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Ryanair Discussion

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30 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

I followed the advice below here and it worked out! Got it sorted. You need to tick the check- in later option in the return flight. The problem arise a few days ago.

28 June 2016 08:06:00 Guest

Dreadful website - easily the worst travel-related website. It won't work with many different browsers/versions of browsers. I generally have had good experience travelling with Ryanair but now I don't use them. Any company that offers services and then makes it very hard to buy them is not based on a sensible business model oh, & stop sending me emails Ryanair - fed up telling you that I CAN'T ACCESS YOUR WEBSITE. I fly about 30-40 times a year - NEVER ONCE HAD A PROBLEM WITH websites of EASYJET, BA, Flybe etc.

28 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Guest : Have you solved this? Can't check my 17 year old in!! Hi did you fix this? My son was born in 1999 therefore is 17 but is still classed as a child and I can't check him in as it won't accept his DOB. Any ideas how I can get round this? Sadly you will have to phone Ryanair your son has been classed incorrectly. My daughter is 17 and she is classed as an adult. Best of luck QOUTE] Guest : I am having the exact same problem trying to check in my son. He´s 10 years - so he's born in 2006.... Someone from 2000-2004 is 12-16... So he's obviously listed as a child, but not as a small enough child...!? But I can't find any way to change this - and helpdesks closed at 18 today... We are leaving tomorrow...Did you fix your problem? If so how? Best Regards Guest : I am trying to check in on line and it will only allow years 2000-2004 in the drop down menu for 'date of birth' Kim : I have bought tickets for me and my family, but I can only check in the 2 adults, our kids are 13 and 15 and I cant check them in. is there anybody who has any idea what there is causing this ?

28 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

I was having the same issue. I filled in my details as far as the Fast Track page, closed the site then went back to, clicked check in and went through the steps again ( my details were saved so doesn't take long) and it let me just select "Continue" on the Fast Track page to skip it. A bit of a pain but it worked, hopefully it will for you too! :)

27 June 2016 11:06:00 Guest

Have you solved this? Can't check my 17 year old in!! Hi did you fix this? My son was born in 1999 therefore is 17 but is still classed as a child and I can't check him in as it won't accept his DOB. Any ideas how I can get round this? QOUTE] Guest : I am having the exact same problem trying to check in my son. He´s 10 years - so he's born in 2006.... Someone from 2000-2004 is 12-16... So he's obviously listed as a child, but not as a small enough child...!? But I can't find any way to change this - and helpdesks closed at 18 today... We are leaving tomorrow...Did you fix your problem? If so how? Best Regards Guest : I am trying to check in on line and it will only allow years 2000-2004 in the drop down menu for 'date of birth' Kim : I have bought tickets for me and my family, but I can only check in the 2 adults, our kids are 13 and 15 and I cant check them in. is there anybody who has any idea what there is causing this ?

27 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

I'm trying to check in early as I have purchased a seat. I cannot get passed the fast track page. I don't want to purchase fast track but it not giving me the option to bypass . Help !

27 June 2016 12:06:00 Guest

I am having the exact same problem trying to check in my son. He´s 10 years - so he's born in 2006.... Someone from 2000-2004 is 12-16... So he's obviously listed as a child, but not as a small enough child...!? But I can't find any way to change this - and helpdesks closed at 18 today... We are leaving tomorrow...Did you fix your problem? If so how? Best Regards Guest : I am trying to check in on line and it will only allow years 2000-2004 in the drop down menu for 'date of birth'

26 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

The price of my flight has come down by more than half from when I booked it leaving me feeling out of pocket considering there was only 5 seats left at that time at that price over a month ago. Can someone explain this to me please.

26 June 2016 01:06:00 Guest

Guest A : Guest : Not able to check in this morning, the online form won't let me click on Continue after selecting Free Allocated Seating (or any other option for that matter). Online chat is not available and it is not possible to leave a message on the chat form either. Got it sorted. You need to thick the check- in later option in the return flight. The problem arise a few days ago.[/QOU Guest A : Guest : Not able to check in this morning, the online form won't let me click on Continue after selecting Free Allocated Seating (or any other option for that matter). Online chat is not available and it is not possible to leave a message on the chat form either. Got it sorted. You need to thick the check- in later option in the return flight. The problem arise a few days ago. Same problem. but got through to online chat, seems that unless you buy a seat on the return flight you cant print boarding pass until after you leave and with no computer access that's a problem. Another money spinner for Ryanair it would seem?

26 June 2016 01:06:00 Guest

Guest A : Guest : Not able to check in this morning, the online form won't let me click on Continue after selecting Free Allocated Seating (or any other option for that matter). Online chat is not available and it is not possible to leave a message on the chat form either. Got it sorted. You need to thick the check- in later option in the return flight. The problem arise a few days ago. Same problem, got through to online chat, no joy, seems that you will have to print your boarding pass whilst you are away or pay for a seat prior to your departure. Not a great idea but makes money for Ryanair!

