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Ryanair Discussion

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14 March 2016 11:03:00 Fiona Smith

08.51 Trying to check in for three different flights this week, but either nothing happens or it keeps saying my booking isn't recognised???!!!

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

is there a known problem with Ryanair check in at the moment?

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

Can't check in for about an hour. just nothing happens. Gosh and this is not the first time.... I'm forced to use Ryanair as they run the route closer to me but how many nerves I've lost....

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

Trying to check in for this Friday but doesn't even recognise my booking. This is quite stressful and should NOT be allowed. You have to pay to check in over a week out and then this. Unbelievable

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

Yep, down for me too

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Nat

Cant even book my flight, when i select the price i want, it says it goes inro my basket but it doesnt and it wont let me continue!! My family is stuck over in Spain, and need to get by wednesday! OMG SO FRUSTRATING

14 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

Does not work for me right now either...

14 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

Giulia : Guest : The world's worst airline strikes again. I can't check in, not on 4 different browsers or the app. Christ, they're hopeless!!!!!! Are they on strike? I am trying to reach the boarding passes (I have already checked in for 1 trip) and I can't. I would have liked to print the boarding passes and to check-in for the 2nd trip but I am not able to access any reservation. Tried with Chrome and Mozilla. Any idea? Been trying since 1am this morning on app and web, there is something up with the system (think its crashed).

14 March 2016 10:03:00 Pavel

Online check-in does not work. Tested on different browsers, different credentials, and two separate bookings. Nothing works!

14 March 2016 10:03:00 Giulia

Guest : The world's worst airline strikes again. I can't check in, not on 4 different browsers or the app. Christ, they're hopeless!!!!!! Are they on strike? I am trying to reach the boarding passes (I have already checked in for 1 trip) and I can't. I would have liked to print the boarding passes and to check-in for the 2nd trip but I am not able to access any reservation. Tried with Chrome and Mozilla. Any idea?

14 March 2016 05:03:00 Guest

The world's worst airline strikes again. I can't check in, not on 4 different browsers or the app. Christ, they're hopeless!!!!!!

14 March 2016 12:03:00 Guest

Could not book for 4 people. website keeps reverting to 1 person on checkout. Also tried to book flight from Stansted but website comes back with flights from Liverpool instead. Ridiculous website, can't see how they get any bookings at all. Their flights must be nearly empty.

13 March 2016 10:03:00 abellemed

Guest : Hi booked tickets for my flight, first and last name are correct. However when booking I forgot to include my middle name which is on my passport, will this be an issue? It never used to be, on the old site, but maybe now.....? I have flown Ryanair frequently for many years and don't remember a problem with this. It may be an idea to "online chat" with them about your concerns though now.

13 March 2016 12:03:00 Guest

Unable to check my daughter in as the form will not accept her DOB and will only allow to select a date between the 1-19 of the month and her DOB is the 26!!!!

12 March 2016 08:03:00 Guest

Guest : Using iPad to check in. Click on dob and it comes up as passport. Page won't move up. Helpline suggested using google chrome but got same result. Booked and checked in to an Easyjet flight in less than 2 minutes. There is a serious problem with this new website. I agree. I regularly use EasyJet and WizzAir. Absolutely no problem booking with either. I spent 15 minutes trying to book a flight from Edinburgh to Faro but for some bizarre reason I only get shown flights from Gatwick.

11 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

Travelling on 2nd April to 9th April to fuerteventura Passport out of date on 11th April can I travel on it

11 March 2016 02:03:00 Guest

Hi, have problems with the Ryanair website (booking from UK) - it does not let me select Stansted as departure airport and destination Germany....have booked many many times with Ryanair, but never experienced this - anyone else having problems with website in the last 2 days?

11 March 2016 01:03:00 Guest

I live in the UK, if I book a flight from Spain to England and the price shows it in Euros do they take the same amount in Sterling for example flight 200 euros - will they take £200 Sterling or will it be converted to approx. £160 Sterling ? Many thanks.

10 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

Hi booked tickets for my flight, first and last name are correct. However when booking I forgot to include my middle name which is on my passport, will this be an issue?

