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Sunwing Airlines Discussion

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17 October 2016 10:10:00 Guest

Steve Daigle : Not happy with Sunwing airline at all to say the least, I booked a direct flight from Toronto to Punta Cana and found out at the day before leaving October the 1st 2016 that they had change the flight path to go directly in line with Hurricane Mathew to stop in Cuba to pick up passengers October the 2nd 2016 nearly doubling the flight time and endangering all passengers on the flight, I would not have booked this flight knowing there was a stop over let alone potentially being put in harms way, unfortunately I have to travel back to Toronto with Sunwing but if I succesfullly make it to my destination and back with Sunwing that will be the last time ever with this airline !!!sorry but I don't agree with ur comment on endangering passengers. There are set standards and the flight crew will nor endanger you'd life or theirs. I also travelled on Oct 4 after several flight time changes. We also lost out on a day but we are here to talk about it.

16 October 2016 02:10:00 Charo

Gave me a mouldy sandwich. Took off 4 hours late for flight out, 5 hours late for flight back. Late flight food voucher was misdated and the lying staff member told me I could use it past security as we had to "get in fast"... everything was closed inside. So no using voucher. They are con artists and have awful hygeine. AVOID!!!

12 October 2016 08:10:00 Guest

I have not yet flown with Sunwing, however I will NEVER fly with them again. We did the price drop guarantee and it has been nothing but a gong show. First they sent my boyfriends refund cheque TO THE WRONG PERSON!! And now they have lied several times as to when it has been sent to him. We are STILL waiting for it. It has honestly been 2 MONTHS that we have been waiting for this cheque. It is very unprofessional and pretty pathetic. They didn't bother checking the address they were sending someones money too! As i said I have not actually flown with them yet but with how the accounting is so unorganized and well pretty stupid this flight better be * amazing!

02 October 2016 06:10:00 ricardo

no crappy meal included, no longer a non-stop flight and losing a day of 7 day vacation SUNWING SUCKS!!

02 October 2016 12:10:00 Steve Daigle

Not happy with Sunwing airline at all to say the least, I booked a direct flight from Toronto to Punta Cana and found out at the day before leaving October the 1st 2016 that they had change the flight path to go directly in line with Hurricane Mathew to stop in Cuba to pick up passengers October the 2nd 2016 nearly doubling the flight time and endangering all passengers on the flight, I would not have booked this flight knowing there was a stop over let alone potentially being put in harms way, unfortunately I have to travel back to Toronto with Sunwing but if I succesfullly make it to my destination and back with Sunwing that will be the last time ever with this airline !!!

01 October 2016 08:10:00 Linda

One of the flight crewe Steve was very pleasant but another crew member was absolutely rude his name to s Miguel, many of the passengers were complainting about his rude behaviour. I was offered seats with more leg room. by ground staff at the check in line who were trying to sell them off at $60 when they realized that the here were 6 of us travelling they offered us a discount. After take off there were a lots of empty seats, my husband and I were not seated together, so we decided to go to the row behind. Steve came along and said that he wanted the money for the seats at a higher price than the ground staff had offered them at. I explained to him but he refused to listen and said that he did not believe me. After that I went to the washroom at the front of the plane, he refused me access and told me to go to the back. Then pushed the the rules in my face and poked me, never again will any of us fly with that airline again

28 September 2016 04:09:00 Guest

This has to be a joke the airline is no longer supplying passengers with food or headphone jacks even though you purchase the elite package wow what a joke go to hell

27 September 2016 11:09:00 Guest

Will NEVER fly Sunwing again. They changed our flight time and we are losing 8 hours of vacation time and to make it worse it's no longer a direct flight. We will be on airline for 6 hours instead of 3-3.5. Agents weren't even notified. To make matters worse they have just cancelled on board free food and we will be on plane for 2 meals. At the very least they could offer free food. NOT IMPRESSED and am telling everyone I know.

11 September 2016 04:09:00 Guest

Jose Cedeno : Don't buying any vacation to sunwing airlines The travel agent the THIEF THIEF If you don't want to lose your money no bying bying Nothing for sunwing airlines the worst worst GO to west jet airlines GO to west jet airlines GO to west jet airlines honest people ThankyThanky for all the repeating repeating. This sounds less of an airline problem and maybe the sketchy travel agent you chose to go to. Bye bye bye

11 September 2016 04:09:00 Guest

Guest : Does anyone else have severe vomiting and diarreah from flight 361 april 6th. Montreal Steak sandwich. Punta Cana to Saskatoon. I know two people so far So after a week in a foreign country , eating foods prepared to a different standard , prob drinking lots , and maybe less than normal sleep, and drinking not as much water. .. You think the frozen bun with the cooked meat was the problem .. Hmm I see

