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Ryanair Discussion

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01 August 2016 01:08:00 Guest

I have just returned fro Portugal on the 27th July I had to pay 90 euros to check in However I tried to check in at the hotel and it did not work I had numerous people helping me as I thought I had done something wrong However the sight said it should have been 48 hours prior to departure and would not go through I have just rung the complaints dept. and the lady said you can check in up to 2 hours before departure So I am gutted to have wasted all that money, to what I feel was not my fault and spoilt the end of my holiday Thanks Ryanair Maybe change the procedure to check in and out before you leave

01 August 2016 04:08:00 Guest

Can no check in the kids!!! DOB NOT GOING IN

31 July 2016 06:07:00 Guest

Guest : Use the old version of Ryanair website : We just did it to print our flight tickets and it works ! NO dice on the legacy site either! It is possible to type the correct date, but the input is not accepted; instead an error message appears, stating the passenger is an adult, but the DOB indicates a child... WHY make this distinction AT ALL !?! It's not as if there's a price difference for the seat... Fuel calculations? Weight and age group do not necessarily correspond...

30 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

I am unable to check my 14 year old daughter in as it won't go past 2000. I went on live chat and got cut off twice! I have now been waiting (once more) nearly 3 hours on live chat. I was told at 17.30 that I was number 32 in queue and had approx 20 min wait- now 20.24 and I'm number 5 with app 1 min wait! What a joke this is. I will not be considering Ryan Air next year.

30 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

How did you manage to change your teens booking? Did they tell you how? i am having the same problems for my 12 year old son.

30 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : I am having same problem, let me check myself partner and 2 children in but not my teenager as it won't go past 2000 on DOB. I had the same problem with DOB not going past 2000 for my teenagers. I used live chat with Ryanair this morning and after 2 hours it was amended, YES so it can be corrected! BUT...Unfortunately, after that initial relief, the next hurdle came up: for the flight back in about a week the same problem is occurring and still can not fill in the correct DOB for the same person, so they corrected my teenagers details only for one trip. Now it is too late to live chat or call Ryanair. I guess I'll have to wake up tomorrow early to make that live chat and see if I can prepare the necessary details and make them change the status of my teenagers, so I can check in for the trip back.

30 July 2016 01:07:00 Guest

Hello all. Just sorted checkin problems with WebChat (its working by the way). Please try it - all was resolved in a minute (was not able to checkin before). Hope that helps.

30 July 2016 01:07:00 Guest

Use the old version of Ryanair website : We just did it to print our flight tickets and it works ! Guest : I have checked in online now it wont let me peint the boarding pass its not even there its saying unable to connect due ro technical errors ive tried on my laptop ipad and phone

30 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

Same here! Unable to do online check-in. It simply loads check-in process after pressing confirm, but nothing happens. No email of service disruption or whatsoever. Will try to chat with them and find out what is going on (hopefully chat will work!). Did they resolve your check-in issues? P.S. By they way looks like check-in does not work (at least for me) for at least 3 days!

30 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

Guest : I have checked in online now it wont let me peint the boarding pass its not even there its saying unable to connect due ro technical errors ive tried on my laptop ipad and phone I am having this issue as well and live chat appears to be down. Have you had any luck?

30 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

I have checked in online now it wont let me peint the boarding pass its not even there its saying unable to connect due ro technical errors ive tried on my laptop ipad and phone

30 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

Oh dear , I hate to say this but after reading everyone's comments I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one. I too am having trouble checking my 15 yr old daughter in, I have managed to check in myself and husband but not my daughter or son, so I imagine we will have a seating issue once at the airport. Congratulations to Ryan air for being completely rubbish , we had trouble last year but put it down to a one off, but I'm afraid after this holiday the very name RYANAIR will never come onto my radar again . Can't contact live chat cos it's too late . I suppose I will get an early night ready for battle tomorrow, good luck everybody 👍🏻

29 July 2016 01:07:00 Guest

Day 4 been trying to check in on line similar problems to those on here.if you try putting in 2004 can't do so I phone on hold for 2 hours eventually sorted put in 2004 then I cannot put the right month in as only offers Aug to Dec , my child was born March ,so gets on the phone again still no joy . I believe this is a Ryan Air con , keep flights cheap then mess with everyone so they have to pay and check in at the airport .Ryan air this is daylight robbery ,live chat does not work probably because the people are getting fed up .only way is to boycott Ryan Air ,get on social media this this not good enough I'm stressed even before I start my f- in holiday hope it's not going to be the same thing coming back FFS !!!!! Somebody please sort it out !

