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Airline and Airport Discussion Forum

Discussion of airlines and airports all over the world. You can share your flight and travel experiences, and discuss a specific airline, aircraft or airport, using the links on this page.

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Barcelona Airport

Hello, I am writing to you regarding one way flight SOFIA- BARCELONA -AMSTERDAM for 22.08.2015, with flight N: VY7637 and flight N:VY8300. On the domestic terminal 1 during transfers from Sofia-Barcelona to Barcelona -Amsterdam I lost their my personal belongings, which I bought from Sofia Airport - white bag with blue inscription Sofia Airport. It contains an open bottle of mineral water, boxes of cigarettes AQUA BLUE, Murati, David Gold, box of candy, black cardigan, etc. Upon my arrival in Amsterdam, was left that my luggage is lost also! My luggage is black suitcase n: 1C654201, with personal belongings, clothes and shoes . Please if you have found my belongings, please call me on the phone or send me an email and send them to address: PS TRANSPORT B.V. 36 Industrieweg 4214 KZ Vuren -NL Please for your help to get my luggage back. Thank you TSVETANKA HRISTOVA Tel.+359 879167272
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ATA Airlines

21 August 2015 Guest
امروز در پرواز تفلیس به تهران با ۳ ساعت تاخیر و نگهداشتن مسافرین در داخل هواپیما و روشن نکردن تهویه هوا در گرمای ۳۴ درجه تفلیس٫ با توجه به مسافرین سالخورده با ناراحتی قلبی و کودکان حتی از دادن آب به مسافرین خوداری کردنند. مدیریت بسیار ضعیف خدمه هواپیما و کاپیتان هواپیمای آتا بیشتر توجه کنید.
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Air Georgian

12 August 2015 AC Frequent Flyer
Consistently late or cancelled YYZ - MKE....future trips now go through ORD for reliability....
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Aerovias DAP

11 August 2015 Jared Ingwalson
Do you fly El Calafate to Puerto Natalas on a regular schedule ?
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US Airways

09 August 2015 Guest
Customer service is abominable.
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Network Aviation Australia

08 August 2015 Chris
Very enjoyable, comfortable Qantaslink service operated in a Network F100.
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Binter Canarias

07 August 2015 Alireza.Noori
Dear Sir/Madam I was your passenger on flight YYOLS2 CMN NT6400 at 06Aug Due to small mistake during check-in I lost my Luggage in Casablanca I should get Luggage tag for my last destination in Iran but your officer get me Casablanca ticket and luggage Tag Since I was in transit I asked Emirates officer to bring my luggage but she could not find it Due to your flight delay I lost my flight in Casablanca and I leave there with next flight at 2200 but with out my luggage Pls do needful help and send my Luggage with emirates air line to Tehran-Via Dubai Here is my Email address and on my luggage you can see my email and mobile phone no pls send a respond to my email asap. If you need more detail I can send snapshot of my ticket and luggage Tag as well
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Hong Kong International Airport

