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Malindo Air Discussion

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07 June 2015 04:06:00 Penny Liew

My air ticket has typo problem, my name is Liew Xin Ying but travel agency typed Liew Xing Ying. There's extra g in my name and tomorrow I have to travel, how do I do now?

04 June 2015 11:06:00 WH

Hello, There is a problem with Malindo air website that does not permit customers to select details. Please look into it.

04 June 2015 06:06:00 Guest

asma : Hello, Malindo Airways.. I have one question. I would like how to print out the tax invoice air ticket i have booked for my company's staff? please advice in order to claim back our input tax. Guest : Guest : Hidayah Basri : how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled? Just sharing as I just called the Malindo Air customer centre requesting tax invoice, was been advice to drop them an email with your flight eticket itinerary attached. Malindo air will them generate the tax invoice for you. Hope this helps. I have drop them mail since 29/5/15, but no one reply to me...very bad service... hahahaha i just called they said they need 7 days to provide the tax invoice should report to custom? :)

04 June 2015 05:06:00 Guest

how to request Tax Invoice

03 June 2015 08:06:00 Guest

My booking is MAAOOF KUL CGK KUL. How can I get a copy of tax invoice for my claim purposes? I just want to have for passenger RUZITA ABD TALIB. Please email to :

02 June 2015 01:06:00 Guest

Guest : Hidayah Basri : how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled? Just sharing as I just called the Malindo Air customer centre requesting tax invoice, was been advice to drop them an email with your flight eticket itinerary attached. Malindo air will them generate the tax invoice for you. Hope this helps. I have drop them mail since 29/5/15, but no one reply to me...very bad service...

02 June 2015 09:06:00 Guest

Guest : Hidayah Basri : how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled? I just called Malindo and the customer service told me to print their online confirmation IN MY COMPANY'S LETTERHEAD AS A TAX INVOICE, which I find it very inappropriate. How can the online confirmation fulfil the requirements of a tax invoice format?? The customer service mentioned that this is the advise they give to their customers if they wish to claim for the GST Input tax. We are facing the same problem too. According to my company procedure, we need to obtain a valid Tax Invoice with our company's name printed in the receipt in order to claim back our air ticket purchase. But, I can not understand why Malindo Customer Service asked me to use MY COMAPNY's LETTER HEAD to print the official receipt. The receipts aren't supposed to be Malindo's and attention to my company's name with passenger name???? What theory is this???!!!

01 June 2015 11:06:00 Guest

Jessie (Ipoh mali) Thu, 14 May 2015, 7:53 am Dear Malindo We beg you not to stop services KB-IPH_KB route. We are confident the demand for this route is good. There are many students from various universities and colleges in Kelantan need your service. Moreover locals from Ipoh and Kelantan prefer to travel by air rather than using the roads which are so dangerous. Season holidays are coming soon and bet you demand will be good. Dear Malindo we suggest that you have twice weekly flights maintain it on Thursdays(KB-IPOH) and Saturdays(IPOH_KB. DEAR MALINDO HOPE YOU CARE AND TAKE OUR REQUEST INTO CONSIDERATION. THANK YOU suzana (ipoh) Fri, 17 Apr 2015, 8:12 pm ipoh airpot needs an improvement.. more routes.. to medan, langkawi.. especially to east coast .. kelantan, terengganu, pahang.. please consider.. student highly demanded on this.. tq

01 June 2015 06:06:00 Guest

Hidayah Basri : how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled? I just called Malindo and the customer service told me to print their online confirmation IN MY COMPANY'S LETTERHEAD AS A TAX INVOICE, which I find it very inappropriate. How can the online confirmation fulfil the requirements of a tax invoice format?? The customer service mentioned that this is the advise they give to their customers if they wish to claim for the GST Input tax.

31 May 2015 03:05:00 Guest

May i know is it after web check in, is the passenger allow to amend the check baggage from 0 to 1 before or during the departure?

