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Sunwing Airlines Discussion

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18 August 2014 06:08:00 Guest

I was very upset over the way Sunwing invoked lengthy stopovers enroute to Los Cabos. We had to go through airline security a second time in Puerto Vallarta because our baggage was offloaded unnecessarily. They reassigned our original seats and put us at the back of the plane on the way back and then ran out of menu choices. When I complained to the flight attendant when I was disembarking, she told me, a 65 year old man with dietary limitations to "SHUT UP." From now on I'm paying a bit more and using a more reputable airline.

14 August 2014 10:08:00 Guest

You think Sunwing sucks! Imagine how they treat their employees.... Even worse than their passengers

09 August 2014 12:08:00 Guest

Well another great day with Sunwing out of Toronto...was suppose to leave at 6:15am and it isnow $:30pm and we have not left the ground. First it was "we are waiting for the return flight"...there is no return flight from Holguin at 6;15 in the AM, then it was mechanical, then it was we are waiting for another plane, then it was "we mixed the bags up". Are you kidding me???? 10 hours later, $15.00 in a food voucher and lost one day of my vacation. When is this airline going to accept responsibility and take care of their customers? A $ 75.00 voucher on your next pre booked vaca is a mere insult. Sunwing has the worst reputation , their planes are almost always delayed, the staff are not friendly and the planes are old. So what they give you a glass of cheap champagne, come on Sunwing, stand up and be accountable to your bread and butter

07 August 2014 01:08:00 Homer

worst airline ever...first and last time ever flying with them. on our way home from Costa Rica, they informed passengers right before boarding that they would stop in Panama City (which was further south and completely out of the way) to pick up some luggage that has been left there for 7 days..this added 3 hours to our apology, no vouchers of any sort, nothing. Adding fuel to the fire, the useless flight attendant had the nerve to say, "well it's long weekend, what else do you have to do?"..well excuse us, some of us actually have to work the next day. And then the pilot tells us that he didn't even want to be there anyway - oh sorry for getting paid to be there, while all of us PAY to be on that plane. These guys are unbelievable..We watched the baggage handlers load up a bag in Panama that had no tag on it..they attached some tag that had apparently "fell off"...and then up it went onto our plane. How is this safe!??! How do they go about deliberately pissing off an entire plane full of passengers to pick up other passengers' luggage in another country!? Obviously some SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL incentive to make a stop like that ...this airline is a joke and should not exist.

06 August 2014 04:08:00 Guest

I'm writing this compliant on behalf of buying my tickets from sun wing airlines. Me and my group of friends had purchased 6 tickets in advance to get the seats we desired. Those were the front row seats of the airplanes as 2 of us have knee problems so we wanted the comfort of sitting in front. We purchased these tickets already and were given a confirmation number and everything, thinking there was no problem. Well, the other day I went to check our seats again, to find out that 2 of the seats we had purchased, were cancelled and resold again without my permission or with any explanation. So I called customer service, their help was awful, as they were all rude and had no respect for the issue going on. Also it's an airline that doesn't give a * if you bought the tickets with your family or friends because you have to pay an extra $30 for each person for regular seats , just to make sure u seat beside each other

03 August 2014 02:08:00 Eduard Loiczli

On flight WG656 on 11 of June 2014 from TORONTO to Varadero via Manzanilo (4 PM take off and 9:45 PM at Varadero), the flight attendant and flight attandant asistant manager decided to frame me and report false information to Cuban Authority. I was first row at Elite PLUS seat 2D the flight attendant manager as she introduced herself refused to colaborate e.g.: "we do not seve wine for free dis are new orders from management; we need to watch this movie " LEGO LAND" because is management recommendation and allways rude with me and other passangers. The only drink I had was the sampaingne glass and 1 bear Cristal in Manzanilo. She told me that I can not drink the other bear that I purchased in Manzanilo on the plain, which I undeststud and I put it in my logage. To my suprise in Varadero She knoked at the pilot cockpit to ask him to call Cubal Authorities, this was HER FABRICATION because I had very little drink as explaind above. also I asked for blood test if she believe that I drink more, SHE REPLY AGAIN WE DO NOT DO TESTING HERE AND I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU HERE WHEN WE GO BACK> this is one of Sunwing Flight attendant talking to a pasanger which used a lot this air line. PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ISSUE, THIS FLIGHT ATTENDANT SHALL BE SEVERILY COACHED FOR WHAT SHE DID!!!

01 August 2014 01:08:00 Norman Kinfel

Sunwing is the best airline ever ! Thank you you guys rock !!

