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Gorkha Airlines

10 October 2016 Guest
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10 October 2016 ronald slabbert
Please Investigate urgently... I was on your flight from Oliver Tambo to Durban. Flight MN 633 which was delayed for 2 hours. Finally on my arrival back home I found that my bag had been tampered with. I did not have anything of value in it so they threw all my toiletry bag all over the case. I had a cable tie on the zipper handles so they must have just lifted the zip and then closed it again. There might be more complaints coming through as they had two whole ours to go through the luggage of this flight delay. My friend was trying to get to Hillcrest Hospital to see his daughter in Intensive care but no help was forth coming. A very disappointing flight indeed
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Bournemouth Airport

25 September 2016 Guest
In March I booked a Premium Parking Space for the week commencing 17 September 2016. On arrival no Premium Parking Spaces were available and I understand this was not an isolated experience. UK Trading Standards need to investigate this airport for advertising and selling a service it cannot provide!!!
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Qingdao Airlines

23 September 2016 Johann Peter FUEREDER
Johann Peter FUEREDER please confirm my flight nr. QW 9782 travel itinerary KRETE7 flight: PEK-TAO oct. 4th (23:00) to oct.5th( 0:30) is one luggage : 20 kg o.k.?
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Cessna Citation

22 September 2016 Guest
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Bearskin Airlines

18 September 2016 Guest
I flew with Bearskin Airlines this past August and this review is submitted as a caution to those customers who may be considering using the bereavement option offered by this airline. The web site has the following posted…”Bearskin Airlines provides Bereavement Fares at a rate of 75% off the full fare”…The web site currently shows a full fare return[taxes included] price from Sudbury to Thunder bay of $1116.72 and 75% off this would be $279. Not so says Bearskin….They have an unpublished full fare of $891 plus taxes each way so when the discount is applied, they want over $588. This amount is higher than the Porter Airline price that offers no bereavement “SPECIAL” Buyer beware!!
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Boeing 737-100

16 September 2016 Guest
need data of boeing 737-100
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Azerbaijan Airlines - AZAL

13 September 2016 shimon yohanan yom tov
To whom may concern ! at august 17 th I check in my sueit case and my bag in Israel on my way to jfk new York with one stop at baku.when I arrived at new York my bag was missing.with my home keys car keys .i had to copy car key remote and break my home locks to get in to the house I have all the receipt .any how after 4 days on the 22 of august I got a call that they have found my bag soon as I got it from the delivery guys I recognized that my bag got open and messed up right away I look for my 2 rolex watches and they was stolen from my bag .that worth around 9500 .i drove right away to the port autorithy police in jfk I fill up criminal complain against the theft and also I check in custom that might have the watches but they are stolen .i am trying to contact the Azerbaijan airline with no success could someone please help
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Anchorage Ted Stevens International Airport

09 September 2016 Vanisa Balderas
I came to Anchorage for my nieces wedding in September. I flew in on Labor day and lost my enhanced drivers license that I need fore a cruise. I called and left a message for the lost and found and asked that they return my call. Due to the holiday I knew I couldn't hear back on that day. I called again on the next day and left another message and asked to have that call be returned. I explained that even a call to say they did not have my lost license would be appreciated. I never received a call back. No matter what time I called I never got an answer. Everyone else at the airport was very friendly and kind. But the lost and found either needs help or a more considerate person to return phone calls. I still have no idea if they found my license.
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Berlin Tegel Airport

05 September 2016 Jaime R
I arrived in Berling via Tegel Airport on August 17th. My bag did not arrive. It has been 3 weeks today that I still do not have it. I have not been able to contact anyone though hours of trying. The airport only responded to confirm a delivery time that we agreed upon... for yesterday. Very Frustrating!
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Kazair West

26 August 2016 Sara
Good afternoon, I’d like to ask you because I need to transport a pole of 5 meters and 15 Kg from Kazajstan - Mexico. It’s possible to send it in one of your planes? I hope you can help me, Thank you.
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Airbus A380