11 September 2016 04:09:00 Guest

Guest : On April 6 2016 a stop over was added when we made sure to buy direct flight. This will never happen again! DO NOT FLY SUNWING Sir ? Are you * because you don't understand terms ? Okay so Direct Flight : no plane changes , so for example your ridding a bus, you won't have to switch buses but they may have to stop before. What you want is a " Non-Stop" flight . Sorry that you were just unaware of this basic travel term, happens all the time I'm sure

11 September 2016 04:09:00 Guest

b) Airline doesn't understand that when a couple checks in together, they usually want to sit together, so make sure you ask specifically c) When it says on time, it doesn't mean that. Delayed 4 hours on both flights. First flight was the red eye, no idea why we were delayed at all, no update. Second flight was a late one but not a red eye. Captain wouldn't leave until all the passengers were there, so yes 300 of us waited for 8 people for 4 hours. That includes sitting on a plane for one hour of it. Don't bother checking your flight status, it's not correct.d) Do not fly red eye. Announcements were 20 minutes, then the TVs drop down and they play commercials and movies. Imagine trying to sleep when the TV is immediately above you flashing black and white. 90% of people had to put shirts over their heads to try to get some sleep. The turned on all the lights. So, since it's obv you don't understand much about aviation . I'll help you out. B) Boeing373-800's is what this airline flies . Sunwing like most airlines flying this plane have the basic seat setup 3 seats on each side. Making that 6. Now stay with me , if 2 people booked together and sit beside each other that means only one seat left on that side. Good your still following, now God forbid a family travels in groups of 5 , making still one more seat in that row, and someone will end up having to sit there. So I hope you see it's less about Sunwing not understanding couples , and more about math and plane layouts :) C) Sunwing planes fit 200avg passengers not 300. And if those passengers are checked in, they must attempt to be contacted. Also since they are most likely checked in their bags would be loaded alrasdy , and it is not legal for bags to fly unocomplanied. So they would have to locate those passengers bags , which yes would of been much longer had they not shown up : D) Sunwings RedEyes The announcements after reaching crusing altitude are the services offered on the flight , information about your customs card, and the movie playing. Doubtful 20min even for a slow reader . The TVs : I mean if I couldn't sleep on a flight and you got them to turn off the TV in my section , I'd be pretty pissed now sitting for 5 hours in a * cabin with nothing to do, remember you are not the only passenger. Lights on before landing , I remember well my last flight on this airline . They came around and collected garbage , and helped others fill in customs cards , and got the plane ready to return home. And the floor path lighting on planes is charged by these lights , and they must be on for 20min avg on full Brightenesss to do so. ( it's a safety thing) ( they sound awful ) E)Seats that don't recline : Yes , this would be like every single other plane you fly on, no row in front of an exit reclines . Again safety reasons , and yes every plane you have ever flown on is the exact same . F) if the seatbelt sign is on, passengers are required to remain seated , that is why they put sick bags at every seat. Incase for those times where you are not able to get up. Had that planes turbulence had gotten worse , the small 12yo girl might of gotten very injured . So yes the flight attendant telling the passenger who shouldn't be out of their seat in the first place to sit down, she sounds awful. G) I suggest educating yourself before posting hatful things onto the web , delegates happen, grumpy people happen. But forming an opinion before really having any understanding of how things actually work makes you seem very narrow minded , I hope you read this and realize that nothing that happened was really uncommon for many airlines , let alone this one . F). ( Just remember that Sunwing has more than once been the first airline to go and rescue their passengers ( sometimes a whole day before other carriers )when global disasters happen, and took back not only their own passengers but any Canadian at that was in that airport )

05 September 2016 08:09:00 Guest

Why sunwing airline always delayed? in the past 4 years, I had been taken SunWing flight. Never be on time . Today delayed boarding time over 1.5. Hour. Always more than one to two hours delayed. It is ridiculous. Be correct this service Asa's. Otherwise, too any passengers will complain and end up SunWing will lose business seriously.

30 August 2016 03:08:00 Guest

I think the tagline should be, Sunwing - Sleep Deprivation Torture Chamber or The Worst Airline Basically Ever. a) Cut off for carry on is 5kg, to put into perspective, your average carry on suitcase weights 5kg, so unless you are flying to with an empty carry on bag, be prepared to pay $26 to check it. b) Airline doesn't understand that when a couple checks in together, they usually want to sit together, so make sure you ask specifically c) When it says on time, it doesn't mean that. Delayed 4 hours on both flights. First flight was the red eye, no idea why we were delayed at all, no update. Second flight was a late one but not a red eye. Captain wouldn't leave until all the passengers were there, so yes 300 of us waited for 8 people for 4 hours. That includes sitting on a plane for one hour of it. Don't bother checking your flight status, it's not correct. d) Do not fly red eye. Announcements were 20 minutes, then the TVs drop down and they play commercials and movies. Imagine trying to sleep when the TV is immediately above you flashing black and white. 90% of people had to put shirts over their heads to try to get some sleep. The turned on all the lights for the last hour too (5 hour flight). No, you can't turn the TV off, they keep them on...we asked. e) Some seats don't recline back f) Very unprofessional staff! One of the travelers said his daughter (12 yrs old) got sick on a flight, ran to the bathroom and it was locked due to some slight turbulence. Flight attendant just stood there and said go back to your seat while she repeatedly asked to open the door for her to throw up in the toilet. No go, she ended up throwing up on the flight attendant. g) It was such a bad experience, you couldn't pay me to fly Sunwing again. Absolutely horrible.