31 July 2014 11:07:00 kelly

Norma : Poor little * you wont get your deposite backahaha ur just another stupid princess type a girl who expect airline traffic to be just like the high way but guest what that is not how its work and the luggae its the airport who deal with it * ! Your the type of girl that should not exist I would say please stop traveling your to stupid for that

31 July 2014 11:07:00 kelly

Norma : Poor little * you wont get your deposite backahaha ur just another stupid princess type a girl who expect airline traffic to be just like the high way but guest what that is not how its work and the luggae its the airport who deal with it * ! Your the type of girl that should not exist I would say please stop traveling your to stupid for that I was not able to rate this airline as there were no options in the negative. My rating of this airline would be absolutely downright disgusting. Customer Service is definitely at the bottom of there list when is comes to its customers/passengers. My most recent experience was travelling for 6 days with my daughter and her baby we did not get our luggage for four days. The inconvenience turned our trip into a night mare. I have family as well as myself travelling as a group to attend a wedding in Bahamas, April 2015 we have put down our deposit and we are going to request it back and travel with another airline who can offer us the same dates. I feel sick to think I would have to travel Sun Wing.

31 July 2014 03:07:00 Tammy

Sunwing Airlines is the worst!!! Period.

29 July 2014 01:07:00 Norma

I was not able to rate this airline as there were no options in the negative. My rating of this airline would be absolutely downright disgusting. Customer Service is definitely at the bottom of there list when is comes to its customers/passengers. My most recent experience was travelling for 6 days with my daughter and her baby we did not get our luggage for four days. The inconvenience turned our trip into a night mare. I have family as well as myself travelling as a group to attend a wedding in Bahamas, April 2015 we have put down our deposit and we are going to request it back and travel with another airline who can offer us the same dates. I feel sick to think I would have to travel Sun Wing.

25 July 2014 11:07:00 Guest

What a joke!!! Flying Vancouver to Toronto 12 hr delayed. Now Return trip today already delayed 5.5 hours already. Who knows what is going to happen or how much time We have have at the airport. Flight going to Toronto as delayed 3 times. So for return trip this is first delay, who knows, how many more coming.. Please book your flight with someone else as these incompetent bunch can't run anything on time. Once you buy a ticket from then they won't refund any money other than a voucher. "Please stay away from this airline"

16 July 2014 08:07:00 Guest

Delayed in Vancouver for 12 hpurs now. First time flying with Sunwing and I woul literally trust a monkey more than these idiots they have jo idea what they are doing. A $15 food voucher for the inconvenience, what a bunch of dicks. I will NEVER fly with Sunwing again! I wonder if pur plane will even get us there safely.

13 July 2014 05:07:00 GuestWilbur Wright

I guess with all the negative comments about Sunwing Airlines, I guess the wife and I will just have to drive to Cuber.

04 July 2014 06:07:00 Guest

As one of the previous posters said "why are the landings so rough?" got me thinking the same thing about our flights ....Inexperienced pilots ? Yikes...ak7mn

04 July 2014 06:07:00 Guest

Just got back from Nassau on flight wg747 which was delayed 4 hours. Second time flying with this company. First time was in Oct last year, what a mess. The flight was supposed go direct to Nassau but they changed it to go to Jamaica prior to boarding. Everyone refused to board so the company threatened to leave without the passengers then threatened to the cancel flight and finally called the police. We finally boarded and were then told that the flight would go direct...late. What a bunch of clowns running this outfit. We will definitely try to avoid these idiots in the future.

02 July 2014 09:07:00 Guest

We were also on this flight!! It was horrible finding out the flight was delayed....what a nightmare!! We didn't receive the voucher for the discount, not that it matters as we will never fly Sunwing again!! And just so you know...the delay was caused because Sunwing is waiting on the purchase of a new plane from Malayasia that was suppose to deliver last month!! The pilot told me this while we were waiting to board in Montego Bay. Since they haven't received the new aircraft they are scrambling constantly trying to rearrange flights! The pilot wasn't even aware that they were chartering the National plane until he arrived at the airport!!! The whole company needs to be re managed..........

02 July 2014 09:07:00 Guest

Guest : My husband and I just got back from a wonderful vacation...the hotel was amazing, the only regret flying with SUNWING. We had a horrific experience a year ago and we recieved vouchers, so wanting to use them I went ahead and thought i would give sunwing one more opportunity. WHAT A MISTAKE. I prebooked my seat on WG730 to Jamaica on June 21 four hours before my flight. There was no indication of a delay. So we drove almost 2hours to get to the airport to find out there was a delay so instead of flying out at 5pm we would fly out at 3am. The staff at Toronto Airport Sunwing were running around like chickens without their heads on. They were giving us all different stories and it was so disorganized. They told us at first we had to drive back and come back later!!!! Are you kidding??? Finally someone with common sense sent us to Sheraton to stay for a few hours. Little did I realize that the Sunwing Rep had KEPT OUR PASSPORTS!!!! I didn't realize this until the next days at 1am when going to the airport. I had a major panic attack thinking I had lost them. Sunwing had my cell phone number on record as well as they knew we were at the Sheraton. Why did no one contact us?? All this frustration just left a horrible taste in my mouth. What horrible customer service. How is this company surviving??? On top of that they give you a voucher for 75$ each ( also note one voucher can be used PER booking so my husband and I will only be able to use ONE voucher) what a joke. Then as we go to come home we are not on a SUNWING plane but NATIONAL??? with no audio and much smaller seats. What is wrong with Sunwing?? I gave them one last opportunity and yet again they blew it. Sorry Sunwing not only will I never travel with you but am never recommending you and I work in the Customer Service Industry myself. The repuation you are giving your company is horriic.

