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Ryanair Discussion

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21 October 2014 03:10:00 David

Ryanair advertise you can complain by fax but very carefully ensure that they do not publish the fax number. This is part of a deliberate policy to make it difficult for people making bona fide claims.

20 October 2014 02:10:00 Bradders2175

I just wanted to say that in 11 years of flying to France (Bergerac) with Ryanair, we have had one occasion where a flight was diverted to Limoges. My wife flies back regularly to the UK, a minimum of ten return flights per year. That doesn't count the odd occasion when I fly, no more than one return flight per year, if that. Nor does it include when friends and family visit. The last time that I flew, I had to go into London for a day. The train journey cost me more than the return leg of the flight. If you look at the conditions, luggage sizes etc and abide by the rules, you have excellent value for money. I have nothing to do with the company apart from being a satisfied customer. You get what you pay for. I get annoyed with those that moan about service. That isn't what you are paying for. You are paying to go from A to B in the cheapest way possible, otherwise you wouldn't be looking at Ryanair. You have a choice, you can always find another route.

19 October 2014 05:10:00 Guest

we are travelling with 16 year olds and have been unable to check them in on line and told we need to do it at the airport .Why is this ?

19 October 2014 04:10:00 Rudi Sels

through a mistake of their booking systems and because I had to open templates of their website, the booking system takes the wrong dates, I saw the mistake when a received the booking confirmation that the wrong dates were taken, I had to change my flights as I did this immediately even 16 minutes later I received the changes made a was charged 66% of the actual booking on top of the original booking ! I had to pay Ryanair who claims to be the cheapest ˆ 285 in 16 minutes. reservation number KIWV6Z - to whom it concerns in the ivory tower of the untouchable Ryanair. not the cheapest but the most client friendly company in the world !

19 October 2014 04:10:00 Rudi Sels

Ryanair steels the money of their customers, the marketing machine of cheapness is rude on every moment a customer makes a mistake the fine them a steel money out of their pockets - this by being smartly unreachable, I am disgusted about the rules they generalize towards the only goal robe you !

18 October 2014 01:10:00 Guest

small baggage allowance

15 October 2014 09:10:00 Guest

Wouldbe interseted if any one has come accross the same problem we exsperianced resently. For the first timea ten days before flying just after I printed the boarding pass convininant, we were advised 7 hr delay so money back ofr change flight. After 40 minutes on the line giod knows what they will charge for that. They swaped our flights a day earlyer to the friday. looking back at the ticket price the friaday is £120 cheaper than the saterday, can we get the differance back and any compensation for the lost day. Although would have to accept taht was our choice but the flight differance should be refunded.

13 October 2014 05:10:00 Tapi

Impossible to fill in the right date of birth for my children when i try to check in online. For my son who I need to fill in the year 96 but my only options are from 98-2012. My daughter is born in June but the only options are October-December?!

11 October 2014 01:10:00 Guest

It´s called overbooking. Every airline company try to sell more seats then they got. They hope is that some of the passengers show up. If you and i did that thing, that woul be called gambling. darfla : just been looking at seating plan for a ryanair 737-800, cant understand why they are selling 195 seats when Boeing state 189 maximum for safety reasons, incase of emergency gap in seats narrow, wonder what the CAA would make of it

11 October 2014 12:10:00 Guest

Is checking in online and boarding passes two separate things to do on line

30 September 2014 05:09:00 Iain

I had the misfortune of flying with Ryanair recently. The flight after circling Poitiers for an hour, diverted to Nantes, a 2.5 hour journey away. On arrival at Nantes, there was no coach to take passengers to terminal for a further 30 mins. At the terminal no Ryanair staff or reps, only a poor handling creature from the airport who spoke only French. I could manage this, but virtually nobody else could. They refused any drinks for tired, hot, dehydrated passengers, including young kids. They then had to organise a coach to take everyone by road to Poitiers. This took another hour or so plus the travel time. They now try denying claims/liability on grounds 'exceptinal' weather caused the problem. THis, despite fact the airport remained open for business throughout and therefore clearly did not see any weather problem. Ryanair also totally failed to provide the EU passenger delay leaflets for passengers, they are supposedly obliged to provide. Total A**holes, for sure.