07 August 2015 njd
Our flight - Hong Kong Express Airways UO1755, was scheduled to leave at 6:50am on July 31st. We arrived at the airport the night before to make sure we were on time for our flight. Long story short, after arriving at the gate on time the next day, we were told we were too late. We never heard our names called or a final boarding announcement on the way there. We asked the man at the gate, Horris, to see his supervisor. After about an hour, his manager, Jimmy, showed up and adamantly told us that the airline had a strict policy of closing their gate exactly 20 minutes before departure. However, at gate 525 next door, Hong Kong Express UO 273 was accepting passengers for up to almost 5 minutes before departure. We told Jimmy that we were there on time and asked him to review the security cameras. He dismissed our request and just said that we needed to buy new tickets at full price. If we had a problem, we should call the police. So we told them to call the police. We thought that the police would help us resolve the issue. We were wrong. They told us that they had no right to look at the security cameras and referred us to Hong Kong Airport Authority. HKAA said that it wasn’t their problem and told us to talk to the airlines. We spent the next ten hours being pushed from one department of the airport to the next. The response everywhere was clear and unanimous: “not our problem, here is a number, do it yourself.” The authorities talked with the airline staff at great length, while very few asked us what happened. When more officers came, they only talked to the bosses of the airlines. Worse than that, nobody – not the police or the Hong Kong Airport Authority - wanted to see the security footage to see who was telling the truth. They also complained that I was arguing in English, saying that this was Hong Kong and we should be talking in Cantonese. I don’t speak Cantonese. And even though many of them could speak English, they kept trying to use my wife as a translator. My wife, who speaks Cantonese, was caught between looking after our baby and trying to explain our situation to whoever would listen. Finally, Hong Kong Airport Authority said that our tickets were no longer valid and that we needed to leave the security area immediately, and the police said that if we refused they would arrest us for obstruction of justice. We asked them if they could at least review the security footage. They said that they would, but we wouldn’t be allowed to see it for “security reasons.” Minutes later, we were escorted out of the security area by a dozen or so officers, about half of which were armed with machine guns. Finally, the HKAA officer came back and said that the footage showed that we were 10 minutes late. I asked him whether or not he checked to see if the other passengers on the neighboring Hong Kong Express flight were late and allowed to board, and he said that he didn’t check. My wife overheard another officer in Cantonese saying that the videos on their cameras weren’t clear and that they couldn’t see anything. I suppose that if the authorities show this level of irresponsibility, corruption, and ignorance, how could we expect them to be fair? Also, while we were running around, it was interesting to observe the demographics of the people complaining and having other problems at the airport. No Hong Kong citizens seemed to be having any problems. There were a few white foreigners that were arguing at the counters. There were more brown foreigners and mainland Chinese that were having issues with airport and airline personnel (they were speaking in Mandarin or other languages). However, there were many black foreigners that seemed to be having problems at nearly every place we went. I don’t know what country most of them were from. I don’t know what their issues were. I’m not even black. But just from looking around, there seemed to be clear discrimination against certain groups of people and preferential treatment given to others.
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LATAM Colombia

31 July 2015 Guest
Never use LAN. Worst airline ever!!!!!! I traveled fr om Australia to Colombia and the airline lost my luggage, i had to wait 5 days to get the luggage. 20 days later I traveled from Colombia to Australia and they again lost my luggage. I have been waiting for my luggage and they do not wh ere it is have been 5 days waiting for. Feeling so upset for having this issue twice in less than a month!!! Never use this airline again!!!!!
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23 July 2015 Guest
Dear All I would like to tell you that it is lost my luggage when traveling on the company.please your memory as much search to find if my luggage boarded and that where is exactly is important to find.The details of my flight is File Reference BCNR010015 Name Athanasiou Ioanna Flight Date R0256 /23 JUL/ RO421/23 JUL Ticket Number ETKT Tag Number RO651710 Thanks in advance Ioanna Athanasiou Email
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Kigali International Airport

I am a Nigerian,who travelled with RwandAir on the 21 of this month from Dubai to Kigali,unfortunately there was a delay on our flight from Dubai for 12 hours and that made us miss the connecting flight to Lagos on the same day. On our arrival at the Kigali international airport at about 11.30pm rwandan local time,we were advised to join the Ethiopan airline to Adis-Ababa and then back to Lagos. We identified our luggage before they were checked in in the Ethiopian aircraft.Unreaching Lagos from Adis-Ababa we discovered to our utmost surprise that our luggage were not in the aircraft. We haven't seen our luggage. The question is: are they in Kigaali or Adis-Ababa? We need our luggage now. All I have personally at the moment are in my box and in my travelling back. Please do act very fast. Thank you for your co-operation
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London City Airport

21 July 2015 Frequent flyer
Great airport, frequent flyer with Cityjet. Clarissa is my favourite ground staff member always smiling no matter what.
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Tailwind Airlines

17 July 2015 Lord Hulmes
after 40 yrs of travelling throughout europe this is the worst airline i have ever travelled with,with cabin crew that need totally retraining in customer care and diabolical in flight food
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Osh Airport

08 July 2015 Guest
Are there any ATM's at the airport?
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London Heathrow Airport

06 July 2015 Guest
London Heathrow airport is one of the busiest airports in the UK. Thousands or people come and fly from Heathrow airporT. I have read a news report about Heathrow airport that management is planning to expand the facilities at Airport due to the increasing number of travellers. There should be good car parking facilities just like airport parking luton for the passengers.
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04 July 2015 Serneels Alain
Do you have flights from maracaibo to cartagena
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Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

03 July 2015 Guest
If you land at one of the A concourses be prepared for only one bathroom for about a 1000 people. There are few electric outlets to recharge electronics.
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Tokyo Haneda Airport