02 July 2014 02:07:00 Guest

My husband and I just got back from a wonderful vacation...the hotel was amazing, the only regret flying with SUNWING. We had a horrific experience a year ago and we recieved vouchers, so wanting to use them I went ahead and thought i would give sunwing one more opportunity. WHAT A MISTAKE. I prebooked my seat on WG730 to Jamaica on June 21 four hours before my flight. There was no indication of a delay. So we drove almost 2hours to get to the airport to find out there was a delay so instead of flying out at 5pm we would fly out at 3am. The staff at Toronto Airport Sunwing were running around like chickens without their heads on. They were giving us all different stories and it was so disorganized. They told us at first we had to drive back and come back later!!!! Are you kidding??? Finally someone with common sense sent us to Sheraton to stay for a few hours. Little did I realize that the Sunwing Rep had KEPT OUR PASSPORTS!!!! I didn't realize this until the next days at 1am when going to the airport. I had a major panic attack thinking I had lost them. Sunwing had my cell phone number on record as well as they knew we were at the Sheraton. Why did no one contact us?? All this frustration just left a horrible taste in my mouth. What horrible customer service. How is this company surviving??? On top of that they give you a voucher for 75$ each ( also note one voucher can be used PER booking so my husband and I will only be able to use ONE voucher) what a joke. Then as we go to come home we are not on a SUNWING plane but NATIONAL??? with no audio and much smaller seats. What is wrong with Sunwing?? I gave them one last opportunity and yet again they blew it. Sorry Sunwing not only will I never travel with you but am never recommending you and I work in the Customer Service Industry myself. The repuation you are giving your company is horriic.

27 June 2014 05:06:00 gerard

sunwing sucks they change my departure time 3 times sunwing is joke we need better service

26 June 2014 06:06:00 Guest

We are booked under the "friends and family" plan with sunwing. My daughter is getting married in Rotan and we will be travelling with 50 people, and our booking rep. was useless. She actually told one guest that her cileac's disease was her problem and she should bring her own food. She could purchase extra luggage weight for an extra $80.00. Really....are they serious? Are they stupid? This reps name was Michelle, and she is totally incompetant. But reading all the other problems.......she's in the right place.

13 June 2014 05:06:00 Guest

I just came back from Cuba, Havana by Sunwing. Overcharged for extra weight of carry on luggage. I can understand the fact that every company has a rules and regulation, but I do not understand a professional approach and attitude. And Sunwing politics is " hit and run". Apparently as a Customers we do not matter and Sunwing treats us as cattle. I strongly recommend: DO NOT I repeat DO NOT use this company. Do you really think that Sunwing price is somehow better? NO! They will squeze some extra cash out of you anyway.

05 June 2014 03:06:00 ALFREDO


04 June 2014 01:06:00 Guest

I travelled to Punta Cana 2 months ago and booked an excursion through our sunwing rep. The next day I decided to cancel this and was given my refund on my credit card. Or so I thought. 2 months later and I'm STILL waiting for my money with Subwing being less than helpful. Never again!!!

29 May 2014 04:05:00 Guest

My Family and I booked an all inclusive to the Dominican back in March, staying also at a Sunwing owned property called the Royalton. The hotel was OK but not the 5 star it was promoted as being!! After a week in the sun relaxing, the good people at the flt check in desk on return portion of our flight charged us for being 13Kgs over weight on our baggage allowance-(even though we had no carry on baggage and should have been allowed the extra 15KG) they instead charged us $20/Kg rather than give us the opportunity to take our carry on bags. Furthermore, competing airlines after a bit of research charge $10/kg. Seems like the last "opportunistic" cash grab from Sunwing! a very small minded business approach! and a good reminder to avoid this airline at all costs! we are already looking at our next trip and will avoid Sunwing!

29 May 2014 01:05:00 Guest

I booked an all-inclusive trip to Cancun with Sunwing this past December so that my friend and I could spend Christmas there. Our flight was delayed twice and upon boarding it was delayed a third time because they did not have enough food on board. Upon arriving at the resort our experience got even worse and even though we addressed all of these concerns to our Sunwing representative, nothing was resolved! In addition, on our final day we filled out a customer complaint form and gave it to our Sunwing representative so that he can forward it over to Sunwing management. After not hearing from management for quite some time we contacted them ourselves and wrote a letter detailing our negative experiences. They replied by offering us each a 100 dollar travel voucher which we found insulting... especially since they already give 50 dollars to anyone who completes their online survey. We wrote a second letter expressing our disappointment with the '50 dollar' offer. They replied and told us they would forward our concerns to the hotel. After waiting a month we received another response. This time they simply offered us '2 free nights at the hotel, not including flights or transfers.' This was even more insulting because when we inquired about how much our flight alone would cost we were told that it was 457 (low season) and 1007 (high season). In addition, when we inquired about how much 5 nights at the hotel would cost we were told that it would be between 660-735 per person. All of this is MORE than what we paid for our original vacation!!!!!!