24 August 2016 fjastad
we fly to Dubai sat 27th aug. We would like to book two seats (near window)in row 34,would you please inform me if this is possible,we already have two booked seats but there are no windows just there we sit!!my email address is
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Mistral Air

22 August 2016 Piotr Mantycki
Flight from Rome to Bydgoszcz was delayed about four and half hours on 18.08.2016r. Please take a position on this matter. Best regards.
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Estonian Air

18 August 2016 Guest
Our Referencia; BCC607568 Policy Holder: Mrs, Maria Del Pino Bermudez De La Puerta, Mr. Albert Baladi Moanack, Mr. Nadim Assi y el Sr. Pryse Greenou Incident Date: 07.07.15 Good morning, We have sent all the documents of mistakenly to Iberia I am writing to complain about the baggage delay caused to our client that caused by ESTONIAN AIRLINES on Juli the 07th. 2015. At his arrival to their destination, Mrs, Maria Del Pino Bermudez De La Puerta, Mr. Albert Baladi Moanack, Mr. Nadim Assi y el Sr. Pryse Greenou contacted with us (we are his travel insurance), and he has been compensated by us due to the inconveniences with the luggage with 1896.99ˆ Regarding the documents sent by our mutual client, we kindly request you to refund us the amount paid to the passenger as the responsability of the delay is yours. Attached you will find all the documents about this case. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully, Please make your cheque payable to INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE and forward it to the following address ( This address to be used for cheque payments only ). INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE C/TARRAGONA 161 08014 BARCELONA ESPAÑA Alternatively, you can credit our bank account with the appropriate sum. When paying by this method, please ensure that you include our claim reference within your payment reference. Our account details are as follows: Titular; Inter Partner Assistance SA. Sucursal en España Cuenta: ES77 0182 0999 85 0011507276 / SWIFT: BBVAESMMXXX Entidad; BBVA Please ensure that our reference BCC607568 is quoted in all correspondence including remittance advice slips. Thank you for your assistance. Irene González Servícios jurídicos – Gestión prejudicial. AXA Assistance Spain C/ Tarragona, 161 – 08014 Barcelona, España teléfono: 93.496.39.85
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Central Connect Airlines

15 August 2016 marek
Good morning. I'm a collector of Polish. I have 62 years. I turn the hot asking me to send the model airplane and postcards and pennant your airline. The request is in addition to my large collection. Thank you for your understanding and send me a model airplane and pendant and postcards. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Marek Mirski. I wish you successful flights. While as many arrivals and departures. MAREK MIRSKI POSWIETNE 2 59-724 OSIECZNICA POLAND
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Aero Condor Peru

30 July 2016 yingchen shao
I only have one people, and I will be there in the 3,AUG morning .I hope can take airplant with another people, then I don't need waiting for long time.
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Jiangxi Air

23 July 2016 Guest
How do we book reservation for this airline in the US?
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Adria Airways

22 July 2016 Guest
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SWISS Global Air Lines

13 July 2016 Guest
I'd normally not post something like this, because I know that some customers have a very one-dimensional and subjective view and feel that they are entitled to get everything their way because "the customer is king" and like to think that I'm above that and have a lot of understanding, BUT.. DON'T FLY with Swiss International Air Lines WHY? According to the European air travel regulations passengers are entitled to get compensation if flights are delayed. If the delay is over 4hours it is stated by law that you get 600ˆ. We had a 5 hour delay in Zürich on our flight to LA. The airline claimed that it's a "technical problem" and therefor excluded from the respective regulations. A technical error.. on their home airport... and they did not have a spare plane and had to wait for one arriving from Shanghai. What do they think is included then? Weather sure isn't. We even took them to court and it turns out they hide behind their jurisdiction in Switzerland and Swiss courts tend to judge in favor of Swiss Air Lines. At least that's what our legal counsel told us. We had a similar case in Spain once and the airline paid without any hesitation. I think that's pretty outrageous. I will NEVER EVER fly with Swiss Air again and I'd highly recommend everyone to stay clear of them.
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Mihin Lanka

