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Cebu Pacific Air Discussion

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07 May 2017 07:05:00 Guest

Hi, I made 3 online bookings today.. It was deducted on my credit card so I was sure that I pay it. I dont have a confirmed booking numbers. Please help me with this. My email address is

06 May 2017 06:05:00 Guest

I booked a flight online and I haven't received my confirmation letter

04 May 2017 08:05:00 Guest

Hi I booked ticket online using bdo on cebu pacifc. It was deducted on my debit card so I was sure that I pay it but when on my departure day I was socked that my payment is not succesful and I need to repay. booking ref number: UEUUPD

04 May 2017 07:05:00 Raymond

Raymond : Hi I booked ticket online using bdo .it was deducted on my debit card. I was shocked that I need to repay again. Can you help me on this issue. Reference:UEUUPD route: clark to cebu please help me on this

04 May 2017 07:05:00 Raymond

Hi I booked ticket online using bdo .it was deducted on my debit card. I was shocked that I need to repay again. Can you help me on this issue. Reference:UEUUPD route: clark to cebu

03 May 2017 06:05:00 Guest

Hi, I successfully booked and paid my ticket by credit card and received a text from the bank that the payment was successfully made but i have not received my itinerary. As i checked the confirmation number, the status was closed. Kindly help me on this? Below is my Booking Details: Confirmation#: GI7R7R Name: Rosalinda Panganiban Thank you!

29 April 2017 09:04:00 Guest

Hi, booked a flight for tonight and paid by credit card. Just received email credit card transaction was declined, and need to pay again. But bank account shows transaction has been made. Do not want to pay twice!

28 April 2017 02:04:00 Guest

Steve : I have the same issue as most people below with the booking reference number, why can't they email the itinerary like they used to and how every other airline does. I booked the flights months ago and can't remember the purchase date, so can't verify my details to retrieve my booking reference, It's very annoying. I just hope airport security let me through with the itinerary... Steve : I have the same issue as most people below with the booking reference number, why can't they email the itinerary like they used to and how every other airline does. I booked the flights months ago and can't remember the purchase date, so can't verify my details to retrieve my booking reference, It's very annoying. I just hope airport security let me through with the itinerary... *Without*

28 April 2017 02:04:00 Steve

I have the same issue as most people below with the booking reference number, why can't they email the itinerary like they used to and how every other airline does. I booked the flights months ago and can't remember the purchase date, so can't verify my details to retrieve my booking reference, It's very annoying. I just hope airport security let me through with the itinerary...

27 April 2017 09:04:00 Danijel Segula

Hi, I sucessfully booked and paid my ticket but i have not received my intinery. I was not able to capture it. Can you send it to me via this email : Below is my flight details From Manila to Hong Kong Time: depart at 19:00 and arrive at 21:10 on 1st May 2017 Pls help urgently! Thank you

27 April 2017 06:04:00 Doezel Longno

Hi, I sucessfully booked and paid my ticket but i have not received my intinery. I was not able to capture it. Can you send it to me via this email : the following is my flight details From Cebu to Pagadian Time: depart at 10:00 and arrive at 11:05 on 29th April 2017 Pls help urgently!

27 April 2017 05:04:00 Dean

Hi I need a copy of my itinerary please

27 April 2017 12:04:00 Thi

Hi, I sucessfully booked and paid my ticket but i have not received my intinery. I was not able to capture it. Can you send it to me via this email : Below is my flight details From Manila to Ho Chi Minh Time: depart at 19:35 and arrive at 21:15 on 1st May 2017 Pls help urgently! Thank you

25 April 2017 06:04:00 Guest

Good evening I have been successfully booked and paid already but havent received my itinery through email I didnt copy my booking reference bec i was expecting to receive email

23 April 2017 04:04:00 Guest

Im Alonso Blanch, chilean customer. I did not receive an email of my booking and wasn't able to capture my itinerary so I don't have any way of knowing my reference number. How can I retrieve my reference number. Please contact me at