30 May 2015 10:05:00 Guest


30 May 2015 06:05:00 Guest

TE] Bathim Eka Putra- : i need to cancel my flight to malaysia on 31 May 2015 because of important things. please respon me how to cancel my ticket

29 May 2015 04:05:00 Guest

what is the meaning of 'continue with no seat'

28 May 2015 12:05:00 Guest

Hidayah Basri : how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled? Just sharing as I just called the Malindo Air customer centre requesting tax invoice, was been advice to drop them an email with your flight eticket itinerary attached. Malindo air will them generate the tax invoice for you. Hope this helps.

27 May 2015 09:05:00 Guest

Guest : May I know how to print out the tax invoice? Please reply.

27 May 2015 06:05:00 Hidayah Basri

how can I get a copy of tax invoice for my last travelled?

26 May 2015 06:05:00 Dr lim swee chay

I would like to know if theres is any way i can purchase seats if i forgot to click on seat selection after my booking. Payment is done. Your call centre guys is DUMB. Period! They do not know the answer

22 May 2015 02:05:00 soh chee hoon

Dear Sir, I am a regular travelling to and fro Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on Malindo air. I have enjoyed much on the airline and have recommended the airline to all my friends and relatives. However, I have experienced in the past few weeks delays in departure which I fiind rather inconvenient. Please find below some of the incidents which I experienced. Date From To Departure time Delay 8/05/2015 KL Sin 5.30pm 1 hr 15/5/2015 KL Sin 5.30pm 45 min 22/5/2015 Kl Sin 3.10pm 2 hrs It appears that the delay now is a regular occurrence and I urge that the management look into the matter seriously before the airline image is tarnished. Yours Sincerely, Dr. Soh Chee Hoon

20 May 2015 07:05:00 Guest

Can i change my flight ticket?

18 May 2015 05:05:00 zam

Hi, i received an email stating my flight on 20 May 2015 has been changed from OD1246 to OD1236. No any other info provided e.g: ref no or booking no. Due to this, unable to do web check-in. Someone please help me.

18 May 2015 12:05:00 Guest

I've flighted with this company some days ago. You don't need to print the ticket, just show your passport and booking reference number when you're checking. Have a good flight! Guest : I have checked in to get get my boarding pass. Unfortunately, I couldn't print it. When I email my boarding pass, I received the 2D bar code. So, is there any kiosk in penang international airport to print my boarding pass or I have to get my boarding pass at the counter?

15 May 2015 10:05:00 Guest

HI GOOD AFTERNOON, I would like to change the surname in the flight ticket can anyone assist me in this issue??

14 May 2015 10:05:00 Guest

May I know how to print out the tax invoice? Please reply.

14 May 2015 07:05:00 Guest

I also have the same question, how to print out the tax invoice for Malindo Air ????

14 May 2015 05:05:00 May

Hello, Malindo Airways.. I have one question. I would like how to print out the tax invoice air ticket i have booked for my company's staff? please advice in order to claim back our input tax.

13 May 2015 08:05:00 asma

Hello, Malindo Airways.. I have one question. I would like how to print out the tax invoice air ticket i have booked for my company's staff? please advice in order to claim back our input tax.

13 May 2015 07:05:00 AMIRA

Hello, Malindo Airways.. I have one question. I would like how to print out the tax invoice air ticket i have booked for my company's staff? please advice in order to claim back our input tax.

11 May 2015 04:05:00 nageswararao

Hi good morning my ticket booking number GUGQSL pls change date june 11th to june 15 any day can in between flight schedule pls call me urgent 006582664246 tks

09 May 2015 11:05:00 Guest

I have checked in to get get my boarding pass. Unfortunately, I couldn't print it. When I email my boarding pass, I received the 2D bar code. So, is there any kiosk in penang international airport to print my boarding pass or I have to get my boarding pass at the counter?

09 May 2015 12:05:00 Guest

I am unable to proceed with payment after booking more than 10 times subang to penang od 1160. my credit cards are ok but I am unable to proceed with payment and I have just forwarded my request for booking through your facebook page. would you be able to book for me. many Thanks randy

06 May 2015 06:05:00 Guest

I cant do web check in for Singapore to KL as the drop down list for city does not have Singapore? Is there NO web check in for Singapore?

05 May 2015 05:05:00 Guest

I accidentally chose the wrong appellation of Mr instead of Miss. Will it affect the boarding process?

