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Ryanair Discussion

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23 May 2016 06:05:00 Guest After using old website (above) to check in, you can print off boarding cards from there in the old format, or then use the new website to print off the new format boarding pass. This worked for me four weeks ago.

23 May 2016 06:05:00 Guest


23 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Guest : Trying to check in online but webpage comes up blank when trying to retrieve my flight. Asks me for my email address but says that's incorrect even when it's not. Cannot get on to the webchat because it says they're busy. If i don't check in they will charge me another £45! Try their old site : This worked three weeks ago when their new one didn't

23 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Trying to check in online but webpage comes up blank when trying to retrieve my flight. Asks me for my email address but says that's incorrect even when it's not. Cannot get on to the webchat because it says they're busy. If i don't check in they will charge me another £45!

23 May 2016 01:05:00 Guest

Got as far as "Loading. Please wait..." I've waited long enough thanks.

23 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Ryanair website doesn't work in the slightest - Can't book a flight!!!

23 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

The The Ryanair website doesn't function at all - Can't book a flight!!!!

22 May 2016 10:05:00 Guest

Is Ryanair really withdrawing Pescara from its future schedule? I've been using this airport for about 6 years and the services have improved considerably in that time.

22 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Well Ryanair lied they told me they would check my son in for free at the airport.. that was a lie they first said it would cost me £45 to book him in and then when we said ok we will pay it.. they tried to book him in but couldn't so my son missed the flight and I lost the money for the flight and now I might not get to see my son for xmas... Ryanair response... we will get back to you in 7 days fat lot of good that will be Ryanair shame on you.. Guest : This is because Ryanair changed their division of minors into teen, child, infant. This used to be child, infant. So if you booked you're flight before the 20th of October you've probably booked your son as child. So after putting the new website live i guess they migrated all tickets booked as child to teen. So now it's impossible to book because the actual DOB is not within the teen range. I have the same problem and will contact Ryanair to see how to solve this issue. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Guest : Yes I cant check in my son because it will not let me put in his DOB ether.. every one else no problem.. live chat they first said they can fix it.. then came back and said check in at the airport and I will put a note saying its free.... we find out later today if that was true or not. Guest : My son was born in 2009, but it won't let me choose his correct DOB. The year I can choose is between 2000 and 2004. Anyone facing the same problem? Yes, they told me the same. I was able to check myself and my other son in, but couldn't do the second son. They filled the details and told me to check in at the airport for free, but the funny thing was, that after checking myself in and the other son, I could do for my second one too :) So no need to check at the airport :)Got the same problem, my son is 12 but drop down box only goes to the year 2000. No one available at live chat. How did anyone else get on? Same problem here! What have they done now???

22 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

It's down again.and they have changed the days destination Again.the only thing there getting right is letting customers Go else were in that I'd give a 10 out of 10

22 May 2016 02:05:00 Aleka

I was told at the desk that my reservation did not pay for my baggage (which it did) so i was not able to check in until i paid my outbound bag. I of course HAD to pay in order to get to my destination. Now trying to get a hold of someone to refund me my DOUBLE PAYMENT has been ridiculously difficult. I was 'hung up on' 3 TIMES because the * agents don't know what to do - so they just disconnect you! Trying to CALL them - no number works!!!!! Worse service I've EVER seen!!!!!!!!!!

20 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

Just booked with good old expensive Aer Lingus,unable to book on Ryanairs webpage

20 May 2016 09:05:00 Guest

I wondered if anyone can help me I've checked in online but don't want to pay to book seat how do you continue?

20 May 2016 06:05:00 Guest

Ryanair had one of the best airline websites a few years ago. Why fiix it if it's not broken. I hate your new websitei it's to cumbersome and slow. It takes all day to get into the site and it's not user friendly.

20 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Get you dam web site sorted and stop wasting our time

20 May 2016 04:05:00 Guest

Anyone have problems with the "lets go" button when trying to search for flights.. It allows me enter all the details but when I click Lets go button.. nothing happens.. like its not working at all.. ????

20 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Total disaster trying to book with Ryanair, why did they change a relatively good system

20 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Guest : Anyone got through to RyanAir re their online booking system/website? No response from them and I couldn't get through on the phone but in my case I FINALLY realised they had sent me a "unique online e- mail address" tucked away in the small print within their flight confirmation e mail! Never had to do that before and my last check in was only 2 months ago ... Hope this helps some ( tho I fear not all ) Doesn't detract from the fact it's a * site set up by a shower of money grabbing shysters!

19 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

I am having the same problem checking in - we are due to fly early saturday morning - the message I get every time the check in comes up is "YOU TOOK TOO LONG!!!" as with other guests the helpful chat is closed!! Is this a scam by Mr o'Leary to make us fork out for boarding passes at the airport!!! Very very hacked off - please sort out Ryanair..........

19 May 2016 08:05:00 Guest

Anyone got through to RyanAir re their online booking system/website?