27 May 2014 12:05:00 Dorothy

I flew home on sunwing flight WG 657... FROZE on the plane home, was unable to turn off the air sufficently, NOW I have pneumonia !!!!!!!!!

22 May 2014 11:05:00 John Proudfoot

Below a description of our problem, please keep inmind we have 2 daughters with AUTISM> This letter is to complain about service I recently received on our Sunwing Vacation to Punta Cana on May 10, 2014 thru May 17th, 2014 ,Booking number 64481895. The flight to the Dominican and the hotel were lovely, but the flight back to Toronto WG421 was a total disaster fr om start to finish for the following reasons: 1. Our flight WG421 originally scheduled for May17, 2014 was cancelled due to a plane problem. 2. We flew out the next morning May 18, 2014 at 2:45 am. 3. Check-in on the May 17th flight was a nightmare. Only 1 station was setup for the flight. There were 2-3 stations setup for the Montreal flight that was leaving 1 hour later? Also passengers who slipped the line attendant money, were allowed to bypass line and use our check-in. 4. When we finally did get checked in 1.5 hours later. We were boarded on the plane and left to swelter in the plane for 2-3 hours approx. This was due to the fact the systems affected also controlled the air conditioning. 5. Now after all of that, if that wasn’t enough, we were eventually bused back to the Terminal and left at Departures. NO I repeat, NO Sunwing representatives were on hand to tell anyone what was happening!!! Eventually the crowd of passengers were told to go to Arrivals. We tried to do so and were turned back by an irate official. Back to departures, where one of your representatives showed up and said buses were being arranged to take us to the RIGHT area. Buses arrive drive us literally 50 yards to arrival gate (NO kidding waited 30 minutes for this). We then were told to collect bags, again 1 representative said go there, no carousel number nothing (by the way group of three representatives laughing at passengers). Arrive at carousels, guess what, NO ONE FROM SUNWING THERE TO inform anyone wh ere bags will be, sound familiar. After another hour bags finally arrived at carousel and collected bags. Many opened and missing various articles. 6. Finally get bags and go to bus. Bused to Memories splash and stay there until 12:00 am May 18th. Given a form to receive sign and receive $150 travel voucher on Sunwing, almost laughable. Room musty smelling and not clean. Anyway an added caveat to this is that, my wife and I, are travelling with our 2 daughters who are both 12 years old and both have autism. The disruption in the travel plans and the long lines encountered at check-in as well as the complete ineptness/absence of customer service and total disregard of treating people as people by your company caused our daughters to have many episodes (yelling, tantrums,crying,shaking) and my wife almost had a nervous breakdown. We are still trying to calm the girls now. NEVER NEVER fly SUNWING.

17 May 2014 10:05:00 Guest

Traveling with 3 small kids we carefully researched flights that would work for them and not be disruptive to other passengers. Sunwing cancelled our day flights and moved us to a night flight and a red eye. When we called for help they told us that they're a charter and the message came through that they don't care about their customers. They suggested that we book another day with the hotel directly at our own expense so our kids could nap in preparation for the red eye home. Now we are dreading the family vacation we have been saving for. Thanks Sunwing!

14 May 2014 09:05:00 Guest

I will be travelling to Cuba next month. If I had read this forum before, I would have used an all inclusive package with another airline. It is too late for me to change because I will lose all my money. Even if I have a nice vacation, I don't like getting to the resort in the middle of the night and getting back into Toronto at 2 in the morning. What makes it worse, is I need to rest during the day and will have to be out of my room at 12 noon. I should have taught of all these things before. As the saying goes, you earn by your mistakes and this is surely one of them. I hope that everything goes well and this is not a horror trip.

08 May 2014 04:05:00 Melissa Nadon

Melissa Nadon : I booked my trip for my wedding back in March of 2013... we are a group of 29 people set to depart for my wedding on May 22 at 0610. I have nothing good to say about Sunwing as I have had nothing but problems with them and there communication is awful. I've been dealing with a person by the name of Shir Zukier who has very little customer service skills and decided to send me an email attached : It has just been brought to my attention that there has been a cancellation of a flight that affects your group booking. Please be advised that the YYZ-SNU flight on Thursday May 22, 2014 has been cancelled. Your BKG 64491795 is being offered the following: - Accept either a Sunday May 18th departure, or a Saturday May 24th departure + $50 future travel voucher per person - Travel to an alternative destination at the current selling price + $50 future travel voucher per person - Cancel for a full refund this is what i received no PHONE CALL no nothing... and i'm suppose to be ok with this.. i am devastated as it's been one thing after another with them.... we have wedding gifts already that have out wedding on it may 24th... we made t-shirts for our guest over 700.00 that have our wedding date it.. this is so unfair and unacceptable!