22 August 2016 06:08:00 Jose Cedeno

Don't buying any vacation to sunwing airlines The travel agent the THIEF THIEF If you don't want to lose your money no bying bying Nothing for sunwing airlines the worst worst GO to west jet airlines GO to west jet airlines GO to west jet airlines honest people

19 August 2016 03:08:00 Julie Fraser

Worst trip ever. Sunwing is completely incompetent. The saga began with: 1. 6 hour delay followed by another half-hour delay 2. rude staff snapping at customers who were being nice to them 3. accidently dropping passport in plane an having Sunwing flight crew not actually look for it when Mexican official asked them to(if they did they did a very very poor job) resulting in Mexican immigration not letting my husband in to Mexico and sending us back on the same plane. 4.When we got to the plane we told the airline crew where it fell and with in 5 seconds of the front airline crew member mentioned it over the phone it was found. 5. Went back to imagination to be told a report already was filled out and only I can enter and Rod had to go back. Meanwhile the flight we came on just left to go back to Toronto, resulting in Rod being detained in a tiny room for almost 24 hours with no sleep. 6. I was sent in a van with a guy I did not know to go to my hotel even after the sunwing/nexus representative at the airport promised to go with me to my hotel 7. Got snaped at by the staff member of Grand Oasis Palm telling me that because my husband was not there is had to pay the difference from a dual occupancy to a single 8. Had to go back 4 times to get the key to my room to be fixed. 9 spend 20 hours on the phone with the Canadian Embassy, nexus/sunwing, parents, and immigration trying to get an answer, a flight home, and my husband back 10. Held hostage in my hotel room waiting for nexus to call for about 10 hours with food because I refused to pay for roomservice. 11. Sunwing telling us there was no room on the flight going back today at 7 so we would have to wait til Saturday (Rod would be detained until then) or be forced to pay around 1200 each to go on another air line to come home (which is more than our whole pakage) 12. After involving the embassy, twittering and a lot of tears and yelling. They finally got us on a flight back home with WestJet 13. Back home traumatised but happy to be home safe and sound and together. Please share our story so others are not stuck in similar situations and please let others know how horrible Sunwing is and for them to use them with caution. #Sunwing #sunwingnexus #sunwingsucks #westjetsavestheday #horribletrip #neverusesunwing #triptomexico #Sunwingvacations

15 August 2016 08:08:00 G. Duun

So sad you only fly out of Toronto or other major cities Last spring you had flights out of Halifax for the fall Than suddenly they disappeared. So now I'm forced to fly with ur competition. I liked the idea of direct flights To Cuba with ur airline. All I can say is if the service with WestJet is better I'll stay with that company. It's time you as a company learn Halifax is a major point Of travel as WestJet learn !! Very disappointed with sunwing

14 August 2016 04:08:00 Guest

Calgary to Montego Bay, we were told departing flight would be a 2 hour delay, ended up 3 hours. Due to a staff member to be flown from Toronto? During our stay Sunwing rep was hit and miss when we went to office during the time frame we were told he would be in office. We did manage to catch him at one time to book an excursion, but opted to go different routes after that. The entire trip to and from Jamaica and our entire vacation, I felt less pressure to purchase extras from hustlers in Montego bay than I did from the sunwings community. Sunwings rep at our hotel he told us return flight also delayed 2 hours but ending up sitting on plane for close to another hour before actual take off. Plane had not been cleaned , seatbelt had gum ( I think it was gum, stuck on it) trays were sticky.Ran short of announced sandwich , disappointing to our children. washroom was disgusting, overall felt the plane was dirty and old. headphones inputs work only in mono and would be nice to have another option than "the jungle book" to watch. Staff seemed rushed , trying hard to avoid eye contact or conversation, to the degree of appearing rude. Overall this was our first experience with Sunwings and will be our last.