10 July 2016 Rathindra
It is crystal clear that Mihin Lanka airlines budget helpful to all passengers who want to travel peacefully and comfortable?Great Great thanks to Mihin Lanka airlines
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Kenya Airways

Pls I need my bags. I traveled from Dubai to Douala yesterday and I was told my bags are still in Kenya. What is really all these? Its annoying because I can't travel to my home? All my clothes and personal items are in my bags. Pls I need my bags, I have a funeral tomorrow and I am still in Douala because of my bags. Am so disappointed with this airlines.
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Thai Airways

04 July 2016 john Quinn
I am trying to book a Flight from Jakarta Return via Bangkok International Airport I have fill out all the details my Name, E mail address but you page Rejects my Office Ph Number, My Moblie Ph No, My Daughters Ph Why?? MY PH NO HERE IN Indonesia 001 62 811 111 0126 Office 001 62 21 867 4042 My Daughters Ph in Thailand 001 66 902 354 591 What is the Issue Than k you
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02 July 2016 îëåã
Ñàìàÿ îòâðàòèòåëüíàÿ àâèàêîìïàíèÿ â ìèðå!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Îòìåíÿþò ðåéñû ïðè ýòîì íå ñòàâÿò â èçâåñòíîñòü ïàññàæèðîâ ñ âûêóïëåííûìè áèëåòàìè!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Âûáèðàéòå ïî âîçìîæíîñòè äðóãóþ êîìïàíèþ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most disgusting airline in the world !Cancel flights without notifying the passengers with tickets bought back ! Choose by another company opportunities ! Die widerlichste Fluggesellschaft der Welt ! Flüge stornieren , ohne dass die Passagiere mit Tickets Benachrichtigung zurückgekauft ! Wählen Sie von einem anderen Unternehmen Chancen ! La compagnia aerea più disgustoso del mondo! Annullare i voli senza avvisare i passeggeri con biglietti acquistati indietro! Scegli da un altro opportunità aziendali !
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Aircalin - Air Caledonie International

01 July 2016 Julie Lee
Just wanted to add our contact details: Gordon: Julie: Thanks
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BA CityFlyer

26 June 2016 Liliya
We have bought tickets from Berlin to Chicago.The flight is BA 8490 ,on the 4th of July,but transit is through London. We have to change the airport during 4 hours. We are from Ukraine and we don't have British Visa. We want to ask if we don't have any problems . According to British Law we can stay transit in Britain during 24 hours without British Visa. We need only 4 hours to move from London City to Heathrow Airport. Will we have any problems with british Visa? Respectfully yours, Liliya
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Chicago O'Hare International Airport

23 June 2016 Guest
I don't know how this airport has 5 stars! They cancel fights so often that they have a system for setting up cots at night for trapped passengers! I avoid Ohare as much as possible!
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Bombardier Dash 7

22 June 2016 Guest
I hope that they did not destroy the drawings, in case they become in demand again.
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Punta Cana International Airport