26 September 2014 07:09:00 Guest

Ryan air won't let me check in online and I don't want to pay the £70 each at the desk what should I do

25 September 2014 04:09:00 Tony

No liquids over 100ml are allowed in hand luggage...not Ryanairs rules but security regulations and same all over the world with all airlines. Guest : Hi. I will fly from Poland to Scotland(Ryanair). Can I take few botles with alcohol in my cabin baggage?

25 September 2014 04:09:00 Guest

No liquids over 100ml are allowed in hand luggage...not Ryanairs rules but security regulations and same all over the world with all airlines. Guest : Hi. I will fly from Poland to Scotland(Ryanair). Can I take few botles with alcohol in my cabin baggage?

25 September 2014 01:09:00 Guest

Lewis : Hi, I have just tried checking in online but when i go to select the date of birth of one of the passengers it is only allowing me to select dates between 2014-1998, the date of birth i need to select is 1967? The passenger is down as an adult and not a child.

22 September 2014 09:09:00 Guest

Hi. I will fly from Poland to Scotland(Ryanair). Can I take few botles with alcohol in my cabin baggage?

14 September 2014 09:09:00 Graham

Conned by Ryanair, £140 to check in. What a shame as the flight was ok. But I don't like being ripped off, so that was my one and only trip from the con company.

09 September 2014 07:09:00 Guest

why on ryanairs web site does it say £5 regular seat and £10 premium seat for allocated seats, when you try to book it it says £10 and £15 what am I missing

09 September 2014 12:09:00 Guest

Fell victim to the "reserve a seat" scam just so I could book in early. It's a devious, unethical business model that forces the customer into a difficult situation unless you comply i.e. trying to find a printer when you are abroad - but it's just a reflection of O'Leary. First time flying Ryanair but won't be conned by him again.

05 September 2014 03:09:00 Robert

Never never again. Cheap doesn't have to mean terrible, look at easy jet. For Ryanair the customer is the enemy.

03 September 2014 12:09:00 Guest

Location: Ryanair check-in Gran Canaria Airport Date: 30/08/2014 Time: 05:30 Objective: Check in for FR6765 to Bournemouth Scenario: Entering the battleground we tentatively approached the check-in. A blonde woman sporting a rictus grin radiated an aura suggesting she had recently been cashiered fr om ISIS for brutality. “Come” she commanded. Approaching her fortification I gingerly laid our passports and pre-printed boarding passes with allocated seats (additional cost £60pp return to do Ryanair’s admin work) on her parapet and placed our solitary case on her scales (additional cost £60 return in order for a case almost entirely devoid of contents in order to comply with 15kg limit). “How many checked items?” she enquired despite the information being on the Boarding Pass. “One” I replied. Our documents and case remained unmolested for the next 5 minutes as the customer care agent conducted a vital conversation with a colleague and made 2 essential phone calls. “How many checked items?” she enquired. “One” I replied sensing déjà vu. “Pay me or remove weight” she instructed noting that the near-empty case was almost 2kg overweight. Having endured a similar experience with Ryanair at Mallorca airport wh ere on removing the case the scales still recorded a weight of 3.4kg when empty I removed the case but to my amazement these scales showed 0kg. Clearly the air in my case was heavier than normal. Following the agents command I opened the case & began relocating the air into my cabin bag. “You move away” I was instructed. “How, can I weigh the case to check it is 15kg if I leave the scales?” I enquired. “You must follow my instructions so that I can check-in others” was her reply. I looked around and noted that we were the only remaining passengers, ignored my opponent and reduced the case to a compliant weight. The bag finally dispatched the customer care agent then commenced a lecture. “Next time you fail to follow my instructions I will call the police” was the gist of her admonition. Wondering which law compelled compliance to Ryanair check-in staff I replied “Madam if I ever have the misfortune to meet you again I will call the police” and bade the harridan a time-honoured Anglo-Saxon salutation. Departing the scene of my crime I arrived at the departure gate to discover, as at Bournemouth, the absence of priority boarding promised by my Boarding Pass. Ryanair, you are the epitome of the Customer Hostility Experience. You are the first airline in over 360,000 air miles to threaten me with the police. Congratulations you are peerless.

