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EasyJet Discussion

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06 April 2021 06:04:00 Bloggybuttsniffer

Hi gone to crete june family holiday ,none of us have had a vaccine will a pcr test do??? Please reply pretty pweeeeze

06 April 2021 06:04:00 Dylan 7777

Hi was wondering about the discount easyjet give to go towards a pcr test,pur holiday is booked for june

05 April 2021 07:04:00 Guest

If you change a flight and new flight is less than previous cost, do you get the difference in a voucher.

31 March 2021 03:03:00 Linda Friel

Easyjet holidays cancelled our 4th May 2021 Crete holiday from Edinburgh on 23rd Feb. Email stated that I could transfer my holiday ( which would have been the 3rd time as this was originally booked for May 2020 and then Oct 2020) or if I did nothing by 1st March then I would receive a full refund. On 1st and 7th March they emailed again saying I had a credit on my account. I emailed back stating I had followed instructions from original email and was awaiting my refund. I still have nothing back from them. Any suggestions?

29 March 2021 11:03:00 Donna G

Family holiday for 6 booked to Gran Canaria 27 May 21 3. X Gatwick flights cancelled so sister got vouchers 3. X Luton flights not cancelled yet can’t get a refund and will be charged to make changes! anyone help with a solution?

29 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

There is a YouTube video showing the way to find the refund form .. good luck Jackie : Have flights booked for April 10th. Return may 1st. Those flights are still live. We aren’t allowed to travel for holidays and I have no idea how to get a refund. Would be be due a refund? Guest : my flight has been cancelled but i'm going round and round in circles and cant find the refund form. also these flights are an alternative to a set of flights that we had to move last year because the outgoing flight was cancelled. These flights were a lot more expensive than the ones we changed them to. is there any way of getting the original money we spent back? Thanks

25 March 2021 05:03:00 Maureen

Booked a flight on 22/3 to Italy in June the cost of £54.56. The next morning it was announced that no flights until July. Cancelled booking within 24 hours and was charged £49 cancellation fee. Absolutely disgraceful on telephoning easyjet was told that this was there policy. Never again!!!!!

25 March 2021 03:03:00 ElizGuest

Booked to go to Malaga from Glasgow 31september , but if I don’t want to go just yet because of COVID can I move it to bent may 2022 without paying more

25 March 2021 01:03:00 Asher Pat

Hi, will easyJet bow to the COVID religion with "no vaccine - no boarding"?

23 March 2021 07:03:00 Guest

Denis King : Why are Easyjet cancelling flights so often with no explanation ?I can tell you why? They just cancelled mine I booked an evening flight man to Benidorm and the just changed it to am flight.when they do that means we can't get the train. Which we do. Not enough on the pm flight so they bung them on the am flight . So I put in for refund again as they have done this before. Not going with easy jet anymore just sick of them

23 March 2021 12:03:00 Guest

Guest : TonyM : Email arrived today regarding the return flight of a booking to Tenerife in April. The flight is not cancelled, but delayed by 24h. I can't stay an extra day. The email mentions applying for a refund. Does anybody know if this relates to the delayed return flight or for both flights? Don't want to submit a refund request and find myself with an unwanted outbound flight. Answering my own question - they paid a full refund for both flightsThanks Tony M. I had the same question

21 March 2021 02:03:00 Guest

Easyjet cut Catania, Seville and Verona from their Edinburgh timetable several months ago.

21 March 2021 02:03:00 Guest

H : Easyjet cut Catania, Verona and Seville from the Edinburgh timetable months ago.

20 March 2021 07:03:00 H

Have holiday booked Oct 21 from Edinburgh to Catania.This route is now not showing on their flight programme so don't know if this holiday will go ahead. Has anyone from Scotland flying from Edinburgh to Catania during the summer months noticed this. E-mailed Easyjet and they just sent me their standard cancellation info.

20 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

Yes every time. I want to change my flights but can't??

20 March 2021 12:03:00 Guest

Guest : We’re in the same position so would be interested to know the answer. Jackie : Have flights booked for April 10th. Return may 1st. Those flights are still live. We aren’t allowed to travel for holidays and I have no idea how to get a refund. Would be be due a refund?

19 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

We’re in the same position so would be interested to know the answer. Jackie : Have flights booked for April 10th. Return may 1st. Those flights are still live. We aren’t allowed to travel for holidays and I have no idea how to get a refund. Would be be due a refund?

19 March 2021 02:03:00 Jackie

Have flights booked for April 10th. Return may 1st. Those flights are still live. We aren’t allowed to travel for holidays and I have no idea how to get a refund. Would be be due a refund?

