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09 June 2022 11:06:00 David

Payed for 17 passengers on a flight in a few days time and it won’t let me check in online. Have we definitely got a flight available and just need to check in at the desk?

09 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Guest : Hi same problem here, cannot add passport details and check in online Did you sort it as I can't check in either tried 11 times tonight

09 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Julie : Hi trying to check in on line for flight only it won't let me put our passports on. Also let us manage our boarding passes.

09 June 2022 09:06:00 Guest

Hi same problem here, cannot add passport details and check in online

09 June 2022 08:06:00 Julie

Hi trying to check in on line for flight only it won't let me put our passports on. Also let us manage our boarding passes.

09 June 2022 08:06:00 Guest

Hi trying to check in on line for flight only it won't let me put our passports on.

09 June 2022 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : Is it just me or is impossible to check in online and also find that Jet2holidays are completely unobtainable It's not just you, there's something wrong with their website & app

09 June 2022 01:06:00 Guest

Tried to book extras with my holiday and payment refused 3 times, checked with bank and they said new regulations had come into force regarding security of payment and jet2 wasn't compliant with them,may explain any problems regarding payment

09 June 2022 12:06:00 Guest

My final payment was due to be taken from my account today but hasnt? All other payments were taken for previous dates on the payment plan and my card is still in date and funds available etc I don’t want to make a payment and then they take the money like they have done and say they will do for this payment 🤷♀

09 June 2022 11:06:00 Guest

Is it just me or is impossible to check in online and also find that Jet2holidays are completely unobtainable

08 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Got stuck in greece,delayed flight,ate beans farted ourselves home faster than ever,back home now we reak of syit

08 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Guest : Jet2 app is currently not working. Jet2 should stop telling people to use it as it isn’t letting anyone add meals or in our case also check in. We checked in a few days ago fine,its your app maybe needs updating?

08 June 2022 11:06:00 Tommy Karol from Kosice now Derby

Hi Been delayed going out to Gran canaria from Manchester on 30 May for 7 hours !!! I full in the online form , is the compensation form as easy as it seems?

07 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Jet2 app is currently not working. Jet2 should stop telling people to use it as it isn’t letting anyone add meals or in our case also check in.

06 June 2022 03:06:00 Guest69

Can a passengers ticket fly out on it's own without the passanger?

06 June 2022 03:06:00 Stressedsally

Hello are there any people here effected by Bristol airport chaos?I wantedto hear about your experiences,if you have had a cancelled flight from Bristol airport?I want to know because we are due to fly out to Tenerife soon :)

05 June 2022 10:06:00 Guest

Khan : Delayed flight for over 3 hours and same on way back ,then cancelled it sent us to another city in uk Still waiting for suitcases been a week No customer service will have to go airport for 3rd time now Never choose a cheap airline !!! We've flown around 30 times in the last 4 years and never had a problem,its all because of this jubilee krapp

05 June 2022 01:06:00 Guest

Flight delayed 3.5 hours on arrival at Turkey from Newcastle no luggage,rang every number on the website emailed and getting no response since June 3rd.list luggage number just keeps cutting me off

04 June 2022 11:06:00 Terry

Difficulty printing boarding passes, site wont move past choose / allocate seats

04 June 2022 08:06:00 Eileen

Filled the form in for medical assistance and not had a reply nor response as to whether I can have this. I’m now beginning to panic due to breaking my ankle

04 June 2022 08:06:00 Guest

I've had no confirmation email and we fly on 14th June

04 June 2022 03:06:00 Guest

Hi can we still fly without our lead passenger if she decides she doesn’t want to go.Its return flights.We have all checked in online now and have our tickets.The lead passenger is saying that we just need to do a no show if she decides not to go.She said she won’t change the lead passenger name.

04 June 2022 11:06:00 Ovidiu bubuianu

The same happened to us yesterday

02 June 2022 01:06:00 Guest

Have you had any answers yet, the exact same thing has happened to me when I booked this evening. Guest : Deborah : Booked my holiday yesterday with PayPal..we have had no confirmation in my email..what's going on I have just done the same. Money has gone from my bank but the site crashed as it processed the payment. No confirmation number, no confirmation email, no nothing. But my account is over 2 grand down! This is ridiculous

01 June 2022 11:06:00 Guest

Deborah : Booked my holiday yesterday with PayPal..we have had no confirmation in my email..what's going on I have just done the same. Money has gone from my bank but the site crashed as it processed the payment. No confirmation number, no confirmation email, no nothing. But my account is over 2 grand down! This is ridiculous

01 June 2022 08:06:00 Mary

Deborah : Booked my holiday yesterday with PayPal..we have had no confirmation in my email..what's going on Same here, not sure what to do all money taken from account but no booking reference to confirm

31 May 2022 11:05:00 Guest

Has anyone had any issues with luggage, flying tomorrow. Thanks

31 May 2022 11:05:00 Guest

Guest : John Bowe : Been trying for over a week to contact special assistance team OR customer service , getting cut off after waiting two hours . No email address for them ….. they know they have staffing problems so why not use email contact rather than telephone? I've emailed both addresses only get generic holding replies

31 May 2022 06:05:00 Julie G

I booked meals for return flight meal coming home and received this message when i put card details in. Went to check bank and payment has gone through and is now sitting pending! Anyone else having difficulty as tried to use paypal prior with no luck wither 
31 May 2022 12:05:00 Chris

Have spent 2 days trying to get through to special assistance I email customer services got an automated reply stating it could take 21 days to respond absolute joke! ! I have now taken a chance and booked seats in the hope they are close enough for the ambilift . Would have cancelled flights but no refund given disgraceful customer service

30 May 2022 08:05:00 Deborah

Booked my holiday yesterday with PayPal..we have had no confirmation in my email..what's going on

30 May 2022 04:05:00 Stacey

My friend doesn’t have her name on her boarding pass as her double-barrelled first name. Will this be an issue or as her primary first name and last name are there and correct will this be acceptable? TIA.