08 May 2014 04:05:00 JReid

I was a passenger on flight WG511 departing from Pearson airport on Saturday March 15, 2014 As I'm sure you're aware, this flight was delayed 11 hours. 2 of which we were kept on the airplane while repairs were attempted. I found it interesting to read on CBC Canada "Next time that happens, know this: If you're stuck at the gate or on the tarmac and your flight is delayed more than 90 minutes, you may have the right to get off the plane, as long as it's safe to disembark. It depends on the carrier, but all the major Canadian airlines have this condition in their tariff, which is their contract with the passenger." This was my third flight with Sunwing and I have never been treated so poorly during this delay. The communication to passengers was absolutely despicable, not to mention the treatment we received from the airline staff while waiting for answers. We were left to frequently check the flight boards for any updates, which constantly changed throughout the day, leaving us with no real answers. The $15.00 meal voucher system was beyond unorganized. Lining 200+ people up waiting for these handwritten vouchers is unacceptable, and this happened twice during our delay. Upon boarding we were given a sheet with instructions on how to claim the loss of an entire day of our ALL INCLUSIVE vacation through insurance (which we are not eligible for) as well as a $75.00 voucher for our next Sunwing flight. After speaking to a couple on our flight they explained that they had the opposite situation happen to them last year with Sunwing (gained an extra day at there resort as there were issues with there return plane). They shared with us that they contacted customer service upon there return home and were later credited $150.00 each (in Sunwing vouchers) for there inconvenience. The $75.00 voucher offered to us is unacceptable considering the loss we took (an entire day of all inclusive drinking and meals). These vouchers that Sunwing has offered us as compensation are a slap in the face. I also found it extremely frustrating to see on our return flight the $50.00 voucher offered to ANYONE who fills out the survey regardless of flight delays. As you're able to see in our booking number (69121911)we booked as a group of 8 and paid an extra $50.00 each to fly out early. I strongly believe we should be refunded this amount in the method used to pay. NOT in Sunwing vouchers. I am fully prepared to proceed further with my concerns through different social media platforms if needed. The way we were treated was despicable and unless we are FAIRLY compensated for our troubles and losses, I will have no problem choosing to never fly with Sunwing again. I

07 May 2014 05:05:00 Guest

I am currently awaiting Sunwing's reply to my emails. We booked our 50th birthday celebration of 8 people with them in January. Due to our group having certain ailments we require larger seating and the most leg room. We are not against paying extra to accommodate our issues. To ensure we had what we were looking for we booked well in advance and took all the suggested upgrades. Three weeks now to departure, we have been told that our group will now be separated and no longer will we receive the seats we booked. Instead we are offered the left over seating that is scattered around the plane. Some of the seating now being offered does not recline, being a large issue for us. I do not think I am over reacting as we paid well in advance and in full. We booked well in advance trusting even if the price reduced itself, we would have our best seating and would be kept together. It turns out Sunwing couldn't fill the plane so they are now moving us to not only different seating but to another date. Not having a plane to get us home on the date we booked, they have now moved us again to different seating on another plane on a different date coming home. In the mean time we are all stressed out now attempting to adjust our scheduling, some begging for time off trying to explain the situation ....I could go on but I'm' sure you get the picture. We are told our options....cancel your trip and full refund OR receive a $50 voucher for FUTURE use. What an option!!! Months of details and planning hotel stays and time of work and babysitting and animal care etc etc etc- but how delightful,,,they'll simply return our money! Where at this late date now with only three weeks will we find the same style of trip on the dates required *as everyone has arranged their time off* for a party of eight(8) for the same budget or near? One could only pray that such a thing would be available for 8 people at this late date. Perhaps a 2 or 3 star would be left, but not a 5 star that we booked. Truly we are being forced to accept their offer. I understand somethings are beyond a companies control and patrons must often suffer, but under normal circumstances being this is by no means the matter of a broken down plane or emergency of any sort, companies usually make a decent attempt at compensating their customers. A voucher of $50 towards, yet another trip with Sunwing, is not my idea of compensating. It's like saying "We screwed up but you're stuck with it so suck it up, but here's $50 if you'll give us another try". Truly if they wanted to show sincerity to their customers for inconveniencing them a rebate or upgrade would be offered immediately. Conceivably if they were to offer a $50 voucher, customers could apply it to the now trip, to make them more comfortable with their inconveniences however I highly question that $50 is enough for what they have put me through. I have spent over 5 hours rearranging my own customers, and losing money myself offering discounts to retain and keep happy and satisfied my customers. At this point in time I will await Sunwing's reply and hope they don't play the bartering game with me. I don' t have the time or the patience. In the event that they handle it with care and fairness, I would try them again. In the event that they are not going to compensate me for all the troubles they are putting our group through, not only will I not travel with them again, but I will take this to a different level.

06 May 2014 11:05:00 Melissa Nadon

I booked my trip for my wedding back in March of 2013... we are a group of 29 people set to depart for my wedding on May 22 at 0610. I have nothing good to say about Sunwing as I have had nothing but problems with them and there communication is awful. I've been dealing with a person by the name of Shir Zukier who has very little customer service skills and decided to send me an email attached : It has just been brought to my attention that there has been a cancellation of a flight that affects your group booking. Please be advised that the YYZ-SNU flight on Thursday May 22, 2014 has been cancelled. Your BKG 64491795 is being offered the following: - Accept either a Sunday May 18th departure, or a Saturday May 24th departure + $50 future travel voucher per person - Travel to an alternative destination at the current selling price + $50 future travel voucher per person - Cancel for a full refund this is what i received no PHONE CALL no nothing... and i'm suppose to be ok with this.. i am devastated as it's been one thing after another with them.... we have wedding gifts already that have out wedding on it may 24th... we made t-shirts for our guest over 700.00 that have our wedding date it.. this is so unfair and unacceptable!

