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Ryanair Discussion

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08 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

Same problem as many others today. Could not print out one of two boarding cards just got a yellow panel where the boarding card should be. Told by live chat that I should try using Internet Explorer but it didn't work either. Then they said I should download and use Google Chrome as the website is optimised for this! I told them I was not going to do this and their website should work on all platforms. Got around the problem finally using Mozilla and first clearing the cache memory and cookies.. Previously posters have questioned the small size of the printout but it is correct and you simply fold it to make a booklet. And I thought O'Leary had learnt his lesson re customer service. Oh I wish I had an alternative!

08 January 2016 06:01:00 Guest

I suggest we ALL send a compliaint via the Ryanair 'Contact us' pages, under the 'website' category, about the difficulties of booking with the new site... enough complaints and they MAY take notice... Meanwhile, the tip about using the site has saved us!

06 January 2016 10:01:00 Guest

Ryanair and websites just dont mix well, The new website is not showing that i have any planned trips after logging in although i do. The old website never allowed me to log into my account and kept saying my details were incorrect when they werent. I hate using ryanair websites as each time i get some sort of problem, Come on Ryanair get your * together! Wayne

06 January 2016 10:01:00 Guest

Guest : Unable to print off boarding passes using new website. Displays 4 pages but all print on a single A4 sheet. No page formatting. Left me with a boarding pass a quarter of the page size. Sure they wont accept this at the airport. Saw the comment about the old 'legacy' site. Used this successfully. Seems that anyone can say they are a web designer these days. Hi i believe this is normal as the design was changed and is designed to be folded into a pocket sized booket, i printed and used this type and had no problems. Wayne

06 January 2016 06:01:00 Guest

Unable to print off boarding passes using new website. Displays 4 pages but all print on a single A4 sheet. No page formatting. Left me with a boarding pass a quarter of the page size. Sure they wont accept this at the airport. Saw the comment about the old 'legacy' site. Used this successfully. Seems that anyone can say they are a web designer these days.

06 January 2016 01:01:00 Guest

Having the same problem. Have been on live chat 3times as I need a key to unlock my account only to be told I now need to create a new account on this new app. This doesn't work the continue button refuses to work on my old details and also refuses to work to create a new account. I give up!!!! Robert : When I try to check in after completing the passport details the continue button fails. Why?

06 January 2016 10:01:00 Guest

hi.i find your updated website worse to use than the old version. if you modify your search you have to re enter all your info such as flight dates,depature airport and traveling passangers.this is time consuming.

06 January 2016 03:01:00 Guest

Ruta : Guest : To all those having trouble with the website, try It should be the old version and it worked fine for me, in contrast to the new one. You are a God and my saviour, thank you so much!!! Happy 2016! That was an awesome tip! Managed to pay with iDeal via that link!!!! Thanks a lot!!!

05 January 2016 01:01:00 Guest

Just wasted an very long time trying to check in! Put in all details but would not go onto the boarding pass page. Read the comment about using the old web page which worked thank goodness! Thank you to whoever posted that! Ryanair need to improve or they will lose a lot of custom! Also really cross having to find somewhere to check in for the return flight. We are only going for a week! Easy jet don't have a similar problem!

04 January 2016 04:01:00 Guest

Am I missing something? I want to check for flights and I'm flexible on travel days. Can I not check the monthly grid as with the old site, or do I seriously have to submit day to day enquiries? This monotonous process is driving me crazy!!! As I say, maybe I'm missing something!!

04 January 2016 01:01:00 Ruta

Guest : To all those having trouble with the website, try It should be the old version and it worked fine for me, in contrast to the new one. You are a God and my saviour, thank you so much!!! Happy 2016!

04 January 2016 08:01:00 Robert

When I try to check in after completing the passport details the continue button fails. Why?

03 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

Waiting inside the RYANAIR plane for the get off stairs for 40 minutes already!!!!! This is unacceptable. And still to pick up my luggage and pass the border control. I will miss the bus to the city. Who will pay for this assault???!!! Always the same. Nobody complain formally and they do worst every day

03 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

Always found old Ryanair website easy to use, oh my god what have they done! Really slow, input info only for it to appear completely different? Been trying for 3 weeks........Sorry Ryanair but just had to book four flights with Easyjet instead as i couldn't go on any longer. £800 to Easyjet.

03 January 2016 05:01:00 Guest

Website wont display on my Blackberry playbook; am trying to check-in..

03 January 2016 04:01:00 Guest

To all those having trouble with the website, try It should be the old version and it worked fine for me, in contrast to the new one.

03 January 2016 01:01:00 Guest

Impossible to check-in with my browsers (tried three distinct ones). The old website just worked for me. Hence, they did something stupid and wrong. Will try to avoid ryanair in the future.

03 January 2016 03:01:00 Guest

The worst website I have used in years. Even basic information is difficult to find, do they not want the business, off to use Easy jet now.

