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30 March 2016 05:03:00 Andrew


25 March 2016 03:03:00 Guest

Guest : could anyone tell me if there is anyway that I can get information on the flight delays llc 228 on the 8-6-2012 we wee delayed approximately 11 hrs going out and 5 hours returning on the 15-6-2012 small planet are saying that there was only a 1 hour delay any information would be appreciated ....regards ron Hiya i was on this flight it was delayed for11hours. Did you have any luck getting compensation?

23 March 2016 02:03:00 Guest

Guest : We too on the same flight chania to Manchester UI dud get a reply from apolish office apologies etc but was very unhappy with how we were treated and got a specialist fkight delay company to act on our behalf, they are hopefully in small claims court and waiting to hear back. Hi. We had a similar problem with SPA in August last year when flying from Chania in Crete back to Manchester. We wrote to Lithuania Office but no surprise - have heard nothing!! Could anyone who has had any success advise whether should have written to Poland and also if you issued proceedings which address you served on? I know it is unlikely we will have any success but it makes my blood boil when I think about how they are allowed to continue to do this and Olympic Holidays should be taken to task by the CAA for continuing to use SPA. Any advice/tips uwould be greatfully appreciated. Thanks

18 February 2016 01:02:00 Mr Mark Ford

Subject: Delay of flight P7 7835, Volos - Gatwick, 12/6/2015 Referring to your claims regarding the delay of the above mentioned flight, the air carrier denies paying any attention for your case. According to the European Court of Justice in joined cases C-402/07, C-432/07 and C-581/10, C-629/10, when the passengers reach their final destination three hours or more after the scheduled arrival time, they may seek flat-rate compensation from the airline, unless the delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances. You can take legal actions based upon the Judgment of Court of Justice of the European Communities in Joined Cases C-402/07, C-432/07, C-581/10 and C-629/10. In addition, our Authority will initiate the proceedings of our National Decision of Sanctions against the air carrier. We are at your disposal for any further information. X With kind regards X X ANASTASIOS A. KOKKINOS X DIRECTOR of X AIR TRANSPORT AND INTERNATIONAL X AGREEMENTS DIVISION X

02 February 2016 12:02:00 Guest

Hi Guest : hi, I was on the flight fr om skiathos to Birmingham/Gatwick 19/07/2013 when it was nearly 24hrs delayed, I'm now looking for my flight number can anyone help me, is there anyone else on that flight? Sue Guest : I am wondering wh ere I should start with this story; the fact that Small Planet is the worst airline I have flown with to date or the fact that Olympic tour Reps are liars and wimps! Flight P7356 fr om Corfu to Gatwick scheduled for 00.20 Corfu time: our check in time was 10.20 we arrived I would say just before this and upon arrival our rep Stacey announced the flight was delayed by 1hr 30 mins. We were waiting on a plane that was sitting in Gatwick P7355 scheduled for 18.20 UK time now please note Corfu is 2 hours ahead so technically they should have known about this delay from 20.20 yet we were picked up from our hotel at 21:00 and not informed until arriving at the airport! As you can imagine people were slightly annoyed but an hour and a half never did anyone any harm. After this time still no plane ( you can see the planes landing from wh ere you are sat!) At this point little information was given; we were told the plane had a technical fault so we won't know how long the delay was. We enquirer when we would receive some kind of refreshments the Olympic holiday reps were standing like plums at the entrance of the airport which meant you had to go back through security to ask them anything! We were told between. 4 -6 hours before you get light refreshments! Guess what? 4 hours passed and that rep Tracy said ooo we have sent an email to the airline to get authorisation to give refreshments! This never came through 6 hours of waiting at the airport Tracy said she didn't know what was going on they were making "phonecalls" however a kind lady who worked for the airport enlightened is that she was arranging accomodation as the pilots had passed their legal amount of time to fly! I forgot to mention about 4hours into the delay Tracy decided to come through and face the increasingly * passengers just to tell us lies and brush off out questions! At 04.30 am we were told to get out luggage as we were being taken to the hotel. When we got to the hotel we were promised out two courtesy calls a part of small planets protocol. ( I never received these!) I must say the only positive thing I can say is that the hotel was very nice Hotel Alti all inclusive and lovely staff. We were made to check out of our rooms at 3pm/3.30 I think and were told we were being collected at 5pm now onto the next rep Ursula telling us the plane from gatwick had been boarded I am not an idiot I checked on my phone the plane was still on Last call. Then she came with the bunch of lies that a Cosmos plane was coming to get us have me a SP airline number that wasn't even scheduled until 5hour later. Many of us refused to be taken to the airport until gatwick would confirm the flight was airborne. After 20 hours delay we finally landed in gatwick and I actually had very little faith that we would with the noises the plane was making. Finally to add insult to injury Ursula told us we can collect out letters from Meridian office at Gatwick detailing the delay which is needed for the claims process; this desk did not exist! And surprise surprise the correct desk had no one in sight apparently they were done for the day! I hope you read all of this Small Planet Airlines is a sham and Olympic holidays this is the first and last time I will be using you honesty is always the best policy so look out for me as I will be taking this as far as I can! Your Truly, London passenger flight P7356 3/08/2013