11 August 2016 12:08:00 Guest

Jess : Firstly, Sunwing does not state any hidden costs involved when you arrive or depart the airport. When we arrived to Punta Cana, we had to pay $10 USD as their arrival tax. When you leave, you must pay a $20 USD departure tax before you can check in. We read online about this tax and usually other airlines would incorporate it into their flight or bigger airlines might just waive this for customers. If this tax is not paid, you cannot enter the airport or get checked into your plane. Secondly, there were long line up's to check in - it took us 90 minutes standing in line. There is no online kiosk available and even if you check in online, you still need to line up to drop off your baggage. Sunwing partners with DR's tourism company Nexus - which they arranged for shuttle buses to drop you off and pick you up - which is a plus. However, there is poor planning and scheduling. They drop off all the passengers on a plane at the same time - hence causing the 90 minute wait. (And we were the only airline that had a long line up for the 90 minutes we were at the airport and we were there 2pm not the middle of the night). Not to mention - there were only two clerks serving customers checking in. Lastly, there was a long delay coming back home - what would have been a 7 hour flight became 11 hours. We needed to make a fuel stop from Punta Cana to Hamiliton, Ontario because they stated that they need to change crew and also get fuel and refresh their supplies. This is a huge inconvenience to the customer as we are left like prisoners stuck on the plane waiting for them to change crews. It is definitely not necessary to have a fuel stop as we flew from Vancouver to Punta Cana direct flight. So the only reason they did a fuel stop was because the flight attendants timed out and they needed to change crew. This caused a different and much longer flight route and delayed us. This was very poor planning and scheduling on Sunwing's part. This was the worst flying experience I've ever had. Do not choose SunWing. We paid $465 surcharge taxes with Air Canada vacation all included Our son paid $465 surcharge taxes with Sunwing but he had to paid extra air port tax in Puta cana ? I think that they are collect tax on behaft us Why is that .I called travel agent but no luck ?

27 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. I would never ever fly with them again, even if the flight was Free. The attendants on the way down were so rude. It seems like it was the pilots first time flying. The landing was horrifying. I am a vivid traveler, I fly about 2 a month. I will stick with American Airlines.

30 June 2016 01:06:00 Joke

So took my family to Cuba Cayo coco pestana resort. Booked in January which was a direct flight. Find out a week before we leave the flight is no longer direct it will be stopping in Holguin. Then 2 days before we travel we are told one pool is closed. The pestana resort it's self was very pretty and the service was good. Now for the flight home. Double booked our seats and had to wait for see what was left after booking elite. Very upsetting and sunwing does nothing to compensate. I will never book with sunwing every again.

03 June 2016 06:06:00 Broken wings

February 2016 My husband and I were returning fr om Valentin Perla Blanca, Cuba and half way to the airport we were advised that we were being taken back to "a resort" due to our aircraft nor being available to take us back to Canada. We were offered $75.00 " Delay Vouchers" to be applied to our next booking. Upon returning home, I checked the Sunwing website where it states, that after a 12 hr delay, the "Delay Voucher" will be $150.00 per person. I contacted Sunwing and 7 weeks and numerous emails later, I received the $150.00 per person plus a $75.00 "good will" voucher per person. The email also read that the Vouchers may be combined. So far -so good.... Not really. May 17/2016, I received a "Take off Tuesday" promo email fr om Sunwing. The deal ,my husband and I wanted to take advantage of , was to Riu Bachata, October 25-November 1, at $890.00 taxes included . We have been to that resort 5 times , including our honeymoon 4 years ago, and wanted to book an October "birthday trip" to a place that is dear to us. ( we are in our 50's and travel approximately 3/year.) We went to see our travel agent. He wasn't able to book our trip and apply the vouchers. The Sunwing staff had told him that there is a $200 lim it per person and sending them copies of the email received from Sunwing delivered no results. Needless to say , we missed on the great offer. It took me 10 days of numerous emails and phone calls to finally have the vouchers combined and be ready to use. As soon as the vouchers were "ready", I contacted booking dept to book our trip. Of course, they would not honour the "Take off Tuesday" promo price. During the escalation process, going from front line to shift manager, floor manager, supervisor, co-ordinator, etc, I am still getting no results. I have submitted documents, copies of emails, argued my point and even cried - to no avail. The trip in question is listed as of today at $1040 pp. That's $150.00 difference. It has become an issue of integrity. Is Sunwing trying to tell me that in the entire organization there is not one person who can override the current list price and do what's right by a loyal traveller? Had their staff effectively dealt with the vouchers on the day we contacted them to book-none of it would have happened. Why are we being penalized by Sunwings staff inabilities? Who is going to be held accountable for their actions, or in this case-lack thereof. I am certain You can sense my outmost outrage. I don't know wh ere to turn . So I keep on escalating up the chain of command. Today it was the sales manager. Tomorrow-who knows.. Sooner or later I will get to CEO, COO . Open to suggestions....

01 June 2016 05:06:00 Meghan

So incredibly disappointed in the service from Sun Wing Vacations. We boarded our flight late, sat on the Tarmac for an hour and then an announcement came on to tell us they'd discovered a pin sized hole from the flight earlier caused by lightening. Very grateful we didn't take off with any safety concerns, but I am worried that plane wasn't properly expected in advance and that we had to wait so long for any sort of communication from the staff. What's worse, when we got off the plane to switch no one told us what terminal we were moving too so we had to ask and when we arrived at the new terminal and asked if they had an idea of the timeline I was met with attitude and no answer their "customer service representative" replied, the planes in Toronto, I don't know." Customer service 101, even if it's not your fault, you apologize and do your best to find the information. I am incredibly disappointed and very frustrated. I paid for too much for my ticket and will not be flying with them again.