26 June 2016 12:06:00 Guest A

Guest : Not able to check in this morning, the online form won't let me click on Continue after selecting Free Allocated Seating (or any other option for that matter). Online chat is not available and it is not possible to leave a message on the chat form either. Got it sorted. You need to thick the check- in later option in the return flight. The problem arise a few days ago.

26 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest A

[I have the same problem since yesterday. Customer service is on from 10 on Sundays. I contacted yesterday and the support agent guaranteed my I change my browser to Google Chrome I would work. But it wouldn't. Since then I have try a range of browsers and Windows versions and still not working. Queuing time on the phone or chat it is ridiculous. The second time I contacted them after 45 minutes queuing they left because it was 6.00 pm. with not notification the chat was closed. I made 2 complaints in the website , and I am waiting till 10.00 to get an answer. I am traveling tonight but I will not have access to a printer since 1.00 pm. Definitely I do not want to pay extra fees. In the back of my head I think it will be a case of overbooking, although if I select to buy a seat, in the first screen Still being 5 or 6 seats available. I am getting quite anxious!!

26 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

Not able to check in this morning, the online form won't let me click on Continue after selecting Free Allocated Seating (or any other option for that matter). Online chat is not available and it is not possible to leave a message on the chat form either.

25 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

RYAN AIR!!!!! i can't check in because england, uk or british isn't listen in the nationality

24 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

Experiencing problems trying to book online flight already booked back in April

24 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Guest : My sister is having the same issue and is unable to check in online. It keeps timing out and she is unable to get through to anyone on the phone. Have you managed to sort out yet. Guest : Thursday 22 June. Ryanair on-Line check-in is not working. Does not allow seat selection and enable printing of boarding pass, although did allow that earlier in the day. Cannot contact Ryanair by phone, although tried many times. If I cannot check-in on-line, will have to to pay the considerable charge at the airport?

23 June 2016 08:06:00 Sue

UPDATE. Have received confirmation of compensation. I recommend that people email to for any problem as they respond swiftly. Ryanair still need to 'fix' their software and data though. Sue : So called 'obsolete' bookings! My mother is trying to claim compensation for a flight delay of 5 + hours and needed proof of her travel. I used the Historic Booking option to find her booking ref to no avail. In fact Historic Bookings for flights I have taken has a 6 year gap (2008 -2014). The Customer Service email team were very helpful and found it for her and sent her a confirmation email. However, if I enter this Booking ref on the website it is flagged as INVALID. I then made an EU261 disruption compensation claim for her but the response from that Ryanair Team was "Unfortunately as the booking is obsolete the online EU261 form is not working in this case anymore". So, back to the Customer Support team that can access 'obsolete' booking references! Question : Is the software at fault, has data been lost from some databases and not others or is this a deliberate attempt to prevent compensation claims???????????? I'd like to think it's not the latter, but Ryanair should sort out these bugs which are in fact generating more work for their employees in addition to the frustration caused to their customers.

23 June 2016 07:06:00 Guest

Have you tried WEBCHAT? or email to - they are quite quick to reply. Guest : My sister is having the same issue and is unable to check in online. It keeps timing out and she is unable to get through to anyone on the phone. Have you managed to sort out yet. Guest : Thursday 22 June. Ryanair on-Line check-in is not working. Does not allow seat selection and enable printing of boarding pass, although did allow that earlier in the day. Cannot contact Ryanair by phone, although tried many times. If I cannot check-in on-line, will have to to pay the considerable charge at the airport?

23 June 2016 04:06:00 Guest

My sister is having the same issue and is unable to check in online. It keeps timing out and she is unable to get through to anyone on the phone. Have you managed to sort out yet. Guest : Thursday 22 June. Ryanair on-Line check-in is not working. Does not allow seat selection and enable printing of boarding pass, although did allow that earlier in the day. Cannot contact Ryanair by phone, although tried many times. If I cannot check-in on-line, will have to to pay the considerable charge at the airport?

23 June 2016 04:06:00 Sue

So called 'obsolete' bookings! My mother is trying to claim compensation for a flight delay of 5 + hours and needed proof of her travel. I used the Historic Booking option to find her booking ref to no avail. In fact Historic Bookings for flights I have taken has a 6 year gap (2008 -2014). The Customer Service email team were very helpful and found it for her and sent her a confirmation email. However, if I enter this Booking ref on the website it is flagged as INVALID. I then made an EU261 disruption compensation claim for her but the response from that Ryanair Team was "Unfortunately as the booking is obsolete the online EU261 form is not working in this case anymore". So, back to the Customer Support team that can access 'obsolete' booking references! Question : Is the software at fault, has data been lost from some databases and not others or is this a deliberate attempt to prevent compensation claims???????????? I'd like to think it's not the latter, but Ryanair should sort out these bugs which are in fact generating more work for their employees in addition to the frustration caused to their customers.