21 April 2017 07:04:00 JUN

I Booked a ticket from Jakarta to Iloilo using my friend credit card, suddenly the booking status is closed. however my friend got a confirmation from the credit card BCA bank that the transaction was confirmed. pls check tha attach file and i hope you will inform me immediately.. email at

21 April 2017 04:04:00 Guest

Guest : I did not receive an email of my booking and wasn't able to capture my itinerary so I don't have any way of knowing my reference number. How can I retrieve my reference number. Please contact me at Guest : Same guest: My flight by the way is on May 27 from CGY to MNL, flight 5J 390. I paid through my friends visa card. She received an email but I haven't. Again, please contact me at

21 April 2017 04:04:00 Guest

I did not receive an email of my booking and wasn't able to capture my itinerary so I don't have any way of knowing my reference number. How can I retrieve my reference number. Please contact me at

20 April 2017 05:04:00 Glenn pendang

what does "your booking is confirmed with payment due"? means? i have a payment due of PHP280 but i used my credit card to purchase for the ticket and it billed me PHP4751.48.. What is the additional PHP280 for? my flist is tomorrow moring 8:50 am so i would appreciate it if you could reply the soonest possible time. Thank you

17 April 2017 11:04:00 ARLENE SEGUIRO


17 April 2017 11:04:00 Guest

May I ask your help.. I book a ticket from Bangkok to Manila but the price in my booking is 4518 Php but when I go Bayad Center and Cebuana Lhullier, Why they asked me around 6,500 Php.? The price they asked is so big than what in my booking is given.

14 April 2017 11:04:00 serhat

Hello, First of all, I am writing this email from turkey and want to inform you about a big cheating of cebu pacific airlines. I am working as lawyer both in turkey and Philippines. Let me explain all deception case. I buyed ticket for my wife from manila to kuwait for transit from cebu pacific. We also had ticket from kuwait to turkey 4 hours after arriving kuwait. Me and my filipino friends always use kuwaıt aırport for transit and we sure that theres no transıt vısa ın kuwaıt. Somehow, Cebu pacific rejected us to fly from manila to kuwaıt and insisted on we need transit visa for kuwait. I communicated with kuwait embassy and they informed me that no need transit visa for kuwait to all country citizens in world. I searched internet and saw many victims have same problem and they dont even give us refund. I am completely sure now that cebu pacific sell many more tıckets than plane capacıty and reject whoever they want without any logical reason. I just want you to be aware of this cheating and warn this airlines checkin counter. Anyway Nowadays I am collecting sufficient documents to have court to this company. Whenever ı back Manila, I will be having court and defence my rights in the name of all customers.

12 April 2017 12:04:00 Guest

Good afternoon! I would just like to confirm if my flight was booked successfully. My friend booked it for me using her bank account number and it was debited with the exact amount but I haven't received any email nor a confirmation on her end. Please respond. Thanks. Flight was scheduled for this 19th. CGY to MNL Email me @

12 April 2017 08:04:00 Guest

i missed my payment reference number. is there way retrieve it?

10 April 2017 03:04:00 Guest

Cebu Pacific Air is giving a * Service. Not very convenient to those who rush.

08 April 2017 07:04:00 Guest

I booked recently 2 tickets using this e-mail and my paypal account. I got the charges for my paypal account yet I still don't see my itinerary in my e-mail. Please contact me:

08 April 2017 07:04:00 Guest

I booked recently using this e-mail and my paypal account. I got the charges for my paypal account yet I still don't see my itinerary in my e-mail.

08 April 2017 01:04:00 Guest

I booked a flight to Manila from Taipei yesterday for our trip on May 20 2017, when it went to the validation payment page it didnt load we have waited for around 30 minutes and closed the page since we think its hopeless. We didnt get the email that has our ticket inside , but got a text that we booked a flight. Email us I hope we can receive a reply thanks!