01 July 2015 biman
It is the best one in Asia I have ever seen. How you compare Dhaka airport with it.
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24 June 2015 Guest
Good memories, when i was choosing holiday from Czech republic, I wanted to fly with TAR. A319 + A320 normal flight, cabin crew pleasant, but naturely pleasant. They dont fake - smiles like another artifically smiling cabin crew...
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Summit Air

17 June 2015 ang dorge lama
Friday tikat ktm to phaplu please
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Constanta Airline

16 June 2015 RESHEF JACOB
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Alaska Airlines

09 June 2015 Guest
I was traveling on Alaskar Airlines in February 2015 from Portland to San Jose, I arrived to board my flight and I was told that I would need to put my hand luggage in to the aeroplane hold rather than in the cabin as hand luggage. Before I agreed for my bag to be put in the aeroplane hold I asked the member of staff if they could ensure that my bag would be handled delicately and that the baggage handlers knew that this piece of luggage was supposed to be hand luggage. The bag I was carrying was not a secure suitcase and it didn't have the sustainability to be handled un-carefully. I was reassured that the bag would be looked after. When I arrived at my destination and collected my bag from the carousel, low and behold there was damage to bag. I decided to file a complaint to the airline not because I wanted compensation for the bag (even though it was a Louis Vuitton which cost me circa £2,210 or $3,000) but because despite my concern which I spoke to the member of staff about the handling of the luggage it doesn't seem to have made any difference to the way my baggage was handled and I strongly feel that internal processes need to be better established to avoid this happening to me and other passengers in the future. I wanted to have acknowledgement from the company that they needed to adapt their processes. I personally do not believe that in any instance you can ensure that a baggage handler who is used to dealing with excessive amounts of luggage should then be expected to delicately look after hand luggage. Ie how will the handler know which is which? And how and why will they be motivated to treat the luggage with care? I emailed Alaskar customer services with my complaint and have been transferred through the ranks to numerous people (I don't think I have received two emails from the same person, which in my view is awful customer service) none of whom have responded in a suitable fashion. They have not acknowledged or come back to me to highlight any change of process they will adapt despite me asking numerous times. The airline has given me no confidence they have taken my comments and concerns on-board. They have simply offered a $50 reimbursement for my troubles even though I have not asked or mentioned that I would like reimbursement. Therefore, I will not be using the airline again in the future because I fear that if this simple process can not be made better then they must have a series of faults in their processes and systems throughout the company.
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Mitsubishi SpaceJet

08 June 2015 Guest
When comparing the MRJ to the Bombardier Cseries, I don't understand the fuel consumption. MRJ is getting 1700NM range out of 3200gal of fuel, and the CS300, a much bigger plane, gets 2950NM out of 3640gal ?
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Izhevsk Airport

03 June 2015 Marco Silva
Izhevsk airport cancelled a flight for me and my wife on 31/05/2015 at 13:45, without any warnings whatsohever. The end result of this was that we lost all the subsequent flights and had to pay an additional 250 eur to make this change. Even worse was when we arived to Domodedovo airport on next day. Because my visa expired for one day, I had to renew my visa for 25 eur and lost another flight which cost me another 125 eur to reschedule, not to mention the fact that I lost one day's work, spent a lot of money in making calls and all the nerve wreking issues of taking care of all this stuff with people who don't speak English. Yes, that's right, don't expect English speakers in Izhevsk airport, and you are lucky if you find some in Domodedovo airport. Total loss= 400 eur (not counting calls expenses to make airplane reschedules and one day work). I will only return to Russia if my wife really needs my presence, other than that, no way!!! Would not recomend going on hollidays.
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Lockheed Super Constellation

28 May 2015 Guest
Your specs for speed are way way way off.
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Passaredo Linhas Aereas

18 May 2015 Guest
Good day, My name is Mike Stander from Solenta Aviation in South Africa and I am the Safety Manager for the company. I would like to get into contact with someone that could provide me with more information regarding your latest engine in flight shut down. We operate a number of these aircraft and have experienced similar experiences. Your support in this regard will be highly appreciated. I can be contacted on
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Hebei Airlines