10 March 2016 02:03:00 Guest

Anyone experienced a delay with Ryanair? If so, contact me on in regards to the possibility of claiming compensation. Best regards, Luke

09 March 2016 09:03:00 Guest

Demented website.. What was going through their heads when someone signed it off?

09 March 2016 06:03:00 Dora

If someone already has made booking with correct and accepted payment (after 100 trials)...RA send confirmation by mail and then they send money back on your account at the same day without message by mail? Problem is you THINK you have a ticket but NO, at checkin-time your confirmation number doesn't exist anymore! You do not loose money but when you want to book again, all tickets are much more expensive and you cannot book anymore!!!!

09 March 2016 06:03:00 Guest

Guest : Just in case it may help anyone trying to book and being rejected at payment stage. I'm the poster who was frustrated trying to book and finally succeeded in booking by going through paypal (with the same credit card!). Customer services were no help - kept telling me it was my browser. I had tried Chrome & Explorer on three different laptops with two different credit cards with the same result but the booking went straight through on Paypal. Such a mess. Be carefull... sometimes they restitue money after payment and checkin does not work any more. They send you confirmation of ticket but there is no ticket at all!!!!

09 March 2016 06:03:00 guest

We booked 4 flights for March and April between Girona (spain) and Brussels. At check in time, we just find out that all 4 flights were paid back by Ryanair on our account the day of taking the tickets. Help!! Now tickets are 5x more expensive and we cannot make payment anymore.... What to do? Why???

09 March 2016 03:03:00 IB

Hi - feel I must add to the messages below. There is something wrong with the new RA website. I tried several times, different browsers etc.. called my bank and RA no luck. I can't get the fights I want anywhere else. error is: Oh. There was a problem Unfortunately, we could not process your booking at this time. So I tried the legacy website site and that worked first time no problem. Cheers

09 March 2016 02:03:00 Gerry

Im so frustrated with the ryanair website.Absolute rubbish.Web designers should be shot.Think ill fly with KLM.......

08 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

At the end I got the booking done using the old web site. If you want to find a solution go to internet explorer and the web site will tell you have ti upgrade your browser or else use the old web site. If you use the old web site of ryaair you can book it no problems. Hope this helps.

08 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest Egbon

please my passport will expire on the 13 march 2016 and travel on the 12 march 2016 .

08 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

The same happen to me. Is it any problem in the website of ryanair?

08 March 2016 10:03:00 Guest

I am trying to book a flight with Ryanair, but when I press the bottom of payment it says "can not take the payment now". It has been happening since the morning but I dont know if it is only me or everyone can not book the flight. Many thanks. (8-03-2016)

08 March 2016 01:03:00 kiki

i want to checkin my son under 16,can you helpme

08 March 2016 12:03:00 Guest

5 attempts to book on 2 different browsers by debit card tonight. Flight increased in price by €20 during this time but payment still declined. Ridiculous!

07 March 2016 11:03:00 Guest

Just in case it may help anyone trying to book and being rejected at payment stage. I'm the poster who was frustrated trying to book and finally succeeded in booking by going through paypal (with the same credit card!). Customer services were no help - kept telling me it was my browser. I had tried Chrome & Explorer on three different laptops with two different credit cards with the same result but the booking went straight through on Paypal. Such a mess.

07 March 2016 10:03:00 abellemed

Guest : Trying to book flights in June, keeps telling me i'm timed out.... why not just tell the truth? The truth is that their new site is cr.p. Many of their faithful frequent fliers have given up in disgust. I feel we ought to lodge a group complaint to the CAA about deceitful online provision. Just a thought.

07 March 2016 10:03:00 abellemed

The truth is that their new site is * . Many of their faithful frequent fliers have given up in disgust. I feel we ought to lodge a group complaint to the CAA about deceitful online provision. Just a thought. Guest : Trying to book flights in June, keeps telling me i'm timed out.... why not just tell the truth?

07 March 2016 10:03:00 abellemed

Thank you for that, Rodney - my dread factor is rising as is also my blood pressure! Why can't the stupid little man realise that his old frequent fliers are leaving him in droves??? Please, please can someone TELL them to revert to the "old" site and sack/sue the designers of this so-called "beta" site, as this is the busiest time of year for flight bookings. Surely the penny might have dropped over Ireland by now..... (or perhaps not). Rodney MANNERS : z Eileen You may need all of that week ! Make sure that your boarding pass has the bar-code and your full name printed out. In our case our surnames had been abrieviated and we had to pay 320 Euros for 2 "name changes" at the airport ! I am trying to get reimbursement and will keep the forum posted.

