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Malindo Air Discussion

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04 July 2019 11:07:00 Guest

How if i enter my first and last name in a wrong sequence? Is it gonna be a problem?

26 June 2019 07:06:00 Guest

I want to change the gender of passenger from Miss to Mr. Booking Refrence (PNR) : RPKRAY

20 June 2019 11:06:00 Guest

I had booked a flight ticket from Guangzhou to Johor Bharu but Malindo Airline never issue me any invoice althought it had shown the payment is completed.

12 June 2019 05:06:00 Sylvia Mei Lee Chang

Please resend booking itinerary for PNR: WFFSXN & IVBCAK to Thank you

11 June 2019 09:06:00 Natalie Baz elsater

Guest : wrong title Mr instead of Ms need to update in the ticket PRN. LTYTXF

10 June 2019 11:06:00 halida

How to print my ticket invoice on booking no. BXYALJ

10 June 2019 04:06:00 Guest

wrong title Mr instead of Ms need to update in the ticket

09 June 2019 07:06:00 Rithisak

why i cannot change my flight date? it stated an error occured? someone had same experience?

09 June 2019 12:06:00 Zafirah

How did i make the payment for this?

Malindo Air 
29 May 2019 04:05:00 Guest

would malindo air provide food for transit passenger in malaysia????

26 May 2019 07:05:00 roozutrinity

I entered the wrong passport no (ends with 6 buy I typed it with 8), what should I do and is there any additional charge ? I book thr ticket with Traveloka app.

25 May 2019 02:05:00 Guest

I want to make a refund request but i am not sure what does it mean by PNR.

19 May 2019 09:05:00 Guest

I want to change the gender of both passenger from Mr to Miss Booking Refrence (PNR) : AUFNLQ

18 May 2019 06:05:00 SHARON TAN

Hi, PNR : AYFEZU Name: KAM YEW THAI but it should be Mrs, but i booked under Mr, does it any issue when check in?

18 May 2019 05:05:00 Liew Khee Soon

We are sorry but we are not able to confirm your booking, please try different fare options or try again later.

17 May 2019 07:05:00 Guest

I haven’t received a confirmation email has been over 12 hours

06 May 2019 05:05:00 Guest

Ndhrh MS : Hi I booked my ticket with Malindo, payment deducted but they didnt gave me the PNR/Booking Reference no. The call centre was not helpful at all. What should I do?

28 April 2019 02:04:00 Mumin

I entered wrong sir name in my ticket what I have to do now in my passport it is MUMIN GURCOO AS PER graduation certificate it is MUMIN syed I entered the name Mumin syed in ticket instead of Mumin gurcoo how I will correct it

27 April 2019 12:04:00 Guest

Hi I am trying to change my date of travel . I entered PNR and name in correct order. Yet it says cannot find the booking. Please help .

27 April 2019 02:04:00 Guest

I want to manage my booking for my son, his birth year is 2010. I can't key in because in the column don't have 2010

23 April 2019 02:04:00 Guest

I want to change the gender of second passenger from Mr to Mrs PNR : TOZFYQ Name: Hassan abdelsalam

21 April 2019 01:04:00 Guest

why i cannot change my flight date? it stated an error occured? someone had same experience?

15 April 2019 07:04:00 VINOD LAKSHMAN

I did not recieve pnr number on my mobile number

11 April 2019 06:04:00 Chetra Subramaniam

My husband booked ticket on malindo air has been issued as Mr instead of Mrs will this be an issue. My booking No (PNR) is XMILGL

05 April 2019 01:04:00 Dianne Ogle

Hi I booked for a friend and spelt her surname wrong it’s missing one letter A I booked with Aunt Betty and want to charge me $140 Australia dollars we are not flying until May 27 will you allow her to fly without th change

02 April 2019 07:04:00 Eingleson Nuevo

Wrong gender instead of Mr. It was Ms.

20 March 2019 04:03:00 Lim Ee Cheng

Wrong gender check in, is a problem to me

19 March 2019 07:03:00 Shuba

I want to change gender of passenger, please help me My booking no YXFRMQ

16 March 2019 06:03:00 Guest

Hi, is there a problem if I typed wrong TITLE on name, ie Mrs to Mr on my booking name.

02 March 2019 06:03:00 Ndhrh MS

Hi I booked my ticket with Malindo, payment deducted but they didnt gave me the PNR/Booking Reference no. The call centre was not helpful at all. What should I do?