03 January 2016 01:01:00 Guest

I have just checked in with great difficulty. I paid for reserved seats and priority boarding as I have an elderly person with me and the boarding pass has put me in the 'Other Q' Absolutely useless website and company

02 January 2016 06:01:00 Guest

i have just got off the (expensive) phone to ryanair after trying to check in all afternoon. The livechat people i chatted with couldn't help. The lady on the phone couldn't check me in either and said that there was a problem with the website this afternoon and that I could check in for free at the airport. What a treat!

01 January 2016 09:01:00 Guest

can't complete the online checkin for my daughter, she result as teen instead of child, so there isn't the correct year of birth! WTF! what can i do?

01 January 2016 10:01:00 Denis

Guest : Is there some trick to booking on from Canada or has anyone had success booking from Canada? After numerous cards/browsers/computers none of my cards credit or debit seem to work. Tried clearing caches and contacting my bank. The problem appears to be with the Ryanair website. Same thing for me here in Vancouver. Tried different cards/browsers/computers/ISP's, but always the same error message - your payment was not authorized... I even tried creating a Ryanair account and still didn't work. Funny thing, even their drop down menus don't work properly - selected one thing and something else shows up in the profile! Hopefully they fix their website soon.

01 January 2016 01:01:00 Guest

Guest : Well Ryanair lied they told me they would check my son in for free at the airport.. that was a lie they first said it would cost me £45 to book him in and then when we said ok we will pay it.. they tried to book him in but couldn't so my son missed the flight and I lost the money for the flight and now I might not get to see my son for xmas... Ryanair response... we will get back to you in 7 days fat lot of good that will be Ryanair shame on you.. Guest : This is because Ryanair changed their division of minors into teen, child, infant. This used to be child, infant. So if you booked you're flight before the 20th of October you've probably booked your son as child. So after putting the new website live i guess they migrated all tickets booked as child to teen. So now it's impossible to book because the actual DOB is not within the teen range. I have the same problem and will contact Ryanair to see how to solve this issue. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Guest : Yes I cant check in my son because it will not let me put in his DOB ether.. every one else no problem.. live chat they first said they can fix it.. then came back and said check in at the airport and I will put a note saying its free.... we find out later today if that was true or not. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Yes, they told me the same. I was able to check myself and my other son in, but couldn't do the second son. They filled the details and told me to check in at the airport for free, but the funny thing was, that after checking myself in and the other son, I could do for my second one too :) So no need to check at the airport :)Got the same problem, my son is 12 but drop down box only goes to the year 2000. No one available at live chat. How did anyone else get on?

31 December 2015 08:12:00 Guest

As many others have said, the Ryanair site is now awful, especially when using a tablet. Is there any way to revert to the old site?

30 December 2015 11:12:00 Guest

Worst website ever, could start summing up the probs but it's all been said here countless times. How is it possible that there still is a ryan air??

30 December 2015 01:12:00 Guest

I have come across several appallingly bad websites, but the new Ryanair website takes user unfriendliness to new depths. The main problem is a rather fundamental one .... I simply cannot book a flight from my android tablet thanks to the calendar pop ups that are meant to help users select departure / return dates. Just when you think Ryanair can only get better they transform a poor website into one that is ten times worse!

29 December 2015 07:12:00 Guest

Is there some trick to booking on from Canada or has anyone had success booking from Canada? After numerous cards/browsers/computers none of my cards credit or debit seem to work. Tried clearing caches and contacting my bank. The problem appears to be with the Ryanair website.

29 December 2015 06:12:00 Guest

Was having problems in entering the date of birth of my two children born in 2005 and 2007 because the site gave only a drop box with dates ranging between 1999 and 2003. Tried to contact the instant chat... after 30 minutes is started but I was dropped off mzsteriously... tried again and another 30 minutes wait... finally got assistance which solved the problem... they asked me for the exact two dates of birth and etered them in the system... they then asked me to try again the online procedure... tried and it worked ... magically all dates appeared and I could complete the procedure and print the boarding passes... between the waiting for the two chat accesses and getting everything completed it only took me 2 hours!!!!! Let´s hope there are no surprises at the airport....

27 December 2015 10:12:00 Guest

Could not check in online, worthless website did not work. Had to check in at the airport, costed 98 euro's. Thank you ryan, as many here have stated: you are indeed nothing but a bunch of thieves and $$sholes !!

27 December 2015 08:12:00 Guest

I have just printed off two boarding passes and they are the size of my mobile phone screen is that right ?.

27 December 2015 07:12:00 Guest

These **sholes are beyond words, takes ages to get nowhere on their crapy website (a perfect example how not to do things). The login does not work, even with the correct data, their "live chat" is an even bigger joke. I will gladly pay more and get a ticket from another compagny, you know, one of those who actually works. That these jokers are still in buiseness is a miracle...

27 December 2015 01:12:00 Guest

Hi guys I need advise please. When I book the fly for my family I've apparently made a mistake and my son appears as an adult on the reservation so therefore I am not able to do the online check-in for him because when I try to enter his birth year basically does not allow me. What should I do please? Any advice?

27 December 2015 12:12:00 Guest

Given up trying to book a flight. Trying all day, rubbish!