27 January 2016 02:01:00 Guest

I hope you all know this is a phil wyatt thing I was base manager and senior crew member there I walked out one day and never looked back. Unsafe. Vegas : Worst airline ever, the check in staff let a group of lads on so drunk that two of them fell over at the gate ( i am 100% not against people enjoying hard so enjoy yourself but......). When this group were on the plane they were disruptive, Manhandled a stewardess, offered to fight passengers....tried to threaten me which was laughed off then they had a full drinks ban for the entire plane implemented before the captain threatened to divert to turkey to get the police on.......oh, and this was after a 4 hr delay to Larnaca in June last year. only 1 working toilet for the journey. The return flight was a farce as well with 1 man getting a police escort from the plane, 1 Very ill woman (not her fault) needing oxygen all the way home and another woman collapsed...............again a drinks ban and one toilet working for the entire flight! The flight eventually landed in Manchester at the furthest point away from the terminals and the delay for luggage touched 40 minutes because they forgot to offload it from the plane! Mickey Mouse organisation that needs shutting down its only running because its a Pay to Fly organisation for budding/learning pilots to gain airtime for better jobs. I am afraid headlines for this airline in the future do not bode well

22 January 2016 06:01:00 Guest

Hi there everyone, Small Planet are very tricky to claim compensation fr om but a company called Fairplane Uk Lim ited have recently won a case against them.

17 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Guest : Just been called by Olympic Holidays, the Birmingham to Skiathos flight tomorrow (05/07) is not happening and passengers will be bussed to Manchester for a flight at 4.00ish in the afternoon. Got our money back and managed to get onto Thomson flight at 07.10 but not many seats left, also cheaper. Is your flight direct now? I noticed some of the flights were stopping for refueling. Have you had to organise and pay for your Thompson flight? Yes its direct well outbound anyway, most inbound flights make a stop for refuelling due to the short runway at Skiathos so they cant take off fully laden with fuel, and yes had to sort Thomson flight ourselves but Olympic has refuned without any problems. Seems Small Planet dont have enough aircraft for the schedule they are contracted to fly Hi, Can you remember the flight number for the small planet flight on the 5/07/13 going from birmingham to skiathos please. sue

17 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

Hi,I know this is a long shot but does anyone have the flight details of the flight that went out from skiathos in july 20th 2013, it was suppose to go on the 19th july but was delayed till the next day and should have flown into Birmingham but we were sent to Gatwick and bused to Birmingham??? Small Planet Airlines