05 May 2015 lepine jean claude
during my trip in china, I booked 2 seats for Mr LEPINE JEAN CLAUDE and MAHE CHRISTOPHE. flight NS3218 2015-04-01 from shanghai pudong to SHIJIAZHUANG : take off 20:10. this flight has been canceled and the company ask us to mouve from PUDONG airport to HONGQIAO for a new flight NS3218A leaving AT 23:00. AT 1:30 in the morning flight was still delayed.. so we decided to cancel our flight after more than 5 hours . E TICKET 836-2100129759 LEPINE - 836-2100129760 MAHE. Please confirm you can pay back CNY 1230 for each ticket and send us letter to inform that the first flight has been canceled and the second delayed and maybe canceled. my e mail is : waiting for your comments best regards
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Republic Airlines

05 May 2015 Mark Edwards
My story about how Republic mistreated me in regards to a disability issue is long, so I'll just post a link to it here. The post describes a clear violation of Part 382 that has been confirmed by US Airways, but Republic and one of their flight attendants are the people who are responsible for the violation. They are a dishonorable company, refused to admit fault when it was clearly theirs, and provided horrid "customer service". Definitely a carrier to avoid at all costs, whether you're disabled or perfectly healthy.
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Air Madagascar

20 April 2015 Robin Hutchinson
Hello, I am not sure where to send this complaint and request. We could not contact anyone at the numbers provided in the airports. They do not answer the phone ever. I am a Canadian who flew with Air Madagascar. My original booking number was 330075451. My name is Robin Hutchinson and I flew with a Dutch national Pieter Vis. We flew to Madagascar on Sunday March 29th 2015 and were to return to Paris on Thur April 16th via Antananarivo. I arrived in Canada on April 19th at 720pm via Air Canada. Our flight from Nosey Be originally at 8:55 am on April 16th was delayed or changed 3 times then cancelled at 9 pm. We were put up in a hotel by your company. In the morning we had to fight to be on the 2 pm flight to Tana. Once in Tana the desk clerk booked us to Reunion Island saying we would have a connecting flight to Paris. We checked our luggage and flew to Reunion. Once in Reunion, we were told your company did not book either of us to Paris on the Air France flight at 620 pm. We were left without luggage in Reunion Island. Air France representative at the gate told us that we would be changed to Corsair flight leaving later and our luggage would be transferred. She would not give us any information but told us to sit and wait at gate 3. We did as told trusting her. They said a representative from Air Mada would come for us. No one did. We realized that Corsair was flying from gate 4 and approached them. They had never heard of us our booking or our luggage. We were stranded in Reunion, without any clothes or belongings. A young man from Corsair felt bad for us, he started to look for a Air Mada rep to help. We found one about 10 pm that night. He booked us a hotel at the Best Western then booked us on the morning flight with Air Astrel. He said our luggage never left Tana. We had now missed our connecting flights home. I was flying to Canada via Air Canada Friday April 17th. My friend on KLM. We managed to get to Paris on Saturday night at 830 pm. All desks were closed at the air lines to help. We tried to call the Air Madagascar help number but no one answered and we could not leave a message. We had Air Astral try they could not contact anyone from your Airline. We were stuck in Paris for another night. With out luggage and in the same clothes for 3 days now. No toiletries or clothes as it was again to late to shop. I finally rebooked my flight to Canada which cost me additional $690.00 plus a hotel stay. My friend had to pay an additional 255.00 euro to fly from Paris to Amsterdam to make it to work on Monday. Our luggage is gone and still missing, last we heard it was sent to Reunion Island the day after we left to Air Astral. I have none of my personal things such as hair dryer or clothing at home plus gifts and cameras. I do not know when I will see it again if ever. We need to be reimbursed for our expenses and how to go about it. I have never flown with an Airline who just sends people all over with no connecting flights. I really felt that we were just sent somewhere else so that person did not have to deal with our problems. It was a terrible 3 days living in the same clothes with no way but hotel soap to clean ourselves. If your company refuses to reimburse us than I need letters from your company to provide to my insurance stating that so we can some how get our money back. I have also missed a day of work today as I have to go buy personal belongings to get ready. I have copies of stamped papers from Air Madagascar showing the flights they said we were booked on, and all tickets. In addition to this our luggage was also misplaced from Tana to Nosey Be on our arrival to Madagascar and we were required to pay cab fare back to the air port to get it on March 31. Plus buy clothing to wear due to the heat. All in all this cost me close to $1000.00 Canadian to rebuy air tickets, food, hotel and belongings. My friend from Holland spent about 500 euro. Robin Hutchinson
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Iberia Express

18 April 2015 Seth Evans
None of the links on their website seem to work for me. Also -- they changed my flight time by an hour, making my connection difficult, but they would not allow me to cancel my reservation without a charge
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Palermo Airport