26 December 2015 07:12:00 Guest

The website is really bad, I tried to check flight but faced every problem possible. The I tried the live chat omg, the people responding to customers issues are not knowledgeable about the cie they work for, the only thing they are very good at is cut and paste bit of the rules! I can't express how disappointed and frustrated I am.

23 December 2015 12:12:00 Guest

I by mistake input child instead of adult on the ryan air ticket and now I cannot print boarding pass?

22 December 2015 10:12:00 Guest

Guest : I've just check in. They asked me only for name and my date of birth, but there wasn't option to put my travel document details. However, I've click continue and the check in was over. They gave my boarding pass to print. What about travel documents? Is it valid without travel document details? If the flight is within the UK, i understand any photo ID with details matching the boarding pass will suffice. So Rayanair don't ask you to specify document. Just to be safe, i would advise passport.

21 December 2015 05:12:00 Guest

Guest : salve avrei bisogno di informazioni riguardanti un volo prenotato ieri con ryanair No comprendo amigo.

21 December 2015 04:12:00 Guest

Use the send button on your keypad Guest : Guest : Excellent service from live chat. I had to change flight dates due to serious illness - no fee, just any extra cost for different date. Lucky you. I have tried using Live Chat several times without success. Each time, no SEND button appears on my screen, so i cannot respond to the Ryanair operative-- useless.

21 December 2015 04:12:00 Guest

How long does it take ryanair to send an email!! I done the online chat this morning to ask for a waiver letter for my medical bag......still waiting for email although the customer service guy (peter) was helpful im still waiting!! Before when i have phoned about this email has arrived within minutes!! Can't seem to find phone number anywhere though.

21 December 2015 12:12:00 Guest

Guest : Excellent service from live chat. I had to change flight dates due to serious illness - no fee, just any extra cost for different date. Lucky you. I have tried using Live Chat several times without success. Each time, no SEND button appears on my screen, so i cannot respond to the Ryanair operative-- useless.

21 December 2015 01:12:00 Guest

I've just check in. They asked me only for name and my date of birth, but there wasn't option to put my travel document details. However, I've click continue and the check in was over. They gave my boarding pass to print. What about travel documents? Is it valid without travel document details?

20 December 2015 11:12:00 Guest

What a terrible design . Unmanageable and have to re insert destination about 4 times as re corrects itself wrongly every time . Step backwards in time and wouldn't use but forced to as only flight to my destination . Never again life is to short

20 December 2015 07:12:00 Guest

I cannot print out my boarding pass, the rep from Ryanair online checked me in, but now I can't view and print th eboarding passes, I have tried clearing cookies and history

20 December 2015 06:12:00 Guest

Can't print boarding pass. I habe to select seat and pay!

20 December 2015 01:12:00 Guest

Well Ryanair lied they told me they would check my son in for free at the airport.. that was a lie they first said it would cost me £45 to book him in and then when we said ok we will pay it.. they tried to book him in but couldn't so my son missed the flight and I lost the money for the flight and now I might not get to see my son for xmas... Ryanair response... we will get back to you in 7 days fat lot of good that will be Ryanair shame on you..

20 December 2015 01:12:00 Guest

Well Ryanair lied they told me they would check my son in for free at the airport.. that was a lie they first said it would cost me £45 to book him in and then when we said ok we will pay it.. they tried to book him in but couldn't so my son missed the flight and I lost the money for the flight and now I might not get to see my son for xmas... Ryanair response... we will get back to you in 7 days fat lot of good that will be Ryanair shame on you.. Guest : This is because Ryanair changed their division of minors into teen, child, infant. This used to be child, infant. So if you booked you're flight before the 20th of October you've probably booked your son as child. So after putting the new website live i guess they migrated all tickets booked as child to teen. So now it's impossible to book because the actual DOB is not within the teen range. I have the same problem and will contact Ryanair to see how to solve this issue. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Guest : Yes I cant check in my son because it will not let me put in his DOB ether.. every one else no problem.. live chat they first said they can fix it.. then came back and said check in at the airport and I will put a note saying its free.... we find out later today if that was true or not. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Yes, they told me the same. I was able to check myself and my other son in, but couldn't do the second son. They filled the details and told me to check in at the airport for free, but the funny thing was, that after checking myself in and the other son, I could do for my second one too :) So no need to check at the airport :)

19 December 2015 07:12:00 Guest

Excellent service from live chat. I had to change flight dates due to serious illness - no fee, just any extra cost for different date.

17 December 2015 11:12:00 Guest

Their new website is shockingly bad.. I trying to find flights from Dublin and it not even displaying half or their routes.. Ryanair get your * together

17 December 2015 02:12:00 Guest

I cant get past the page asking you to online check in using your flight details can anyone else. I dont know what else to do as I am in peru andf hotmail has blocked my email and I dont have the booking card on me. On some pages there are TO and FROM listed as though you could put in your details for the flight but there is no space to actually enter any text! Is this a ryanair problem. I have tried deleting cookies and 3 different browsers and 2 different computers.

16 December 2015 09:12:00 Guest

Guest : I used their live chat and they told me there is a new design in four sections. I printed mine this morning too. So hopefully it is. Has anyone flown with the new boarding pass?

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