06 May 2014 04:05:00 Guest

*you're Rod : AirlineExpert : It's very interesting these negative comments. You all fly with Sunwing as they are cheaper than the other airlines and then complain about the lack of customer service or delays. Really??? What did you expect??? A four star experience at a one star price? People, stop complaining!!! This is laughable. Next you'll be complaining about the fact that 49% of the money that you are giving them is not even going towards our canadian economy I suppose (as the Sunwing group is owned by the British- German conglomerate TUI)? Just think about the fact that you'll soon be flown down south by german pilots in british planes with irish flight attendants attending to your needs! Over and out! your a * loser

05 May 2014 07:05:00 Guest

Sunwing is ridiculous. We just booked a trip with them and after checking our itinerary have found that they have changed our flight dates to go a day late and return a day late. I understand flight delays and changes but its not fair that they change the whole date of the flights after you have booked a trip. We would have booked with a different travel agency if we knew they were going to do this to us. DONT FLY SUNWING!!! They dont care about you.. they only care about $$$$$..

04 May 2014 07:05:00 Guest

To all of those complaining about the delays, it's time you realized that aircraft just like cars have mechanical parts that can fail. Rather than take the chance that a part will fail again, a safe company opts to fix the problem before departure. If this means you won't get to see your dog or you'll miss an extra day of work, so be it. Most people in their right mind will understand a technical delay as a reason for your absence. Would you rather the mechanical failure happen in flight and require an emergency landing or god knows what else? You're going on a vacation, relax a little bit and stop crying about issues that can affect an airline. Having flown Sunwing I have yet to encounter any issues but then again, I pay for what I want and don't come with an entitled "I paid a one star price so give me 5 star service" attitude". If you want to be treated to gourmet food and one-on-one service, charter a private jet.

02 May 2014 05:05:00 Guest

April 19th to Cuba from Fredericton: Flight late leaving Fredericton and even later leaving Veradero. We were told the inflight computer had to be replaced in Halifax making the departure late in Cuba. The Flight Attendants were friendly and humorous on our flight to Cuba, only very misinformed regarding the duty free sold on plane. We purchased Vodka and Rum because the attendant said we would not have the supply to buy it from on the return flight. So we did, only coming home the Cuban (muggers) confiscated the "DUTY FREE" liquor and we were told to buy more at "their" duty free shop in the airport. No even permitted to put it in the check in luggage. Too bad the attendants were not aware of the new rules the Cubans come up with. This was our 7th and last trip to cuba, we always tip heavily and take many gifts to the cuban workers. You will now have to claim all items being taken into cuba on a declaration slip to go to the Cuban Gov. Oh well, Dominican here we come....

30 April 2014 01:04:00 T. Gallant

Sunwings Airlines I have never been so disappointed with an airline in my life. DO NOT fly with SUNWING ever if you can help it. They charge to pick your seats and for the smallest baggage over amount allowed. I will never ever fly with them again. Every time I turned around there was another charge then another charge. cost me 420.00 just in extra fees alone. I will fly with anyone but them ever again. I tried not to let it ruin my trip but it was one thing after another with the,. Save yourself the grief and just don't do it....

29 April 2014 01:04:00 Guest

Guest : I was also on this flight and am without luggage to date as well. A representative answered on Friday and informed me all cargo would be flying back to Toronto that night and will be delivered to everyones' homes Saturday and Sunday. I was travelling with 8 others and none of us have heard from Sunwing or received our luggages. I have called every hour and left msgs for Sunwing baggage and NO response. This is unacceptable. Have you received you luggage back yet and if so how long did it take?

27 April 2014 07:04:00 Donald

Hi , did i read somewhere that Sunwing will be charging for meals during flights after June 2014 ??