28 July 2016 11:07:00 Guest

Guest : I am having same problem, let me check myself partner and 2 children in but not my teenager as it won't go past 2000 on DOB. I had the same problem with DOB not going past 2000 for my teenagers. I used live chat with Ryanair this morning and after 2 hours it was amended, YES so it can be corrected! BUT...Unfortunately, after that initial relief, the next hurdle came up: for the flight back in about a week the same problem is occurring and still can not fill in the correct DOB for the same person, so they corrected my teenagers details only for one trip. Now it is too late to live chat or call Ryanair. I guess I'll have to wake up tomorrow early to make that live chat and see if I can prepare the necessary details and make them change the status of my teenagers, so I can check in for the trip back.

28 July 2016 06:07:00 Guest

Having problems checking in online. The £5 fast track option is automatically selected and it is not clear how to remove it! Is this even LEGAL?

28 July 2016 04:07:00 Guest

Have tried checking in online via iPad and laptop took over two hours and was unsuccessful. I don't want to pay for a boarding pass because I have been unable to check in online!

28 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

Why can't I set up a MyRyanair account? Doesn't seem to be working. Added my email address, selected "set up account"....a great big nothing!

27 July 2016 03:07:00 Guest

I am trying to log in to print boarding passes and it saying my email account is not valid, i have tried that chat line, but no one is responding to the query when i get through. I dont want to be charged a fee to print the pass, but i am not sure how i am going to do this if i cannot log into my ryan air account anyone else having this problem. Live chat is just not replying to the query

26 July 2016 11:07:00 Guest

I am having same problem, let me check myself partner and 2 children in but not my teenager as it won't go past 2000 on DOB.

26 July 2016 05:07:00 Guest

Do live chat online at Ryanair website .I just did it as they needed to change my daughter to Teen. Guest : Hi, similar to others the Ryanair checking won't allow me to enter my son's dob. Should I contact someone - if so, who?

26 July 2016 09:07:00 Guest

Guest : Same problem here, can't check in 13 yr old. See you all in the live chat queue tomorrow morning :-( Im on with them since 6am. To be told its sorted go to check my son in and cant. Onto them again and now they say me and my partner can check in but child has to check in a airport. Its stupid

25 July 2016 11:07:00 Guest

Im having same problem but my son is under and adult seat and partner is under a teen. So i cant check in. Dont know who or how to change it.

25 July 2016 09:07:00 Guest

Can't get the right month when I go to 2004 it won't let me pick the December month

25 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

Same problem here, can't check in 13 yr old. See you all in the live chat queue tomorrow morning :-(

24 July 2016 11:07:00 Guest

Exactly the same problem as others. Can check my 10 year old in online for a Ryanair flight but not my 15 year old as DOB only goes up to 2000 and he was born in 2001. Eldest has an adult fare, 10 year old child fare. Can't understand why it has been made so difficult and stressful. They need to sort it out.

24 July 2016 06:07:00 Guest

Hi, similar to others the Ryanair checking won't allow me to enter my son's dob. Should I contact someone - if so, who?

24 July 2016 03:07:00 Guest

Buy original/ novelty passports, id cards, drivers licenses, visas, for any country of your choice we also process counterfeit money. infos (

24 July 2016 03:07:00 Can't contact ! Can't check in children !

Ug Guest : Guest : Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is? How did you solve this please? Same thing is happening to me right now. Thanks. Have the same issue. It seems if you enter chilldren as adults, it wont go below 2000. The live chat can fix it apparently but is offline til 10am Sunday morning

23 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is? How did you solve this please? Same thing is happening to me right now. Thanks. Have the same issue. It seems if you enter chilldren as adults, it wont go below 2000. The live chat can fix it apparently but is offline til 10am Sunday morning

23 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

Guest : CAnt enter my daughters dob in check in!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have the same issue. It seems if you enter chilldren as adults, it wont go below 2000. The live chat can fix it apparently but is offline til 10am Sunday morning

23 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

Guest : flyin out tomorrow CAnt enter my daughters dob in check in!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phoned but no answer dont know what to do? Have the same issue. It seems if you enter chilldren as adults, it wont go below 2000. The live chat can fix it apparently but is offline til 10am Sunday morning

23 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

Guest : Hello, I was checking for the thursday flight but when i entered the date of birth of my son the case become red and i couldnt continue would y ou please help me? Have the same issue. It seems if you enter chilldren as adults, it wont go below 2000. The live chat can fix it apparently but is offline til 10am Sunday morning

23 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

Hello, I was checking for the thursday flight but when i entered the date of birth of my son the case become red and i couldnt continue would y ou please help me?