07 January 2016 02:01:00 Vegas

Worst airline ever, the check in staff let a group of lads on so drunk that two of them fell over at the gate ( i am 100% not against people enjoying hard so enjoy yourself but......). When this group were on the plane they were disruptive, Manhandled a stewardess, offered to fight passengers....tried to threaten me which was laughed off then they had a full drinks ban for the entire plane implemented before the captain threatened to divert to turkey to get the police on.......oh, and this was after a 4 hr delay to Larnaca in June last year. only 1 working toilet for the journey. The return flight was a farce as well with 1 man getting a police escort from the plane, 1 Very ill woman (not her fault) needing oxygen all the way home and another woman collapsed...............again a drinks ban and one toilet working for the entire flight! The flight eventually landed in Manchester at the furthest point away from the terminals and the delay for luggage touched 40 minutes because they forgot to offload it from the plane! Mickey Mouse organisation that needs shutting down its only running because its a Pay to Fly organisation for budding/learning pilots to gain airtime for better jobs. I am afraid headlines for this airline in the future do not bode well

04 December 2015 03:12:00 tony c .

Guest : Outward flight fr om Bournemouth to Naples on 1.9.12 delayed by more than 10 hours with no information other than "technical fault". Homebound flight also delayed by 4 hours. Plane on each flight dirty, seats hardly fit for purpose, one totally broken and therefore unusable. Cabin crew unattentive, scruffy, unprofessional, particularly on return flight wh ere the female member of cabin crew kept flicking her unkempt hair serving passengers whilst having a private joke/conversation with fellow cabin crew. No complimentary drink/food was offered as a result of our inconvenience. This is the worst airline I have ever had the experience of travelling on and one which I defintely will not be repeating. Should be avoided at all costs. Newmarket Holidays have done themselves a great dis-service by using such a "mickey mouse" airline especially in view of Small Planets previous history. You should be ashamed. Ye, we were on that flight aswell, no point in repeating things, looks like youve covered everything , We were wondering if you have the flight details, ie: flight number etc , would like info: if poss: Thanks Tony C

08 November 2015 04:11:00 GuestFAGARAZZI

we reported delay of our flight to naples from gatwick,4hours and 20minuts for compensetion, refSPA-WFY-6356, NO INFORMETION S FROM YOU WHY

07 November 2015 02:11:00 John. Wirral

We booked a weeks holiday in Keralonia at the end of August via Thomas Cook. They didnt provide any baggage allowance details and I was made to feel like it was my fault when I asked them for the information. After one hours delay we were taken by bus to a tatty looking 23 year old Lithunain registered aircraft that had Small Planet lettering on the fuselarge that looked like it was painted on by a 7 year old. The seats were rather small and cramped (no Im not tall and heavy). In flight we were informed that there would be no hot drinks because "the boiler had packed up" The Pilot gave in flight information with height in metres and the cruising speed in km / hr which surprised me because (being involved in aviation for 30 years) the altimeter is in 1000's feet and the air speed indicator in Knots. We were told that there would only be one opertunity to buy food and drinks during the flight. The return flight was two hours late but to be fair their had been fog at Manchetser in the morning. We had the same tatty aircraft on the way home and not surprisingly the boiler was still faulty, so no hot drinks again. The all female attendants were more pleasant and professional than the previous all male Lituanian ones. There was again only one opertunity to buy cold drinks and food but we had purchased out own from the airport this time. Another lengthy bus trip back to the main terminal. Conclusion - Small Planet Airline appear to have set a completly new (to me) low quality benchmark in aviation travel. When I booked with a major carrier I expected the usual high standard of service but I was not at any point informed about the airline they would use. From what I gather, Thomas Cook are not alone because other airlines ( such as Monarch, Olympic and our previousy used agent Sunvill,re use Small Planet as a cheap option. If I am lucky enough to book a cheap flight with Easyjet or Ryanair I know that I will still be flying in their new modern aircraft with professional staff and facilities ( they do not seat the cheapskates in the hold), so I will be more vigilant the next time I book a holiday.

