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Ryanair Discussion

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14 April 2016 04:04:00 Sheila Forman

Can't make head or tail of it. Can't book a flight for love or money. Gave up. It used to be so simple. What has happened?

14 April 2016 03:04:00 Ann Vincent

I keep getting texts from you regarding booking in early and I don't have a flight booked with you - haven't even got a passport - in spite of numerous messages on Facebook haven't had a reply

14 April 2016 02:04:00 Guest

Up loaded a post here not sure if it went. So aaaagain: I am trying to "find a flight" to go in the next few days, on Ryanairs "old website," and after typing in destination etc (many times) the drop down box for number of adults does not appear. Then when I push the "find a flight" button it doesn't respond. So annoying and frustrating. It means I can't book my flight!!! Looks like they are "advising" me to book with another airline. Some way of doing business. I can't understand why no one in their IT dept doesn't check their website on a regular basis. Basic customer relations? It would prevent me and others from wasting our time!!!!

14 April 2016 02:04:00 Guest

Trying to find a flight (to book) in the nect few days, on their "old website" and the "find a flight" button is not responding!!!!!!!! Soooo annoying. What is wrong? Does no one in their IT dept monitor their website on an ongoing basis? I would have thought it would be standard procedure first thing in the morning. Baffling.

13 April 2016 10:04:00 Guest

Can anyone help. We are having to cancel a Ryanair flight. We considered changing to another flight but the admin fee is £240 for us both so it makes no sense. We were hoping to at least claim back the Air Passenger Duty fee . The flight is to Crete so I was assuming this would be about £60 each. However the person on Ryanair's live chat system insists that we have not been charged any taxes or fees. How can this be? Does anyone know? Thanks.

13 April 2016 07:04:00 Fred

Have to agree with Terry's comment about the new website. Awful - perhaps they should consult paying passengers before getting in website designers. Can't even work out how to put my flight datesin.

13 April 2016 05:04:00 Adam

ATTENTION: RyanAir passengers trying to check in online but experiencing - "I can't continue to step 2" stage of online check in for your flight - I was experiencing that today and was only able to enter my passport details. Clicking 'continue' after that stage was NOT moving to stage two (seats) and by extension unable to complete stage three to finalise. SOLUTION = I opened and logged in using Chrome browser, and it worked. Prior to this I was using FireFox and kept being stuck on Stage 1 I mark this as a 'solution' because it certainly worked for me so before you spend a fortune calling the help desk, use another browser and try that (I can't speak for Internet Explorer). I've had multiple issues with FireFox browser in the last 3 or 4 days finalising things on websites like eBay, so I think it is something related to Javascript issues on FireFox. Using Chrome has always ended these problems encountered. Btw, before anyone accuses me of being a advocate of Chrome, I never usually use it but something strange is playing up on FireFox at the moment so try Chrome for this problem.

13 April 2016 01:04:00 lynn

I am trying to check in - have all the correct details and it keeps telling me that they have no record of my booking. I have run customer service and they have cut me off. There is no one answering to the live web chat. Does anyone know what is happening at Ryan - are they closing down!!!!!!

12 April 2016 09:04:00 sixfoot

I booked flights to & from France last week but when l tried to view my booking to check flight times etc l can't even get on ryanair's website. Is it down does anyone know?

11 April 2016 08:04:00 Terry

Ryanair's new website is awful. Fr om entering wh ere you want to leave from down the date you want to travel. I gave up and looking elsewhere. Totally * ........why change from the old website????

11 April 2016 03:04:00 Guest

When choosing a flight everytime I click on the calendar it disappears. This is since they changed their site. Can anyone give advice please?

10 April 2016 06:04:00 Guest

I'm 16 years old and I want to go to Paris in summer can I fly on my own with Ryanair if yes what do I need

10 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

I have just checked in on line for a ryanair flight but haven't entered the last two digits of my passport number following the << symbol. Will this cause any problem. I also could not access the send button on the live chat.

10 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Later edit: However, I have to mention that, even is the website is not so god than the previous one, Ryanair as a company is OK for me, I've never had any issue with them. I think it's also good to mention that all their planes are new, they have bought all the planes from new, there is no plane in their fleet leased from another airline company. I don't know how many other airline companies can say the same about their planes. Guest : Hello, The best option to have a bigger picture, so you can choose the cheapest rate, is "Fare finder". When I go to "Fare finder" to see the prices per months (there are 2 options: a) chart view-columns; b) calendar-style), prices don't load (meaning are not shown) on calendar. Sometimes you cannot see neither the columns nor the calendar; is just the plain turning around... You have to reload the page. The old Ryanair website was much better than this one. And a personal opinion: all the explanations on the check-in page (the check-in page you have to print) seem to be made for stupid/dumb people.

10 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Hello, The best option to have a bigger picture, so you can choose the cheapest rate, is "Fare finder". When I go to "Fare finder" to see the prices per months (there are 2 options: a) chart view-columns; b) calendar-style), prices don't load (meaning are not shown) on calendar. Sometimes you cannot see neither the columns nor the calendar; is just the plain turning around... You have to reload the page. The old Ryanair website was much better than this one. And a personal opinion: all the explanations on the check-in page (the check-in page you have to print) seem to be made for stupid/dumb people.