23 July 2016 02:07:00 Guest

flyin out tomorrow CAnt enter my daughters dob in check in!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phoned but no answer dont know what to do?

23 July 2016 02:07:00 Guest

CAnt enter my daughters dob in check in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 July 2016 01:07:00 Guest

Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is? How did you solve this please? Same thing is happening to me right now. Thanks.

23 July 2016 09:07:00 Guest

(22nd of July 2016) what is going on with all the Ryanair flights to Dublin?? Ryanair has sent around 400 people to a hotel in Santa Cruz, Tenerife without any information about what's going on . this is absolutely shocking, their form of communication is appalling, let alone between themselves! there are dozens of families with children frustrated and exhausted waiting patiently for some form of communication from them. we were told to wake up at 7AM because that's when the bus will be here, now they're saying 10AM. I am never flying with this airline again!

22 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

I'm just wondering does anyone know how many checked bags you are aloud to take on a Ryanair flight, the website says two but it also says three on another part of the site, I would very much appreciate it if someone could help me with this problem as my flight is in one week, Thanks in advance.

21 July 2016 12:07:00 Guest

I cannot reach Ryanair in any way. Their phone lines are always down, their so-called 'live chat' is NEVER online/live. Need to urgently call them as I cannot check in my daughter online. Any idea how to reach these people??

21 July 2016 12:07:00 Becky

Hi. I can't download app. Trying for over an hour. Is there a problem?

19 July 2016 01:07:00 FAVENNEC DANIEL

I HAVE RESERVED A FLY DINARD LONDRES THE 21 OF JULY FROM DINARD, the return the 27 of july from stanted my reservation is BW3CWW FLY 515 AND RETURN FLY 514 WE ARE THREE PERSONS. FAVENNEC DANIEL FAVENNEC DAMIEN, FAVENNEC CAMILLE MY DAUGHTER IS FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. when i reserve my ticket on your web site for my daughter its not possible because she is fifteen, may be i must changed her ticket, my question is what i can do for my problem? excuse for my english

18 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

Had the same problem today, my son was down as an adult, I had to ring them and they changed him to a child, he is 16 at the end of August, once they did this i could proceed, they also refunded £30 passenger duty tax! Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is?

18 July 2016 09:07:00 Guest

What the hell was that last post......are ya kiddin me?????

18 July 2016 01:07:00 sharon moody

I tried to check in today, i paid for seats to ensure we sit together. The site took payment fr om my bank the page then closed down. I am now unable to access my flight or boarding passes. it also did not take me to the section wh ere you need to enter passport details. my friend has just told me that when she was on holiday she met some people who had booked with ryan air and they had trouble booking their return flight which spoilt and took a day off their holiday as they had to stay in the hotel for wifi access. I will never book with ryan air again this system of downloading and boking on line has been time cosuming and stressfull.

18 July 2016 01:07:00 Guest

Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is? I have the same problem right now and I've got the flight tomorrow. Seems like the website issue.

17 July 2016 09:07:00 Guest

Guest : I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is? Dont know what the problem is but im having same issue

17 July 2016 08:07:00 Guest

I'm trying to check my family in for flight next Sunday, but can't enter DOB for children, as year of birth doesn't go higher than 2000?! Anyone know why this is?

17 July 2016 05:07:00 Guest

Website is complete bollocks

16 July 2016 10:07:00 Guest

I made a claim to ryan under eu rules they have accepted the claim and said it would take 28 days for payment that was 57 days ago after complaining to them they say they were sorry they was a problem with the bank and it will take another 28 days we are wondering how long this will go on before they pay us. Has anybody else had this problem

15 July 2016 10:07:00 james

how could my booking code be invalid

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