28 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

whatever you do, do NOT book sunwing ever! was forced to use them to book my destination wedding as they have a monopoly over Riu resorts. BIGGEST REGRET of my life. They cancelled our departing flights and put us on a flight leaving 2 days later. As a result we had to cancel 2 pre wedding events and almost had to change our wedding date as there are strict rules in Mexico surrounding timing of arrival and wedding ceremony dates. We had to rebook flights with westjet to ensure we arrive in adequate time prior to our ceremony and pay for two additional nights at there resort. Our compensation from sunning was a $100 travel voucher. Horrendous company!

24 May 2016 10:05:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : I flew to Varedero on March 19th. Flights were delayed both ways as well, but I still haven't seen my luggage, nor has Sunwing returned my calls. I have yet been able to get a live human. So consider yourself lucky that you got your luggage at all! Did you get your luggage? I flew in from Varadero to Toronto on April 7th, lost luggage and they are still "tracking it" Did anyone get there luggage, or a resolution of any sort? Sunwing lost my luggage Feb. 19. All I have gotten so far is 5 emails asking me to be patient while they investigate. I can't get a real person on the phone, only voicemails.

20 May 2016 06:05:00 David

Flew Cayo Coco to Toronto May 12, late night flight Food had been on the plane all day !! Been sick ever since

27 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Are they going on strike?

27 April 2016 04:04:00 Guest

I'm sorry but I have to respond. I'm in aviation and can give you a little input to why experienced the this so called inconvenience. First off, let me explain how an aircraft works with relation to the atmosphere in general over North America. Upper winds are predominantly fr om the west which increase an aircrafts ground speed. It basically pushes the aircraft which enables the aircraft to go faster and preserve fuel, thereby increasing its range. When an aircraft flies into wind the ground speed is effectively reduced. The aircraft flies slower and burns more fuel thereby reducing its range. This is why you had a direct flight from Vancouver and a technical stop from punta Cana. Any operator using a Boeing 737 or similar sized aircraft with equal range would be required to do this. If you were on a 777 or a 767 you'd be able to avoid the technical stop. Sunwing only operates 737's. Secondly, contrary to what people beleive the flight crew and cabin crew do look out for the passengers well being and comfort. However when regulations which are enforced by not only transport Canada but all aviation authorities similar to the FAA or EASA, the crews and company must oblige. If the crew reached there duty lim it for the day they must not extend unless it is unforeseen, which in that case further restrictions and lets are imposed. Is it possible the flight crew who picked you up in punta Cana came from Vancouver first then flew to Hamilton. That would make for a long day I would think, don't you? That's roughly 10 hours of flying let alone their checkin, turnaround time and checkout time. This would put them working more than 12-13 hours. Coming from an aviator, I can tell you this a common day for most pilots and cabin crew and is very tiring. I suspect most people on this forum rarely ever work more than 8-10 hours a day. So having said that before you spout off on the flight crews of any airline keep the above in mind. Flight crews are trying to screw you over. The regulations that required them to leave are in place to keep you, you the passenger safe. Another thing too, I've operated in punta Cana before. I don't fly for Sunwing but another carrier. I have many friends at Sunwing, Westjet and air canada. Each one the mentioned airlines have been parked at a remote stand in punta Cana before, requiring a bus to take you to the ramp. This isn't an airline thing, this an airport thing. If you have a problem with that I suggest you take it up with the airport because I've seen all of the airlines mentioned parked away from the terminal before. I think it's funny how many people come on here and bemoan their terrible experience with little or no idea of the industry. The problems most people encounter on Sunwing us experience universally on all carriers. Sometimes I wonder if its mainly people looking for a refund or reimbursement. As far as hidden cost that you mentioned such as arrival fees and departure fees, ive got news for you you pay them regardless whether upfront or not. Most airlines hide the fees in fees called landing tax, departure tax, navigation fees, airport improvement fees, or landing fees etc. No airline or airport "waives" them...don't be so naive. For people who read the posts on this website, take it with a grain of salt. Most of the people on here don't have a clue about aviation. It doesn't matter which airline you fly with. Everyone's exerience is different. Some good, some bad. Don't complain when you go on a trip and lay minimal dollar for it. People want cheap flights and vacation now days. Tech stops, small airplanes, skeleton crewing and max flight duty days are a result of the airlines slimming down so people will travel.