04 November 2015 04:11:00 chris

can anyone verifie that lost suitcase get auction off after six months our suitcase went missing in july and we still havent had any help from small planet not a single letter or phone call we were even told we had flown with one suitcase no we had 2 cases booked in at gatwick you can imagine what 2weeks in greece would be like my partner was gutted it totally ruined our holiday 101days later still no suitcase small planet need to be closed down worst company ever please dont fly with cosmos and small planet you have been warned

03 November 2015 03:11:00 c lake

ih all my partner and i flew with small planet on the 27 july this year to sidari in greece ,with a party of 18 , waiting for our suitcases it was clear tha t they hadnt made the trip after many phone calls we were told that your suitcases were found and they would arrive the next day . we waited by the pool all morning ,my case arrived at 2.45 but my partners case didnt we were told we one had one case ,however we found the suitcase tracking number and gave them all the information todays date is 03112015 and we still havent heard from small planet we have not heard from anyone ,our travel agent has contacted them and given photo copies of all our paper work and still she cannot speak to anyone.where is our suitcase?

17 October 2015 04:10:00 Guest

Hello, right Now waiting in gran Canaria Airport, Flight delayed for 4 hours so far...intransparent by any means, no Information a are given to us customers ....wont Fly again wirh airline, stay Away!!!!

13 October 2015 10:10:00 Guest

could anyone tell me if there is anyway that I can get information on the flight delays llc 228 on the 8-6-2012 we wee delayed approximately 11 hrs going out and 5 hours returning on the 15-6-2012 small planet are saying that there was only a 1 hour delay any information would be appreciated ....regards ron

20 September 2015 02:09:00 Ivan

I ! stayed koanikarues Muses hotel . hotel road super market, panorama hotel, geoges resturant, path ahia eleni beach, panorama hotel a look video responce well i 9th august 2011 stayed 10 days landing well

19 September 2015 02:09:00 Diana Porter

Having looked at this discussion before travelling to Volos via Skiathos with Small Planet, I felt like cancelling my holiday. The comments on this site are so negative. In the event our flights to Volos on 11th September 2015 and return from Volos straight back to Gatwick on 18th September were entirely delightful. The plane was a perfectly normal size and the leg room similar to that on Easy Jet or Ryan Air. The uniforms of the staff were really attractive ranging between * pink, lime green and pale orange and the headrests were similar colours. The staff were delightful, clearly enjoying themselves. The Onboard menu looked fine, though we did purchase sandwiches beforehand because of the comments on this discussion page. I was even given a second cup of tea free by the sweet smiling flight attendant. Landing and take off on the small island of Skiathos was perfect. Excellent trip.

06 September 2015 12:09:00 Chris

Small Planet is known to have P2F pilots (pay to fly pilots), meaning to allow young and inexperienced pilots that they do pay the airline for the privilidge to sit in a cockpit and operate the commands. Well, maybe not the best (and safety) way to operate an aircraft.....

28 August 2015 02:08:00 Guest

Dreadful airline still waiting for them to deal with a Complaint since 12 June when I incurred a 12 + delay and Pilot drove into a cloud causing coffee to be thrown all over passengers ..not Good.

22 August 2015 07:08:00 Guest

Should change their name to Small Plane - that would be at least honest. Although the cabin crew were fine, there was very little leg room, and the interior was shabby; our flight to and from Skiathos was not pleasant. Food we bought was almost as inedible as hospital food. Would avoid as far as possible.

18 August 2015 02:08:00 Guest

Does anyone know if you check in on line?

11 August 2015 03:08:00 Guest

refuse check in failure to submit API

31 July 2015 03:07:00 Edmond

I am flying to Tirana tomorrow. I am scared of flying and this airline doesn't look good, should I cancel the trip?

31 July 2015 10:07:00 Guest

With all what I am reading and due to fly tomorrow, me being not a good flyer, and they just started to tirana, I will my pants😂. There are rumours that a the pilots with Small planet airlines are trainees who pay 35000 euros to complete there training before they get a job anywhere else. Read it on

23 July 2015 08:07:00 E

Stupid airline! 2 hour delay and still haven't taken off!

22 July 2015 12:07:00 Guest

Yes good flight Guest : Hi! Does anyone know if Small Planet fllight arrived safely in Skiathos from Gatwick today (19/07/15) and what time it landed?