10 April 2016 01:04:00

The link to create a password for a new account; that is, the one sent in email, doesn't work. At least not with Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome on a desktop. Says it's good for 30 days .... I hope the website gets fixed by then.

09 April 2016 08:04:00 Guest

David - Thanks for that post - the link worked beautifully - I am very grateful, you have saved me a lot of hassle and worry - Chas David Brooks : Anyone having problems with online check in, try this site : Their new site would only take me so far and then stop. This worked for me but you do have to go through some of the booking options again (like it asks you if you want insurance / car booking, etc. - just ignore them).

09 April 2016 08:04:00 Guest

Two problems - The first, trying to book a single flight to France, the website would not allow me to do that, but would only list a return flight. I am intending to drive out to France and fly back. The only way I could book a single flight was to go to and book through them Second, having checked in on line and wanting to print out a paper boarding pass, there was no way this could be done, although there was a small image of the boarding pass. Ryanair's own website showing how to obtain a printed boarding pass showed absolutely no resemblance to the actual website with the boarding pass image on it and there was no print button or save as pdf button I did for a moment see some text indicating there were problems with the website

09 April 2016 04:04:00 Guest

Guest : Can anyone help? Ive booked in online with ryanair (i booked through travel republic) but there is no link for printing off my boarding passes, it says view but if i try and print its sends blank too the printer.. 1hr later still cant find it, just keeps throwing me out and back into the manage my booking section ;( Try this link (copy and paste if necessary :

09 April 2016 02:04:00 Guest

I have booked my flights to Lisbone on tuesday through app. Flight confirmed money were taken from my card but then i never got e-mail confirmation. When i try to retrieve my booking it doesnt work. Its seems as there is no booking. Tried to call customer service since few days- impossible to reach them. Any sugestions how to solve that problem

09 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

should add to the "eghhhh" message below. We can check in ok, 1 adult and 1 9-year old, but the drop down menu did not go over 2000 for my son. Do not want to be charged at airport......

09 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest to Lisbon on Sunday, I hope. Tickets bought in November for April. Son turned 13 in March. Now...cannot check him in online- lots of "red flags", contact customer service, rebook...etc.....any simple way to do it, or 100 pounds in phone fees and a new ticket? Advice, please.....

08 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest


08 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Can anyone help? Ive booked in online with ryanair (i booked through travel republic) but there is no link for printing off my boarding passes, it says view but if i try and print its sends blank too the printer.. 1hr later still cant find it, just keeps throwing me out and back into the manage my booking section ;(

08 April 2016 09:04:00 Guest

Similar problems as others list here - we were presented with drop downs at online check in suggesting we had to re-enter dates of birth, but the list of years only included 4 specific years (2000 to 2004) and the list of days of the month only went up to 15. Same problem in Chrome/IE/Firefox. Very very poor website. Thanks to those who posted the link to the original site - this did work.

08 April 2016 09:04:00 Guest

Thanks - this (link to original website) worked for us. Similar problems as others list here - we were presented with drop downs at online check in suggesting we had to re-enter dates of birth, but the list of years only included 4 specific years (2000 to 2004) and the list of days of the month only went up to 15. Same problem in Chrome/IE/Firefox. Very poor website.

08 April 2016 06:04:00 Guest

we have booked a flight and had to book my 12 year old daughter down as an adult. However when I have gone to input her passport details, the system wont let me enter her year of birth because it is saying she is a child on an adult ticket ?? My sister has just had the same problem with my nephews details and ended up paying a small fortune in phone calls to rectify the issue. Is this a common problem because if so it sounds like a fraudulent way of them skimming more money out o you !!

08 April 2016 05:04:00 Guest

Guest : I cannot get beyond 'continue' while trying to check in for a flight to London from Shannon tomorrow Yeah - me too. What the hell is going on? I am trying to click on the 'continue' button to change flights and it won't let me. I've tried other browsers apart from google chrome and it's still the same problem. So annoying...

08 April 2016 05:04:00 Guest

Anyone having problems with online check in, try this site : Their new site would only take me so far and then stop. This worked for me but you do have to go through some of the booking options again (like it asks you if you want insurance / car booking, etc. - just ignore them).

08 April 2016 05:04:00 David Brooks

Anyone having problems with online check in, try this site : Their new site would only take me so far and then stop. This worked for me but you do have to go through some of the booking options again (like it asks you if you want insurance / car booking, etc. - just ignore them).

08 April 2016 04:04:00 Flier

This lousy website has gone wrong again. It took me countless tries to check in for the outward flight and now the same problem checking in for the return. Who can we complain to? ABTA ? CAA ? Dept of whichever? Is Ryanair worth the hassle?

08 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Guest : I've just tried to check in myself, partner and infant son online. However, son's date of birth is already filled in and wrong. Has anyone else come across this. Is there any way around this as I don't want to be charged at check-in. Hi, The same issue has happened with my daughter. How did you solve the problem? Thank you.