18 March 2021 11:03:00 Louise

Easyjet cancelled my flights last July and persuaded me to accept a voucher but I cannot find the email with the voucher code (I was going to use it to book something later this year). Easyjet are ignoring my emails to resend the voucher email and I have spent long periods of time waiting to get through to their customer service. Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions?! Thanks

18 March 2021 10:03:00 Guest

My outbound flight has been cancelled (21may2021) but my return (31may201)hasnt, where do I stand. If they can't take me how do they expect me to use the return flight.

18 March 2021 09:03:00 Denis King

Why are Easyjet cancelling flights so often with no explanation ?

18 March 2021 01:03:00 Guest

my flight has been cancelled but i'm going round and round in circles and cant find the refund form. also these flights are an alternative to a set of flights that we had to move last year because the outgoing flight was cancelled. These flights were a lot more expensive than the ones we changed them to. is there any way of getting the original money we spent back? Thanks

15 March 2021 06:03:00 Guest

We usually fly to Malta from Manchester in February, Thursday to Monday and these days are no longer on sale for February 2022. Will more flights be added to the schedule? Thanks in advance

13 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

Why havent our flights to lanzarote for march 16th 2021 being cancelled yet?

11 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

My understanding is that you now have to fly between the same 2 countries (origin and destination) but not necessarily on the same route. Previously it appeared you could switch your Easyjet tickets to any available route but this obviously was costing them money as you could take a short flight and exchange it for a long one. Guest : Baz : I previously changed flights from Salzburg to Croatia with no charge as Easyjet let you move the flights to any other country and destination. Now the Croatia flights are cancelled but I cannot change the destination to anywhere but a place in Croatia. Have Easyjet stopped you choosing new countries and flight routes now?? I was told recently that the flights had to depart from Uk to the same destination

11 March 2021 11:03:00 Guest

Yes I did but realised I was booking a one way from Europe to the UK in Euros and the Pounds voucher is therefore not accepted. You need to change the currency to pounds and then it works. Another tip. If you get lots of voucher codes from Easyjet do separate bookings for each adult and even sone one way ones too. The code can be used per booking. Remember that under 16 year olds can not be unaccompanied though. Guest : Anyone getting an error code when trying to get a refund?

11 March 2021 06:03:00 Linda Matthews

If u have the 2 covid vaccinations do u still have to do the covid test for tenerife

10 March 2021 01:03:00 Guest

Surely flight prices will drop through the floor, as many if not all ,countries, will insist on vacine passports.

01 March 2021 05:03:00 Guest

Guest : We are due to fly to Spain in June from Scotland.We used vouchers last year to book this after we had to cancel our original holiday due to covid.Now international travel is not permitted for holidays and the signs are that this will still be the case in June.But easyJet say that as flights have not been cancelled we can't get a refund.We just want to accept that it won't happen and move on. Can't you just rebook for a future date using the vouchers? There's no charge for doing this up to 14 days before flying

01 March 2021 05:03:00 Guest

TonyM : Email arrived today regarding the return flight of a booking to Tenerife in April. The flight is not cancelled, but delayed by 24h. I can't stay an extra day. The email mentions applying for a refund. Does anybody know if this relates to the delayed return flight or for both flights? Don't want to submit a refund request and find myself with an unwanted outbound flight. Answering my own question - they paid a full refund for both flights

01 March 2021 05:03:00 Guest

Ondrej : William McNabb : “Never Accept a Voucher - Always ask for a Full Cash Refund” How long does the refund usually take? I requested the refund (for a cancelled flight) 3 weeks ago and I haven't received any note or money from them since. Got mine after exactly 28 days

01 March 2021 01:03:00 Guest

Anyone getting an error code when trying to get a refund?

27 February 2021 03:02:00 Guest

We are due to fly to Spain in June from Scotland.We used vouchers last year to book this after we had to cancel our original holiday due to covid.Now international travel is not permitted for holidays and the signs are that this will still be the case in June.But easyJet say that as flights have not been cancelled we can't get a refund.We just want to accept that it won't happen and move on.

26 February 2021 09:02:00 Guest

Help with new cabin bag allowance 2021 The website states that cabin size bag can go hands free price in hold but a smaller bag can be removed to take on board free. If you remove smaller bag, that leaves empty space in larger bag that you pay for?!! I’ve tried emailing easyJet on 14th January but no answer. Anybody help?

25 February 2021 01:02:00 Ondrej

William McNabb : “Never Accept a Voucher - Always ask for a Full Cash Refund” How long does the refund usually take? I requested the refund (for a cancelled flight) 3 weeks ago and I haven't received any note or money from them since.

