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Ryanair Discussion

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08 November 2015 11:11:00 Guest

Can any one help I carn,t check in on this Ryanair site to check in any help please

08 November 2015 10:11:00 linda

I car,n book on to ryanair to check on line why not

08 November 2015 09:11:00 Disgruntled

Thanks a million to those who gave the links to the old site. What a life-saver! I agree that the old website was great. They must have sacked their testers as this new site should never have gone live. Also, when I booked flights for myself and my husband, we were allocated different reservation codes so that we now have to pay to select seats if we want to sit together. We've now ended up with him in row 12 and me in row 26. Not happy! What happened to the new 'friendly' Ryanair?

08 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

I have been refused commenting my dismay with this rubbish site!

08 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

I give up!!! Well done the person that decided to screw Ryanair!

08 November 2015 05:11:00 Guest

You can still use the old site!!!

08 November 2015 04:11:00 Guest

What a load of shite. Can't even log on to print my boarding pass. Just booked February flights with Easyjet and will do so in future.

08 November 2015 04:11:00 Guest

I can't even log on. Ok with my phone and my wife's laptop but not my desktop. What's gone wrong, it was Ok a few weeks ago when I booked.

08 November 2015 04:11:00 Guest

After selecting the flight date and destination Let's GO don't work o.O What is a Joke ? Should be replace with Stay There....

08 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

New website horrendous Why change what works

08 November 2015 12:11:00 Guest

We have been flying with Ryanair for 9 years, 5 times a year, from East Mids to Dinard. Suddenly, this end of year, there are no flights scheduled at all. Trying the chat line at Ryanair was like talking to someone working at a different knowledge more than that shown on the Internet. Unbelieveable that Ryanair have, without prior warning to many who depend on an established route service ( some people commute), apparently stopped this flight service. I will try the chat line again but, I expect to have to try the airport in France for information. Oh! About the new website, who on earth "mended" a site the that wasn't "broke". IT IS NOW! Come on Ryanair. Less arrogance, incompetance and talk to us please. The chat line today, 8th Nov., said" it is likely that this is a seasonal route". In other words, he has no idea. It wasn't a seasonal route until he suggested it. Clearly, the chat line team are not given much their masters. Anybody found further info.? Alan

08 November 2015 12:11:00 Guest

Never had a problem with ryasn air until new website have been trying for 2 weeks initially there pricing was incorrect flights cheaper with a third party have been on live chat numeous occasions complete * of time all you get is some smarmy answer no help at all. Bring back the old website it worked

07 November 2015 11:11:00 Michael Hamilton

The new web site is awful. Have tried to print boarding passes for the last three hours. Only an Irish man could come up with this system.

07 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

OMG!! What is going on with this "new and improved website?" ... It doesn't even recognise Stansted as a destination! Awful and completely useless ! Hopefully when their bookings are down they will sort it!

07 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

Why the hell did they change the excellent website to something which is not working, slow and less functionality? Jo

07 November 2015 08:11:00 Guest

Just tried to search for flights in your new website. Painfully slow and difficult to use it on my iPad so have given up. This, added to change in flight times in Fridays to Beziers, means that I am unlikely to be using Ryanair flights in future. In any case, Easyjet LGW to Montpellier are currently cheaper. Ryanair's loss, as we were regular flyers LTN to Beziers.

07 November 2015 06:11:00 Guest

Put him in as Mr! Guest : I am trying to check in online for my son who is 13 but I am unable to enter his date of birth because the title used when booking is Mr, as the only alternatives were Mrs or Ms. Can anyone help? Even when I go through manage my booking and name change, the same title options are presented.

07 November 2015 03:11:00 Guest

I have just come off the phone to Ryanair ( 1/2 hour). Usual total denial that there is anything wrong. I was just told to download chrome and yes it appears to be working on chrome. I told them that the site will not work on IE (which they deny) but they assured me that my complaint would be passed to their IT dept. I will believe it when I see it working.

07 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

Guest : No joy getting on website so back to good old JET 2 - Ryanair must be losing lots of customers, pleas get sorted!!! This worked now have my priority boarding pass! Thank you

07 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

Website has been non-functioning for several days. Unsurprisingly, Ryanair offer no comment, acknowledgement of or apology for the difficulties thousands of people must be experiencing.....This is a classic Emporers Clothes situation....No doubt lots of Ryanair gell-haired lackies round the meeting table praising the Emporer (O'Leary) for his brilliant new conceptual website. It takes the tea lady (who hasn't been taught the requisite Ryanair senior management skills of toadying, lying, incompetence and denial) to blurt out "But milord, thine website is * , for it is known to all the people"......

07 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

Please revert back to old website , Have been trying to book flights for days now , very frustrating , site keeps freezing , tried on variety of devices , Rubbish site !!

07 November 2015 12:11:00 Guest

@Guest 2 posts before: Yes the new site is broken for priority boarding. Use the old site to reprint your boarding pass:

06 November 2015 11:11:00 Guest

No joy getting on website so back to good old JET 2 - Ryanair must be losing lots of customers, pleas get sorted!!!

06 November 2015 06:11:00 Guest

I have been trying to get into the website for a week now to book a flight to Breman at the end of January. Not got beyond blue dots yet. So I will probably save my money and go the Greece instead next summer with Aegean Airlines (and if the rest of Greek economy was as good as Aegean Airlines there would not be problems) who's website does work

06 November 2015 06:11:00 Guest

Printed out my boarding passes and came out as other Q despite paying for priority boarding.