30 May 2022 01:05:00 Patricia Hollyoake

We have changed from private transfer to car hire via Manage My Bookings. Car hire had to be paid in full at time of change. However my booking still shows private transfer at £290+ and the remaining balance due to be in a couple of day. I don't want to pay and then rely on a refund of the private transfer money. Losing all confidence in Jet2 holidays after previous good service from them Also had no response from travel assistance impossible to reach by phone. I think they must be seriously understaffed.

30 May 2022 01:05:00 Patricia Hollyoake

I've been trying to reach Assistance for ages, 3 calls hanging on for over an hour each plus emails that just get generic replies. I want to book seats but don't know where lift will join to plane. We need to be very near as my hubby has severe walking difficulties but doesn't want the indignity of being carried through cabin. We are also traveling with my granddaughter so need arrangements to be sorted.

30 May 2022 01:05:00 Guest

Mary Kemp : Cannot get through to arrange travel assistance for holiday already booked. What can I do? Held on the phone for literally hours to no avail.

30 May 2022 12:05:00 Guest

Been waiting for 2hrs15 mins for someone to pick up the call about my booking. Absolute joke. Does anyone know any other number to call regarding making a change to your booking?

29 May 2022 11:05:00 Timothy Bridgwater

Thought I had paid the deposit on a holiday, took an age to process the online payment, my banking app said £60 had gone through then after 4mins the website said problem with transaction!

29 May 2022 01:05:00 Julie

Been on hold for over an hour to get through and then be put on hold again whilst they speak to operations team , to then be cut off !!!! Why cant they ring me back, they have all my details!!! Been asked by Jet 2 to call them regarding issues at hotel,,, impossible to speak to someone !!

22 May 2022 07:05:00 Karen Keenan

Ridiculous!! Kept on hold for second time So far been about an hour and a half. Booked and PAID FOR a holiday. Money's came out of my bank but jet 2 says payment unsuccessful!!? Got someone eventually but was hanging on for him to check something for over 20 minutes So Hung up and trying again. So far this time been waiting for someone to answer for 40 minutes. Where's my money jet 2?????

22 May 2022 12:05:00 Mary Kemp

Cannot get through to arrange travel assistance for holiday already booked. What can I do? Held on the phone for literally hours to no avail.

21 May 2022 10:05:00 Yohannes

I've been trying to get through for a special with pepperoni,extra cheese,tuna and salami,I cant get through,can I order on the jet2 pizza and kebbab app? It was for the special please,I need resistance, like this...

21 May 2022 08:05:00 John Lee

Rang Jet2holidays Special Assistance at 10.00 in the morning and still had not answered at 17.10. Then phone line closed..Took photo of length of time..... what an absolute disgrace .... Special Assistance should be part of the initial booking.... if I can't book Special Assistance then I will cancel holiday....disgraceful

20 May 2022 10:05:00 Jill Hargraves

Have tried for over 7 hours to get through, to book special assistance. What is going on?

20 May 2022 10:05:00 Guest

Just got off phone with customer services, 2nd attempt first gave in after 20 mins as solved my issue on the app!! but decided to try again as i also needed to change my boys dob, waited 55 mins before being answered... polite lady sorted dob change free of charge also..

20 May 2022 09:05:00 Guest

The payment system on the app hasn't been updated with the new payment regulations so my payments won't go through. Been on phone all day with no one answering. Poor customer services haven't even got the decency to say they have got rid of most of the staff and are relying on the cheap app to do all the work.

20 May 2022 05:05:00 Guest

We have been trying to contact jet2 for 2 weeks now, ringing every number available hanging on for more than 2 hours a time, still no response. We are travelling with a disabled child and desperately need to speak to person or be able to email, but no, no response, no response at all, this is making us all so stressed. Can anyone help, please.

20 May 2022 12:05:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : I am going to contact ABTA ATOL CONSUMER TRADING STANDARDS, CITIZENS ADVICE and CONSUMER PROTECTION DEPTS. To assist in the failures of jet2 holidays customer services in the failure of them to answer calls and respond to other ways in trying contact them even in an emergency matter[/QOUTEI totally agree the service is totally broken down nobody answers the phone no matter whatever number you try. The email is not operating with a silly message about people answering phone which is nonsensical and the chat lines are not enabled. I hope enough people take it through to ABTA. I wonder why the newspapers have not picked it up.

20 May 2022 12:05:00 Guest

Guest : I am going to contact ABTA ATOL CONSUMER TRADING STANDARDS, CITIZENS ADVICE and CONSUMER PROTECTION DEPTS. To assist in the failures of jet2 holidays customer services in the failure of them to answer calls and respond to other ways in trying contact them even in an emergency matter[/QOUTE

20 May 2022 01:05:00 Guest

I am going to contact ABTA ATOL CONSUMER TRADING STANDARDS, CITIZENS ADVICE and CONSUMER PROTECTION DEPTS. To assist in the failures of jet2 holidays customer services in the failure of them to answer calls and respond to other ways in trying contact them even in an emergency matter

20 May 2022 12:05:00 Guest

John Bowe : Been trying for over a week to contact special assistance team OR customer service , getting cut off after waiting two hours . No email address for them ….. they know they have staffing problems so why not use email contact rather than telephone?

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