05 May 2015 06:05:00 SHIRLEY

May I know how to print out the tax invoice?

30 April 2015 05:04:00 au shiau yan

i had booked a flight fr om Kul to Bangkok.May i know wh ere to check in? KLIA 2 OR SUBANG ABD AZIZ?

29 April 2015 04:04:00 Guest

May I know how to print out the tax invoice?

28 April 2015 11:04:00 sue

i would like how to print out the tax invoice air ticket i have booked for my company's staff? please advice in order to claim back our input tax. thanks

27 April 2015 03:04:00 LAKSHMI NARAYANAN

REF: NON PAYMENT OF REFUND AFTER CANCELLATION by MALINDO AIR Sir/ Madam. I had booked ticket through Internet in my name for the journey from Delhi to Jakarta as detailed below: DELHI – KL – on 17th March reaching KL on 18th Morning by OD 206 KL – JAKARTA – on 18th March reaching Jakarta on 18th morning by OD 316 RESERVATION CODE : SXALDM TICKET No. 8162102744153 Total fare paid – INR 19613.00 + SMS charges of 52 + Seat booking of 685 = INR 20,350/- However, I cancelled the ticket one week before the journey and the details are: Refund Receipt No. 8160470025539 Amount to be refunded : INR 17798/- I was informed that the amount would be credited to my Bank Account through which I had made Net Banking payment within 15 days. Now it is more than 45 days and I have not got the refund amount in my Bank account. KIRANAM R LAKSHMINARAYANAN

23 April 2015 03:04:00 Guest

Hi! How do i print out Malindo Tax Invoice?

22 April 2015 11:04:00 kogheela

I wrongly booked ticket.. if i want ti change my date means.. how about the process?

22 April 2015 07:04:00 vasu reddy

hi mr my ticket number 816-9260043055 please information give to me any hidden charges in thise ticket already iam pay full amount in sg dollar. my hand phone number is +6583608235

21 April 2015 09:04:00 Guest

Lily Sau : Dear Sir / Madam, With the Government implementation of GST effective 1/4/2015, we would like to find out about the invoice issued to customer upon making a booking online? As you know, in order for the company to claim back the input tax, the invoice provided must be under the Company name & address. Therefore, wander with the GST implemented effective 1/4/2015, whether your airline will have the tax invoice format can be input the company name & address when making online booking?

20 April 2015 11:04:00 Guest

I tried to book a flight from KUL to DPS, but after all the efforts to put in information, the credit card payment function does work! I tried many times and even called the Call Centre. I was told the system is being upgraded and it has been more than four days. Anyone has the same problem? How can I book a ticket if the payment function does not work?!

20 April 2015 05:04:00 N. S. Nair

I request you to know can I postponed the ticket for my friend who is booked on 27th of this month to KLA. Now he is undergoing treatment in hospital. Your kind co operation in this regard is highly appreciated.

19 April 2015 06:04:00 Guest

How can i change my title from mr to ms on my flight ticket

17 April 2015 04:04:00 Lily Sau

Dear Sir / Madam, With the Government implementation of GST effective 1/4/2015, we would like to find out about the invoice issued to customer upon making a booking online? As you know, in order for the company to claim back the input tax, the invoice provided must be under the Company name & address. Therefore, wander with the GST implemented effective 1/4/2015, whether your airline will have the tax invoice format can be input the company name & address when making online booking?

15 April 2015 08:04:00 Guest


15 April 2015 02:04:00 mar_rahman

i need to cancel my flight to jakarta on 26 May 2015 because of important things. please respon me how to cancel my ticket

15 April 2015 02:04:00 Guest

may i know how can i cancel my booking ticket to jakarta

14 April 2015 03:04:00 Guest

hello sir/madam. Can i change my flight date if the flight that i want to change has the same price?

09 April 2015 10:04:00 shahrear

hello sir/ mam, i had confirm ticket jakarta via kualalumpu r vis dhaka on 7th april 2015. but i was sick. that's why i can not fly that date. can you pls change this ticket at 12 april 2015?pls inform me as soon. thanks

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