25 February 2021 02:02:00 Guest

Baz : I previously changed flights from Salzburg to Croatia with no charge as Easyjet let you move the flights to any other country and destination. Now the Croatia flights are cancelled but I cannot change the destination to anywhere but a place in Croatia. Have Easyjet stopped you choosing new countries and flight routes now?? I was told recently that the flights had to depart from Uk to the same destination

25 February 2021 02:02:00 Rose

Hi I had my booking for May 13 cancelled I want to rebook for 20th May exact same holiday but the rebook code for £100 discount does not work 3 x over 1 hour phone calls and still glitch not fixed. Last customer service agent this morning advised it was know this was not working but he could not do anything.. all I want to do is get my booking completed

22 February 2021 04:02:00 Guest

My flight for 3 April is not showing ..should I just wait and see Nearer the time to phone

22 February 2021 03:02:00 Guest

We booked our Sept 2020 flights at the end of 2019. Summer of 2020 the Corona virus had seriously kicked in so my wife asked her doctor about the wisdom of air travel with her health conditions (including asthma). The doctor advised against it, so we contacted EasyJet to cancel with a copy of the doctor's letter. Evidently we should have cancelled within 24 hours of booking! Because we weren't due to travel until Sept, we hadn't taken out insurance yet. Credit card can't help because of EasyJet's terms. Lost the holiday and lost the money! Lesson learned :- take insurance to cover the period from when you book until completing the holiday!

22 February 2021 10:02:00 dave

creg how did you contact easy jet as i have had no joy with any contact , i have the same issue with my vouchers and close to running out.

19 February 2021 06:02:00 Guest

Just got a dm from easyJet saying they'll be reviewing their voucher expiration dates and to look out for an email from them about my voucher that expires soon. Being that they're refusing to refund any of us hopefully this extension will be a more reasonable window than the original measly 12 months.

12 February 2021 05:02:00 Greg

Greg : Just called EasyJet to enquire if my voucher (due to expire 24.04.21) which I was given due to all travel being cancelled last year could be extended due to the travel disruption caused by the COVID pandemic. Their advice was to sell my voucher to a relative! I advised them that the pandemic is also affecting my relatives. Absolutely useless! Update - EasyJet contacted me to advise that as an exception they shall extend my voucher for a further 12 months.

11 February 2021 03:02:00 Greg

Just called EasyJet to enquire if my voucher (due to expire 24.04.21) which I was given due to all travel being cancelled last year could be extended due to the travel disruption caused by the COVID pandemic. Their advice was to sell my voucher to a relative! I advised them that the pandemic is also affecting my relatives. Absolutely useless!

09 February 2021 02:02:00 K V butler

how do I rebook flights when i constantly receive an error has occurred message

23 January 2021 04:01:00 Guest

One flight to Copenhagen has been changed. Does this allow me to claim a refund on both flights or just the affected one? Thanks

23 January 2021 12:01:00 Pavlo

Baz : I previously changed flights from Salzburg to Croatia with no charge as Easyjet let you move the flights to any other country and destination. Now the Croatia flights are cancelled but I cannot change the destination to anywhere but a place in Croatia. Have Easyjet stopped you choosing new countries and flight routes now?? Have pretty the same question about the Czech Republic and would really like to know it, too!

22 January 2021 11:01:00 Baz

I previously changed flights from Salzburg to Croatia with no charge as Easyjet let you move the flights to any other country and destination. Now the Croatia flights are cancelled but I cannot change the destination to anywhere but a place in Croatia. Have Easyjet stopped you choosing new countries and flight routes now??

21 January 2021 06:01:00 Roger L

Some flights Gatwick to Malaga in May have been cancelled. My 8.40 departure is gone, now 5.45, have been in touch with EasyJet can change to evening flight as the only other option. Second time my flights have been altered. Check your e.mails to see if your affected.

21 January 2021 02:01:00 Guest

I have flights booked to tenerife 26th Feb and 17th March . It is all over the news that easjet are cancelling flights till 25th March . I have heard nothing in relation to my flights . I have called help centere to be told they are only dealing with flights going out in the next 48 hrs . I have also sent email had no reply This Company is shocking

20 January 2021 06:01:00 TonyM

Email arrived today regarding the return flight of a booking to Tenerife in April. The flight is not cancelled, but delayed by 24h. I can't stay an extra day. The email mentions applying for a refund. Does anybody know if this relates to the delayed return flight or for both flights? Don't want to submit a refund request and find myself with an unwanted outbound flight.

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