14 April 2015 Michael Burgio
I need a flight from Miami international, to Rome and in Palermo. And then return trip. I anticipate flying on May 13, 2015. Returning May 20, 2015. Could you give me the best rates for these flights. Email. Thank you
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Wings of Alaska

28 March 2015 Guest
Wings of Alaska doesn't stand behind their word. I booked a roundtrip flight on-line on Wings of Alaska's website from Juneau to Haines Alaska. I received a confirmation e-mail from the airline saying my flights were confirmed, but they couldn't accommodate my special request. This was slightly confusing because I hadn't made a special request. But since they very specifically e-mailed me that my flights were confirmed, I went ahead and made a reservation on a connecting airline. The next day I called and they said that they hadn't got my request and I had no reservation. Not only that, but all the flights were now full for my return. (So of course, my connecting flights were wrong.) I said I had an e-mail from them saying my flights were confirmed. They said, it didn't matter. I gave up and asked, Since it was their fault, would they put me on a waiting list. They said they didn't do waiting lists two weeks in advance, and that I should call back a week later. I said, "This problem seems to be your fault, I assume you can at least try to accomodate me." They said, "We don't do waiting lists two weeks in advance, if you want to call back in a week, we'll put you on the normal waiting list." I have no intention of ever dealing with Wings of Alaska ever again.
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New York John F. Kennedy International Airport

24 March 2015 Guest
One of my brand new luggage was damaged by American Airlines baggage handling staff on the 04th of January 2015 on my way from Las Vegas to New York (JFK). I spoke to a baggage handling supervisor Shelly Anne on the same day at the JFK airport. She was nice enough to refund $400 to me by cheque. But i had to purchase a new bag and send the proof of purchase the Deborah Darby who is the Damage/Pilferage Coordinator JFK airport terminal 8. I bought the bag in New York and did as Shelly Anne asked me to. I live in Australia so i scanned and emailed the receipt of the new bag and also my boarding pass and ticket details to Deborah on the 12th of January 2015 as soon as i came back to Australia from New York. My first email to Deborah in regards to my damaged luggage was on Monday the 12th of January 2015 and Deborah responded to that email on 07th of February 2015. I responded to her on the same day (07 Feb 2015) for her very late response and i have not heard from her ever since. I wrote to her again on Wednesday the 18th of March 2015 to remind her about my cheque (still waiting for a response). The service i am getting from American Airlines lazy staff like Deborah is shocking. I have tried to contact Deborah Darby (Damage/Pilferage Coordinator JFK Airport Terminal 8) numerous times but she DOES NOT respond or acknowledge to any of my emails. I am disgusted and highly disappointed in her inefficiency and poor attitude towards work !!! Deborah is useless and AA should consider recruiting someone else willing to work and do their job well as the Damage/Pilferage Coordinator. People like Deborah are a liability to any company ! I will not hesitate to do anything and everything to get my cheque for my damaged luggage and an apology for such poor and low customer service from your incompetent staff, Deborah Darby. I will never use American Airlines again nor will i recommend AA to anyone i know. Worst Airline Service ! You deserve a gold medal for poor service !
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Avies Air Company

09 March 2015 Mike
You have wrong information over here. Avies do not fly to Russia. Please fix misleading information in your website about company. Avies operates flights in Sweden and Estonia. Link:
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Silver Air

01 March 2015 Guest
The worst airline I have traveled ever.
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Asuncion Silvio Pettirossi International Airport

21 February 2015 Guest
is this airport open 24 hours???
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Douglas DC-9

11 February 2015 Guest
I'm doing some homework and this has been a great help so far!
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Airbus A320neo

27 January 2015 005
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Aserca Airlines

23 January 2015 Guest
My daughter arrived last December at Maiquetía Airport on an international flight, to continue home on the domestic Aserca Airlines. She reached the Aserca Counter with more than an hour prior to her departure time, but her reservation had been already cancelled and assigned to another passenger. This attitude is customary in this airline, and I have heard also on other lines. The airline employees “sell” tickets with a surcharge to travellers with no reservation. As a result of this, my daughter was placed as “no show” and lost the continuation of her flight. Is there any organization or entity in Venezuela to control and regulate such type of behaviors of airlines run by crooks?
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Paramaribo Zorg En Hoop Airport