28 August 2014 02:08:00 Guest

ryanair wont let me check in online and my flight is tomorrow .. wtf

27 August 2014 11:08:00 Guest

Shelly : Ive checked in online with ryanair and not included my husbands middle name - its shown on his passport but not on boarding pass - will this be ok well stressing I had same issue - passport shows my middle name. I phoned Ryanair customer services who said they only need first name and last name as they are shown in passport.

25 August 2014 11:08:00 Lewis

Hi, I have just tried checking in online but when i go to select the date of birth of one of the passengers it is only allowing me to select dates between 2014-1998, the date of birth i need to select is 1967? The passenger is down as an adult and not a child.

23 August 2014 01:08:00 Shelly

Ive checked in online with ryanair and not included my husbands middle name - its shown on his passport but not on boarding pass - will this be ok well stressing

19 August 2014 10:08:00 Guest

Hi, I have the same problem, did everything go ok at the airport? regards Suzi Guest : hi rang customer services yesterday, same problem with my 16 year old son. was told they couldn't t make changes to booking. but to check in my son at airport and would be done free of charge. but we must check in online

17 August 2014 07:08:00 Isabella

My daughter booked my flights for the 4th of August outbound from Manchester airport and my return flight was booked with easyjet. My daughter used my surname on the boarding pass and not my maiden name which is used on my passport. (I use my family surname on my everyday bills and doctors/authority letters etc.) When I realised she had used my surname instead of my maiden name on my passport, I then quickly rang up both airlines, Easyjet and Ryan Air. Easyjet were very helpful and kind, and without making a fuss corrected my name. Unfortunately I had to ring up Ryan Air three times to explain to them my situation. They did not help me but insisted that I had to have a marriage certificate for verification. I told them I have a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) document which verifies my name as I do not have a marriage certificate, however they did not understand what a CRB was, which surprised me, as for professionals working with passengers not knowing what a CRB document is quite unprofessional. To my understanding Ryan Air needed an official document with my maiden name so a CRB and that would verify who I am, so the CRB is an up to date official document which is verified by police checks for any criminal offences. I also took with me my bank credit cards to verify who I am. When I arrived at Manchester Airport, I had to explain the situation to the woman in charge named Clair Collins. She refused to listen to me and kept talking to someone on the phone. I kept explaining that the CRB is an official document but she would interrupt me and was very rude. She charged me £160.00 just for the mistake of a surname, which I tried to explain and phone before the flight took place. My whole trip was ruined because of this incident and the money I saved up to go on holiday was taken away. I believe Ryan Air was very unfair and I would like to be paid back the money taken from me. I feel that no one should go through what I went through. I had the official documents and did my very best to verify and clarify my situation on the phone and upfront with documents available. This for me only displays that Ryan Air cares more about making money, than about its passengers and their rights.

13 August 2014 11:08:00 Guest

Why do people pay for a flight, then pay additional money for an allocated seat. Why doesn't everyone wait and get a free seat allocation surely they would put people together who have booked together, or would Ryanair be complete bellends and purposely sit people apart that have booked together. Never know until people have the balls to stick together.

13 August 2014 05:08:00 Guest

THEY WONT TAKE AMEX CARD. ONLY MASTER/VISA(+FEE) or DEBIT(LOWER FEE) Guest : Hi , I have been trying to book a ˆ 10 seat on a flight but every tome it gets to the payment it says card declined. . . I ave now tried 7 different cards belonging to different people 3 computers and 4 isp's and still no luck .... We rang ryanair and an Indian gentleman told me it was a problem with my card . . . Obviuosly a stock answer ..... 3 days later and still no luck ....does anyone have any bright ideas ????