20 July 2015 12:07:00 Guest

Hi! Does anyone know if Small Planet fllight arrived safely in Skiathos from Gatwick today (19/07/15) and what time it landed?

19 July 2015 04:07:00 john Witherden

Photo added

19 July 2015 04:07:00 john witherden

if you want decent leg room on a flight think again before booking with this airline

16 July 2015 07:07:00 Guest

Flew to Kefalonia with Small Planet in early July 2015. No different to EasyJet. No issues at all. Would use them again.

10 July 2015 08:07:00 Guest Aberdeen

Over 4 hr delay on Verona to Aberdeen Flight 8 July 2015 no food or hot drink only got complimentary small plastic cup of soft drink and little packet of short bread. Funny thing is all the normal flight data bases do not record this flight, substitute aircraft was used.

10 July 2015 06:07:00 Guest

I am due to go to skiathos today at 12.55 on s5551 but it's not listed on Gatwicks departures. Any ideas?

09 July 2015 03:07:00 William Allen

I have just been on holiday to Malta, I used Air Malta and was very satisfied, Im not a fan of these cheap airlines as very often my flights get cancelled and I end up pay 3 to 4 times the amount in hotel accommodation and food bills. As for accommodation I stayed at the starwood hotel in Malta and quite enjoyed the experience;

09 July 2015 02:07:00 Guest

90% of small planet flights are perfect, flown with them a few times. They are a small airline so the negative comments make more of an impact, but the issues they have all airlines have

01 July 2015 07:07:00 Guest

Booked to fly to Skiathos on Friday afternoon this week from Manchester @13 35 it's a bit concerning reading all your postings God help us !

01 July 2015 01:07:00 Guest

I flew to Skiathos with small planet on Friday 19th June and returned on Friday 26th June. Our outbound flight was changed twice (once from 6am to 11am then finally to 1.30pm) this is a joke as me and my boyfriend paid £350 each for these flights as we wanted early ones. Checking the prices a week before our flight showed that these had HALVED in price. Upon arriving at the aiport our ticket showed a differnt flight time than the boards at Gatwick aiport. Once on the plane we then had a 40 minute delay before we took off.l On our outbound flight we checked online the day we were flying home only to find no record of the flight ANYWHERE online except on the Gatwick arrivals page which showed it was landing at a differnt time to our tickets. After calling Small Planet they assured us it was going ahead....even though there was no record of it! The aiport was a nightmare as we rushed and told we were boarding earlier and the flight was departing 30 minutes earlier. Not only were the flight times changed we were also no longer on a direct flight and the flight was stopping at Volos to refuel. The airline is a shambles and we were not even shown which plane to get on while we were boarding as there were two Small Planet planes....what if we ended up somewhere else!? Once on the plane we were told it would take 30 mintes to get to Volos...after 10 minutes the plane started dropping at a STAGGERING speed alarming and panicking everyone on the plane only to be told the captain had got too high too quickly. Stopping off at Volos easily added 2 hours onto our journey home! Also found the flight attendants very rude. All in all no I would NOT ever fly Small Planet again - I would rather have no holiday. A big shame as having travelling most islands in Greece and lots of places in Europe I would say Skiathos was the most beautiful place I have been and would return in a heartbeat but there is more chance me going in a rowing boat than a Small Planet plane.

30 June 2015 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : Hello I am flying to Skiathos on Sunday with Small Plaet, returning the following Sunday. Reading the reviews I am worried. Has anyone had a positive experience on this route? I am currently in Skiathos having flown from Gatwick on Sunday. No problem with flight but we (and about 30other people) are still without luggage!!

29 June 2015 08:06:00 Guest

Hello I am flying to Skiathos on Sunday with Small Plaet, returning the following Sunday. Reading the reviews I am worried. Has anyone had a positive experience on this route?

25 June 2015 11:06:00 Marion

Have just returned from Crete and flew by Small Planet on behalf of Cosmos. Had never heard of this company before but it is on the same lines as Easy Jet - no frills. Overall we had no problems with flying with this company and would use them again. We had no delays either outward or inward bound - in fact on return to Gatwick we were ahead of schedule.