22 April 2014 12:04:00 ZVJEZDANA

Sunwing Vacations 27 Fasken Drive, Toronto,Ontario M9W 1K6 Attention: Customer Service Manager Re: Sunwing Flight #WG 393 CUBA VARADERO APRIL 05 2014 I am writing in inform you of a situation that my family and I encountered on our recent flight home from Varadero, Cuba with your airline. We had asked the ground crew to be seated together but unfortunately that was not the case. My husband, daughter and I were all seated in different areas of the plane. I was seated at the emergency row and was the only passenger in the six seats. When I saw that no one else was going to be seated there, I asked the flight attendant to have my family move so that we could sit together. She very rudely answered no and that we would have to pay a premium for those seats. However, once the flight was in the air, my family and I felt it was very important for us to sit together and they came to join me. The attendant left all her other duties and came over to us to ask for payment. She treated us very rudely and said that no one can sit in those seats or we must pay. As I mentioned, we felt very strongly about sitting together and decided to pay the $25/seat for this “privilege” that should have been assigned to us when we checked in. I did not ask to be seated in that area of the plane and would have gladly sat elsewhere with my family. I feel that it is unfair that we had to be penalized to sit together when the seats were already empty and we did not ask for priority seats. Furthermore, the treatment we received from the flight attendant is not what we would expect from Sunwing. We have flown with you in the past and always found the staff to be pleasant. Unfortunately, I was quite upset and did not get the name of the flight attendant by she was a young, black woman. Please take the time to speak with your staff about customer service and the fair treatment of passengers. It is unfortunate that we had to end our otherwise very pleasant vacation being treated like this. If you would like to further discuss this issue, please feel free to contact me at Thank you for your attention to this matter.

20 April 2014 04:04:00 Guest

Sunwing flight times to Cuba are frankly bizarre. Late departures, which have you arrive in the middle of the night. Late departure times, when hotel check out is at noon. You end up having lost two days of your vacation because of this. I'll stick with WestJet at a little higher cost, thank you.

18 April 2014 06:04:00 Guest

Hi there, while on Sunwing if you want to purchase a alcoholic beverage what are my payment options ? Thanks

17 April 2014 06:04:00 Guest

The majority of you agree that there is a serious lack of customer service at Sunwing Airlines and that delays are part of their daily operations. The most interesting thing though is that most of you are probably repeat customers of Sunwing Airlines. What I'm trying to understand is, if they offer such poor service (delays, no customer service (or poor customer service), lost suitcases, changes in schedules, etc), why do you keep flying with them? PRICE is the answer (in most cases). You want to pay the least amount of money and get as much as you can from it. Do the math... Cheap price usually equals CHEAP SERVICE (comment not intended for the cabin crew). There are many other airlines operating out of Canada to southern destinations. They probably cost a little more, but hey... they actually offer, or try to offer, proper Customer Service. You do have options... go for the cheapest price, get the cheapest service. Pay a little more, get more.

16 April 2014 06:04:00 Guest

Sunwing Vacations 27 Fasken Drive, Toronto,Ontario M9W 1K6 Attention: Customer Service Manager Re: Sunwing Flight # WG 0393 I am writing in inform you of a situation that my family and I encountered on our recent flight home from Varadero, Cuba with your airline. We had asked the ground crew to be seated together but unfortunately that was not the case. My husband, daughter and I were all seated in different areas of the plane. I was seated at the emergency row and was the only passenger in the six seats. When I saw that no one else was going to be seated there, I asked the flight attendant to have my family move so that we could sit together. She very rudely answered no and that we would have to pay a premium for those seats. However, once the flight was in the air, my family and I felt it was very important for us to sit together and they came to join me. The attendant left all her other duties and came over to us to ask for payment. She treated us very rudely and said that no one can sit in those seats or we must pay. As I mentioned, we felt very strongly about sitting together and decided to pay the $25/seat for this “privilege” that should have been assigned to us when we checked in. I did not ask to be seated in that area of the plane and would have gladly sat elsewhere with my family. I feel that it is unfair that we had to be penalized to sit together when the seats were already empty and we did not ask for priority seats. Furthermore, the treatment we received from the flight attendant is not what we would expect from Sunwing. We have flown with you in the past and always found the staff to be pleasant. Unfortunately, I was quite upset and did not get the name of the flight attendant by she was a young, black woman. Please take the time to speak with your staff about customer service and the fair treatment of passengers. It is unfortunate that we had to end our otherwise very pleasant vacation being treated like this. If you would like to further discuss this issue, please feel free to contact me at Zvjezdana Idzakovic Oakville April 15.2014. ZIDZAKOVIC@SYMPATICO.CA 905 8159497 Thank you for your attention to this matter.

15 April 2014 03:04:00 Jasmine

I have decided to write this review to warn people that sunwing is a deceiving company that advertises false advertisement. DO NOT BOOK WITH THEM Sunwing vacations is advertising a vacation package to Varadero for 8 nights fr om april 20-28 after booking the package and getting the hotel information I then find out that I have to check out on the 27th at 11am. Wait a minute no wh ere did it say this while I was booking my trip online. After calling sunwing and talking to a representative that was nothing but rude and unhelpful to my situation. She told me that you get what you pay for and in this case I had paid of 7 nights, what she fails to understand is when I was booking the package online it said 8 NIGHTS IN VARADERO NOT 7 a simple concept these people clearly cant grasp. I am a frequent traveller and have never ran into a package that advertises 8 nights but really mean 7 night. Why should I have to pay for another night when initially I was made to think I was paying for 8 nights. What kind of backwards company is this, totally UNACCEPTABLE.