07 March 2016 09:03:00 Guest

What's happening to Ryanair website? It is impossible to book a flight.

07 March 2016 09:03:00 Guest

Impossible to find a place in the website where to book a flight with Ryanair. Is Ryanair hit by hackers?

07 March 2016 05:03:00 Guest

Trying to book flights in June, keeps telling me i'm timed out.... why not just tell the truth?

07 March 2016 02:03:00 Guest

Have been trying to book flights for 3 days. But when i get to payment it will not accept my details. Have asked if there is an issue with the booking system via their live chat but both times was told on their side the system is working.... very frustrating.

07 March 2016 01:03:00 Guest

Totally frustrated by Ryanair's booking system, can get right through process but it won't accept payment. Have tried several cards and two different laptops but no luck. How long more will this issue go on??

06 March 2016 08:03:00 Lee

Trying to book a flight to Italy next Christmas. Can book going out but all coming back flights say sold out, any ideas what's going on have they sold out?

05 March 2016 10:03:00 Rodney MANNERS

z Eileen You may need all of that week ! Make sure that your boarding pass has the bar-code and your full name printed out. In our case our surnames had been abrieviated and we had to pay 320 Euros for 2 "name changes" at the airport ! I am trying to get reimbursement and will keep the forum posted.

05 March 2016 10:03:00 Rodney MANNERS

eileen abell : After reading all the previous messages - I am DREADING trying to check-in (free, I'm not paying E6 to do it early) after 12 March for a flight to Spain on 19 March! Does anyone think a week will be long enough to keep trying? Hmmmmmm... You may need all of that week ! Make sure that your boarding pass has the bar-code and your full name printed out. In our case our surnames had been abrieviated and we had to pay 320 Euros for 2 "name changes" at the airport ! I am trying to get reimbursement and will keep the forum posted.

05 March 2016 08:03:00 abellemed

After reading all the previous messages - I am DREADING trying to check-in (free, I'm not paying E6 to do it early) after 12 March for a flight to Spain on 19 March! Does anyone think a week will be long enough to keep trying? Hmmmmmm...

05 March 2016 05:03:00 I am Ryanair, I am Different

Oh. There was a problem Unfortunately, we could not process your booking at this time. - This message appears after you click the pay button. It is sill not working. Did anybody tried booking through Ryanair new website???

05 March 2016 03:03:00 Ryan

Ryanair new website online booking is not processing payment details, or is there a threat for credit cards details. Informed Ryanair this morning, they have not received any concerns regarding this issue. I see at this moment many of the people who are trying to book online having similar issues no matter what web browser you use. ****

05 March 2016 03:03:00 Gary Rowley

Ryanair website is insufferable at the moment - trying to book flights to Croatia at the moment and can't believe the issues - destinations disappearing then reappearing - flights missing on specific dates - is there a problem since they changed the site layout?

05 March 2016 02:03:00 Guest

Ryanair online booking payment section not working. Message appears - "Unfortunately we could not process at this time". Informed Ryanair customer service using a mobile which cost €5 in few mins and they are unaware about this issue. The new website booking is not working for anyone right now............ Do not give any payment details on new Ryanair website as there may be still issues with debugging.

05 March 2016 01:03:00 Guest

Trying to book flights for April for the past two days. Website will bring you closer to the payment details and once you hit the "Pay" button it will give you a message in a red box saying "unfortunately the payment cannot be processed at this time". I have contacted Ryanair customer service who have no idea about this issue and they say everything working fine. I tried Safari web browser, Chrome, and Firefox web browser. When using Chrome Ryanair website says chromes needs to be upgraded. Every web browser I am using currently are all up to date with no issues. Then on Chrome Ryanair will allow you to access their old website where some of the discounts for family extras or seat reservations will not work in the Chrome web browser and they calculate the full price. Hopefully Ryanair will find a solution soon.

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