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Ak Bars Aero

06 June 2012 Saudiboy
Very unlikely dunrig the holidays as that is their busy period, but depends on your destination; you would have to check the website for exact information.Sign up on their website for fare alerts, but expect the low fares to be dunrig the low season when fewer people are flying.That would be early to late fall, and in the spring prior to Spring break.
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Bombardier Dash 8 Q300

04 June 2012 Victor
It's only about 1 hour flight so don't expcet too much.However, First class does have some advantages as special check-in desks and priority boarding. I don't know about Shanghai Air but maybe a lounge for some drinks.Life is too short for not going in first class
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Mashhad Shahid Hashemi Nejad Airport

01 June 2012 waleedhabibalyousif
ARRIVAL DATE:JULY,03-2012.SV600TIME:13.05,WITH MY Family.we need transportation car to brings us or take us to bushra apartment soon as arrival to mashhad.
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Sky Airlines

22 May 2012 Guest
Fantastic service + on time
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Avia Jaynar

08 May 2012 Guest
Здравствуйте. Я старый польский коллекционер. У меня есть 58 лета я живу во Вроцлаве. Моим хобби собирание открыток с самолётами , гаджет, разложения полётов и флажков авиалинии. Я прошу послать мне поданные вещи , вы можете послать ли мне маленькую модель самолёта из ваших авиалинии ?? За исполнение моей просьбы я буду очень обязанный и счастливый. Я приветствую сердечно. С уважением Mapek. MAREK MIRSKI P.O.BOX 1383 54-137 WROCLAW-16 POLAND
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Kyrgyz Trans Avia

08 May 2012 Guest
Good morning. I am writing this letter to you as a big request. I'm Polish collector of old already, I have 58 years. I collect small models of airplanes and postcards, and banner with the image planes from airlines around the world. Would it be a big problem for you to send me these things to complete my collection ????? I will be very grateful and happy to have your model and postcards in your collection. Thank you for sending and greet - Marek Mirski. MAREK MIRSKI P.O. BOX 1383 54-137 WROCLAW -16 POLAND
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Air Bashkortostan

07 May 2012 Guest gordon
Hi Looking for flights to malaga spain
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Air Kyrgyzstan

26 April 2012 MheshaNe
I drive from Firestone Colorado just to satisfy the criavng for a stuffed fry bread with pinto beans and chicken. Then I top it off with a fry bread dessert. I wish you would open a location so that I can save on gas money. It's totally worth the 40 minute drive.
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Kish Air

19 April 2012 Norlan
See if Alaska or Southwest Airlines has anything. Your frined who paid $ 100 probably did not fly in December because December is usually an expensive month to travel. Flying anytime during the holidays is generally more expensive.Another option since you live in CA is to see if you are willing to drive to LA. Sometimes you may be able to find a good deal on flights out of LAX since there are lots of flights and more competition. You can also see how much flights are out of Orange County and Long Beach as well.
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Chatham Island Airport

19 March 2012 Guest
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Midwest Airlines

26 February 2012 Ray H
Midwest Airlines was purchased by Frontier Airlines.
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Koror Roman Tmetuchl International Airport

01 December 2011 Guest
Mr. Roman Tmetuchl was a great person, with golden heart and I will never forget all the things that he and his wife Tula did for me...I need to contact him personally. Congrats Papa and Tita... susan of new jersey 201-736-9500
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Cork Airport

20 October 2011 Jim Ronayne
As a frequent user of Cork Airport during a phase of my working career, and as I have a great fondness for flying, I have nothing but good memories of the airport. I have had a recent request for a long retired member of the Garda Siochana to see if I could track any photograph of the airport opening cermonies in 1961 showing the guard of honour on the day as he was a young participating garda in that guard of honour. This is very much a shot in the dark, but any leads would be much appreciated - Incidently the garda's name is John Murphy now residing in Quin Co. Clare. Regards Jim Ronayne -
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La Ceiba Goloson International Airport

02 October 2011 Howard
i want to fly from San Padro to LeCeiba on Sosa Airlines
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18 September 2011 elijah dias
can you tal me wen you are going to have boston to ria
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Air Astana

28 August 2011 Guest
very very nice aircompany in the world))
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18 July 2011 Guest
Why isn't there a telephone number that works to contact Martinair in case of a problem. Why are they so worried that they have to hide this?
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Air Guyane Express

16 June 2011 Maureen Bridgest
Hello, I have 2135 kgs of freigth from Montreal, Canada to fly to Cayenne, French Guiana - what airline do you interline with from Montreal. Need information asap please.
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Yakovlev Yak-40

14 June 2011 Bobnik
In former SU you can buy this aircraft for about 200.000 - 250.000 Euros.
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BAe Jetstream 41

21 May 2011 Gordon kelly
excluding engine build she was construted at Jetstream factory Ayr from first consept to first flight
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Air Dolomiti

10 January 2011 Guest
Excellent Service
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Kayala Airline

26 October 2010 zaid
hi i want to know that what is the exact mean of kayala?
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08 July 2009 Guest
i have no tel number for click air that works... incredible!!
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