07 April 2016 06:04:00 Guest

What the Hades is wrong? Can't log in on main or mobile website.

07 April 2016 06:04:00 Guest

After £100 spent on calls to the No Customer Service Dept. at Ryan Air and another 4hrs on Live Chat, I just hope and pray if one of their pilots get an error during flight, because they will never get any assistance from anyone at RyanAir - does anyone actually work at this company or is it just robots?

07 April 2016 04:04:00 Guest

Have been trying for 2 hs to book flights but site will not accept payment. Have tried 2 debit cards and also created a pay pal account. None have been accepted.Will have to change to easy jet, pity because the ryan air flights are cheaper.

07 April 2016 12:04:00 Guest

Trying to book from Milan (Bergamo) to Chania (Crete). The web site does not seem to be working. Also tried Yesterday with the same result. today, with my phone I can book my flight with the old website (new website isn't supported yet.... how lucky I am!), but it's impossible with laptop! what's the problem? new website sucks! please look at the problem! Maria (Italy)

07 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

A lot of information about Ryanair and Q&A is also on the Ryanair Forum,

06 April 2016 10:04:00 HeBeGBees

The new Ryan Air website says they don't fly to our airport in Portugal, despite having booked and paid for tickets. Hopefully things will be sorted out before we can get our boarding cards in July! In the meantime, people having problems with the new website could try the following old website addresses, which seemed to work (I managed to at least retrieve my booking details, but it's too early for us to checkin.) AND Remember to put the s at the end of http, and NO www.

06 April 2016 08:04:00 Guest

I cannot get beyond 'continue' while trying to check in for a flight to London from Shannon tomorrow

06 April 2016 05:04:00 Guest

Hello i am a first time flyer with ryanair and so far iv spent over £40 on phone calls and so not had any help and been speaking to people in Romania and hungry and so far there English is very poor and im not getting the help i expect from ryanair i spoke to this one guy and said if cant help me i will not book again with rynanair / the guy said who cares thats up to you how can they be so rude to the customers. look im a first time customer and i have never been on a plain before so im new to all this. The customer service is really poor 3 4 times im calling up the last guy from hungry said can not help you and put the phone down on me why do you such rude people working for you the date i was meant to fly was the 28th April coming back on the 2 may but looking at the details it says the 21 April coming back the 25 its gave me the wrong date and i feel i should not have to pay for this mistake plus the customer service i have received is very very bad how can you have such poor customer service serving an English country please change the date for the 28 April to the 2 may free of charge as all this is to much stress for me please help me with this issue as i believe its a error on your system i have left the flight details please let me know how you can help me as i dont want to have to pay anymore money for me flight plus my phone bill has cost me to much money because no one has helped me with this issue and i been told no can help me . Please dont let me have any bad feelings for45 your company Flight informationLondon (Gatwick) to Dublin T1 Thu 21 Apr 2016 • 13:1 Flight status: Confirmed 0 - 14:35 • FR 115 Dublin T1 to London (Gatwick) Mon 25 Apr 2016 • 16:55 - 18:20 • FR 142 Passengers RUSSELL TANNER Price breakdown London (LGW) to Dublin 1 x Adult fare£ 19.99 Dublin to London (LGW) 1 x Adult fare£ 23.99 Fare discount-£ 2.40 Product summary Total paid

06 April 2016 03:04:00 Guest

I can not check in, i have been trying several times, it doesn't work!

06 April 2016 09:04:00 Guest

Still unable to print boarding passes after 3 hour session last night 2 live chats followed all instructions and still not printing this morning. Help please.

06 April 2016 03:04:00 Ryanair Forum

You can ask all your questions about Ryanair on the Ryanar forum, Quick awnser and a lot of Ryanair fans!

06 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

I tried to check in my flight but it doesn't work. Anybody could tell what's happenning?

05 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

cannot check in at all. Tried for over an hour....keeps timing out even though it took seconds!!! worried now anybody any clues?

05 April 2016 10:04:00 Guest

Trying to book from London to Oslo Torp. The web site does not seem to be working. Also tried Sunday with the same result. Please fix it.

05 April 2016 11:04:00 Guest

Tried to book a flight from Cork to Liverpool - The website doesn't work at all - had a second go this morning - totally useless. Keeps opening with Knock airport - no drop down menus etc - and can't get past go.

05 April 2016 01:04:00 Guest

I've just tried to check in myself, partner and infant son online. However, son's date of birth is already filled in and wrong. Has anyone else come across this. Is there any way around this as I don't want to be charged at check-in.

04 April 2016 10:04:00 Guest

I booked flights to Ireland from manchester for 6 people but haven't got a email or ref number can u help

04 April 2016 02:04:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Thanks for this info in how to log on the old style. I was in a blind panic this morning trying to check in my 14yr old daughters info and wouldn't allow me due to the change on their website not allowing the date of birth before 2004 for a child. 👍 Ferg : I went here The check in link takes you to the old style check in that works just fine. Have tried and successfully got my pdf. Hope this helps.[/QOUTE Thanks for this site worked first time thank you, worked for me

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