23 June 2016 11:06:00 Kim

I have bought tickets for me and my family, but I can only check in the 2 adults, our kids are 13 and 15 and I cant check them in. is there anybody who has any idea what there is causing this ?

23 June 2016 11:06:00 Guest

I have bought tickets for me and my family, but I can only check in the 2 adults, our kids are 13 and 15 and I cant check them in. is there anybody who has any idea what there is causing this ?

22 June 2016 07:06:00 Guest

Thursday 22 June. Ryanair on-Line check-in is not working. Does not allow seat selection and enable printing of boarding pass, although did allow that earlier in the day. Cannot contact Ryanair by phone, although tried many times. If I cannot check-in on-line, will have to to pay the considerable charge at the airport?

22 June 2016 09:06:00 Guest

If you are getting an error checking in with dates after 2000 that is because you may have added children as adults. All you need to do is use ryanair live chat service and explain issue and they will resolve free of charge. Regards Adam

22 June 2016 08:06:00 Guest

Guest : What has happened is you may have accidentally selected adult for children and so the system wont allow children dates ie later than 2000 as it thinks they must be adults. I had same issue and resolved by using the web chat service which is excellent. I explained the problem and was apologetic and the operator kindly made the change for me. I was then able to check in as normal. This was free. So please try to do the same it should help you. Adam

22 June 2016 08:06:00 Adam

Guest : I am trying to check in on line and it will only allow years 2000-2004 in the drop down menu for 'date of birth' What has happened is you may have accidentally selected adult for children and so the system won't allow children dates to be entered ie later than 2000 as it thinks they must be adults. I had same issue and resolved by using the ryanair web chat service which is excellent. I explained the problem and was apologetic and the operator kindly made the change for me. I was then able to check in as normal. This was free. So please try to do the same it should help you. Adam

20 June 2016 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : If you leave an unpaid transaction open, will it time out and make you start again? Or will it stay there for you to complete later? (Provided I don't close my browser) I need to wait to see if I have a broken leg (I have an X-ray today) before I book my flights, but the prices keep going up and I can't afford to pay any more than what it is now. Nope, i tried to leave it open whilst i contacted my son, but it times out and you have to start again.... only way to do it is book the flight and then go to manage my booking and change the date/time... it just cost me an extra 25 euros to do this, but depends on the difference of the cost of the new flight details. Hope this helps x

20 June 2016 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : My daughter has travelled by your booking with Ryanair to Corfu today from East Midlands. She was told to pick up her boarding passes at the airport this morning. On arrival she went to the Ryanair desk with her friend to collect the boarding passess and they told her they could only provide the outgoing ones no the return ones and they advised her to go to the Ryanair desk in Corfu when there and they would provide the return boarding passess. She did this and was told there is no Ryanair desk to do this and then asked for airport help eventually getting one of the airport managers who replied this was not normal practice and that she wa given the wrong information. She has just telephoned me in a panick and crying I am her father and very worried about my daughter geting home next thursday to eastmidlands can you help please. Iam presently awaiting her sending me all the holiday info by email she can so I can help from this end. Get her to download the Ryanair App to her phone to access her boarding pass and all you have to do then is show them the pass on her phone! Poor luv, sooooo frustrating.

20 June 2016 04:06:00 Guest

I am trying to check in on line and it will only allow years 2000-2004 in the drop down menu for 'date of birth'

20 June 2016 03:06:00 Meg

I am having difficulty with online check in. It wont allow you select any date of birth after 2000. Please advise.

19 June 2016 04:06:00 Guest

My daughter has travelled by your booking with Ryanair to Corfu today from East Midlands. She was told to pick up her boarding passes at the airport this morning. On arrival she went to the Ryanair desk with her friend to collect the boarding passess and they told her they could only provide the outgoing ones no the return ones and they advised her to go to the Ryanair desk in Corfu when there and they would provide the return boarding passess. She did this and was told there is no Ryanair desk to do this and then asked for airport help eventually getting one of the airport managers who replied this was not normal practice and that she wa given the wrong information. She has just telephoned me in a panick and crying I am her father and very worried about my daughter geting home next thursday to eastmidlands can you help please. Iam presently awaiting her sending me all the holiday info by email she can so I can help from this end.

18 June 2016 11:06:00 Tessa

Hi, I have a flight tomorrow booked for two. It is not letting my log in to check in! I have a text and reciept on my online banking. it appears my email address was not recognised on the system! could you help me i am very paniced.