19 April 2016 01:04:00 Jess

Firstly, Sunwing does not state any hidden costs involved when you arrive or depart the airport. When we arrived to Punta Cana, we had to pay $10 USD as their arrival tax. When you leave, you must pay a $20 USD departure tax before you can check in. We read online about this tax and usually other airlines would incorporate it into their flight or bigger airlines might just waive this for customers. If this tax is not paid, you cannot enter the airport or get checked into your plane. Secondly, there were long line up's to check in - it took us 90 minutes standing in line. There is no online kiosk available and even if you check in online, you still need to line up to drop off your baggage. Sunwing partners with DR's tourism company Nexus - which they arranged for shuttle buses to drop you off and pick you up - which is a plus. However, there is poor planning and scheduling. They drop off all the passengers on a plane at the same time - hence causing the 90 minute wait. (And we were the only airline that had a long line up for the 90 minutes we were at the airport and we were there 2pm not the middle of the night). Not to mention - there were only two clerks serving customers checking in. Lastly, there was a long delay coming back home - what would have been a 7 hour flight became 11 hours. We needed to make a fuel stop from Punta Cana to Hamiliton, Ontario because they stated that they need to change crew and also get fuel and refresh their supplies. This is a huge inconvenience to the customer as we are left like prisoners stuck on the plane waiting for them to change crews. It is definitely not necessary to have a fuel stop as we flew from Vancouver to Punta Cana direct flight. So the only reason they did a fuel stop was because the flight attendants timed out and they needed to change crew. This caused a different and much longer flight route and delayed us. This was very poor planning and scheduling on Sunwing's part. This was the worst flying experience I've ever had. Do not choose SunWing.

18 April 2016 04:04:00 Guest

Was on the same flight and agree with your comments.....except our family was the only one on that flight that they never bothered to put any of our checked bags on the plane and then we could NEVER reach anyone from Sunwing after our arrival for answers. Found out 4-1/2 days into our week trip (from our local travel agent) that we were never getting them because customs won't send them without a passanger! Still no repsonse from Sunwing. Had to spend extra money for toilet trees and clothes etc we hadn't planned on and no idea what Sunwing plans to do about it. This was a family Disney trip...not a shopping trip! Direct flight from a small airport...didn't anticipate not getting our bags nad truly no excuse for it as far as I am concerned. Nkerr : After reading MANY reviews and having previously flown with Air Canada, Delta,, and United, I was TERRIFIED that I had saved hundreds of dollars in exchange for horrible service , rude staff, small airplanes, etc etc. My husband and I flew direct from Saint John, NB to Orlando, Florida, March 28th, 2016. The service was excellent! The staff was pleasant and very friendly! I enjoyed the hot towel (which I've NEVER had before!), and the chocolate mint was just a fabulous way to finish the flight! The plane was in excellent shape and much larger than some of the "puddle jumpers" I've been on with Air Canada! Our return flight was delayed 3.5 hours, which although disappointing wasn't a huge deal, especially after Sunwing provided us with a $10 meal voucher anywhere in the Orlando Airport! Once on the plane, our pilot made sure to explain the reason for the delay to us being due to the weather the night before delaying the previous flight. They apologized and actually got us home quicker than we flew to Orlando! I was beyond impressed with the service and will DEFINITELY fly Sunwing again! A little patience goes a long way, and in this day and age, that is something that is easily forgotten!

17 April 2016 03:04:00 Guest

To Fellow Travelers, My daughter and I took a Sunwing vacation to Cuba January 2016. Prior to booking Sunwing sales staff were informed my daughter and I were allergic to cigarette smoke. We required a resort with no smoking policies and designated smoking areas. With this information Sunwing highly recommended Starfish Cayo Santa Maria. When we arrived at reception we were greeted by cigarette smoking staff. We learned quickly this resort had no designated smoking areas, no policies in place whatsoever. There was heavy chain smoking everywhere. This included lobby, lobby bar, hotel staff, covered dining areas, fully enclosed theatre, indoor shopping area, smoking in the pool with ashes falling into the water, on the beach with cigarette butts put out in the sand. It was disgusting to say the least. My daughter is more sensitive to smoke and had several significant headaches due to the exposure. As a result she had to spend several afternoon in our room. Quality of vacation was clearly affected. Sunwing could not have cared less. Sunwing has not acknowledged their error by selling us a package to a resort with heavy smoking. They have not apologized for the health risk they exposed my daughter and I to. They did send a $75 voucher which we find a slap in the face. My daughter and I highly recommend not using Sunwing Vacations. In a very competitive market there are many other competitively priced travel companies. R Pelchat Toronto, ON

16 April 2016 10:04:00 P. Kennedy

We no longer trust Sunwing. After booking a direct flight from Toronto to Varadero, Sunwing added a stop to Holguin to drop-off passengers. Holguin and Varadero are at opposite ends of Cuba. This delayed our arrival by 2 hours and the flight to Holguin had a lot of turbulence. On our return, Sunwing again added a stop to Holguin to pick up passengers, which again had a lot of turbulence near Holguin and added another 3 hours to our arrival time. We were kept in the plane for almost one hour in Holguin while the plane was refuelled. This apparently is not recommended but allowed, provided passengers are told to remove their seatbelts in case of a necessary evacuation. We were not told this, plus had to cope with the smell of gas in the plane during refuelling. Sunwing, do you wonder why you are not able to fill your planes ? We're done with Sunwing.