14 February 2019 11:02:00 KAVITA PARIHAR

I BOOKED FLIGHT FROM DELHI TO KULALAMPUR (flight date 24-02-2019) today. My transaction being failed but money is deducted from my account. I did not get my ticket booked? What is refund status?

04 February 2019 12:02:00 Guest

NO WAY! Many complains about the same issue FOR LONG TIME, but Malindo Air seems to ignore. Just one word: DISAPPOINTED!

04 February 2019 12:02:00 Guest

June : Guest : hello, why I cannot manage my booking? every time I key in the right PNR and name, but the system always show me that my name or pnr is invalid?! hello. this was my first time i tried malindo air. don't make me feel disappointed. Hi, I'm facing same issue as well. It is my first time try Malindo as well. Even I key in the correct PNR and name, but still shown invalid. Can advice on how do you solve this problem? Thanks!!! June : Guest : hello, why I cannot manage my booking? every time I key in the right PNR and name, but the system always show me that my name or pnr is invalid?! hello. this was my first time i tried malindo air. don't make me feel disappointed. Hi, I'm facing same issue as well. It is my first time try Malindo as well. Even I key in the correct PNR and name, but still shown invalid. Can advice on how do you solve this problem? Thanks!!! June : Guest : hello, why I cannot manage my booking? every time I key in the right PNR and name, but the system always show me that my name or pnr is invalid?! hello. this was my first time i tried malindo air. don't make me feel disappointed. Hi, I'm facing same issue as well. It is my first time try Malindo as well. Even I key in the correct PNR and name, but still shown invalid. Can advice on how do you solve this problem? Thanks!!!

17 January 2019 05:01:00 June

Guest : hello, why I cannot manage my booking? every time I key in the right PNR and name, but the system always show me that my name or pnr is invalid?! hello. this was my first time i tried malindo air. don't make me feel disappointed. Hi, I'm facing same issue as well. It is my first time try Malindo as well. Even I key in the correct PNR and name, but still shown invalid. Can advice on how do you solve this problem? Thanks!!!

15 January 2019 03:01:00 Guest

Guest : How to change the name order for the first name and last name? is it needs for any charges?

15 December 2018 01:12:00 VR SANKAR CHEELA

I tried to book a malindo flight from Kolkata to Perth. My transaction was completed, however, I didn't receive my ticket. What should I do

01 December 2018 08:12:00 Guest

hello,i bought a ticket but my name was missing one letter.will that be a problem or do i need to change it?

15 November 2018 11:11:00 Guest

hello, why I cannot manage my booking? every time I key in the right PNR and name, but the system always show me that my name or pnr is invalid?! hello. this was my first time i tried malindo air. don't make me feel disappointed.

13 November 2018 03:11:00 parminder

waiting for e ticket yet after payment done

28 October 2018 04:10:00 Guest

How to retrieve the PNR number? i booked Malindo Air but I still haven't receive the itinerary in my email. Pls help

26 October 2018 02:10:00 Guest

Why Manage booking return ticket price is the same as buy new ticket ? Pleas advise

23 October 2018 07:10:00 Guest

I tried booking for more than 10 times and I keep getting this message: "We are sorry but we are not able to confirm your booking. please try different fare options or try again later." I tried changing the dates and time of the flight which are all available on your website. Is your booking system down? How do I purchase flights?

26 September 2018 12:09:00 Subir Modak

Hi, I just pay for a ticket but didn't get the PNR.

05 September 2018 01:09:00 Guest


05 September 2018 10:09:00 Guest

Can I change the tax invoice's address ?

18 August 2018 08:08:00 Guest

Hi I did not received any booking confirmation/ itinerary from Malindo Air.. Flight PNR : YWCACT email :

17 August 2018 11:08:00 Guest

We're sorry Thank you for using our Web Check In. Please proceed to Check In counter. Im trying to web-check-in but above message show

14 August 2018 09:08:00 MARLAR WIN

I want to change gender of passenger, please help me, Booking number is SWBGYW.Passenger name is Marlar Win

14 August 2018 08:08:00 MARLAR WIN

I want to change gender of passenger, please help me, Booking number is SWBGYW

14 August 2018 08:08:00 MARLAR WIN

I want to change gender of passenger, please help me

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