18 June 2016 08:06:00 Guest

Just booked flight for one price. Confirmation for different flight, charging me 6 times the price. Anyone any idea how to resolve? Customer service line can't, web chat was passed from Pillar to post & eventually disconnected. Tried sending a mail. Feel like I've just been robbed!

17 June 2016 06:06:00 Guest

If you leave an unpaid transaction open, will it time out and make you start again? Or will it stay there for you to complete later? (Provided I don't close my browser) I need to wait to see if I have a broken leg (I have an X-ray today) before I book my flights, but the prices keep going up and I can't afford to pay any more than what it is now.

16 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

I've been having problems not being able to click the continue button. What I have found is to highlight over the button and madly click around it until works. They have purposely not linked up the buttons and links to make you pay for extra services you do not want. This will be the last time I use ryan air. As cheating your customers in this way is unacceptable.

16 June 2016 05:06:00 Guest

Trying to enter my details...for online booking...will not take passport expiry details...was in live chat help..told me try later..still chat off air is one supposed to check in??

16 June 2016 01:06:00 Edel

Checked in last night and accessed boarding pass for flight this am. This am app playing up and could not access boarding pass. It was as if I had never checked in. At airport made pay 15 Euros by Ryan air to have boarding pass. They wanted screenshot of error which I did not have as logged out of app hoping it might work then. At Knock airport it then seemed to take 2 Ryan air staff 15 min to print out pass, take 15 Euros from my card and issue a receipt. Of course I was assigned the same seat no as I had on my app boarding pass ie they knew well I was not making it up.

16 June 2016 01:06:00 Guest

Repeating from earlier : Having problems with online check-in : USE RYANAIR'S OLD WEBSITE TO CHECK IN :

16 June 2016 11:06:00 Guest

Cannot get on website to busy, had to book easyjet. What a stupid way to lose business!

16 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Same issues, cannot enter expiry dates of the passports of the three of us travelling...just year is in drop down box. Is there a fix as we need to check in?

15 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Wen wee came on holiday rynair charge us 180 euro for boarding passes and 120 euro for luggage even tho i tryd to check in 2 weeks prior to travel it kept saying invalid passport which i have used many times so that left us 300 euro short of holiday money and now wen i try to check online for goi g home next week its still asking for more money pleade help i am sick with worry

15 June 2016 12:06:00 Guest

I have tried 15 times this morning to check in , the site will not let me enter the expiry date of my passport it freezes . What do I do ? 88101

15 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Ryanair tells me I need to check in yet I cannot check in for random seat allocation but its no problem to check in if I want to pay>>>> What the heck..... Ryann air give us a brake

14 June 2016 10:06:00 Guest

Yep The new Ryanair website looks like it was designed by school kids. Actually, that's insulting to school kids as they surely would do a better job. Bugs everywhere and missing fields in the drop down menus. On a touch screen the buttons must have been placed by Stevie Wonder..... Click on the arrow and the pop up for the one below it opens. This site design mustn't ever have been tested! Guest : Same issue RE the YEAR field - but for me it's when I'm looking to sign-up and enter my DOB. You click on the drop-down list and just -YEAR- appears.

13 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Guest : Having same problem, cant check in kids that are born after 2004 found the problem, looks like huge errors on their side because I've checks in with kids many many times........ "Once your document details have been entered here they cannot be modified online. If you need to update your document details prior to your flight departure, please contact our call centre."

13 June 2016 02:06:00 Guest

Guest : Having problem checking in my kids. Drop down year date only shows year 2000 and bellow for one child and years from 2000-2004 for another. Any info? Still no luck. I tried Chrome, Mozilla and Ryanair Android app.

13 June 2016 01:06:00 Guest

Having same problem, cant check in kids that are born after 2004

13 June 2016 01:06:00 Guest

Having problem checking in my kids. Drop down year date only shows year 2000 and bellow for one child and years from 2000-2004 for another. Any info?

12 June 2016 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : Still trying to check in for my flight to Dublin and can't get past the confirm seat page. Picked the seats and confirmed and nothing happens after that. Can't progress to the next screen where you print out your boarding pass. This has been going on for several days now. Anyone else having this issue? I noticed also there is no customer service phone number to call them and I also tried the chat option and no one is ever available to help you.. Had problem with new website but using an older web browser it worked no trouble. Telephone number +448712460002

12 June 2016 12:06:00 Kc

I've just been trying now, thought I was going mad or laptop was acting up . Must be down . Try again later or tomorrow . Guest : Still trying to check in for my flight to Dublin and can't get past the confirm seat page. Picked the seats and confirmed and nothing happens after that. Can't progress to the next screen where you print out your boarding pass. This has been going on for several days now. Anyone else having this issue? I noticed also there is no customer service phone number to call them and I also tried the chat option and no one is ever available to help you.

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