11 April 2016 02:04:00 A pilot

Pierre Bujold : We never thought that our comfort was a priority for Sunwing, but we never thought that they would compromise the safety of passengers. A week before our trip to Cuba, Sunwing added a stop in Punta Cana on our return trip to Ottawa in order to make sure that the plane was completely full. The airport employees had little time to reorganize the luggage and it wasn't done properly. When we arrived in Ottawa, we were reminded where the emergency exits were located. When we were about to land, the plane back up again and we had to circle the airport before we were finally able to land. It goes without saying that the passengers already tired from an eight hour trip that was supposed to take four hours, were anxious and scared. I understand that your bottom line is profit for your shareholders, but for us it's a matter of trust (which is a prerequisite to loyalty). When we see the logo of Sunwing, that we used to associate with the joys of travelling, we now have a gut reaction of anger and frustration. Fly much? Sounds like an aborted landing or a missed approach. Nothing to do with "trust". TRUST that the captains knew what they were doing because an aborted landing was for your safety. Besides the mix up with the luggage and the addition of the stop. This can happen with ANY airline. Do you know when this happens pilots must report this to their employers? Trust me, this is only done as a worst case scenario. Captain S (p.s work for another Canadian airline- not Sunwing)

10 April 2016 01:04:00 Pierre Bujold

We never thought that our comfort was a priority for Sunwing, but we never thought that they would compromise the safety of passengers. A week before our trip to Cuba, Sunwing added a stop in Punta Cana on our return trip to Ottawa in order to make sure that the plane was completely full. The airport employees had little time to reorganize the luggage and it wasn't done properly. When we arrived in Ottawa, we were reminded where the emergency exits were located. When we were about to land, the plane back up again and we had to circle the airport before we were finally able to land. It goes without saying that the passengers already tired from an eight hour trip that was supposed to take four hours, were anxious and scared. I understand that your bottom line is profit for your shareholders, but for us it's a matter of trust (which is a prerequisite to loyalty). When we see the logo of Sunwing, that we used to associate with the joys of travelling, we now have a gut reaction of anger and frustration.

09 April 2016 07:04:00 Nkerr

After reading MANY reviews and having previously flown with Air Canada, Delta,, and United, I was TERRIFIED that I had saved hundreds of dollars in exchange for horrible service , rude staff, small airplanes, etc etc. My husband and I flew direct from Saint John, NB to Orlando, Florida, March 28th, 2016. The service was excellent! The staff was pleasant and very friendly! I enjoyed the hot towel (which I've NEVER had before!), and the chocolate mint was just a fabulous way to finish the flight! The plane was in excellent shape and much larger than some of the "puddle jumpers" I've been on with Air Canada! Our return flight was delayed 3.5 hours, which although disappointing wasn't a huge deal, especially after Sunwing provided us with a $10 meal voucher anywhere in the Orlando Airport! Once on the plane, our pilot made sure to explain the reason for the delay to us being due to the weather the night before delaying the previous flight. They apologized and actually got us home quicker than we flew to Orlando! I was beyond impressed with the service and will DEFINITELY fly Sunwing again! A little patience goes a long way, and in this day and age, that is something that is easily forgotten!

08 April 2016 07:04:00 Guest

Guest : I flew to Varedero on March 19th. Flights were delayed both ways as well, but I still haven't seen my luggage, nor has Sunwing returned my calls. I have yet been able to get a live human. So consider yourself lucky that you got your luggage at all! Did you get your luggage? I flew in from Varadero to Toronto on April 7th, lost luggage and they are still "tracking it"

08 April 2016 06:04:00 guest

In 20 years of going south we have never had a holiday that came close to the horrors we experienced this January. As a matter of fact in all those years we have never even submitted a complaint, till now. We came home after two weeks of hell and immediately filed a complaint with Sunwing. That in itself was a challenge as you never talk to an actual person. Our holiday was so bad that I demanded a total refund ($6,000.00) which after nearly 10 weeks and many many many email from me they finally offered the four of us one hundred each. A slap in the face. I called my lawyer yesterday.

08 April 2016 05:04:00 Guest

and on the flight from Saskatoon to Punta Cana this person was given a free drink for reporting mould on their breakfast sandwich.