10 April 2014 08:04:00 Bob

Prior to filing this review, I scanned through other reviews and to no surprise, my problem is very common. It makes me wonder how they manage to get any repeat business. We recently took a mini vacation to Vegas. We stayed at Wynn and can't say enough about this great resort. The airline however, is another story. We had a minor delay of an hour because they were short one staff. Once we arrived we discovered I baggage had not. After filling out the proper paperwork we checked into our hotel and began to try and contact Sunwing to enquire as to when we might receive our luggage with the supplied phone number and got an interactive line with no direction to the Lost Luggage department. We then had to schlep around Vegas at 10 p.m. to find toiletries and clothing for the following day. Day two we spent much time trying to speak to a live body to no avail. Finally, we were able to contact a booking person who informed us that we would never be able to speak to someone in that department and all we could do is e-mail "customer service" who would then contact us. Day 3 in the afternoon, the airport called and said our luggage had arrived and sent it over to the hotel. Upon return, I've sent a second e-mail and several days later, have yet to receive a call or even a confirmation e-mail. I can deal with the small delay and * food because this is a budget airline but the lack of customer service response is not acceptable. I too will never use this airline again but will spend a little extra to use a decent carrier. Give me Transat any day, its too bad they don't go to Vegas.

10 April 2014 05:04:00 Guest

A different twist. We booked a trip to the Bahamas at the end of March with Sunwing. We stayed at the Memories Resort for a week. Contrary to our experience with this carrier over the Christmas holidays, we were very pleased with our experience this time around. The check-in personnel in Winnipeg was courteous and efficient. The flight attendants were helpful and professional. Our food on the plane was hot and acceptable, not great but this isn't a 5 star restaurant. Our destination resort was amazing. The check in was done quickly and our room was overlooking the pool and sea. My only complaints were that our room wasn't cleaned one day and the night 'entertainment' was way too loud and annoying. Who goes to these things, anyway? Food at the resort buffet was plentiful and tasty and I am a VERY picky eater. My complaint is that the food was at times not hot enough. However, there was always lots of fresh fruit and veggies. The Japanese restaurant was fantastic and food was plentiful. Our chef was engaging and we all had a very good experience in this restaurant. Our return trip was fairly uneventful. Sunwing's computers were down at the terminal and we had to wait close to an hour but the check-in clerk was courteous and professional. This trip was a completely different experience from our December 24th experience.

07 April 2014 09:04:00 Guest

Well this seems to be common. Our trip was booked for a wedding so we didnt pick the airline or resort, but it is the same nightmare I see that everyone is writing. First our plane was delayed 3 hours. When I booked the with the travel agent She asked if I wanted to upgrade to the cabana for $600 more than the hotel room, so I did. Well we get to the all inclusive resort and we check into our "nice" Cabana which is on the second floor more of a motel then a cabana, the bathroom has a set of "saloon" doors that swing don't lock and have a huge gap in them, our room was ajoining to the neihbors we didnt know, who even tho it said no smoking decided they should smoke so the smoke would come under the door and intpo our room, no tub in the upgraded room, just a shower stall you might find in a hostile, I have stayed in nicer hostiles too btw. So we ask if we can be upgraded again to a room that has a pool and that is not next to a smoker in the non smoking motel. So I am informed they have a room for a fee of $600 more I can go to.... the hotel side, I booked the cabana paid $600 to leave the hotel to get it and I am now in my origanal room for an additional $1200, This room had a door on the bathroom and a tub, no plug for the tub (thats extra) A fridge in the room that i am only to assume is for looks because it was not stocked nor do they stock them, there are also signs posted everywhere NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE ROOMS, How is this all inclusive????? Now back to the flights, on the way there my wife who is 6 month pregnaunt and I fall asleep on the plane and miss our brefast which we are starving now because our flight has left over 3 hours later than it was supposed to, so when we awake we ask the staff if there is any food, now maybe I am wrong but my ticket to an all inclusive should cover the breafast but for SUNWING that just means the old you snooze you lose, they gave our breakfast to someone who wanted 2 breakfastsa instead of one so they got their money worth I guess, the plane was very small and very old 6 hour flight and they only show one movie. The flight back well this was another disapointment, we sat close to the back and noticed that the last 6 rows were empty being that the wife is uncomfortable from the pregnancy we asked if we could get one of the empty rows so she could move and stretch out a bit, we were informed that off duty staff in full uniform were going to use those rows, one staff member per row and they wanted to talk to each other and by talk i mean yell because they coulnt next to each other they had to have the row to themselves, not bad for a free flight for them and a paying one for us, now the staff that was on board made it their duty to make sure the off duty staff had company and visited and laughed and joked while the rest of us were nice and uncomfortable listening to them while we tried to sleep. Comment cards came around and the staff handed out only one per row, my wife and I wanted toboth fill them out but appaerntly she didnt count, when one of the group we were with mentioned that the comment cards did not have a spot to write a comment she got this for an answer, "well if you really wanna write a comment or a complaint just write on the card I am sure there is a place u can fill out, or go to the website and walked away. Do Not Fly sunwing or book through them. This is only about half of the problems we had I don't normaly coplain, but this trip cost almost $6500 and was far from worth it if I can help people find a better place and save their hard earned money I will. Also I wrote to sunwing plus the comment card I filled out and surprise no reply from them

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