10 January 2015 Cornelis-Franckaert
Dear Sirs, We will visit Paramaribo next week and would like to have information for the posibility to have a local flight for about one hour in a small airplane? What options are there? I am pilot with ULM license. Kind Regards Cornelis-Franckaert
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Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport

01 January 2015 Penny H
I have some amends to make. First of all, when packing to return home, I suddenly found the stand in my stuff. So it hadn't been confiscated. I don't know what the form was about, but the young man wasn't guilty of over-zealous confiscation. The stand was not on Suvarnabhumi's list of prohibited articles either, I checked. Secondly, as I write this second report from a lounge in Suvarnabhumi on my way back, I am aware that the place isn't at all so bad as my previous impression. Perhaps because this time I am transferring from a domestic to an international flight rather than vice-versa, and the international pier is much more customer-friendly. I am travelling back using an "Economy Outward Business Homeward" arrangement and am now enjoying the hospitality of Thai Airways' Business-class and upward lounge (Royal Silk Lounge D) and am truly impressed by their hospitality. You can get WiFi, a light meal and drinks for free, all in a relaxed and quiet "Hotel Lobby" atmosphere. The Science Fiction architecture and subdued background sound from the vast tubes behind me that the airport is made of provide exactly the right atmosphere so that (for instance) the clicking of my laptop keys doesn't annoy my neighbours in the eatery. Also I would like to make a special mention of the young lady from Thai Airways who, after we had failed to locate my flight on the board before I entered the terminal, made a special point of looking it up (departure after midnight so not yet on the departures screens) and deftly following me all the way through security just to give me the gate number. I hope she gets to be CEO of Thai Airways! And then the security. This time the staff were quite impeccable. They accepted my offered carry-on items with a smile, and a "Happy New Year" would you believe, waved me through and congratulated me on my rudimentary attempts to speak Thai to them. They run away with my current top award to security checkers for treating passengers like human beings and not prisoners lining up for porridge. (Currently leading Koh Samui and Paris Charles de Gaulle in close equal second place with Amsterdam Schiphol a very poor third.) So the moral of the story is of course, not to judge by first appearances. Suvarnabhumi is a huge place and I think each section also has its own atmosphere and culture. I have overall had a wonderful holiday in Thailand and I wish the country and its airports all the very best for the future.
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Snowbird Airlines

31 December 2014 Guest
AWFUL - cancelled flight at last minute due to lack of ticket sales. lost holiday. WORST AIRLINE EVER
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28 December 2014 BISSON ///CANADA
It possible to take a AIR PLANE TRIP from Port of Spring to Margarita Airport ??? and , please give me the PRICE in USA dollar ! Thank You R Bisson
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KD avia

24 December 2014 Guest
Dear on Duty, Good day, This is Nawaf Alshafei Royal Jordanian Airline Credit Control Manager. Kindly I need the e-mail for Interline or Revenue Manager. Your kind cooperation will be high thanked. Thank you. Nawaf Alshafei Credit Control Section Manager Royal Jordanian Finance Department I.p Phone: 2628 M: +962 (0) 77 672 673 9 T : +962 6 5202628 F : +962 6 5686210
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Miami Air International

22 December 2014 Roy Ross
Miami Air filled in on a flight I was on for Allegiant fr om Punta Gorda to Quad City International on 21 Dec 14. I was dreading ANOTHER flight on Allegiant, and was like an early Christmas present when Miami Air had that particular flight for Allegiant. Everything about to trip was like night and day better than a usual Allegiant flight, everything from the plane, staff, timing, snacks, etc., etc.. I was searching out wh ere all Miami Air flew, only to be disappointed to find Miami Air was a charter airline. Well at least I had one great trip from Florida on an Allegiant ticket. My wife and I hope we get another chance in the future.
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Bering Air

20 December 2014 Chris
Their Kotzebue office continually cancels flights. Lieing to customers on a continual basis as to why cancelled.
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Beechcraft 99

10 December 2014 Marcos
Is beech 99 a limited by airframe cycles?? I have some questions: how is the fuel burning (GPH or LBH)? is a tyoe aircraft?
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Doha Hamad International Airport

10 December 2014 Nabil
Dear Sir’s,,,, we require proposal for Oman Airports Management Co. for Warehouse training please provide us with information. Regards Nabil Said Store Supervisor
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Ilyushin Il-62

09 December 2014 Guest
Magestic,beautiful styling.
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