21 June 2016 aebeemon83
I just got back fr om Punta Cana. I was traveling with my boyfriend, we were there for a week on vacation. I was selected for a "random security check." I went through security and they scanned my hands, apparently something showed up. They told me to have a seat. I asked what they were doing, and they said they were pulling my luggage to be searched. I was fine with this, knowing I had NOTHING in it. After 30 minutes I was escorted to a little room and asked for strip down for a search. I was completely searched by two women, who were asking me questions in Spanish, and could not understand me. The entire time I was completely naked while they poked and prodded me, and repeated they couldn't speak English. I asked for someone who spoke English, and they just kept saying they didn't understand. After this, I was lead back out to the waiting area, where I sat for an hour, they escorted me back to another room, where my suitcase was on a table. They had not even searched my luggage, yet, but had decided to strip search me, as well as pretty much do a cavity search or my person (digging in my mouth, telling me to bend over so they could see other areas, etc.). Mind you the entire time, NO ONE spoke English or could understand me, or at least they kept saying they couldn't speak English. Yet, they kept asking me questions. They searched my luggage, and found nothing, except for a bag of my prescription pills (blood pressure medicine, migraine prevention, and birth control, along with two bottles of vitamins.) After they packed everything back up, they sent me back out to wait.. My boyfriend and I were both asking them, how much longer this was going to take, because we had gotten to the airport three hours before our flight, and we were approaching the time our flight was about to leave. He kept telling them we were going to miss our flight, and they still told us nothing. They pulled me into a room again, this time with six people, one girl who spoke English. They asked me why I was in the country, where I worked, what my job was, how long I had been there, why I had all of the medicine in my bag, what they were for, and wh ere my prescription was (In the U.S. we give those to the pharmacist and they give us the bottles with our names on them.) I explained this. They kept for for another 20 minutes asking me the same questions over and over again. It was a horrendous experience. I kept asking them what they had found that had warranted them doing a strip search BEFORE checking my luggage that had obviously come up with nothing. And why it took them three hours to get me a person who spoke English. They eventually let me go, only to have to be escorted to our plane, which they did hold for us, due to they were holding me. The girl that spoke English finally said that my birth control had left something on my hands and they had set off an alarm. When we got to the states my boyfriend Googled what the machine was checking for, and apparently it checks for explosives? I still have no idea what they found or why they kept me for over three hours. I just know that I felt and do feel completely violated by the fact that I was strip searched and they touched my body, without even checking my luggage! It seems to me that would be the last effort, not the first! I had already been through the detectors and everything else. Our vacation was amazing, but this experience was awful.
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14 June 2016 Guest
call 07039008067 for Aerocontractors online booking and flight schedule
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Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport

10 June 2016 rajesh grover
nice airport,official staff cooprative neat clean
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Orient Thai Airlines

10 June 2016 Guest
I booked a flight from Hongkong to Thailand for April 2016 trip,they charged my credit card and they email me that the flight has been cancelled and they will just refund my payment.Its been almost 3 months now after i booked my ticket,until mow no refund has been made.We cannot contact their office in Hongkong.Kindly give back our refund,it has already incurred interest in my credit card..
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10 June 2016 Guest
Horrible customer service. Would not be surprised to see them go out of business. I will never be flying with them again no matter what.
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Fiji Airways

10 June 2016 Worst airline.
This airline is so unorganized and unhelpful that it's a miracle it functions at all. They lost our bags for a few days, and have lost an email that they CONFIRMED to have received three times they've lied, made empty promises, and dicked us around for weeks. They can't even tell you when the cheapest days to day are. I think their computer system are actually stones and chisles. There are no numbers to contact for certain departments, and reservations have no idea how it to contact anyone either. If you ever run into an issue and need them to solve something, taking your money and time and throwing it into a furnace is equally as effective.
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Air Zimbabwe

24 May 2016 jacqueline
Hi! I would like to know if you guys you still operate DAR-HRE-DAR Or HRE-DAR-HRE.
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Shuttle America

30 April 2016 Guest
DL 4312 DFW-DTW 4/30/16 gate E 17 had a ticket agent deny me boarding because she was behind, and told another guy to go away. Truly worst ticket agent ive ever seen. I don't know the complaint number or else I'd let them know
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Proflight Zambia

24 April 2016 Jane
completely frustrated by this airline. I flew to Ndola from Lusaka with a same day return ticket. My return ticket read 8.15 same day return. When I went to the airport there was no flight as they said that 8.15 meant morning. I was told that I should know that In southern Africa they use the 24 hour clock!! I spent the night in Ndola with no change of clothes or mu much needed medication. The next day despite assurances the previous day that we would be on the flight, I was forced to buy one way tickets for my daughter and I. Traveller beware. Please know your 24 Hour clock before you book to travel with Proflight Zambia This is theft!
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Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander

18 April 2016 Emerson Buidal
Dear sir, Kindly with the below.. What is the minimum fuel in the bn-2t Cheers
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Jetstar Asia

16 April 2016 Loh wee seng
My wallet inside the airplane.But I forget to take,what can I do?
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Vietnam Airlines

13 April 2016 Callum Nile
I flew from DaNang to Hoi chi Ming city on 20th March flight VN127 at 19.45. This flight was delayed nearly 3 hours and we missed our Emirates connection to come home. Could you please email me the reaso why it was delayed for my insurance company. This caused us a lot of stress and expense. I have tried other addresses and no one seems to want to help. All I want is a email with the reason why. My email address is Hope you can help Mrs Callum Nile
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Beijing Capital International Airport

07 April 2016 Gigi -NYC
O.M.G.... This has to be one of the tightest security airports in the world !!! Went on vacation to Shanghai but had to connecting flight in Bejing first. Being my first time in China who knew we had to go through security just to connect to our Shanghai flight because a use it was still China Air. Well , when I saw airport security wearing combat boots I knew I we were in for it. They searched the contents my bag thoroughly and dumped most of the contents in a bin..My little bottles of allowed alcohol was confiscated because it was brought from duty free and was opened. I did ask but knew not to get into any confrontations cause I wasn't going to go to jail in China... When you are wand you step up on a block and a person of the same sex will wand every..and I mean every part of your body no exceptions !! When they finish you might ask why didn't they buy you a drink ?? I was kinda traumatized that I walked away from the security area and left my very expensive purse with all my id's, passport and money..While waiting by a store for about more than five minutes the female from security ran up to me with my purse and said , You left this .....OMG !!! Sishe..... (Thank You) ...Now onto Shanghai...I feared coming back through Bejing Airport but I had no choice..After our ten days it was time...Well, it takes at least 1 1/2hours to get through the airport including Customs and Security so be very patient....cause you have no choice....Once we finally cleared everything we waited at our gate. Beautiful and very confusing airport.Extremely clean !!! I had to admit when our flight was announced I couldn't wait to leave China...we began boarding for our flight but wait...Here we go again Security searches you again asking "Do you have any water " ? and checks your bags... If buy any liquids in the airport you are not allowed to consume them on the plane.. I must admit the TSA needs to retrain with the Chinese !! All I can say " God Bless America "
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JetBlue Airways

06 April 2016 Erin
On the evening of April 3, I received a notification from JetBlue that the next day’s 8:40am flight out of Boston’s Logan Airport had been canceled, 12+ hours in advance. This was perplexing, as I happened to be leaving Boston at the same time as friends flying different airlines—none of their flights were canceled. When I called customer service, I was told that the cancellation was due to weather, and that “all the other airlines would be canceling their flights in the morning” as well. My emotionally taxing conversation with the representative involved being repeatedly interrupted, talked over, and lectured. Having worked in customer service myself, I was appalled. I was initially told that my only option was to take the next JetBlue flight out of Boston at approx. 1:30pm. I was then told that flight was full, and that I would have to take a flight out the next day, except, oops, that one was full too. My remaining option was to take a Wednesday flight, staying two additional nights in Boston at my own expense. I asked to be rebooked on another airline, and was told I would have to rebook it myself. I was offered a refund, which the representative later clarified would be only a half refund. I rebooked with American for a flight leaving at 8:00am, a mere 40 minutes ahead of my original JetBlue flight. Surprise, surprise, it left perfectly on time. Unfortunately, my new one-way ticket cost more than my original roundtrip with JetBlue. JetBlue stated that this cancellation was due to weather. However, other airlines managed this situation just fine. On April 4, JetBlue cancelled 3% of its total flights, while Delta and American only cancelled 1%. In situations such as this, JetBlue is unable to provide a comparable level of service as other airlines. JetBlue customers are essentially being penalized for choosing JetBlue over another airline. They have a practice of preemptively canceling flights, especially those flights which are not full (a fact revealed to me in an exchange with another customer service rep.) in an effort to control *potential* delays in other parts of the country. Those customers whose flights are cancelled simply because they are not full? They’re out of luck. To blame a business decisions on the weather in order to avoid paying for travelers’ rebooking fees is disingenuous at best. At worst, it’s theft. I have since conducted research on whether or not this sort of situation is typical for JetBlue. It is. Take a look at this article assessing JetBlue’s response to a 2014 snowstorm, in comparison with other airlines: This inept practice (understaffing and mass cancellations) is, on its own, forgivable, and certainly understandable from a business perspective. But it is combined with a total refusal to help passengers rebook in a timely manner, or recompense them when they rebook on their own. If I hadn’t had access to internet in order to rebook immediately, I would likely still be in Boston. It I hadn’t had the available funds to rebook at my own expense, I would still be in Boston without any place to stay.
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Batik Air