08 April 2016 05:04:00 Guest

Does anyone else have severe vomiting and diarreah from flight 361 april 6th. Montreal Steak sandwich. Punta Cana to Saskatoon. I know two people so far

08 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

On April 6 2016 a stop over was added when we made sure to buy direct flight. This will never happen again! DO NOT FLY SUNWING

04 April 2016 09:04:00 Kamelia shanehchian

My family & I had the WORST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE! we went to the airport at the time our tickets indicated.Due to no budget sunwings decided to merge 2 flights together without giving us a notice. Our original flight was at 10 but the new merge flight left at 9 in the morning. Even though we were at the airport we missed the flight due to lack of communication from sunwings. Upon our missed flight they had called our seat numbers & NOT our names even though we had our bording passes. Once i called sunwings they refused to accomidate anything for us and mention we have to pay an extra $1000 per person on top of the $4000 we had already spend to just get us there which wouldve also made our stay 3 nights instead of 7. We had to pay extra$700 (this time with aircanada (who by the way offered us 20%off hearing our story) as we refuse to spend even $1 with sunwings who was charging us more for a later date) sunwings also refused our transportation from airport to hotel.this was our family reunion after 10 years of not seeing each other! Our flight back was also delayed by 2.5 hours. As someone who flies out at least 3 times a year We Will NEVER use sunwings again worst company even if it means paying double to a nother company! The company is a fraud and has the worst possible client service and is not undrestanding at all. I mean what kind of a company calles their client by seat number and not their names once theyve been given a boarding pass. COULD NOT BE MORE DISAPPOINTED!!

29 March 2016 06:03:00 Guest

I flew to Varedero on March 19th. Flights were delayed both ways as well, but I still haven't seen my luggage, nor has Sunwing returned my calls. I have yet been able to get a live human. So consider yourself lucky that you got your luggage at all!

25 March 2016 05:03:00 Really sick women

We took a flight home on 21 march 2016 from Los cabos Mexico at 16 :30 There was a women who was really really sick she could not stop coughing without covering her mouth she sat across from my husband. The flight was not full lots of empty sits,she then sat behind us in elite sitting which she did not pay for. this women could have been ask to sit away from all passers. It was so apparent that she was infectious. The first flight crew did not take any action to insure that other passengers would not be exposed to her. I have never in over 34 years of knowing my husband seen him so sick I would have thought that with all the information we now know about scars H1N1 and all other contagious diseases that the sunwing staff should have a plan put in place for situation like this

24 March 2016 01:03:00 punchbuggy

Same thing just happened to us. We lose 5 hours on the arrival day and 7 hours on the return day. That's 12 hours of prime vacation time lost. And the flight is no longer direct as we have to go through Charlottetown to pick up passengers. This flight was advertized as direct. We only considered booking direct flights. And somehow we ended up with a 2 leg flight going to Cuba. Guest : Thank you sunwing for changing our flight plans as we are now later getting to the resort and ruined our last day as we were surpose to leave the resort at 6 to fly home at 1050 now we have to leave the resort at 11 to fly at 250 pm so thanks for ruining our last day I guess we will fly with someone else next year oh yes we even have to go to Fredictonn so not a dried flight liked booked

22 March 2016 03:03:00 Maureen

Sunwing truly stinks. I haven t left yet and I'm terrified after reading these comments they have already rebooked our return flight Caucasian go us to lose a days vacation. They will do absolutely nothing to compensate you on their own volition you have I to contact the BBB for results. A class action suit that someone suggested is a very real option I' d participate and as I say I haven't left town yet Praying for a good trip , my first trip down south, I'm a senior and have saved to Accomplish this, don't accept bad customer service folks just don't To ,

21 March 2016 02:03:00 Diane Ferrier

Hi ,,, i took a plane to varadero on february 3 2016 and there was a video playing and would like to know the name of the movie please my flight # was WG630 X Thank You

21 March 2016 01:03:00 Guest

Worst outfit I have ever dealt with, never received an answer to the NUMEROUS complaints. No one should fly with these crooks. Please do not use their services

20 March 2016 07:03:00 Guest

this so called airline should have their operating license revoked,totally incompetent uncaring unprofessional neanderthals

19 March 2016 01:03:00 Guest

Thank you sunwing for changing our flight plans as we are now later getting to the resort and ruined our last day as we were surpose to leave the resort at 6 to fly home at 1050 now we have to leave the resort at 11 to fly at 250 pm so thanks for ruining our last day I guess we will fly with someone else next year oh yes we even have to go to Fredictonn so not a dried flight liked booked

17 March 2016 04:03:00 Daniel

Travelled to Puerto Vallarta in January, first and last time on Sunwing. Delayed flight to and fro (discovered this is common issue with their flights from MKE), luggage did not make it to destination, zero help from representative in Puerto Vallarta. I had to make numerous calls and send numerous emails to Sunwing, 3 days later luggage found in origination location, best Sunwing could do is ship to me by 7th day of 9 day vacation. Now trying to get reimbursed for expenses incurred as result of no luggage. Six weeks since reimbursement request and only information from Sunwing is that the issue is open. I will keep you all posted.

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