about the trip. When we got on the plane at 1:15am she had a episodique vagal choc. She almost past out. We had to leave the plane and mist our family vacation. Doctor told us it eas du to the delay of the flight and cause she was to tired. I'm very upset so are my kids and my boyfriend. The kids are very sad. My 9 years old feels guilty and my 6 years old is upset. What a nightmare!!! I feel like I'm in a bad dream. My daugther is physically fine now, but what a mess cause by Sunwing!!! I hope she will be able to fly again. It was'nt her first flight, it was her 8th. I claimed a amount of money to Sunwing for the lost of our vacation. I think they hold excuses to my kids. They didn't want to go back to school today, they were stressed out!!! Me and my husband lost days of vacations at work and days of salary. DON'T FLY WITH SUNWING!!!

10 January 2014 06:01:00 Guest

Elizabeth Clarke Meneguzzi : My son Robert Meneguzzi flew Toronto to Vancouver Thursday evening. The check in process at the airport was very slow there was only one agent for passengers with boarding passes. Then the flight was 2 hours late leaving. The final upset was in Vancouver when his bag was nowhere to be found. He has been waiting and calling but has not been able to talk to a person, all his calls go to a full voicemail mailbox. He has been without his belongings for 3 days and is still waiting. What are you doing to locate and reconnect him with his bag?? You should try calling 1-877-SUNWING. I also lost my baggage since Jan 8th, 2014 and haven't heard anything from Sunwing yet. I called that number today and reached customer service. They emailed the baggage office for me and I'm still waiting to hear a reply from them

09 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

Guest : The same delay for me in Montreal january 6th. My daugther got sick when we finally got on the plane because she did´nt sleep for 24 hours. We had to leave and miss our vacation!!! No respect for people and most likely for kids. Mind are 6 and 9!!!! Currently sitting at the Vancouver airport waiting form my 9 am flight to Cancun to leave (it is now 3:16 pm). They originally said the flight was delayed until noon due to a medical emergency that required the inbound flight to land in Minneapolis and is now delayed for weather. I am in the aviation industry so had a check--yes, weather is bad in MSP but there are no departure delays, they are now telling us the flight will leave at 23:10--if it actually goes that will be a 14 hour delay. Do they think we are morons? No weather causes a 14 hour delay unless they cancel the flight. The reality is, as has been noted several times, it has to do with the lack of aircraft and crew at the disposal of Sunwing. The crew is now timed out and they have to wait 10 hours for the crew to be able to fly again. I upgraded my vacation to a stupid expensive beachfront room, pretty sure I will not get any money back. Further when I heard about the first delay I went on line and upgraded to "elite"-my bags are already checked so I can not take advantage of the shorter check in line or extra baggage but paid $80 for a couple of extra inches of leg room. When I went to change my boarding pass the agent said the seats were gone. Did I get my money back, nope, have to contact Sunwing for that. I have now been on hold with Sunwing for 90 minutes (good thing I have my phone plugged in and charging). Sunwing-never again and I will be sure to tell everyone who asks about my vacation never to risk their time and money on this "fly by night" operation. So far I am out one day of vacation from work and a sh*tload of money I paid for the upgraded room in Cancun. Oh, they did give me $5.00 voucher for a "snack"-thanks Sunwing

09 January 2014 08:01:00 Guest

Me, my boyfriend and my two girls (6 and 9) where going to Riviera Maya janyary 6th 2014. Our flight was suppose to leave Montreal at 8am. The flight was delayed to 11am, 1pm, 9pm and 1am. My 9 years old didn't sleep for almost 24hours, to exited about the trip. When we got on the plane at 1:15am she had a episodique vagal choc. She almost past out. We had to leave the plane and mist our family vacation. Doctor told us it eas du to the delay of the flight and cause she was to tired. I'm very upset so are my kids and my boyfriend. The kids are very sad. My 9 years old feels guilty and my 6 years old is upset. What a nightmare!!! I feel like I'm in a bad dream. My daugther is physically fine now, but what a mess cause by Sunwing!!! I hope she will be able to fly again. It was'nt her first flight, it was her 8th. I claimed a amount of money to Sunwing for the lost of our vacation. I think they hold excuses to my kids. They didn't want to go back to school today, they were stressed out!!! Me and my husband lost days of vacations at work and days of salary. DON'T FLY WITH SUNWING!!!

08 January 2014 09:01:00 Guest

flew in to pearson from roatan on jan 6th. still dont have my luggage and have not heard anything about how to retrieve them. does anyone out there know?!!

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