05 April 2016 Noemi
First I'd like to mention that I take the plane every week between Halim and Yogyakarta for work usually using Citilink and it goes well. This time, due to no availability on usual flights I used Batik air. Here is my experience with them : I am a very displeased client. We are currently waiting in Halim airport, no information is being given to us eventhough our flight is delayed. We are being badly treated by batik air ground crew, they are mocking us. No one speaks enough English to explain to us that there is 2 and half hours of delay. We had to ask another kind passenger to translate for us. The announcements of updates for delay are not given in English and they are being disrespectfull. This is unacceptable from an air line like Batik air. I expected better customer service. Moreover, they are claiming that we cannot be compensated. I don't think that Halim International Airport should be called "international" when no one out of 6 ground staff can explain a simple delay in English.... unacceptable from such an airline.
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19 March 2016 Guest
None of your info is CORRECT!! No telephone number, webb site does not work Get it right if you expect business!!!
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Overland Airways

17 March 2016 Guest
Hi everyone, Am so bitter right now and i have to speak OUT just to advice any other customer not to fall a victim of rip off like me. do not make a terrible decision flying with this people, i have boarded overland flights for more than 10 times now thinking there will be a change in there service and every time i end up having regrets. This airline is a total rip off and the annoying tin is you do not get value for what you paid for, they will do anything to extort more money from you with the excuse of there so called 'Overland Terms and Conditions' if you ever book a flight with them and you think of moving it or changing your flight to another day even if you paid 19,000 plus or about 25000 for the business flex which doesn't change the fact that you are no difference from the person that paid 19,000 you are just greater fool to them, so if you try to change your flight they will look for an excuse to take more money from you, as if that is not enough they will deny that you called earlier to change your flight so therefore you just have to pay for something called 'NO SHOW FEE' AND 'DATE CHANGE' and when you try and explain to them you called earlier they will clearly state to you that sorry ma or sir thats what you have to pay like they don't care what you have to say. i don't mind paying 50,000 for a flight but i need the value of what am paying for which this so called overland will not be giving you, you will only get a plane with no AC and they will tell you sorry the AC is not working and we will fix it, so how am i sure the engines are working in good conditions overland? when common AC is in a bad condition and you guys still allowed the flight to take off, this has happened to me more than two times, they only care about getting more money from there customers and even if it requires putting us in heat for hours and also some biscuits and juice to shut us up i presume. i have been played like a fool and tricked into paying more money but i will not allow another customer like me fall a victim .
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Sudan Airways

17 March 2016 yosief
The most awful,backward services you have in this developed world,
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Bryansk Airport

17 March 2016 Guest Chris Browniep
Which Airlines fly to London UK from Bryansk Airport?
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Eznis Airways

16 March 2016 Guest
Hello my name is Joy and I am enquiring if you have flights to Bayankhongor. My husband and I would like to visit our sponsor child. We would like to fly from Ulaanbaatar on Saturday 6th August and return on Sunday 7th August. Can you help me with this enquiry please. My email address is
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