02 August 2014 08:08:00 Guest

I have just checked in for outward flight in 3days time, but I couldn't print anything until I had checked in for the return flight as well, which is in 10days. This meant that I was forced to pay for allocated seating on the way back because it is more than 7 days.

02 August 2014 08:08:00 Guest

Guest : Latest Ryanair scam that I have come across: forcing you to pay for allocated seats, even if you do not want them, before you can check in and print boarding passes for the return journey. I have just checked in and printed boarding passes with free seat allocation for a flight in 4 days time. I tried to do the same for the return flight a fortnight later. I can't .... Or rather, I can, but only by paying Euros 10 per seat for allocated seats. I cannot print a return flight boarding pass without paying extra for an allocated seat until a week before it - which is, of course, a week AFTER my outward flight. What makes Ryanair doubly ghastly is the smug and deceitful way they have slipped this in, hoping we won't notice.

01 August 2014 04:08:00 MaazMohammed

Hi! my name is maaz and i have 14 years old can i travelle alone?

31 July 2014 04:07:00 Guest

Hi , I have been trying to book a ˆ 10 seat on a flight but every tome it gets to the payment it says card declined. . . I ave now tried 7 different cards belonging to different people 3 computers and 4 isp's and still no luck .... We rang ryanair and an Indian gentleman told me it was a problem with my card . . . Obviuosly a stock answer ..... 3 days later and still no luck ....does anyone have any bright ideas ????

31 July 2014 12:07:00 darfla

just been looking at seating plan for a ryanair 737-800, cant understand why they are selling 195 seats when Boeing state 189 maximum for safety reasons, incase of emergency gap in seats narrow, wonder what the CAA would make of it

29 July 2014 01:07:00 Guest

Guest : Has anyone on here resolved their booking in date of births for 16 year olds, i am also having the same problem, but mine is slightly different as ive booked 3 16 year old boys in as masters and not adults, so cant enter their dob and i go on holiday this monday.

24 July 2014 02:07:00 Guest

hi rang customer services yesterday, same problem with my 16 year old son. was told they couldn't t make changes to booking. but to check in my son at airport and would be done free of charge. but we must check in online

23 July 2014 12:07:00 Guest

Hi Guest : Latest Ryanair scam that I have come across: forcing you to pay for allocated seats, even if you do not want them, before you can check in and print boarding passes for the return journey. I have just checked in and printed boarding passes with free seat allocation for a flight in 4 days time. I tried to do the same for the return flight a fortnight later. I can't .... Or rather, I can, but only by paying Euros 10 per seat for allocated seats. I cannot print a return flight boarding pass without paying extra for an allocated seat until a week before it - which is, of course, a week AFTER my outward flight. What makes Ryanair doubly ghastly is the smug and deceitful way they have slipped this in, hoping we won't notice.

23 July 2014 12:07:00 Guest

hallo What did you about your dauthers booking

23 July 2014 12:07:00 Guest

Guest : Hi. I have tried to check in my daughter who is 16 and it will not let me click on 1997. I have read the same complaints below dating back a few weeks you would think they would have sorted this out. I tried phoning several times but keeps saying they cannot answer as the volume is too high. You know I have not travelled with Ryanair in over 10 years this year I thought I would try them again because of this allocated seating and here I am again sitting on my computer frustrated Will I check in the other 3 or put her birth down as 1998. ????

21 July 2014 01:07:00 Guest

Latest Ryanair scam that I have come across: forcing you to pay for allocated seats, even if you do not want them, before you can check in and print boarding passes for the return journey. I have just checked in and printed boarding passes with free seat allocation for a flight in 4 days time. I tried to do the same for the return flight a fortnight later. I can't .... Or rather, I can, but only by paying Euros 10 per seat for allocated seats. I cannot print a return flight boarding pass without paying extra for an allocated seat until a week before it - which is, of course, a week AFTER my outward flight. What makes Ryanair doubly ghastly is the smug and deceitful way they have slipped this in, hoping we won't notice.