19 May 2016 06:05:00 Guest

Can't get passed the automated page 'choose seats' after days of trying. Even the CAPTCHA codes reject correct entry. Twentieth attempt with a magnifying glass. Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 06:05:00 Guest

Spent days trying to book flights and can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' page. Even designed the CAPTCHA codes to reject correct entry. Twentieth attempt with a magnifying glass. Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Spent days trying to book flights and can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' page. Even the CAPTCHA codes reject correct entry. Fifteenthth attempt with a magnifying glass. Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Spent days trying to book flights and can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' page. Even the CAPTCHA codes are designed so that you can't read them and therefore can't post your complaint. Fifteenthth attempt with a magnifying glass. Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Spent days trying to book flights and can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' page. Even the CAPTCHA codes are designed so that you can't read them and therefore can't post your complaint. Tenth attempt. OGVX5Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Spent days trying to book flights on Ryanair site andHXDZ9 can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' option. Even the CAPTCHA codes are designed so that you can't read them and therefore can't post your complaint. Tenth attempt. OGVX5Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 05:05:00 Guest

Spent 3 hours today trying to book flights on Ryanair site, can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' option. Even the CAPTCHA codes are designed so that you can't read them and therefore can't post your complaint. Pissed off with Ryanair.

19 May 2016 04:05:00 Janet Williams

I have a flight booked on Sunday to Perpignan fr om London STD and I am not going to use it I am aware flights wh ere cancelled yesterday and I have tried to contact Ryanair to say I do not want the flight or to apply for the tax back but it is impossible contact them except by a very expensive phone line . I am sure there are people who need to get back to France and could use the flight.

18 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

Thank You. This worked for me after much frustration on Google Chrome Guest : It seems a problem with the type of browser. Try Internet Explorer.

18 May 2016 08:05:00 Guest

Been trying to check in for 2 days now on 3 different servers,all 3 check in options blocked. I use the site regularly so not that I don't know how to negotiate the process. Absolutely disgusting, I feel for those due to fly over next few days :( Simply not good enough Ryanair!

18 May 2016 04:05:00 Guest

Hi it is impossible to retrieve my booking. The web site doesn't work and the app even less!

18 May 2016 02:05:00 Anna

I was able to fix this by using an old website. Hope it will help anyone. Anna : I can't complete check in for my flight on 21 of May. After i pick a seat, I push "confirm" and next page is not loading. I tried to use different browsers, computers and even an app. Nothing changes. It's a pity that i can't pick a sit because i've paid for business plus ticket. Please, fix it or advice me what to do.

18 May 2016 01:05:00 Guest

Spent 3 hours today trying to book flights on Ryanair site, can't get passed the automated 'choose seats' option. Any help?

18 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

Trying to get into this site for 2 days! Shocking to say the least.

18 May 2016 01:05:00 Guest

I have tried on four separate occasions, amounting to 4 hours spent online all told, without being able to get beyond filling in the details of the first of three passengers travelling this Sunday, pressing continue and nothing happening. I tried to chat, but no-one was ever available. Mr O'Leary, is this simply a scam to force us to fork out some extortionate amount at the airport to have our boarding cards issued there, when I have been trying in vain to check in online? Why is there no acknowledgment on your website of this shambles?

17 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

On one laptop my Ryanair search is doing nothing.. Same flights, same dates etc on another laptop are returning multiple flight options..( both using Chrome)

17 May 2016 11:05:00 Yvonne cochrane

I fly in 15 days I want to book seats and complete my on line flight check in I get to step 3 it won't allow me to go any further why? I have tried approx 20 times but no luck can I just pay and book another way please

17 May 2016 10:05:00 Guest

Guest : Can't book a ticket. Get so far then the offer of 50% off seat booking comes up with no yay or nay and no x to exit from the screen. Impossible to proceed. Exact same problem so I tried from Google Chrome and it worked fine. :)

17 May 2016 08:05:00 Anna

I can't complete check in for my flight on 21 of May. After i pick a seat, I push "confirm" and next page is not loading. I tried to use different browsers, computers and even an app. Nothing changes. It's a pity that i can't pick a sit because i've paid for business plus ticket. Please, fix it or advice me what to do.

17 May 2016 03:05:00 Guest

Unable to check in due to immediate timeout popup that freezes the screen every time. Please advise us at because we cannot print our boarding passes. We have booked business plus. Does this allow for picking them up at the airport without charge? Regards Ian

17 May 2016 02:05:00 Guest

I agree website rubbish now why do we not leave things alone all these changes to sites........ I have not been able to get on site for days, going to book with Easy Jet if Ryanair does not sort out......

17 May 2016 12:05:00 Sarah

I cant check in online just keeps saying error when select my name wont even let me put details in all my other party is checked in any1 help cant get trought to ryainair

17 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

It seems a problem with the type of browser. Try Internet Explorer.

17 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

I had the same problem ended up going onto the site at 2 am in the morning and got straight through printed off no problem, try that. Graham Day : Hi I am unable to check-in for my flight to Dublin on Friday morning. This is for a weekend away as a celebration of the engagement to my partner, feeling stressed please help.

16 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

Can't book a ticket. Get so far then the offer of 50% off seat booking comes up with no yay or nay and no x to exit from the screen. Impossible to proceed.

16 May 2016 04:05:00 Guest

Website hopeless - can't book flights

16 May 2016 01:05:00 Graham Day

Hi I am unable to check-in for my flight to Dublin on Friday morning. This is for a weekend away as a celebration of the engagement to my partner, feeling stressed please help.

16 May 2016 12:05:00 Guest

Trying to book flights with ryanair and can not get on website. Being trying for 3 days. Think I will have to book with another airline, which is very annoying.

16 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

HI - did you manage to wort it? I can't seem to get checked in either and no one seems to be there to help? denise gorniak : I am unable to on line check in my daughter on a Ryanair flight denise gorniak : I am unable to on line check in my daughter on a Ryanair flight

16 May 2016 11:05:00 Guest

Did you get it to work? i also can't get it to work or get anyone to help? Guest : hi trying to checkin .Put all the flight details in etc and the page wont load??? please help

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