06 November 2015 05:11:00 Guest

Trying to book tickets with ryanair. Screen keeps freezing and I've already put in credit card details. Not sure if I've booked tickets or not

06 November 2015 05:11:00 Guest

I have been try to help my mate print off his boarding passes for flights next Tuesday and Wednesday and it says his web account is blocked. He has called them and they have sent THREE password resets and none of them works!!. He has sent email to complaints team - if it takes them as long to work his flight dates will be here and gone!!!. I have suggested he contacts them for a refund but Cust svce say they cannot get on website eithe!!. Licence to print money eh Michael CEO

06 November 2015 01:11:00 Amanda

All, Does anyone have any tips on how to book flights on this new site. I am trying to book a flight for December but regardless of what date I enter it will only allow me to see flights for the next week???

06 November 2015 03:11:00 Guest

Website works differently in Explorer and Chrome : in Explorer, when you click to book a date, it works; in Chrome, when you click on a date, it books the following day that you intended to book!!!! And this happpens either on the outgoing as the returning flight, its hilarious!! Worst thing is I put the booking on "hold" tariff, paid 5 euro for it, and can't UN-book it, delete it, nothing! Had to make a second booking, this time clicked on the day BEFORE the one I wanted to travel, and presto : the dates I wanted came out right this time. Really terrible the new website, they must be losing a TON of money...can't be told RyanAir didn't asked for it.

06 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

I tried going through Ryanair chat and was told to use chrome or internet explorer..neither works New site must be losing money as I booked through easyjet

05 November 2015 10:11:00 Guest

Every possible combination of dates and destinations I try I get the message that no flights are available. What is going on with this rubbish website. The old website worked but it is forcing me on to the beta site now. Help!

05 November 2015 10:11:00 Guest

Can't get on ryanair website, so I booked flights with

05 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

Does anyone know about Ryanair kids luggage offer see they get 50% off. So could we buy an extra kids luggage n save on one of the adults bags

05 November 2015 08:11:00 Guest

Boys and girls in IT, get your skates on to fix your site. Tried booking flights last night and today, no joy. Mikey's going to hit the roof with you. Empty planes don't make money

05 November 2015 03:11:00 Mike

same problem ryanair will not open on xp went to crome would open but would go no further when trying to book. come on Ryanair get a grip.

05 November 2015 03:11:00 Guest

what is happening to this site? how can I check in and get my boarding pass... & what happens if I can't check-in online?

05 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

The new site is awful. Seems like the want you to turn up without printing your baording pass so that they can charge you the Earth at the airport to do it for you! I agree the old site was way better!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

The next time Michael O'Leary feels like mouthing off against the public sector/government/unions, he should take a deep breath and have a long hard look at himself and his company. It's hard to believe that a major airline has a website that just doesn't work and instead of fixing it the company goes into denial and pretends that the fault is with its customers!

05 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

everything that everyone else has said! Booked a ferry now.

05 November 2015 01:11:00 Guest

I have bern trying to book flights for the last few days but the website wont allow me put in a destinstion and wont. Go any further. Is there a problem with the new site, never had a problem before

04 November 2015 11:11:00 Guest

Guest : Does anyone know if the messages on this website get to Ryanair? Or are we just wasting our time? ' RYANAIR, YOUR WEBSITE DOESN'T WORK!' I just tweeted this to Ryanair so they're getting them now!

04 November 2015 10:11:00 Guest

Guest : The new website is a nightmare. Please Ryanair sort it out. Tried to book flights to Ireland as an emergency but pages keep freezing and won't move to next stage of booking. Please rectify. The old site was much easier to use Same here!!!! Please fix it Ryanair! Ye are losing a load of money leaving it this way! Just revert to the old one please!!!!

04 November 2015 10:11:00 Guest

The new website is a nightmare. Please Ryanair sort it out. Tried to book flights to Ireland as an emergency but pages keep freezing and won't move to next stage of booking. Please rectify. The old site was much easier to use

04 November 2015 10:11:00 Guest

Same here. I've now given up and abandoned trying to make a booking. I tried using Google Chrome, Safari and finally my ipad but no joy. So....where can I put on a bet that Ryanairs next half year profits won't jump by the 37% they're boasting of today lol!

04 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

what is wrong with the website?

04 November 2015 09:11:00 Guest

Trying to book flights to Rome. Cannot get beyond destination button. Page freezes. Have tried several times today from different devices in different locations. Am now booking with another airline.

04 November 2015 08:11:00 Guest

What on earth is the point of Ryanair advertising cheap flights when you just cannot get their website to work! I have tried two laptops, two tablets and even my smartphone - but it will not work on any of them. Getting anxious as in September (after 2 days of trying) I booked flights to Lanzarote - now I'm worried that I won't be able to add passport details or print boarding passes. IF you get through to the live chat they just tell you the fault is your end.

04 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

Used Ryanair for years. New web site is absolutely useless. Can't even search for flights. "Farefinder" has disappeared. Just tried to book for Faro from Birmingham but no flights exist according to the new web site. Monarch here I come.

04 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

I am ready to explode trying to use this new website! It just WILL NOT move onto next command, sticks all the time, is so slow it is mind blowing. All I want to do is check in three friends for their flights this Saturday . Ryanair please do something urgently. Had same problem booking two of my flights last week. Not good for business!

04 November 2015 02:11:00 Guest

I am unable to book or even search for flights, despite choosing dates in Jan/Feb/March. when the dates display they only display Nov dates!!! also unable to click on the contact us link or live chat... don't think ill bother checking the flights on the website again... * of time!

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