20 July 2014 03:07:00 Guest

Hi. I have tried to check in my daughter who is 16 and it will not let me click on 1997. I have read the same complaints below dating back a few weeks you would think they would have sorted this out. I tried phoning several times but keeps saying they cannot answer as the volume is too high. You know I have not travelled with Ryanair in over 10 years this year I thought I would try them again because of this allocated seating and here I am again sitting on my computer frustrated Will I check in the other 3 or put her birth down as 1998. ????

20 July 2014 11:07:00 Guest

Does anyone know if there is a Ryanair desk at Manchester Airport? We are having the same issues with checking in our 15 year old daughter. Thinking of going down to the airport to try and sort it out. Can't get anywhere by phone!

19 July 2014 03:07:00 Guest

Hi all, Not sure if anyone can help or point me to an answer please?... What happens if you have a middle name on your passport?...when booking with Ryanair it just says 'first name' 'surname' (not middle)...and then when you go to check in online and add API there is no option to add a middle name as the box is already ticked with the first name (no middle) then surname that you booked with (...which clearly isn't the full name which appears on your passport). Is this ok???? Can someone please help? Thanks

18 July 2014 05:07:00 Guest

Hi, yes, you have to call the customer service. I just did, they told me, they cannot change a 16year old to an adult, but the make a notice a she will be checked in at the airport free of charge. The rest of the passengers I have to check in online. Guest : Hi, I have the same problem with the 16 year old issue. If we contact Ryanair will they sort it? More to the point do they charge as it seems to be a misleading problem on their site? Would be grateful for any replies thankyou

16 July 2014 04:07:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Did they sort it for you or did you have lots of hassle as I'm having the same problem. I had the same problem just contacted them and they said I selected wrong passenger information a 16 year old is an adult. Yet it says 16 on child selection. I had this problem in May. I booked flights for myself, 15 year old Son, Sister-in-law and 18 year old Niece in that order as I have been doing for years. When I came to checkin I couldn't enter my Niece's date of birth. I worked out that Ryanair expected the last passenger on the booking to be the child. I phoned 3 times in the week before we flew trying to get them to resolve it but each time was told it would be no problem and it would be done for us at the airport free of charge. So, at the airport we had to queue at Checkin (when flying hand luggage only). The checkin operator had never come across it before and fetched a supervisor. She changed my Niece to an adult on the system, gave me the boarding, and said she would report the issue to management. We were then able to print the return boarding pass at an Internet cafe in Spain. I did wonder if I had asked them to change my Niece to an adult when I phoned, would they have done this.

16 July 2014 03:07:00 Guest

Guest : Did they sort it for you or did you have lots of hassle as I'm having the same problem. I had the same problem just contacted them and they said I selected wrong passenger information a 16 year old is an adult. Yet it says 16 on child selection.

16 July 2014 03:07:00 Guest

Hi, I have the same problem with the 16 year old issue. If we contact Ryanair will they sort it? More to the point do they charge as it seems to be a misleading problem on their site? Would be grateful for any replies thankyou

15 July 2014 01:07:00 Guest

I had the same problem just contacted them and they said I selected wrong passenger information a 16 year old is an adult. Yet it says 16 on child selection.

15 July 2014 01:07:00 Guest

Guest : Hi. I am trying to check in my 16 year old daughter who is traveling with two adults and it won't accept her date of birth. Has anyone got past this problem? I'm having same problem, I can click on months from August up, but not his birthday!! There are 5 of us traveling, it accepts our dates and younger son, but not our 16 old and his friend's. Will try live chat tomorrow. Very strange!! So I have not checked any of us in as yet. Hope this helps that you are not alone, because I'm glad you posted on here as I have been so worried!!

14 July 2014 11:07:00 Guest

Hi. I am trying to check in my 16 year old daughter who is traveling with two adults and it won't accept her date of birth. Has anyone got past this problem?

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