25 June 2015 11:06:00 Guest

Flew to Skiathos and had flight time changed 3 times even changed the day before .airport staff stated this airline always a problem. In skiathos issued tickets with no seat numbers a total mess

24 June 2015 11:06:00 Guest

Went to skiathos . Changed times 3 times . None of computers at airport working due to constant time changing. Airport staff and reps constantly complained about Small Planet Airlines . Rubbish Airline never fly with them again. Will stick to BA

22 June 2015 04:06:00 Mark Ford

Travelling with small planet from Volos. friday 12th June 2015 was scheduled for 5pm. We were staying 2 hours drive from volos airport and have a daughter with special needs with us so I checked with the charity who organised our trip. It had changed to 7.05pm then suddenly to 9.10pm. We arrived at 6.30 to check in. There was a plane on the runway (we were later to find that had taken 3 attempts to land due to landing gear failure, was due to head to Manchester. All passengers had to get off and were waiting in departures from 6ish) Our check in screen said 9.10pm departure. At 8pm buses arrived outside. I called our operator on the number our charity had provided. They explained that small planet had changed the time and not to worry. "Shouldn't we have checked in by now though?" They said our flight left late from Gatwick, was on its way and would get into skiathos around 8.30 so will be coming. I took my wife's phone to the airport supervisor to talk to London. And (fingers crossed, she said we would put in our bags) There was talk amongst passengers that as a military airport there are no landing lights. . At 9 I called again, cosmos said there was a problem at Volos. They didn't have information so I passed the phone to the supervisor again. after that there was an announcement to get our bags and get on the buses to a hotel. 10.30 Room, Greek salad with souvlaki at a taverna and inedible breakfast. Saturday At 7am we were back at Volos airport, it was closed. once it opened and the security guards rolled in around 8am we were informed our rescheduled flight will depart 8.30. we boarded at 11 am with total of 12 other passengers and 6 crew. eventually returning to England. (we felt sorry for the 120 or so passengers left behind waiting to get to manchester)

15 June 2015 11:06:00 Guest

I think I was also on this flight, I have been searching to see if it is worth contacting the airline for compensation. I'm not sure if I am entitled to anything yet...

14 June 2015 03:06:00 Guest

I have a flight booked tomorrow (15/06/2015) with Small Planet Airlines departing from gatwick to corfu at 9.00am - i cannot find the flight on gatwicks flying timetable - any advice??

12 June 2015 01:06:00 Guest

In May I flew with Small planet airlines, this being a new service to The Gambia flying once weekly on a Tuesday with a returning flight, this being a new service flight which commenced in May and will continue throughout the low season in the Gambia. Our flight out from Gatwick was delayed 90 mins, and the flight back to Gatwick was delayed just under 3 hours. This as I say, is a new service to the Gambia and by early June this airline had completed 4 flights to and from LGW, and not one of the four flights either to Gambia which is a small airport so should be an easy turnaround or back to Gatwick were on time, with the minimum delay being just over 1 hour. On the way out, there was no hot drinks served as apparently they were not loaded. The toilets had no water to wash hands though a hand gel was supplied. Seat leg room is not good on a 6 hour flight, and the plane on return was not clean. Seats though were comfortable, but certainly not impressed with the delays, especially when the 6 hour flight is after midnight . . . . so leads to a long day and night. Why the flight cannot be a day flight is beyond me as both Monach and Thomas Cook provide these daytime flights in the high season.

06 June 2015 08:06:00 Guest

Hi I am flying to zakinthos with small planet tomorrow June 7th at 13.40 and can find no information on any of the airline trackers... Woe is me

05 June 2015 08:06:00 Cardwell

is small planet S5551. Departing from Gatwick to Skiathos on time 05/06/15

31 May 2015 03:05:00 Guest

Sorry it's s50115c the flight number Guest : S50015c to Corfu. That flight doesn't exist anywhere Guest : Give me flight numbers and where you are going.

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