08 April 2017 01:04:00 Guest

I recently booked my ticket at your website. No email received in my mail. When i checked my account, the amount was deducted. I have no booking reference received. I cant even retrieve the history of my transaction. Please answer this query asap. Even called to your customer service but only the aswering machine is talking.i cant even talked to your customer rep. My email

07 April 2017 05:04:00 Guest

Please send me the booking reference at manila to singapore flight

06 April 2017 04:04:00 Fiel Efenio

I booked recently using this e-mail and my paypal account. I got the charges for my paypal account yet I still don't see my itinerary in my e-mail.

06 April 2017 08:04:00 Klinth B. Buhawe

I did'nt receive any confirmation in my email. I already pay my ticket through cebuana lhuiller. My itinerary receipt is 273405150208

04 April 2017 06:04:00 paul anthony craggs

I forgot my booking ref; and have no details of the flight I paid online and I have Not got a email from Cebu to give me the details ??

02 April 2017 12:04:00 Lape, King Solomon

Hi! My sister in CA booked me a round trip air ticket for my Asian Youth Forum (AYF), but I did not receive the confirmation email for my e-ticket. Need your assistance to send it on my email. Thanks!

01 April 2017 07:04:00 Aiza

Good Evening I book.just now but why there is no booking reference or any confirmation sent to my email?i need an answer cause my flight is today 2:10 pm.i dont want to miss my flight.this is my email

01 April 2017 07:04:00 Aiza

Good Evening. I book just now but there is no booking referrence or any confirmation.Please reply cause i book the flight today 2:10pm.I dont want to miss my flight.please send me an email

30 March 2017 05:03:00 Allen

How will I be able to know if Cebu Pacific received my payment through Cebuana Lhuiller? I didn't receive any email from Cebu Pacific

28 March 2017 12:03:00 Anna Marie F. Laurel

I accidentally deleted my cebu pacific itirenary in my yahoo mail. i didnt got my booking reference, flight number and confirmation number. How can i get a copy of my ticket? I hope you can help me. thanks.

28 March 2017 10:03:00 Guest

Haven't received my confirmation number after payment at METROBANK. what should I do?

26 March 2017 04:03:00 Jouiely

Please assist i have booked and my credit card has been charged for the price of our flight but i didnt receive the Confirmation Number I wish To print our itinerary Please advise and our flight back to Sg is on 1st April Kindly reply via email, Or call me at+65 8333 7484

22 March 2017 02:03:00 Ro-ann

How can i retriev my reference number? i have to pay it in bayad center.

19 March 2017 04:03:00 Mercy Cristy samarita

Hi how can I retrieve my booking flight if i forgot the reference number?

19 March 2017 10:03:00 charissa natad

i already book my flight but no booking reference and confirmation number.

19 March 2017 09:03:00 joy

I was not able to copy the booking referenece number of the flight I booked. details: Antonio S Solania Gensan- Manila April 21, 2017 5J988

18 March 2017 08:03:00 Loida

I forgot my booking reference number how can i see it again?

17 March 2017 07:03:00 mia555

Please somebody answer me how to view my flight details in Cebu Pacific without knowing my booking reference number. I paid for it already using my credit card but I cannot retrieve my flight itinerary details for printing. I will greatly appreciate anybody who can advise me what to do. I tried to access my flight details at Cebu Pac website but it keeps on asking for my booking reference number before entertaining me. Pls help! Thanks so much1

17 March 2017 12:03:00 Candy

I already pay for my booking but when I check my itinerary online no details is showing under the departure and return.I got a confirmation number but the status says "closed".

12 March 2017 06:03:00 Arnel Baguinat Villaflores

I forgot to copy my booking reference number. I cannot pay it.

06 March 2017 05:03:00 Guest

I just want to ask if the booking for over the counter payment such as thru bdo, cannot book now. Only thru credit card and paypal and alipay? Is this the new regulations for booking? Thank you

01 March 2017 07:03:00 Guest

Hello, how do I retrieve my booking reference number to see the details of my flight and so that I could pay to the payment center? Please send me the details on my email Thank you so much.

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